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August 2017
Issue #215

How Good Can it Get?
Cynthia Sue LarsonCynthia Sue Larson
You've Got This

"Act as if it were impossible to fail" -- Dorothea Brande

One of the most memorable things my martial arts master said to me had to do with the steady dedication to continual improvement it takes to reach goals. He explained that some people don't make it to their goals because somewhere along the way, they feel they are not making as much progress as they did early on, and they feel frustrated to continue investing so much effort in return for what feels like ever-smaller gains. He then indicated visually how this could be graphically depicted in the form of a chart showing improvement going up fairly steeply (quickly) at first, and then starting to plateau and flatten out as time goes on, “which is why some people quit just before they would have reached their goals.” I got a sense in that moment that lots of people could succeed in reaching their goals if they simply kept working toward them, rather than almost making it, and then giving up.

Those who reach any goal—whether it's an educational degree, a position, or a social rank—have what some researchers in the field of psychology call “grit,” and that martial artists call “indomitable spirit.” Successful people have in common the ability to keep going even when it seems there's no point, or no way to get past apparent obstacles, or no support. Another way to view this is that successful people often act as if it's impossible to fail—with a kind of faith in success. And it works.

This kind of indomitable spirit typically is not something we are born with, but rather it is something dormant inside us that can be nurtured and developed over time. I remember how confusing life seemed to me sometimes when I was growing up. When I was very young, I recall times when finishing my meal and taking my dishes and food scraps to the kitchen where I would sometimes stand for several long moments, trying to remember what I was doing there. Sometimes I'd remember sooner than other times to put my dishes in the sink and my food scraps in the garbage. And other times my mind would be elsewhere, and I'd hear a surprising “Thump!” sound as I was on auto-pilot, dumping everything on my plate into the trash can—including my fork! I was fortunate that my mother would be very understanding and patient with me when observing such incidents. I learned to be more patient and kind with myself when noticing my mistakes, though I noticed that in the western culture I was raised in, those who make such mistakes can often be ridiculed.

When recalling early learning experiences such as learning not to throw my silverware out with food scraps, I've noticed how my state of mind has such a profound influence on what I do and how I learn. I have learned how to continue learning during times when I was sick, injured, emotionally stressed, and many other conditions. I've learned to do my best to accommodate for these various states of being—while noticing sometimes I might experience things like increased synchronicity and reality shifts when I was daydreaming in a blissful state of mind.

Thanks to developing a sense of grit and indomitable spirit, over time, I developed an attitude of acting as if it was impossible to fail. This often entails that each day I ask myself and the universe the question, “What can I best do today?” and then make sure to do those things. Even if I don't know how I'll succeed at doing things I'm working on, I make sure to keep a positive attitude, and keep making forward progress, even if that progress sometimes seems slow. This attitude has been helpful to me this past month as I've been learning how to do the work I do in a Windows environment, after having become accustomed to the Apple Macintosh hardware and software over the past twenty years.

Next time you find yourself thinking or feeling that you're not making the kind of progress you'd hoped for toward a particular goal, take a moment to tell yourself, “You've got this.” It's amazing the power these three little words can have, and it's wonderful to see how you can then grow and learn through almost any situation masterfully. Such self-talk is a great way to activate the version of you who has amazing grit and indomitable spirit.

Then take a deep, slow breath, and ask yourself what you'd do at this moment, if you knew you could not fail—if you were right on track for succeeding at this goal. Contemplating this question fully for a few minutes can bring you a rush of fresh inspiration and motivation, and acting as if you are right on track to achieve your goal can boost your indomitable spirit and quality of grit!

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Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia! Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "If there is one thing I can be grateful for it is that I trusted my intuition and made contact with you--and from that the gift of connecting to myself (and other people) again!"
      -- Susan

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Mandela Effects, Reality Shifts, and Quantum
Mandela Effects, Reality Shifts, and Quantum Jumps
Cynthia Sue Larson at The Awareness Network

7 Sep 2017
9-11 am
Community of Infinite Spirit
1540 Hicks Ave., San Jose, CA
Startling evidence of alternate histories indicates we may be experiencing multiple realities. We can learn to thrive amidst shifting ‘facts’ and relative truths, discovering core stability not so much in measurable, but rather in aspects of perennial wisdom, as we see increasing evidence of many possible truths, many possible realities. (Cost is $6, coffee and tea are served; healthy finger foods are welcomed.)


Reviewers Roundtable
with Miriam Knight on OMTimes
Summer 2017
eady for some great summer reading & movies? You'll love this Summer 2017 Reviewers Roundtable podcast! I review four books: Amit Goswami?'s The Everything Answer Book, Diane Brandon's Born Aware, Amy Leigh Mercree?'s The Compassion Revolution, and Alberto Ramon's The Logic of Chance--and Miriam Knight and Brent Marchant share their new reviews, too!
You can hear this entire podcast at:

Amit Goswami

Quantum Activism with Amit Goswami
on Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson

Dr. Amit Goswami talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about his transformation from material realist to happy physicist, with a quantum worldview awareness of how to appreciate such things as: quantum nonlocality, discontinuity and tangled hierarchy. Amit describes key ideas about consciousness, and shares practical tips we can utilize to feel more bliss and creativity in our lives. He points out the value of becoming quantum activists by utilizing quantum principles to become the changes we wish to see in the world. Dr. Amit Goswami is a retired full professor from the University of Oregon’s Department of Physics where he served from 1968 to 1997. He is a pioneer of the new paradigm of science called “science within consciousness,” an idea he explicated in his seminal book, The Self- Aware Universe, where he also solved the quantum measurement problem elucidating the famous observer effect, and he is author of the new book, The Everything Answer Book: How Quantum Science Explains Love, Death and the Meaning of Life.”
You can listen to this audio interview at:


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Missing Mole & Friend Alive Again
Farmington, New Mexico, USA

I have had an experience with doppel gangers. My niece about three months ago at my mom's house stared at my face, looking closely at both of my cheeks, and then asked, “Where's the mole?” I replied, “What mole?!” She said, “You had a mole on your cheek.” I asked her which side, and she replied, “On your right side, right there,” pointing to my cheek. I told her, “I don't have a mole !” Now my mother had this friend Gene. He said his daughter had gone on a cruise for got to pack her diabetes medicine and died while on a cruise. Visiting his house from time to time I saw a picture of her on a mantle. A blond . One year or so later I saw her behind the counter. I engaged her in conversation. She was a cold fish. I asked my mother about her back ground. Mom said Genes daughter and her husband were owners of the Seven Eleven. Why ?  Oh nothing. I haven't seen her since at any Seven Eleven even now years later.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks for sharing your experiences with your niece noticing a few months ago that she remembers you having a mole on your cheek on your right side, when you recall no such thing--so apparently she remembers some other version of you than anything you have recollection of. And what an extraordinary situation seeing evidence of your mother's friend's daughter being apparently alive and well, after you'd heard a reliable and somewhat specific report of her having died while on a cruise after having forgotten to bring her diabetes medicine.


My Time Jumping Experience
Santiago, Chile

   Hi Cynthia, I saw you on gaia in a interview and I thought I could tell you my experience concerning time jumping in my case. The first time it happens was about 9 years ago, my wife had died about a month before this experience happened, I live in Chile by the way, but lived many years in the states before and I moved back to Chile. I live very close to downtown in Santiago. I was walking towards downtown crossing a park nearby my appartment and I stopped to look at the newspapers on a stand, nothing special, and I read frontlines concerning a football team here in chile and I stayed there reading like a minute and left, like I said before nothing special about the subject. Aproximately 10 days later, I see the same frontlines on the same newspaper again and I thought to my self, these journalist have very little creativeness to put the same frontline again and well I went on with the normal everyday life, but a few days later I thought why don't I check in the internet and see all the frontlines of the month. So I did, checked all of them and I only found one frontline or title iqual to the one I saw, but the date corresponded to the second time I saw the newspaper, so I actually had been 10 days before looking at the newspapers and in the same timeline probably. Now, why Do I tell you that I am a jumper, because this experience has happened many times for different time periods, it can be days,minutes or hours, but I am totally aware that this happens to me but I do not have control when and how. The last one was about a mont ago and was sort of funny, my nephew Gabriel called on the phone and asked me where I was and I told him that I was ready to leave home to go to my place of work and he asked me if I could pick him up in a very well known place here in Santiago. I told him, wait for me and I will be there soon, about 10 minutes later, he calls me and tells me that I had passed by him on my truck and didn't stop and didn't even look at him. Then, I told him, listen I am still at home I haven't left but I will be there in 5 minutes. When, I picked him up, I told him now I did a great jump with truck included. Anyway, he knew of my experiences, but he kept telling me that it was me who he saw drive by minutes before, told him it happens but I can't control it. Well, I could tell you some other times that these experiences have happened, but is usually the same. The reason why these things happened to me, could be because I have cleaned my pineal gland or because higher frecuencies are actually overlapping or our 3rd dimension. I really dont know, but I have also acquiered some other powers like for example I can read peoples mind before they open there mouths I can say a word they think before they pronounce it, remote viewing is another thing I can do, but I have little control where I go, so I am going to start trying to control these powers, I really need to work on this, but I havent been able to do it in a serious way because I many times smoke pot and that really kills my abilities, now that I am not smoking my powers will come back.

Note from Cynthia: days before they appeared according to current historical accounts, and about the time you drove to pick up your nephew, Gabriel, and he saw you drive past before you'd even left yet. I've had similar experiences to these, so as odd as they may seem to some, I can definitely vouch for the fact that such things are happening to people like you and me. And I suspect you're right that there may be a connection between having one's pineal gland open and receptive, as well as remote viewing abilities, and sometimes I do know what people are about to say or what's about to happen. Some of these experiences are considered to be relatively normal for those on a spiritual path, according to ancient Tibetan teachings, and also in accordance with some yogic siddhis--and the Tibetan Buddhist advice given is to not get distracted from one's spiritual path by focusing overly much on attempting to control these things, but rather to stay focused on spiritual alignment between mind, heart, gut, and spirit. I'd tend to agree with this advice, as I find I get best reality shifting results when keeping an open mind and heart, and wishing to find out how good it can get for all concerned.

Infested Branch Gone
Angela Treat Lyon

I love your newsie—it always makes me feel uplifted—thank you! You might be interested in his—lately I've been feeling extremely agitated and depressed, and had thought it was because of a certain personal situation. I've also had some intense dizzy spells, where I had to just stop and allow them to fall through my body as I just breathed and let them go. The odd thing that happened is this: outside my office door, I have a very large palm tree, and I had noticed one of the branches was covered with an infestation of white fly. I was busy at the moment, and thought to myself that I would trim off the branch the next day when I could get a minute so the rest of the tree wouldn't get infested. Today I awoke completely free of the depression, despite the fact that the situation hadn't changed. Oh! Speaking of which—I just remembered—the person involved actually smiled and said good morning to me—which would NOT have happened yesterday! I had a big dizzy spell sitting at my desk this morning, and when I looked out the window at the palm tree, the infested branch was gone! This was a large branch—12' tall—not something you could just mistake for something else! Gone! And, in your newsie, there was a link to a little you're-in-the-wrong-place quiz, which I thought would be fun to take - and guess what—I'm in the wrong place! Well, if it means I'm not depressed, that's fine with me! Thanks for all you do .

Note from Cynthia:Thank you so much for your lovely email! I'm so glad you feel uplifted by my RealityShifters ezine, and so happy to know you enjoyed the July 2017 issue! I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling agitated and depressed, with dizzy spells. Some of these symptoms are similar to symptoms of so-called 'microwave sickness' which some people get from sensitivity to EMF fields. You can test to see whether you're sensitive to EMF electrosmog by identifying sources of it (such as 'smart' meters, cell towers, WiFi services, etc), and seeing how you feel when you're away from them. If you spend a few hours away from such things and feel noticeably better, you can then try removing some known sources of electrosmog. I love your description of how you noticed that a rather large whitefly-infested branch on your tree that you'd intended to prune off to keep the tree safe from further infection was suddenly not there. A twelve foot branch does not seem like something that could easily slip away undetected on its own, and it doesn't seem like someone would have come through and taken care of this matter without your knowing about it. And how marvelous that the person smiled and said good morning to you! It certainly does sound like you're enjoying a newfound reality. And regardless what that survey says, a new reality doesn't necessarily indicate you're in the 'wrong place'--especially when things are going rather well!

Vanished National Geographic Magazine
Torrance, California, USA

 I can very much understand how other people must feel when they have had these kinds of experiences, which left them baffled and wondering, saying “What??”, “Huh??”, “That’s strange!”  I have also enjoyed reading other peoples’ experiences on your website, particularly that of a woman who remembered ‘attending’ a workplace meeting and all its details, only that she was never there physically! For several years, back when I was living in my first apartment as a younger adult, I had an issue of the National Geographicmagazine which was from 1981, 1982, or 1983.  It had an article and photographs of giant pandas.  (I loved the pictures that showed how giant pandas’ opposable ‘thumbs’ enable them to even hold spoons or grasp and hold food containers – very cute and very human-like.)  Of course, because I liked this issue of National Geographic on pandas, I had that magazine for many years.  It was something I wanted to keep for good, and I know I did not discard the magazine – it was always shelved with other National Geographic issues I saved from the early 1980’s.  There was no reason I would throw it away, and it definitely was packed in with other National Geographics when I moved to the next apartment I lived in for many years.   Some years later, when I looked for this particular issue, which would have been with the other old National Geographics I had, it wasnot there!  I couldn’t find it anywhere, and I did look for it a few more times elsewhere in my apartment before I gave up.   Now that I’ve learned about parallel universes, and reality shifts, my only explanation is that this one National Geographic issue vanished at some time into thin air.  I’ve never seen it again, just as I’ve never seen the cookie sheet, pizza pan, and this one royal blue t-shirt I once had that disappeared.  Those cute photos in that National Geographic of pandas using utensils were always near and dear to me. as an adult, I have always lived alone in small apartments, and not in multi-room or multi-level homes, with many, many possessions and clutter.  Most people live with other adults or children, who may lose things, take or remove things, or throw things out by accident.  I have never had roommates, family members, spouses, domestic partners, or children living with me at any time in my adult life, nor have I had people sleep over.  I have only had people coming for short visits.  I have never held gatherings or entertained with parties and dinners with a number of guests.  (We have all heard stories about people who found items missing in their home (silverware, etc.) after they had a party, in which guests made off with items.)  I have always had everything neatly stored away (books, dishes, clothes, etc.), so I knew where things were - and I knew what items I had thrown out or given away.  I also have never been on prescribed medications, or under any medical treatment, and I have never used or experimented with drugs, in which my mind or memory may have been affected.

Note from Cynthia:Thanks so much for sharing your experiences, and for pointing out that you can eliminate other possible factors with regard to missing items, since you've been meticulous in keeping track of your items, while simultaneously minimizing chances for people to move or take things. So even though you did undergo a move between the time you stored your National Geographic magazine and the time you sought it out and found it missing, I see how your fastidious sense of organization combined with lack of opportunity for others to interfere tends to point toward this being a reality shift.

Hearing Songs Before They Were Released
Torrance, California, USA

Chain of Fools was possibly the most famous song of legendary singer Aretha Franklin that came out during the 1960’s.  Chain of Fools is listed as having come out in 1968, but - I rememberChain of Fools (sung by Franklin) playing on the airwaves as a much-played hit song a few years earlier, in either 1965, or in 1966, when I was in 3rd or 4th grade, not in 1968 when I was already in 6th, then 7th grades.  My memory of Chain of Fools goes back to when I was in 3rd or 4th grade, so if people were to ask me when Chain of Fools came out, I would tell them it was in 1965 or 1966.  Two of her other hit songs were released exactly at the time I remember them playing on the airwaves: Respect and Daydreaming - Respect came out in 1967, and Daydreaming in 1972.

Note from Cynthia:Thanks for sharing your recollection of noticing the songs "Chain of Fools" and "Sailing" being released earlier than is officially reported. I'll be interested to hear whether I subsequently hear from other people who also remember hearing either or both of these two songs prior to their respective current historical release dates. While I don't currently recall the earlier dates you mention for these two songs, I certainly have heard several songs prior to their official release dates.

Stories Missing from Books
Torrance, California, USA

What baffled and mystified me so much, as I described in my first email to you, is finding information or stories missing from a book when reading it a second time some years later.  Finding Your Element – How to Discover Your Talents and Passions and Transform Your Life, by Sir Ken Robinson, PhD (Viking Book Group, 2013), includes several stories gathered by the author about people who transitioned to new careers or livelihoods that were in tune with the individuals they were. When I read the book the first time in 2013 or 2014, one of the people I read about was a concert pianist who realized she was no longer happy with being a pianist, and was happier being involved with books.  This woman left her long-time concern pianist career and transitioned into being a book editor where she was much happier.  Author Ken Robinson also mentioned this woman and her career change story in a TED talk I later found on YouTube, and I remembered reading it in this book.  Now, here it is a few years later – 2017 – and I readFinding Your Element again, from cover to cover, and – that concert pianist woman’s story was nowhere in the book!  Even when I finished reading the book the second time, I even went back through the pages searching for this woman’s story, and it wasn’t anywhere!  It was one of the stories in Finding Your Elementthat I was thinking about, and was looking forward to reading about again, when I started reading the book a second time. One book of mine that I read for a second time was State of the Union – Inside the Complex Marriage of Bill and Hillary Clinton by Jerry Oppenheimer (Harper Collins Publishers, 2000).  I bought this book and read it in either 2004 or 2005.  This book delved into the earlier lives of both former President Clinton and Hillary Clinton.  After finishing law school at Yale University, where Hillary also went, Bill Clinton, who was already in a relationship with her, went back to his home state of Arkansas, where he began starting a political career in the 1970’s by running for a congressional seat.  Other natives of Arkansas worked on his campaign, were his political supporters, and he became close to one of the campaign workers, Marla Crider.  Hillary found out, and had both her brothers, and then herself, go down to Arkansas to keep Bill Clinton from going further in his relationship with Marla Crider, and to stop Marla from seeing Bill.  Hillary was just as interested in getting to the White House someday, as Bill Clinton was in becoming President, which is why she wanted to link her future and her goals with him, so the Marla relationship was a threat to her.  Hillary even wrote a letter to Bill Clinton about it, reminding him of the White House goals they had agreed upon while still in law school.  The book pointed out that Southerners in Arkansas did not take well to Hillary, and were turned off by her.  Bill Clinton’s own mother, Virginia, liked Marla very much and would have liked to have had Bill marry her.  What I had read in this book, the first time I read it, is that people who knew Bill Clinton from that time, in looking back later on, believed that if he had married the amiable fellow Arkansas native, Marla Crider, that it would have been a boon for him, and he would have moved along faster in his political career and reached the Presidency much earlier than he did in 1992.   I always remembered that part about Marla Crider in this book, and had not read or heard this elsewhere.  But when I read State of the Union the second time around this year, this piece about Marla Crider being a more suitable spouse for Bill Clinton now was not there or anywhere else in the book!   As in the story of the woman in Finding Your Element, this bit about Marla Crider in State of the Union, was something I was thinking about and looked forward to finding again, when reading these books a second time.  But these stories, or parts of these stories, just were not there during the second time I read the respective book. All I can say about my experiences with books, songs, or with vanished items, is “What?” or “Huh?

Note from Cynthia:I've also noticed some books and movies missing the very scenes or sections I'd most wished to see again--so I can strongly relate to the surprise you felt when re-reading Finding Your Element and State of the Union. What makes these kinds of experiences especially startling is there typically is no other explanation for why we'd be so certain the currently missing parts used to be there. In other words, there usually is no other similar or related book or movie that we might be getting confused with--and more to the point, we generally recall pretty much exactly where in the given book or movie the mysteriously omitted part used to be. These types of reality shifts have thus been some of my most personally convincing ones, since there really isn't any explanation for what happened to those missing bits.

Dead Cat Seen Alive Again
Torrance, California, USA

Many years ago, one of my old friends buried a cat she and her mother had, who had been run over out in the street.  According to this friend, she went ahead and buried the cat.  It wasn’t long before another cat happened to come into their yard – and it was their cat that was alive and OK – so my friend and her mother went around telling everyone that they had apparently buried another cat.  (But they originally believed that the run-over cat was their cat, which is why they gave it a burial). 

Note from Cynthia:Thanks for sharing your experience hearing about your friends burying a cat they were sure was theirs, and later seeing their cat very much alive. It does seem unlikely that someone would be so confused about their cat that they'd bury someone else's. I wonder just how much time passed between their burial of a cat and the cat coming back, and how often that cat used to be gone for such periods of time. 


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

Teleportation, 7/11/2017 around 3pm heading down East main Street I witnessed a black man wearing tan and brown with slender build dart across the street, pass in front me, reach the curb—and then it was like blink, he vanished! I was with my son and a friend who witnessed this with me. We reacted, discussed what just happened, and said to one another, “Did you see that?!” What would you call that?
— Gary

Dear Gary,
I've also witnessed cars and people vanish into thin air right before my eyes, and I'd call that an example of a reality shift--in which one moment someone is there, and the next moment they're not. That's the kind of reality shift in which we see evidence of something we know happens on the quantum scale (with quantum teleportation)--and I've felt grateful to have a witness see the same thing when such extraordinary events occur, because it's so startling when it happens that it almost seems unbelievable or unreal. It certainly is not something I'd heard happens when I was growing up. I'm hoping there will be increasing awareness that these events occur, so that people will grow up with awareness of this type of reality shift. I include mention of seeing a woman vanishing as she walks down the street in my book, "Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World"  (pp. 82-83), as well as examples of all sorts of objects as well as physical bruises vanishing suddenly and unexpectedly.

Reality Shifts.
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Hey Cynthia,
Cool website. I have one question does quantum jumping allow people to be shifted or replaced via attack or choice into someone else? I hear about people getting replaced by someone but that person goes into their life looking like them with the same appearance What is that called? Thanks.
— Kabir

Dear Kabir,
Thanks so much for writing to me with this question. Most all of the reality shifts and quantum jumps that I've experienced and heard about over the past 18 years that I've been studying this phenomenon have not involved a person feeling they've been duplicated or replaced--although those close to them will often report their friend, colleague or family member seems to be suddenly very different, though they mostly (or sometimes exactly) look the same. When people experience such transformations inadvertently (without conscious intent for change) it's called a reality shift. When people intentionally seek such transformation, it's called a quantum jump.
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


 It is a rare occasion
 to run across someone that walks the same road as I. I became aware of this phenomenon about 20 years ago at first it was a curiosity that I let pass, making a mental note of the occasion. Then I learned to open my eyes and expect the occasional, for lack of a better word interference. One thing that I became aware of its always placed me on a winning track, so it must be a good thing. I have read many papers on it, and have discussed it with other people. Each time the other person has become aware of the Synchronicity that occurs in their lives. As a matter of fact I thought I had coined the statement "Synchronicity" that is the word I would use to best describe the occurrence's. Of course I am preaching to the choir if you are truly aware, and I am sure you must feel the frustration of not having the perfect words strung together so every one becomes aware of this phenomenon. As far as I can tell it happens universally its just a matter of acknowledging it. I just do not see the point in continuing to point it out considering we have no control over it which means it cant be called up on demand.
Best of luck,
— Richard

Dear Richard,
Thanks so much for writing to me with your thoughts and feelings about the synchronicity phenomenon you've gotten to know so well over the past 20 years. I've experienced synchronicity, and also a good number of reality shifts involving spontaneous healing of people, pets, and equipment--as well as a number of other types of events involving people and things appearing, disappearing, transporting and transforming--and some changes in the experience of time. While it's true many of these experiences can't likely be replicated, and thus don't lend themselves well to laboratory study, there are many exceptions--and it's those I include in my newest book, "Quantum Jumps" that shares what might be called the science of miracles, for want of a better description. This book shares dozens of laboratory-tested, relatively simple ways to suddenly become happier, smarter, stronger, more emotionally attuned to others, with more willpower and less pain--all very quickly, and with relatively little effort or expense:
Quantum Jumps
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Dear Cynthia,
OK, so according to this video you made:
Quantum Teleportation Reality Shifts
I can at least astrally transport to a reality of my own choice/making through the focused power of my mind? Could I use that to affect THIS reality? Bring something physically back?
Best of luck,
— Carla

Dear Carla,
Yes, we can often experience physical changes to "this reality," mostly because there isn't so much a case of a fixed reality in play, but rather a constant converging and diverging between various possible realities that we--in the form of consciousness--are moving through.
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Hello Cynthia,
Consider this:  Someone you loved a lot and they loved you too but were not in a relationship with in this lifetime/timeline died.  What you want is to go back in time at a specific point of significance and make different choices hoping that would result in you and that person sharing a very different dynamic later in life which would undo the need for them to die.  So you are contemplating this even though you do not know how to accomplish it except through creative visualization. Which of course is lovely but I haven't heard anyone using it in a way that allows them to experience such dramatic changes in their lives as to wake up tomorrow and someone who had died in your timeline shows up alive.  But now consider this also: even though you are contemplating going back and changing the past in order to experience an alternate present/future, there are parts of this timeline that are very important to you and these parts happened in chronological terms after the moment in time you wish to go back and change. These parts because of their emotional value, you do not wish to give them up by waking up in an alternate reality.  In other words, you wish to go back to 1989 and make different choices but you also want to keep things and experiences with other people that happened in 2016 and 2017 (so far). How could you do that?
Thanks in advance,
— Iris

Dear Iris,
Thanks for writing to me with this question and contemplation. I do not know of any method to obtain the results you seek, nor would I likely employ any such methods if I did know of them. There are some advantages in 'playing the ball where it lies,' so to speak, and benefiting from feeling regrets about paths not taken, and learning from such incidents to be more fully in the moment, and more true to one's spirit, and gut, and heart as well as one's head.  From a purely spiritual point of view, the separation we feel from others is illusory, and something that can be cleared up when we lucid dream, meditate, have near-death experiences, angelic visitations and die. In other words, we're often better off than we know with more blessings than we realize--and would very likely be disappointed even if we did get exactly what we think we want.
lots of love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Dear Cynthia,
I'm a 43 year old male. These things have been happening to me my whole life. As I got older the frequency increased. If I drink or do drugs it seems to cease or at least I don't notice it and am able to ignore it like most of the rest of the world ( ice pack you like that it happens too many but they are too preoccupied to catch it). I read a study you had done, and answered I series of questions. The only thing I don't have direct memory of is bending spoons but then again, that is something I have directly tried and I seem to have no control over much of this. There have been a few instances where others around me said that I bent things and moved things and altered their reality, but I have no recollection of those events save one that seemed like a dream to me.    I have told a few people and Been ostracized by entire groups because of it. I have been made to suffer by my peers for being connected to whatever the hell this is my entire life.     Lately I get the impression that I am supposed to take a next step. Everything points in the direction and has for the last few years. Articles mention it, People having passing conversation around me mention it. " going the next step" just keeps popping up everywhere. I don't want to lose who I am, I have stepped a little further forward then I am now and started becoming, "different" ( for lack of a better word) I am so very very tired. What do I do & how? Yoga keeps being slammed in my face for some reason, of course I know I'm just avoiding that too. Would just like some advice. How do I get rid of the self or whatever it is that is blocking me from the state of being I have been moving towards ever so slowly, and seemingly fighting every step of the way. How do I do it without losing the core of what I am or being bored or feeling the negative feelings and fear that I have felt about this before.
Thanks in advance,
— J.R.

Dear J.R.,
I'm glad to hear from you, and intrigued that you're noticing these shifts more often as you get older. I find that being aware of them can increase their frequency, and also it seems that in general, these things are happening more often and more noticeably these days, possibly as more and more people acknowledge they are real, and not simply a matter of everyone being confused, or confabulating.  I sense the best way to answer your question is to start from pointing out that reality shifts are apparent when we 'walk between two worlds' of our egoic, physical selves--and our higher soul awareness. Our true self is timeless, infinite, and eternal, and that's the self that notices things changing between the various physical realities we walk through during our physical lives. Our egoic self tends to believe that all that is real is what can be physically sensed, and can be fearful. So it helps to read accounts of what it's like to be in this pure state of higher soul awareness, such as is described in books like "Reality Shifts," "Born Aware," and "The Untethered Soul." Reading such books can bring you gracefully into alignment with your core spiritual identity, so there's not such a sense of struggling or being blocked:

Reality Shifts

Born Aware

Untethered Soul

With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

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The Everything Answer Book:
How Quantum Science Explains Love, Death, and the Meaning of Life

by Amit Goswami

How to become the quantum changes we wish to see in the world

While the subtitle of The Everything Answer Book may seem just a wee bit audacious, Dr. Amit Goswami's enthusiasm for how quantum physics leads us boldly forward on the path toward understanding consciousness itself. Goswami shares the story of his transformation from material realist to happy physicist, which was a journey that he and his book encourage us to also take. Goswami developed a quantum worldview awareness that he explains can help us to appreciate such otherwise seemingly inexplicable things as: quantum nonlocality, discontinuity and tangled hierarchy. Goswami explains how these quantum concepts hold the key for us to realize profound insights about consciousness, and he also shares practical tips we can utilize to feel more bliss and creativity in our lives. Once we embrace quantum awareness as our frame of reference by which we make sense of the world, Goswami points out the value of becoming quantum activists who utilize quantum principles to become the changes we wish to see in the world.


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