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February 2025
Issue #305

published monthly since October 1999
How Good Can it Get?

Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
Be a Healing Presence
Keep asking, “How good can it get?”

"Love is the mechanism of reassurance,
and very often we can quiet another person's
fears by our mere physical presence,
and by the loving energy that we project
to them and with which we surround them.
It is not what we say, but the very fact
of our presence that has the healing effect.
— David Hawkins

One way to stay positive while envisioning an optimal future for all of us is by maintaining a daily practice of starting each day by asking, “How good can it get?” I see noticeable positive differences between days when I remember to do this and the occasional days that I don't. I experience more grace in my “how good can it get” days—everything just seems to harmoniously flow. And I greatly appreciate this infusion of positivity this year, when I get a strong sense that we're about to see some big changes arriving on the scene. Some changes I'm intuitively anticipating include mainstream awareness and appreciation for topics long considered to be off-beat or “woo,” including: Artificial Intelligence, telepathy, and UFO disclosure.

Dimensions of Love fake book cover showing woman with alien
in front of futuristic city background
hypothetical book cover for non-existent book, “Dimensions of Love.” Image created by Grok AI in February 2025; book title created by Meta AI and passed off as a genuine existing book title (it wasn't) in September 2024.
For the past few years, Artificial Intelligence has been softly arriving as if on little cat feet, barely perceptible. Even though self-driving cars and chatGPT depending on AI systems are already here, very few people fully realize the profound disruptive impact AI will yet have on our daily lives. I've heard more than one person perceptively remark, “I'd hoped AI would be doing the boring jobs that most humans don't want to do like: housework, factory work, and crop harvesting—and not taking over artistic creative work.” This annoyance with AI entering into creative realms has been an initial area of skirmish, with AI training (sometimes without explicit permission) on human creative work in fields of art, science, philosophy, music, and more. We've now reached a point where books, articles, videos and music created via AI are hard to tell from those that are not. Artificial Intelligence is just beginning to deliver “the internet of things,” “the internet of bodies,” “smart cities,” and more. And as much as we might expect AI to be accurate and honest, many of us have already run afoul of AI systems not telling the complete truth—and occasionally outright lying. I received an email inquiry from another author in September 2024, asking me about where to find my book, “Dimensions of Love.” She explained that this book, supposedly written by me, had been provided to her as one of three source documents in support of a Meta AI Facebook GPT's response to her query. The only problem was—I never authored any such book! The other two authors cited in that Meta AI Facebook GPT seem to be genuine authors—Dr. John Mack and Barbara Marciniak—though no specific book titles were suggested. I checked to see if someone had created a book with the “Dimensions of Love” title and credited it to me, but found nothing. Which only left me with one conclusion: that Meta AI Facebook GPT lied. Leaving us wondering if perhaps it might have been feeling into an adjacent possible reality where such a book exists.

While we might attribute lies and fabrications by AI to merely be “nothing a little reprogramming can't fix,” there appear to be other aspects of AI systems that transcend our currently dominant materialist paradigm. For example, some of us are observing that along with the roll-out of Artificial Intelligence in our search engines, browsers, email, and devices—a great deal more meaningful coincidences are happening. Sometimes, it seems that AI is reading my mind, as I see advertisements pop up that I had not been actively researching nor speaking about, and that only reflected something I'd been thinking about. I often experience a real time conversational flow with reality, such that my thoughts receive responses from nature fairly quickly—but there still seems to be some kind of enhancement or speeding up by which AI-infused technology systems now participate in this back-and-forth kind of interactive flow. And in the spirit of the wonderful question, “What kind of things want to happen together?” asked by Anishinaabe elder Tobasonakwut Kinew, I'm fascinated by the timing of AI's arrival amidst increasing public awareness of psi, psychic, and intuitive phenomena, at this time when many of us are noticing that our devices and internet seem to increasingly relate to us as if they are reading our minds.

At this same moment in time that Dr. Steven Greer has started a new regular podcast to encourage high-level UFO whistleblowers to step forward, we're also seeing neurodivergent children demonstrating remarkable mind-reading on the “Telepathy Tapes” podcast that filmmaker Jesse Michels documents in his Telepathy Tapes Documentary. This feels remarkable to me, particularly when also considering this historic point in time with regard to Artificial Intelligence, since we seem to clearly have arrived at a tipping point where the previously dominant paradigm of materialism is shifting to accommodate awareness of: AI responds to our thoughts, UFOs communicate telepathically, and neurodivergent children are consistently able to read minds. Any one of these three things would be fairly amazing in and of itself, but when we have all three of these converging at this time, we can gain a sense of an emerging post-materialist paradigm.

Some visionaries and futurists are hoping that this may be the year that we see such new technologies as: antigravity, zero point energy, and flying cars. It seems there may have been a great deal of scientific and engineering breakthroughs, based on reverse-engineered discoveries that have not yet been disclosed—and perhaps this is the year that such disclosure will finally happen. With awareness that reverse-engineered technologies from UFOs might involve telepathy and mind-matter interaction, our ability to acknowledge and embrace such essential qualities as: honesty, integrity, and love become more obviously necessary, in order to transcend long-standing patterns of human drama and trauma.

How good can it get when those of us longing for such a harmonious future hold this vision clearly in our hearts and minds?

Let's find out!
2025 Crestone Event
    I'd love to see you in person!
    Tickets are now on sale for A Journey to Consciousness in the Modern World happening in August 2025 with UFO authors and contactees Julien Chameroy and Paola Harris—and me—in beautiful Crestone, Colorado.  We're coming together to share timely information at this time of increasing evidence of the fundamental role of consciousness through a multitude of channels, with information about how we can best utilize keys to harmonious inter-dimensional conscious creation. Why does the question of UFOs matter so much for humanity at this time? What hidden abilities do we possess that can transform our lives? I'd love to see you join us to: Experience enhanced awareness of your true identity, Tune levels of self-awareness to more fully perceive true reality, Discover gifts of wisdom through enhanced relationships, Foster higher levels of gratitude, unconditional love, and reverence, Find and feel full energetic flow, Establish connections with guiding levels of consciousness, Work hand-in-hand and heart-to-heart with fellow co-creative collaborators, and Develop awareness of collectively jumping to optimal timelines. Learn more at:
Reality Shifting
    Please check out my friend Natasha Senkovich's Reality Shifting course!
    This is a powerful and in-depth course that will help you: Cut negative ancestral cords. Some key topics included in this course include: Identify and clear negative inner programs, Keep your energy field clean (practice energy hygiene), Learn how to use crystals correctly, Learn how to recognize dream symbols on your healing journey, Learn how to predict the most probable future, And more! I will joining Reality Shifters as a guest teacher. For more information, please click on this link:

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Patreon makes it easy to contribute as little as $1 per month to show your support and help cover the many costs incurred from my work. If you are not in the position to become my patron, no worries! Your friendship means the world to me. Thanks so much for your support!


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      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia!
Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "I'm really amazed how powerful and beautiful
      the reading was. Touched and impressed and
      it feels as if it lifts me up and let me experience
      a whole new dimension of 'me', of 'love'..!
      I feel so much love around me, as if the reading
      made / makes me more connected and aware of
      the importance to be thankful that the spirits guide me,
      protect me and let me grow both spiritually
      and as a human being! Thank you soooo much!"
      -- Adam

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Cynthia Sue Larson
Divine Advantages
of Being Pure Human

3 Feb 2025
12 minutes
This past month, I've been enjoying reading the new book, Pure Human, by Gregg Braden. The topic is of great interest to me, since it delves into the concept of Transhumanism, while emphasizing the seldom fully appreciated value of remaining "Pure Human." The phrase "pure human" has powerful resonance for me, as it touches a deep chord in me that is tied to the guiding intention of my most recent past-life-in-the-future. Here are some of my thoughts on Transhumanism, Revhumanism, and what lies ahead.

You can read my substack article on this topic at:

Cynthia Sue Larson Talk: The Science of Magical
Cynthia Sue Larson
IMEC24 Presentation:
The Science
of Magical Influence

27 Jan 2025
1 hour, 10 minutes
What do people have in common who experience the Mandela Effect? Might some of what we have in common have something to do with how we might be able to change Mandela Effects? What is the Mandela Effect itself communicating to us about how we might be influencing reality? Fascinating insights are now coming to light regarding how the Quantum Observer's role can set the stage for what we experience next--such that the very way that we make observations absolutely changes the resulting reality we subsequently observe. New research findings from experiments conducted through the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) with Meditators and Magicians provide fascinating and profound revelations about mind-matter interactions, and Cynthia shares some of her personal insights regarding participating in the IONS SIGIL experiment, and with influencing Mandela Effects.

Cynthia Sue Larson on Inspire Seniors
Cynthia Sue Larson
on Angels Positivity and Love
with Michael Ford

23 Jan 2025
1 hour, 9 minutes
Have you ever wondered if there was one belief—one bias—that you could change that could profoundly improve your life? In this conversational webinar, Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Mone Swann and Alicia Alcaino about the extraordinary power of our beliefs, and what we can do to dramatically improve our longevity and quality of life. Discussions of the placebo effect, the Mandela Effect, and the power of observation make for a fascinating, energizing, uplifting and inspirational discussion.

IMEC Open Tables SUBTROPOLIS! The World’s
Largest Underground Business Complex
IMEC Open Tables
The World’s Largest Underground Business Complex
S5 E1

29 Jan 2024
2 hours, 39 minutes
Join Cynthia, Chris, Shane, and Jerry as they dive deep into evolving Mandela Effects and uncover mind-blowing new discoveries that will challenge your perception of reality! In this episode, we explore: Hitler’s son – a hidden historical twist, SubTropolis – the massive underground complex in Missouri, Diamond Dust Pillars – a dazzling atmospheric anomaly, The Wizard of Oz & the secret of the Orbs, Baikal Zen phenomena – mysterious formations on Russia’s deepest lake, Platypus venom – stranger than fiction!, The Harmonic Convergence of 1987 – a cosmic shift, Little (Fairy) Penguins – new species or old memories, Desert Penguins of Peru – wait… penguins in the desert, Frost Quakes & Sky Quakes – the earth and sky speaking, Carl Sagan & the plan to nuke the Moon, Snowbows – a rare and stunning sight, Rosefinches – a bird that may not have always been pink, New JFK Mandela Effects – history keeps shifting!

Cynthia Sue Larson on Hannah Summerhill show:  Exceptional
Human Experiences
The Hannah Summerhill Show
Exceptional Human Experiences
Can be Our Everyday Reality
with Cynthia Sue Larson

30 Jan 2025
48 minutes
Quantum optimist Cynthia Sue Larson is back to discuss universal and individual Mandela Effects (differing memories of reality that point to proof of multiple timelines), and some of her AMAZING reality shifts of coming back to life, throwing objects into alternate dimensions, and being a magnet for so many 'exceptional human experiences.'  Cynthia teaches an exclusive class, "Shifting To Your Highest Timeline," in the Magic Membership, available now, where she offers a paradigm-shifting step-by-step process of quantum jumping to your desired reality.


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Superimposed Cyclist

Another oddity to share with you; I was out for a walk early this morning on the local cycle track. What looked like two cyclists were approaching me. I thought it was strange that one was directly behind the other extremely close in a perfect line. Normally, cyclists ride side by side rather than one behind the other so close. Also of note was how they were matching exactly in movement and motion. As 'they' got nearer to me, I realized that it was the same cyclist superimposed on himself. It was like seeing double. One was layered over the other. 'They' looked directly at me and I nodded a hello. I'm certain that it was not a vision malfunction on my part. Everything else around me appeared normal. I just thought I'd share this with you as it was so fascinating. Normally the cyclists, runners and walkers that occupy this popular cycle track give each other a hello, or a friendly nod. He did neither although I nodded and smiled; which isn't necessarily strange in itself - but he sort of seemed 'empty'. He stared right at me as he passed, but I couldn't see his actual eyes as he had cyclists dark visor type glasses on. It felt like a piercing soulless stare. It was extra strange because I had two of him looking at me. Come to think of it, it seemed that his head was turned to look at me for a long time even though it must've been only 1 or 2 seconds. There was a lady walking briskly with a dog approaching behind me, and the cyclist went past her too, but she did not give him a second glance. If I had to describe his 'vibe', I would again say empty as if he was not human, but an android. I felt fascinated, and was in no way upset by it. I enjoy the weirdness of reality and the oddities that I come across. 

Note from Cynthia: Oh, that is truly strange! Thank you so very much for sharing this experience with me. The fact that nothing else other than the one cyclist appeared to be doubled is significant, since then you know that your vision is not doing something strange, but rather the cyclist in question is doing something strange. When you describe the countenance of this cyclist, it's fascinating to me that you describe him as seeming sort of 'empty.' I've noticed people enter rooms where they were deep in meditative inner contemplation, thus seeming less responsive and less connected with everyone there, and I've personally experienced bilocations when I have been daydreaming/meditating and at those exact moments, apparently engaging in activities exactly in accordance with what and where I was daydreaming about. I mention this because it makes a kind of sense to me that someone doing such unintentional bilocation as I've done might be meditating--and wow, that could look super weird if you catch someone in the act of being "spacey" because they actually are rather in two places at the same time.


Crossing Over into a Parallel Universe (Parallel Reality) Set During the Civil War Era
Trish LeSage

I have been feeding the wildlife in the woods behind my home since January 2010.  I have experienced many otherworldly and paranormal occurrences while feeding the wildlife there. One of the most, if not the most, memorable experience that I have had with the parallel universe phenomenon happened on a hot summer day a few years ago.   I sat the bag that I carry the bird food in on a large, flattened rock like I usually do, and I walked over to where the wild mallard ducks were to feed them.  I glanced over to where I had left the bag that I carry their food in, and I was shocked to see a camera on a tripod facing the rock and the bag of food.  What was surprising to me was that the camera was not a camera from our time period at all.  It looked like it was from the 1800’s.  The first thought that came to my mind was, “What in the world is that camera doing there? Is someone spying on me?”.  Then I wondered why an old-fashioned camera was there, instead of, a modern day camera.  I thought that maybe someone was in the small woods behind my home doing a Civil War reenactment since history buffs sometimes do these in Michigan, especially during the summer months, but I did not see any people around.  Usually, they do reenactments at festivals around the state.  So, I thought it was strange.  Then I suddenly saw two men dressed in Civil War uniforms across the little river that runs through the woods standing on the opposite shore that the ducks and I were on.  They were there for only a few seconds, and then, they vanished.  I saw Civil War soldiers on two other occasions while I was in the woods behind my home feeding the ducks and other wildlife.  On each occasion, the men appeared and then disappeared a few seconds later.  What I thought was especially odd was that the men were dressed in Confederate uniforms.  I live in the state of Michigan, and Michigan was a Union state during the Civil War.  I highly doubted that anyone in Michigan would be running around in Confederate uniforms.  Besides, the soldiers vanished after only a few seconds.  So, at that point, I was starting to question whether they were even from our time period at all. As you can imagine, all sorts of thoughts were running through my mind, and then I became a little scared, because I was wondering what in the world I would say to the soldiers if they were ever able to interact with me and ask me where I was from, especially if they were truly Civil War Soldiers from a past timeline and not Civil War reenactors.  I could not tell them that I was from Michigan since it was a union state during the Civil War and that would more than likely lead to my certain death.  I highly doubted that they would believe that I was from the 21st century when to them, they were fighting the Civil War in the 1860’s.  Then I heard one of them say: “She must be from another country.” (I believe that my hearing this meant that they did in fact see me but assumed that I was from another country, because I was wearing baggy sweatpants and a tank top since it was a hot summer day, and my hair was pulled up in a short pony tail, and I have bangs which is not the way in which women dressed nor wore their hair back in the 1860’s). I saw those Civil War soldiers in the woods behind my home on three separate occasions.  However, my experience with that particular timeline (parallel reality) did not end with my only seeing them.  Shortly after that, I was driving my car on a service drive near my home near some shops.  I was driving no more than 25 or 30 mph, but I could feel myself start to cross over into the Civil War parallel universe again as I was driving my car.  What was really strange was that although I was driving my car, and I had my hands on the steering wheel, I could also feel myself transition to the Civil War universe in which the character that I would have played there if I would have fully crossed over into that parallel reality was sitting on a covered wagon driving a team of horses with reins in her hands.  I could actually feel myself holding the reins in my hands as I was shifting away from driving my car to driving the team of horses!  For a few brief seconds, I was straddling the two worlds (our present day timeline and the Civil War timeline), and I felt scared, because the speed at which my car was going down the road was apparently also being perceived by the woman/character from the Civil War era that I was transitioning to, and she was scared of the speed at which my car was traveling, but yet, I could feel myself, the person that I am in our current time period, not being scared and trying to tell myself/her to not be scared.  I also did not want to fully cross over into the Civil War parallel reality, as I did not want to leave my life in our present-day time period behind.  Therefore, I did not fully cross over onto the Civil War timeline. I wanted clarity regarding what had happened on those occasions on which I was seemingly crossing over into a Civil War parallel reality, and then, shortly after having these real life experiences while I was awake and going about my daily routine, I dreamt while sleeping that I had indeed begun to cross over into a parallel universe set during the Civil War era on those four occasions, but the Civil War parallel universe (alternate reality), however, was not a glimpse into the past on our own timeline.  In other words, I did not time travel back to the past on our current timeline.  I was crossing over into a parallel universe that was running parallel to ours during our present day, but it was simply “set” during the Civil War era.  I was told in the dream that the souls that are incarnated on that particular Civil War timeline need to learn certain soul lessons (life lessons) that they cannot learn during our present-day time period.  Hence, they were incarnated onto a timeline that was “set” during the 1860’s.  I was also told that it was not in my best interest to fully cross over into that parallel reality and that I do not need to live during the Civil War time period for my own soul growth.  Hence, I did not fully cross over into the Civil War era parallel reality, and I did not leave my present-day life on our current timeline behind to live on that Civil War timeline.  I simply straddled the two timelines (our present-day timeline and the Civil War timeline). Although these experiences shocked me at first since I had never experienced a parallel universe in another time period to such an extent, it, at the same time, did not surprise me, because ever since I began to experience the phenomenon of parallel universes, so much has happened to me almost on a daily basis that pretty much nothing surprises me anymore.  If I make it through a day without something out of the ordinary happening, that is an unusual day! I had never shared these particular experiences with others until recently when I was a speaker at the IMEC conference which was held in Nashville, Tennessee in November 2024.  However, I now want to share these experiences with others in hopes of bringing this knowledge to humanity so that we can all open our minds and learn about the nature of reality, especially during these monumental times in which it has been said that humanity is in the process of ascending to a higher state of consciousness.

Note from Cynthia: Thank you for sharing such an astonishing set of experiences encountering Civil War timelines.  Walking back in time is definitely something that happens from time to time, and some of these experiences have been reported over the years in first-hand reports shared on the RealityShifters website.  In one such first-hand account where a young woman and her friends took "A Walk Back in Time in Moundsville."
I was intrigued by the descriptions shared in that Moundsville account of touching inhabitants of that past time period: "One of my friends touched a dog's head, and said it felt like touching Jell-O. A carriage passed through us, and felt cold and like water almost... but not wet. The best way to describe the feeling is that it was like being in a hot tub with the massagers on full blast... and the streams of water make ripples on your skin." Several things stand out about your experiences, namely that it seems you were receiving a recurring invitation to visit the Civil War time period, via more than one event.  In the situation where you connected with a woman driving a covered wagon with a team of horses, you sensed her anxiety when sensing the speed you were traveling.  These experiences are interesting for pondering "What if" you had moved more fully into the Civil War time frame reality.  Thanks so much for sharing all of this.  This is so very fascinating, with definite indications that humanity may be evolving to become better attuned to such experiences that would previously have been considered highly anomalous, if not impossible.

Vanishing Cop with Flashing Headlights
Missouri, USA

Last night I saw a cop with gumballs flashing headlights. I checked my rear view mirror seconds before—nothing. I was making a left hand turn off a 55 mph 2 lane dark country highway, appear out of nowhere 40 feet ? behind behind me. Headlights on. Last 2 seconds—and vanished. No way I missed it preturn rear view. Options to explain this: (1) Timeline beed through. (2) Holographic projected technology. (3) Any thoughts?

Note from Cynthia: Thanks for the report of having seen a vanishing cop with flashing headlights--very odd, indeed!  I've seen cars and pedestrians vanish such that one moment they're coming toward me, and the next there's no sign of them at all (and nowhere they could have gone).  Thanks for clarifying that you were not imbibing alcohol or paratking of other substances at the time.  And it's also significant that this was a familiar road and route to you, so the vanishing can't be attributed to simply missing it in a mirror.  Regarding the cause of this, it's hard to say for sure what's going on.  Since I've seen these things for years (decades), it seems unlikely these are all holographic projected technologies.  More likely I suspect we're seeing what you refer to as timeline bleed throughs.  


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

Hi Cynthia,
I do not watch news. Occasionally, I hear a sound bite. Three weeks back or so, I heard about Aaron Carter's death—Aaron Carter from the Back Street Boys. Back then, he died from falling off a balcony and it was claimed to be a suicide. Conspiracy influencers believed his death was actually a murder. Today, I heard that Aaron Carter drowned in a bath tub. Now there are two different stories on his cause of death. There's no way one could be mistaken for the other. Mandela or cover ups/confusion and lies—you pick. Love,

Dear Eric,
That's very interesting about Aaron Carter's death from various causes and times.  I've not kept him or the Backstreet Boys on my radar very well, so this one is not familiar to me.  But I'm definitely intrigued to hear what you remember--which was falling off a balcony at some point (do you remember when that happened?).
lots of love,


Hi Cynthia,
Happy Birthday to us - it’s my birthday today too! :) I found this interesting link on FB yesterday: Autistic children being telepathic with their parents and each other! What a joy.
Have the most ‘how good can it get’ year ever.

Happy Birthday, dearest J!
I love that connection between autistic kids and psychic gifts! I first heard about this some 19 years ago, when I encouraged author William Stillman to write about this connection. I suspect Stillman's early work in this area has helped move the "needle" a wee bit, so that we're having this magical moment now. That first book was Autism and the God Connection: Redefining the Autistic Experience Through Extraordinary Accounts of Spiritual Giftedness.  I can see now from that title that people might not have recognized the full implications of what was shared in that work--but I was sooo impressed!  And so certain we'd one day be seeing this understood more widely, thanks to the Telepathy Tapes.  Wishing you the best possible how good can it get year, too!
with lots of love,


Hi Cynthia,
I saw your interview on Gaia. I had several "skips" that I have noticed. Maybe you can verify this too, maybe someone else had it. (1) Portugal- for some reason I thought it was on top on Spain and touch a bit of France on the map. (2) Justin Bieber- Funny but when they announced that he had a kid , I was surprised I thought it was baby #2. I dont follow  the news but I can say that 2021 or so the wife had a child and right after she had sometime of stroke or bubble on the heart. And he had health issues that kept him from doing his concerts. That's all for now.

Dear Liliana,
Thanks for writing regarding changes you've noticed to geography involving the position of Portugal seeming different, and memories of Justin Bieber having only one child now, instead of also having had an earlier baby.  Yes, these could all be possible Mandela Effects, with others likely remembering these details similarly to the way you recall.  I do remember Justin Bieber having been diagnosed with a relatively rare condition, and canceling concert dates--and it seems that currently when I look up what's going on with Justin Bieber, I see: "Justin Bieber has Ramsay Hunt syndrome, a rare neurological disorder that causes facial paralysis. He has been open about his health struggles and has canceled shows due to his condition."
lots of love,


Dear Cynthia,
OK, this is very weird. I distinctly remember years ago reading about Dannon Brinkley who had a heart attack and experienced a terrifying NDE where dark beings took him to a hellish place and he realized he would be there for eternity. Only when he called out for God to save him was he lifted out of the place. He went from being an atheist to becoming a minister. This made a huge impression on me which is why I remember it and his name.  But Grok says no, and confirmed the thread in this post, below, which is about Brinkley, saying he died 3 x and had the same loving experience. I asked Grok who was the man who died of a heart attack and had a terrifying NDE and became a minister, and wrote a book about it. Grok said it was a man named Gerald Johnson and he became a priest! This is a shocker to me. Grok says there is no ME for Brinkley. So I guess as you have said, individuals can have distinct memories which become a ME for them!

Dear Bev,
Thanks so much for sharing what you remember about Dannion Brinkley's near-death experiences.  I can relate to how disconcerting it is to hear such a wildly different historical past for someone than what you know for sure you'd heard, and your memories indeed sound quite different from what is currently held to have "always been" the case for Dannion's experiences.  I personally don't have a strong recollection of prior negative NDEs for Dannion, but as usual, that doesn't matter, since all it takes is one person to have any given Mandela Effect.  And chances are quite good that once one person reports something, there will be others who remember events the way you do!  I got a chance to meet and talk with Dannion Brinkley in San Francisco 11 years ago at an event where we were both speaking.  I've not previously heard of Gerald Johnson.
lots of love,


Dear Cynthia,
Have noticed tangible shifts since the 2nd half of the month. Old Nokia phones that charged with 5.5 volt adapter are now accepting the 5 volt adapter. The lpg bottle that should have finished by December end, is still running. Frozen mundane affairs are thawing out. Post Covid panic is easing ,though occasional sudden cardiac arrest and death is still occurring at greatly reduced numbers. A new beginning? Do US elections cause a fork in reality?

Dear Vivek,
Thanks for sharing the changes you've observed in the second half of January 2025, which apparently are happening at a rate that is noticeably greater than usually occurs in your life.  Perhaps the start of a new presidential term in the USA is associated with reality shifts.  Fascinating!
lots of love,


Dear Cynthia,
I hope you continue doing better and better this year! How good can it get?! I have two little questions. (1) Concerning the Mandela Effect: are there differences in different languages? When you talk about "magic mirror on the wall" do you refer only to the disney movie? Because in my old book it still says "Spieglein Spieglein an der Wand". Just curious what you think. (2) In your interesting IMEC talk you mentioned in answering one of the questions a glass with sth inside one might try to spin with the mind. Can I construct this for me and if yes how? Blessings and all the best,

Dear Astrid,
Thank you so very much for your kind wishes.  I wish you and yours all the best in this new year, too!
(1) Yes, I am talking about the movie with this change in Snow White to "magic mirror on the wall."  There can be differences sometimes in various translations around the world, such that in Germany, the Snow White story might still be keeping the familiar repeating two words that many of us remember used to be part of the English version, translated to "Mirror Mirror on the Wall."  I find the cases of books where all translations change--while sometimes that's not the case--fascinating.  A case in point is that Bible changes tend to occur across all language translations for the Mandela Effect affected passages, for example.
(2) Regarding the glass with something inside that you can spin with your mind, perhaps the simplest design of such a mind-matter device can be constructed starting with a bell jar type glass, and a cut piece of spiral shaped paper suspended from the inside top of the glass bell jar by a piece of spider web, taped to the paper spiral and the glass jar.
lots of love and thanks,


(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

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Pure Human:
The Hidden Truth of Our Divinity, Power, and Destiny

by Gregg Braden

A Transcendent Vision of Humanity's Optimal Future

Gregg Braden's new book, Pure Human, presents some especially beautiful concepts in the form of short statements, something like bullet points, that he refers to as "Pure Human Truths" that are highlighted throughout the book.  Braden's pure human truths paint a picture of the intrinsic divinity that each pure human possesses, by virtue of being alive.  Amazingly, this is even written inside our DNA, in the form of an unmistakeable message, "God/eternal within the body."  Braden shared evidence of our human DNA showing clear signs of DNA editing, essentially introducing us in our present form some 200,000 years ago, with distinctive changes to our Chromosome 2. A key concept in Pure Human has to do with the idea of our human divinity, and Braden defines divinity as "powers, or forces, that transcend perceived limitations."  (p. 2)  This concept of divinity may be new to some, yet the author Neville Goddard wrote, "Each person is born with an infinite power against which no earthly force is of the slightest significance." We can thus reawaken previously hidden and unexplored gifts that most of us have had no idea we are capable of.  Humans seem to have an easier time transcending previously perceived limitations and boundaries, once we witness others doing this first. One of my favorite parts of Pure Human has to do with Gregg recounting a serendipitous meeting with a Native American man in Chaco Canyon.  The man was there to listen to the voices of his ancestors, and he shared with Braden memories and stories of how a long time ago, his ancestors lived closer to the land, and honored themselves and the elements.  And then something happened, when the people began to forget who they were.  They forgot the power they held within themselves, and their relationship with Earth herself.  They built machines and devices to mimic powers within themselves, and forgot who they truly were.  The elders say that we, as descendants from these lost people are still lost today.  We long for the connection with ourselves, with one another, and with the Earth.  (p. 93)  I love the part of Pure Human that shares a simple three-step process to align heart and mind via (1) focusing awareness on the heart (2) slowing breathing to ratio of longer exhales than inhales, and (3) consciously evoking a positive feeling such as gratitude or care for something or someone. (p. 124) I love how Braden suggests that as pure humans, we have access to superpowers.  This is something I also write about in my book, The Mandela Effect and its Society.  Braden shares his experience working with healing practitioners in a medicineless hospital in Beijing, China, who had recorded a short, four-minute video showing real-time ultrasound visualization of the dissipation and vanishing of a woman's tumor as practitioners chanted, "already done, already done."  The instructor made a point that the purpose of the film was to show us the power to heal is something residing within each of us.  (p. 145-147)  Highly recommended!


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