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All items listed for sale here are physical paperback books and CDs that you can purchase from this website either signed by Cynthia Sue Larson ... or unsigned, if you prefer.
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All RealityShifters digital media (including downloadable e-books, audiobooks, and meditation MP3 files) available for purchase can be found for sale at ==> amazon
and at iTunes.
If you prefer to pay for paperback books and CDs by check or money order rather than PayPal, please send payment plus $5.00 shipping & handling for each item requiring delivery (for non-USA orders please add an additional $30.00 for each item) to:
Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
Berkeley, CA 94707-7393
![]() $19.98 |
Physical, mental, and emotional healing is easy with Aura Healing Meditations!
Aura Healing Meditations can help you improve your aura... and your life... in every way.
Make yourself comfortable and listen to Cynthia Sue Larson accompanied by soothing piano music
in guided meditations that work even when you sleep. Aura Healing Meditations can be
played repeatedly to create a very positive healing environment. Play the 80 minute Aura
Healing Meditation CD any time you wish to reduce stress, enhance your energy field,
improve your health, and increase your effectiveness.
Listen to CD sample tracks at CD Baby at:
or iTunes:

Or at Amazon.com
![]() $24.95 paperback, black & white interior art |
by Cynthia Sue Larson
293 pages
A new toolkit for human evolution
Could immediate evolutionary improvements, instantaneous geographic changes, and miraculous spontaneous healing--including recovery from death--be providing us with clues to essential technology, just when we need it most? At this time when a phenomenon of collective alternate memories known as the Mandela Effect is gaining popular interest, people are noticing changes to: movies, books, food, clothing, animals, human anatomy, geography, astronomy, history, and every aspect of life. With increasing numbers of people sharing specifically different memories than official history describes, many questions now arise. What do experiencers of the Mandela Effect have in common? Why is the Mandela Effect happening? Do versions of us exist in parallel universes? How can we know if we are experiencing different timelines? Where is the Mandela Effect taking us?
![]() $77.00 hardcover, color interior art |
"It is easy, and perhaps even lazy, to assume that reports of the supposed Mandela Effect can all be attributed to faulty memory. Cynthia Sue Larson makes a convincing case that something deeper is at work. Is it a question of the many worlds interpretation of quantum theory? Is it a matter of multiple timelines intersecting in strange ways? We certainly have more questions than answers. However, one thing is clear to me. We make a serious cognitive error when we refuse to even consider a topic because it seems too bizarre for comprehension. Such anomalies are, in my view, the most important of all." -- Jeffrey Mishlove, PhD, Host New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel
"The fact of the Mandela Effect is overwhelming when we consider yet the simplest viewing of an event by several people. Even the time of the event or often the location of it is often recalled differently by different observers. From a quantum physical point of view this may not be as surprising as it may seem to non-scientists. Here, Ms. Larson has provided us with a well-researched and engaging book describing this often baffling manifestation. If you have ever experienced the effect you will find this very worth your reading." -- Fred Alan Wolf, author-physicist of many books including Time-loops and Space-twists: How God Created the Universe.
"THE MANDELA EFFECT AND ITS SOCIETY is an extraordinary and illuminating book. Its powerful, profound and alchemical quest to the heart and soul of the human psyche, offers a revelatory perspective of the potential for our conscious evolution." -- Dr. Jude Currivan, cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author and co-founder of WholeWorld-View
![]() $24.95 |
by Cynthia Sue Larson
282 pages
Experience a new science of instant transformation
QUANTUM JUMPS presents a radical new paradigm--that we exist in an interconnected holographic multiverse in which we literally jump from one parallel universe to another. In a moment you can become smarter... more confident... happier... more outgoing... more effective... in better relationships... with more willpower. Gain practical tools to achieve real change in your life, regardless of past history. Leap forward to become happier and more successful, living the life of your dreams. Supported by distinguished sources from the fields of psychology, biology, sociology and physics, QUANTUM JUMPS is an inspirational book packed with practical tools for living a happier, healthier, more prosperous life.
"The 'Quantum Age' has finally arrived. Cynthia Sue Larson understands its implications for our everyday lives--for how we can make wiser decisions, relate better to other people, manage our careers more effectively, use our dreams to provide insights, and even how we can use 'quantum jumping' for self-healing." -- Stanley Krippner
"The twenty-first century will be remembered as the era in which quantum physics, biology, and consciousness started shaking hands. We now know that 'quantum' is no longer limited to the invisible, subatomic realm, but involves our everyday world and our own mind. Cynthia Sue Larson's QUANTUM JUMPS is a daring, adventuresome, delightful romp in this territory" -- Dr. Larry Dossey
"Cynthia Larson's new book QUANTUM JUMPS offers her latest insights into using the quantum metaphor to explain a number of human experiences that go beyond what we would normally call "normal." She writes with clarity, vision, and offers hope and encouragement to those who often fear such experiences that go beyond accepted norms of existence." -- Fred Alan Wolf, aka Dr. Quantum
by Cynthia Sue Larson
310 pages
Something extraordinary is happening... and the closer you look, the more amazing it gets
Have you noticed things mysteriously move around? Keys don't stay put, wallets transport to different places, and socks go missing from the laundry. We observe reality shifts when things appear, disappear, transform or transport and when we experience changes in time. Reality shifts range from the sublime (missing socks and synchronicity) to completely astonishing (the dead seen alive again; objects appearing out of thin air; spontaneous remission; traveling far in a very short time). Learn how to live lucidly to create a life you love, positively influence the future and the past, and transform sabotage into strength.
"Cynthia Larson helps restore a sense of majesty and wonder to our everyday world. If you think science has explained away the magic of existence, you need seriously to read this book." -- Larry Dossey, M.D.
"I recommend this book for its clarity and for its message of hope." -- Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D.
"Read, enjoy, be amazed, ponder REALITY SHIFTS." -- Edgar Mitchell, D.Sc.
![]() $12.95 |
by Cynthia Sue Larson, MBA
88 pages
How Good can your relationship with money get?
Can you imagine feeling happy, enthusiastic, and grateful about your finances? When your relationship with money is optimally aligned, you are better able to discover new sources of money, keep more money that comes your way, and more easily increase your savings. Be inspired by real life stories of High Energy Money and learn practical ways to start experiencing tremendous prosperity and financial good fortune as your thoughts and feelings positively influence your financial reality.
"This one book is all you need to align yourself with your core financial strengths. It is inspiring, fun, practical, and straightforward." -- New Consciousness Review
"The tone of the book reflects the message; it is inspiring, fun, practical, and straightforward: an abundant example of less being more." -- Julie Clayton
"The exercises in this book have helped me lighten up and begin to transform my relationship with money"
![]() $16.95 |
AURA ADVANTAGE: How the Colors in Your Aura Can Help You Attain Your Desires and Attract Success
by Cynthia Sue Larson
255 pages
Can we improve our lives by changing our energy fields?
Aura Advantage reveals the best-kept secret in science--we are energy.
Aura Advantage shares evidence linking intention with our energy fields, presenting powerful approaches to increasing energy, sensing opportunities and danger, and gaining a deeper understanding of oneself in relation with others and the universe. This second edition of the critically acclaimed classic book features eight pages of full-color illustrations depicting the essential steps for setting energetic protection, and several key meditations.
"Exercises in this book are practical, empowering, and imaginative. In a chaotic and unpredictable world, Aura Advantage offers its readers grounding, inspiration, and hope." -- Stanley Krippner, author of Becoming Psychic and The Mythic Path
"A practical guide to working with the energy field. I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to experience intuitive knowing, greater vibrancy, and clearer purpose." -- Lynn A. Robinson, author of Compass of the Soul and Divine Intuition
![]() $12.95 |
by Cynthia Sue Larson
182 pages
A mysterious monster is terrifying everyone at Lake Lovell when ten-year-old Karen Kimball arrives at swim camp. Karen discovers secrets of the lake as she develops her abilities to see and hear things others can't... talking with animals and spirits, affecting other peoples' thoughts, and flying to hidden places. Will Karen master her newfound abilities in time to save the camp and her friends?
"Empowering and enlightening."
- Children of the New Earth Magazine
"What a wonderful book!"
- Northeast Book Reviews
"Fun, exciting, fast-paced... an excellent introduction for any teen or preteen interested in learning more about opening to psychic ability." - Alaska Wellness Magazine
![]() $20.00 |
by Barbara Marx Hubbard, Diana Cooper, Patricia Cota Robles, Hunt Henion, Cynthia Sue Larson, and many more
224 pages
The revelation of unity and a renaissance of caring and sharing is quietly transforming our world! Section One & Two puts this sacred shift in perspective. Section Three shares secrets about protecting the potential of our children and posterity. Section four reveals simple, economic ways to bring prosperity and peace down to Earth. This book is compiled for anyone who ever wondered how God could possible turn what we have today into the prophesied Golden Age. It shows exactly how we're going to get from here to there, co-creating with family, community, and God. The Sacred Shift provides a priceless guide for best utilizing our resources in this post-apocalyptic time, as we lift the veil of illusion and discover our interconnectedness with everyone and everything on Earth. The authors of this inspirational anthology answer questions about revelation and renaissance, and provide insightful solutions for the underlying problems and issues of our time. Contributing Authors Include: Michele Alexander, Steve Bhaerman, Diana Cooper, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Hunt Henion, Cynthia Sue Larson, Anrita Melchizedek, Adolphina Shephard, Rhonda Smith, and Judith Stone.
The Sacred Shift is a rare compilation, an instant pulse reading of where we are at collectively in our spiritual evolution and awakening. The many voices who speak here are a testament of how far we all have walked in our journey in understanding ourselves as being One with the All. A must read for NOW! -- Lou Bongon

T-shirts, mugs, clocks, water bottles, tote bags, rubber stamps, pet shirts and bumper stickers with a fun reality shifting theme are now available for purchase. Remind yourself and those you love to keep an open mind, with "How Good Can it Get?" written everywhere you look! Check out the selection at: https://www.zazzle.com/store/realityshifters
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