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January 2025
Issue #304

published monthly since October 1999
How Good Can it Get?

Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
Learn from All Our Relations
Feel connected and sense hidden messages in the in-between

"Come forth into the light things;
let nature be your teacher "
— William Wordsworth

In the first few days of this new year, I’ve been blessed to have received gentle language lessons from a wild crow, walked side-by-side (70 feet apart) with a wild coyote, and been visited at very close range by a wild squirrel. What these three experiences have in common, besides happening on three consecutive days, is that each of these experiences felt like it was showing me a greater depth of connection and relationship to some of my wild animal neighbors, and teaching me something, too.

On the first Saturday of 2025, I had a lovely conversation with a neighborhood crow, calling to its friends from the top of a telephone pole. When I first heard it calling to birds situated hundreds of feet away in neighboring trees, it was making the distinctive familiar calling sound of the crow, "Caw, caw." At some point, I did my best to practice and call back what it was saying, via "call and response," attempting to match the tone and spirit of its call. I was feeling lots of love and gratitude for our conversation. After a few minutes, the crow switched from gentle "Caw" sounds that it had been sending to me, to a kind of "purr" with distinct vocal variations in inflection, intonation, and musical notes—especially with a distinctive ending tone at the end of each "purr". The crow and I went back and forth a half dozen times, and then I went into the house for a while, and later took a walk. On the last (very steep, uphill) leg of my walk, about a block away from where I'd first seen the crow, I heard from the top of a nearby tree a familiar gentle series of "Caw" followed by the distinctive corvid "Purr"! I was too out of breath to reply competently—but I attempted my best (very quiet) reply.

Cynthia Sue Larson's coyote friend
On the first Sunday of 2025, I saw a coyote cross the road down out of the neighborhood homes, and back into the wilderness areas. I continued walking east along the road, above the wilderness area to my left, where the coyote had run ahead of me with a head start of some 200 feet. A few minutes later, I was surprised to see that same beautiful coyote keeping pace with me for about the next quarter mile, walking alongside me some 70 to 80 feet to my left, down in the park. I felt a kind of telepathic connection and sharing of awareness, in much the same way as I have felt when walking alongside a dog. In the case of walking with the coyote, I felt a kind of shared awareness as we walked together but separately, the way people sometimes walk with an off-leash pet dog. The coyote might have continued to parallel me, if not for a man walking toward it on the same trail—at which point the coyote headed deeper into the park. As I stopped to watch the canid vanish into the woods, a woman on her evening walk stopped and gave me an inquisitive expression. I explained that a coyote had been walking down in the park alongside me, keeping pace with me for quite a while—and I said to her, "It was probably not walking alongside me on purpose." She replied, "I don't know about that! It might have chosen to walk with you!" The more I contemplated this, the more I felt she was right, and that I wasn't imagining things when sensing a shared companionship with the coyote on that evening walk.

Cynthia Sue Larson's squirrel friend
On the first Monday of 2025, I enjoyed a lovely visit from the squirrel in our garden, who came close by to visit me twice that afternoon. The squirrel first approached me on the lawn, just a foot away from my left foot while I was talking to my iPad and recording a video, and about 15 minutes later at eye level close by on the nearest tree branch, within arm's reach. Both visits felt friendly, caring, and sweet! The squirrel came very close to me, the way our family dog used to do when I was seated in a chair in the garden—and she looked up at me with loving eyes as she hung out close to me, inspecting various places where she'd previously buried apples and other foods for her winter pantry. I was in the process of videotaping my monthly YouTube message from my garden while the squirrel visited on these two occasion. But due to some technical difficulties, I did not keep the video recordings when the squirrel was close to me off camera nearby. I did see a bright flash of light on the iPad screen as I was filming one of the Video recordings where the sound failed due to a bad microphone… And the flash of light occurred when I was feeling an intense sensation of divine love. That kind of bright flash bulb light is some thing I occasionally see it with my third eye vision win and angelic inter-dimensional presence is nearby.  Another anomaly during that videotaping afternoon on Monday was witnessing a cloudy, gloomy weather, pattern, completely transform to bright sunshine, as I spoke about, maintaining our human connection to the Absolute/Creator/Oneness/God.

My close encounters with three beautiful, wild animals gifted me with a deep insights this past week regarding the fork in the road that humans now face between transhumanism and revhumanistm. This fork-in-the-road choice is written in stone on the Hopi Prophecy rock, which illustrates through a pictograph etched in stone how after two great shakings (two world wars), humans have the opportunity to choose between a mechanistic, fragmented, transhumanistic path that ultimately fizzles out and vanishes—or a timeline that continues from our current fourth world to the next fifth world, for those who don't “lose our heads” and who maintain caring heart-centered relationships to our Creator, to nature, and to one another. I feel blessed to have noticed these gentle yet profound and powerful relationships with Crow, Coyote, and Squirrel in the first week of this new year, and I look forward to finding out how good it can get when I continue to listen and learn from all our relations.

On the topic of all our relations, have you been wondering about the recent mysterious appearance of drones, UFOs, and orbs? They've been showing up in the news rather a lot this past month, so we at IMEC created a short video about UFOs, Drones, and Orbs Timelines, to help bring you up to speed, in case you're not seeing them where you are.

2025 Crestone Event
    If you're able to join me in Colorado this August, I'd love to talk with you in person about UFOs, Drones and Orbs and more!
    Tickets are on sale for our A Journey to Consciousness in the Modern World event in August 2025 with UFO authors and contactees Julien Chameroy and Paola Harris—and me—in beautiful Crestone, Colorado.  We're coming together to share timely information at this time of increasing evidence of the fundamental role of consciousness through a multitude of channels, with information about how we can best utilize keys to harmonious inter-dimensional conscious creation.

    Co-creating a Golden Age through Oneness:
    A Journey to Consciousness in the Modern World

    At this time of great challenges, how can we envision a Golden Age?
    Why does the question of UFOs matter so much for humanity at this time?
    What hidden abilities do we possess that can transform our lives?
    Join authors and contactees Julien Chameroy, Cynthia Sue Larson and Paola Harris in Crestone, Colorado in August 2025 to:
      - Experience enhanced awareness of your true identity
      - Tune levels of self-awareness to more fully perceive true reality
      - Discover gifts of wisdom through enhanced relationships
      - Foster higher levels of gratitude, unconditional love, and reverence
      - Find and feel full energetic flow
      - Establish connections with guiding levels of consciousness
      - Work hand-in-hand and heart-to-heart with fellow co-creative collaborators
      - Develop awareness of collectively jumping to optimal timelines

    Tickets are available at:


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      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia!
Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "Thank you again for your assistance
      and being in my life. I started using
      one of your techniques you describe,
      and the difference is noticeable."
      -- Janice

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Cynthia Sue Larson
How to Align
with Optimal Timelines
Cynthia Sue Larson

6 Jan 2024
13 minutes
I received a wonderful query this past month from my friend Jon who wrote to me:    "you know there is one subject that I feel is often neglected in all of the consciousness conversations?  Oh, I know it is discusssed from time to time, but I don't think it is emphasized enough in a pragmatic way!  That is:  how, literally the how, of aligning yourself with a desired outcome.  You mentioned this in your letter briefly about how focusing on the problem reinforces the problem, but I still feel that most people don't understand this.  The outcome must be visualized, not the desired change.  Lest one gets stuck in changes rather than outcomes.  I will eagerly watch the IMEC talks from the summer, searching for anyone discussing this in particular.  For instance, what works really well?  At this point in the year 2024, there should be known pragmatic ways to experience new outcomes.  What mindset is required?  A lot of the conversations seem to revolve around someone having the ability to experience reality shifts.  Oh, I know, I know, you discuss this in your book.  But outside of the book, I feel that the subject is neglected.  So that's my goal for the winter, to search for additional pragmatic solutions to realizing desired outcomes."    First of all, I'd suggest when focusing on desired outcomes, start off with something that you can picture being the best for all concerned.  The advantage of starting with such a focus is that we can all benefit from welcoming a possible reality where we can all prosper and thrive.  One example of this would be focusing on Revhumanism as humanity's future, rather than Transhumanism which is a path down a road where ultimately no more pure humans will exist.  We are constantly learning more and more amazing news about how we homo sapiens--wise humans--are capable of transcending limitations naturally.  Revhumanism is all about our ability to continue learning about the truly built-in miraculous bodies, minds, and emotional and spiritual being--and relating to technology without being devoured by it.  We wise humans can relate to everyone with reverence, humility, and empathy--inviting us to actuate high-level sovereign agency.  I suggest that we collectively keep asking "How good can it get for all of us?" and actively imagine a future in which we truly are the wise humans who can continually surprise ourselves with new ways of transcending all kind of challenges.    I received a related question this past month from Nushy, who wrote:   "I love what you've shared over the years on reality shifting and your favourite question, how good can it get! has really helped me reframe my perspective recently when going through some tough times.  My question has to do with something you've mentioned in several of your videos, which is to ask, "how good can it get" for all of us, including those who may hate us, or who have harmed us a great deal, or worse.  How can I ask, "How good can it get for ALL of us," when deep down, it feels inauthentic to wish for the good of these people?  You've made some points in your video about the Hopi prophecy, but I hope you can elaborate or expand on them for those people, who like I, still find it a hard bridge to cross!"

You can read the blog post article on this topic at:

Cynthia Sue Larson on Beyond the Reiki Gateway
Cynthia Sue Larson
Jumping Timelines:
the Mandela Effect
on Beyond the Reiki Gateway
with Andrea

18 Dec 2024
1 hour, 7 minutes
Andrea talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about the fundamental introduction to the Mandela Effect, and then the conversation gets really interesting. Some topics covered in this conversation include: Mandela Effect examples, Discussion of anatomical Mandela Effects, How to research and verify Mandela Effects, Personal experiences with the Mandela Effect, Why the Mandela Effect matters for humanity, Emotional responses to experiencing the Mandela Effect, Historical context and modern communication's impact, Carl Jung's early documented Mandela Effect experience, Future implications and optimistic perspective, Discussion of the James Bond movie Moonraker Mandela Effect, Common characteristics of people who experience the Mandela Effect, Connection between consciousness and timeline shifts, Personal experiences with bilocation and multiple timelines, the power of asking questions and intention, Discussion of scientific experiments and consciousness, Personal changes and the Mandela Effect, and Recent scientific developments and Wigner bubbles. This conversation is inspirational, uplifting, and provides the recommended daily allowance of radical optimism!

Cynthia Sue Larson on Angels Positivity and Love
Cynthia Sue Larson
on Angels Positivity and Love
with Michael Ford

13 Dec 2024
1 hour, 3 minutes
I had a great conversation yesterday on Angels, Positivity & Love (APL) with @lAndreFord in this interesting time of increasing UFO sightings. We talk about: Universal love, Being, Disclosure, Conscious reality shifting, Diamond sutra, Radical optimism, Angels, and galactic beings.

IMEC Open Tables Celestial and Terrestrial Mandela
IMEC Open Tables
Celestial and Terrestrial Mandela Effects
S4 E10

18 Dec 2024
2 hours, 13 minutes
In this special 2024 year-end episode of IMEC Open Tables, Cynthia, Chris, Shane and Jerry share Nashville conference updates, discuss Golden Mandy nominees, and dive into some Earthly, celestial, extra-terrestrial, and other worldly Mandela Effects. Gain an expanded awareness of our planet, the universe and reality in this exciting show!

IMEC Minisode about UFOs, Drones and Orbs Timelines
IMEC Minisode:
UFOs, Drones, and Orbs

22 Dec 2024
24 minutes
This minisode presents noteworthy aspects of the December 2024 "drone" sightings across the USA and the world, with some new-to-some-of-us reports from 2019, when "drones" were similarly observed flying at night in Colorado.  Cynthia, Chris, and Shane share thoughts and insights regarding what's going on with the recent--and predicted--"melee" of sightings, contemplating what's transpiring now with drone, orb, and UFO timelines.


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Disappearing/Reappearing Manger scene figure
Franklin, Indiana, USA

Thank you so much for the work you do. I follow you on YouTube and have begun reading your book. Here's a short version of what happened yesterday. Right away, I knew I had to write to you. A week ago, I unpacked our ancient creche scene but then decided to pack it back up because we have another, more elaborate set.  I wrapped each piece in paper of some kind and tucked the box away. Changing my mind a few days later, I unwrapped the figures again and set them on a table. Yesterday, when I looked at the figures, I realized that the baby Jesus was missing. I scoured the room where all the activity had taken place, but I couldn't find him. I dug out the box again and unwrapped all of the crumpled paper. No baby Jesus. As my automatic thinking mind kicked in, I was figuring out how to replace this figure that we got in Bethlehem 50 years ago. So I returned to the box. Picking it up, I heard a rattling noise. (There had been no noise when I stowed the box the day before.) In the bottom of the box, not wrapped in paper, lay the baby Jesus. Double split experiment? Or as, my theologian husband said, "Jesus wanted to be out of the box." There's something so perfect about what happened—and I was more open to the mystery of it all because of your work. Thanks so much.  (I'm going with alternate realities.)

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for writing to me, and for sharing this amazing experience of unwrapping your nativity scene figurines, and finding baby Jesus missing--and then a short while later, finding that little figurine unwrapped and loose in the very box you'd just checked.  "Jesus wanted to be out of the box"--I love it!  That feels like a wonderful invitation for humanity to experience more miracles, even when least expected!


May 2023 news of Jimmy Carter death
July 2024 news of Jimmy Carter death
Jimmy Carter died—again
Desta Barnabe
author of Jimmy Carter: Paranormal and UFO Tales and other books

Happy new year! When I just heard that Jimmy Carter died, I was like, “No; he died a long time ago.” I asked my bf and then I texted Grant Cameron, because we released the Jimmy Carter UFO book, Jimmy Carter: Paranormal and UFO Tales, when he went into hospice, two years ago. Now I just found these two photos that show he lied last summer! I remember that I was in my office of my other house when I heard he died, but I don’t remember where. I can only assume it was from someone on YouTube I get news from. It was just a natural death, since he was in hospice, so it wasn’t surprising or anything. Grant Cameron and my fiance both didn’t remember this, but I’m 100% because I thought we’d see an increase in the books sold. So it was tied to my own experience, and those are the Mandela Effect experiences I remember most.

Note from Cynthia:  I've been seeing reports of many people remembering having seen reports of Jimmy Carter having passed away previously.  Naturally the traditional response to such reports is something along the lines of, "Well, reporters and news companies have prepared obituaries written and poised and ready to roll, and sometimes they are viewed early prior to actual publication."  Personal memories and anchor memories are the best with regard to feeling confident regarding Mandela Effects.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts at the time that you'd heard of Jimmy Carter passing away a couple of years ago.  Indeed that would not have been all that surprising, since he was not as vibrant as he'd been in earlier years, and I love the way you have a special memory of the time frame, since your Jimmy Carter UFO book had just been published.  

Mandela Effect movies and North Pole change
Desta Barnabe
author of Jimmy Carter: Paranormal and UFO Tales and other books

I ran a chain of CD/DVD stores from 1996 to 2008. I was more than familiar with every name on every DVD, especially the ones we sold constantly, like Interview with a Vampire, Sex in the City, etc. I knew the Field of Dreams: “Build it, and they will come,” the Star Wars: “Luke. I am your father,” the Snow White: “Mirror Mirror on the Wall,” and the Forrest Gump: “Life is like a box of chocolates.” But one that really got me was the North Pole being an ice structure on the top of a globe. My family kept a globe on the living room table my whole childhood. I was always interested in traveling, so I spun that globe thousands of times, and memorized all the places on it. I was living in Vancouver in 2015 when I discovered the Mandela Effect. But after all of these movie quotes and changes to the titles, I saw the one where it said there is no longer anything on the top of a globe. The North Pole was always a white land mass on the top of the globe. When I heard this, I knew we had one in the house I was living in, so I ran into my friend’s child’s room and grabbed the globe. There was nothing on top, just the ocean. I was so shocked I had to sit down. I almost started to cry. I immediately called back to Winnipeg to my ex who had also worked at the music store with me and who I had been with for a decade. I gave him the checklist over the phone, and asked him to fill in the blanks to see what he said. He was on the same page as I was! I then called a few of my friends, who were huge fans of Interview with a Vampire and Sex in the City. The weird thing was both of them got the name wrong! I couldn’t believe it! It was their favorite movie! How could they get it wrong? They both bought the DVD from me at my store! I was shocked. Then I heard about the mandible and kidney placements in the human body. I have a Science degree, so I have taken many Anatomy and Physiology classes at University. I was 100% sure of the placement of these. But I checked current diagrams, and yep. The kidneys were now neatly hidden under the ribs; the heart was placed almost in the middle of the chest, and the mandible one! I can’t actually remember what it was now, but I read that it changed, and I sketched out what I thought it was supposed to look like, then I looked it up, and it was different. I couldn’t believe it! The last one was the location of Sri Lanka. In 2002, I was in Thailand and flew to Trivandrum, India. We made a pit stop on the way home to Sri Lanka. We went to Kanyakumari, the southmost tip of India, and looked out across the ocean, trying to see Sri Lanka, where we were heading just a week later. I wondered why the airline offered us the few-day stopover in Sri Lanka since it was not on the way back to Thailand; it was straight south of India. I was more than shocked also to see that now Sri Lanka IS on the way back to Thailand. It has moved so far East and North that it is not even close to the same location as in 2002. Again, I feel that I have had direct knowledge of most of these Mandela Effects. I am 100% sure about the ones that I listed. Yes, of course, I remember many others, but not to the extent that I am 100% like I am with these. I would bet my life that these listed ones have indeed changed.

Note from Cynthia:  What I love so much about your description of how people who loved the movie about the interview with the vampire both remembering the "wrong" name of the movie, which is so weird when it was their very favorite film.  This is the kind of thing that helps confirm that there really is something far bigger than "confabulation" or "mistaken memories" going on.  And you know for sure that the top of globes always used to include a white land mass at the very top of the globe, for the North Pole.  And then one day--poof--it's not there, and never was!  The human anatomy changes have been stunning for me to see, too.  And I'm so amazed at your recollection of Sri Lanka moving so far to the East and North that you know for sure it's nowhere near where it used to be.  That is wild! 

bathroom sign
bathroom stalls
Changes to bathroom at Cafe
Pennsylvania, USA

I thought of you when this happened, and I had to tell you the story. I am moving from New Jersey to Pennsylvania. I went for a trail run yesterday in my new neighborhood in the Ottsville, Pennsylvania area, and then I went to a family-owned health food market and cafe for lunch. As I was eating my chili, a man in a cowboy outfit walked by and smiled at me. I smiled back and said hello. I wasn't sure if he was hitting on me, but he didn't say anything else. I knew I wanted to go to the bathroom before I left, because I was meeting a realtor right after lunch and I wasn't sure if I could use the bathroom at my new place yet. A woman went up to the girl behind the counter and said that a lady had been in the bathroom for a long time. I figured that by the time I was done eating, the woman would be done in the bathroom. I knocked on the bathroom door about ten minutes later, and a young woman called out that she was inside. The door had a sign that said "Single use bathroom. Please knock before entering." I asked a store associate if they had another bathroom, and he said they didn't because they were renovating and the other bathroom was closed.  He said he would try to knock in a minute and let me know. He came over to my tabe; a few minutes later and said that the woman was still in the bathroom. I walked past the locked door and bought face wash in the grocery area. Then, as I was leaving I went to the bathroom to try one last time, and the door was open, the single use sign still on it, but it was a multi-use bathroom with three stalls! It was bizarre. New Jersey feels pretty weird right because of all of the aerial phenomena, and I thought of you when this happened. Weird!  I remember, "Knock before entering (or could have been opening)," but I definitely remember the word knock. I got the sense that someone or something was drawing my attention to this change, and it felt very positive. Thank you for opening my mind and heart through your work. 

Note from Cynthia: Oh, wow!  What a strange experience to see such a big change to the women's restroom in such a short period of time!  That's so interesting that the "single use restroom" sign was in place the entire time.  The sign now doesn't seem to mention knocking, but it does say "please lock door while in use," and seems to indicate there may be some delays with this system since at the bottom of the sign in small print, it says, "Thank you for your patience." That's so intriguing that the sign distinctively indicated something about being sure to "knock," especially since that kind of thing matches the whole idea of the bathroom being set up for single occupancy.  This does feel like a positive, expansive shift!


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

I am about a third of the way into Quantum Jumps and I simply had to break to thank you for your work and for just being you, doing what you do. I have read Reality Shiifts and Guide to High Energy Money, both fantastic. I have also watched a bunch of your videos on YouTube. I feel like I must meet you in person, but I am also aware that tons of your readers/feel that way. So long as you keep it up, doing your thing, I’m truly grateful! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your entire family!

Dear Michael,
Thank you so very much for sending me such a wonderful email message--you've made my day!  Thanks for sharing with me all this good news, and I wish you and yours all the very best this holiday season!
lots of love,


Hi, Cynthia,
I love what you've shared over the years on reality shifting and your favourite question, how good can it get! has really helped me reframe my perspective recently while going through some tough times. My question has to do with something you've mentioned in several of your videos, which is to ask "how good can it get" for all of us, including those who may hate us, or who have harmed us a great deal, or worse. How can I ask "how good can it get for ALL of us", when deep down, it feels inauthentic to wish for the good of these people? You've made some points in your video about the Hopi prophecy, but I hope you can elaborate or expand on them for those people who, like I, still find it a hard bridge to cross!  Thank you!

Dear Nushy,
I'm happy to receive your email message, and delighted to hear that you've benefited from asking my favorite question, "How good can it get?" And I love that you've been able to reframe your perspective in challenging times.  You raise a fascinating point regarding the difficulty in asking "How good can it get?" for all of us, including those who may hate us or be harming us or others.  I suggest that you start by asking, "How good can it get?" for yourself and for those who you genuinely feel inspired to ask such a thing.  This practice of asking, "How good can it get?" can become quite spiritual, for those of us who consider being like God something we aspire to, in which case the questions naturally can be asked for ourselves each day, "How good can I get?" and "How God can I get?"  When considering this natural flow of questioning, we can gain a more profound sense of our intrinsic desire for accessing our own true divinity.  And when viewing all of this from a spiritual perspective, we can experience a revelatory moment of wishing for such intrinsic divinity to be found and felt in every being.  Our own "Aha!" spiritual moments of gratitude to be in divine service can thus help us also wish such divinity for everyone.  We can thus be authentic in wishing for the best for everyone--including those who are not the most exemplary humans--as we sense a higher order of divine orchestration and harmonious coordination assisting each and every one of us.
lots of love and thanks,


Hi, Cynthia!
I saw a documentary with narwhals in it last night and my boyfriend said he studied them in high school. But,  I remember being taught they were not real and they were mythical creatures at multiple times in my life. Could these be different timelines?

Dear Andrea,
Yes, there could be different timelines. In my past histories, I remember as your boyfriend does, that the narwhals have been considered real for some time (as long as I've known about them).  Just because your boyfriend and I both remember them, though, doesn't discount your recollection that in your historical past, narwhals were mythical creatures-- purely imaginary.  So yes, these can indeed be different timelines.
lots of love and best wishes for happy holidays,


Dear Cynthia,
Watch "Mandela Effect: Ed McMahon Himself Remembers - PCH Giant Check Anchor Memory Residue - 2007" on YouTube

Dear Susan,
WOW, this is super amazing--thanks so much for sharing this with me!  Not only does Ed McMahon recall what so many of us remember--that he handed out giant checks representing awards of millions of dollars from Publishers Clearing House--but he talks about all these details from his own memories of having done so!  And while this is new to me that Ed McMahon talks about remembering what we also know used to happen, these video clips and this interview now appears to have been out for quite some time, with Ed's appearance on the Green Live show appearing July 3, 2007. I found a copy of the full length interview on YouTube at:
lots of love and thanks,


Dear Cynthia,
Hi! Have you ever experienced a reality shift and then it goes back to the way it was? I was tripping on the lyric change of I’ll be home for Christmas but then it went back to how it was! Rosina pointed it out. Does that mean we shifted but then went back? I noticed that things were going better in the reality of “you can plan on me” vs “you can count on me.” What do you make of that? Is that like 2 steps forward one step back?

Dear Gina,
Yes, this is called a "flip flop," referring to the way that sometimes we'll observe a particular reality, and then some period of time later, we'll see that what had been noted as different has gone back to how it was before.  This can happen to just about any Mandela Effect (song lyrics, business names) and people have noted his happening more to certain Mandela Effects than others (like Chick-Fil-A and Cosco/Costco).  I wrote a blog post about observing these kinds of flip-flops in my personal life and with some shared changes in this post--together with practical ways we can benefit from all of this (and there's a video I did that covers this information, too):
Mandela Effects, Flip-Flops, and Reality Residue
So we can hold fast to being radical optimists by continuing to keep asking only the questions we genuinely wish to live the answers to, such as, "How good can it get?"
lots of love,


(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

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Quantum Jumps

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