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July 2024
Issue #298

published monthly since October 1999
How Good Can it Get?

Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
Enjoy the Journey from Me to We
How good can it get when we remember we are all as One?

"Our differences are our strength
as a species and as a world community."
— Nelson Mandela

I'm delighted to announce that my new book, The Mandela Effect and its Society, is here in ebook, paperback, and hardcover formats! This book is very special to me, since it includes information about many of the early pioneers contributing to this field, even before the term “Mandela Effect” was coined. I've included fascinating research in this book about the community, history, science, and personal experiences pertaining to the Mandela Effect. This book is designed to be just as delightful to beginners as experts, with some fun sections on the conversational and scientific terminology that is unique to this field, and interesting exercises at the end of each chapter. In the process of writing this book, I especially enjoyed discovering surprises involving key historical figures who seem to have had their own amazing experiences with the Mandela Effect. Carl Jung's experience was especially intriguing, as he was astonished by a Mandela Effect that he encountered when traveling in Italy with a friend nearly a century ago. Jung considered his experience—that we would today call a Mandela Effect—to be one of the most unforgettable and unusual experiences in his life, and something he talked about for many years.

The Mandela Effect and its Society book
I feel deeply grateful to be here on Earth at a key tipping point and evolutionary growth point for humanity, as scientists and the general public are increasingly realizing that physical material reality is based upon and springs forth from consciousness, rather than the other way around. The implications of this are world-changing for all of us, and I'm thankful to have been able to explore this topic for the past 25 years.

A great deal has occurred in the world and in my life during the last four and half years since I started writing The Mandela Effect and its Society in December 2019. During this period, I became sick with longhaul covid. Thankfully, I was able to recover and heal, and complete this book. I'm grateful for the support of many wonderful people who inspired and encouraged me during this time, including readers of this monthly RealityShifters publication, who continued sharing first-hand experiences with reality shifts and Mandela Effects.

I'm also deeply grateful that something extraordinarily wonderful happened during these past five years, while I was working on writing The Mandela Effect and its Society. In November 2019, the core group of the current International Mandela Effect Conference team began bringing people together for in-person and online events. Truly, there would be no Mandela Effect without people noticing and discussing this phenomenon—and there's something truly magical about coming together in person to talk about this topic openly without concern about being dismissed, ridiculed, or misunderstood.

And last but not least, thank you for being part of this journey with me to continue exploring the myriad ways that consciousness interacts with the physical world. While I see evidence that people have been enjoying such interactions for millennia, I realize that we are truly blessed to be alive at this time when we can share our experiences, contemplate how our current scientific theories and experiments provide deeper understanding, and envision how gaining a fuller understanding of this phenomenon might be exactly what we need to assist us in learning how best to create the realities we most enjoy experiencing.

I hope you remember that any time you'd like to remind yourself of some of the remarkable RealityShifters changes that people are witnessing, you can review some of the first-hand reports of reality shifts reported since the 1990s. And any time you'd like to experience your best life, you can remember to ask, “How good can it get?”

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      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia!
Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "... with your loving and non-judgemental help,
      I crossed the threshold from the world of
      victimization to the world of redemption and grace;
      a place where all wounds are healed and
      where all things are possible;
      a place where all things exist and do not exist--
      at the same time! I deeply appreciate your "midwifery"
      expertise that helped me to trust the initiation
      and unfolding of this process."
      -- Dea

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Cynthia Sue Larson
Wigner Bubbles and the Mandela Effect
Cynthia Sue Larson

30 Jun 2024
12 minutes
The cover of my new book, The Mandela Effect and its Society, depicts an artistic impression of holding two distinctly separate "Wigner Bubbles," or realities, in one's hand.  This illustration provides a visceral view of witnessing a personal Mandela Effect, such that one moment one might see and feel a dial turn one way on a device, and in the next moment observe that it now operates in a completely different manner.  The idea behind "Wigner Bubbles" comes to us courtesy of physicist Eric Cavalcanti, who coined the term "Wigner Bubble" to investigate implications of the Wigner's friend paradox, so that "a coherent story can be told from the perspective of all agents involved regarding their own observations." In 1961, physicist Eugene Wigner proposed a thought experiment suggesting that observers of observers in quantum experiments could affect what is observed, and influence the outcome.  For example, a first observer might make an observation in the classic Schrodinger’s cat experiment, where a cat is considered to be in a superposition of states of being both alive and dead inside of a closed box, until the box is opened and the truth is discovered.

You can read the blog post article on this topic at:

IMEC Open Tables Two or More Foo Fighters
Two or More
Foo Fighters

26 June 2024
2 hours, 17 minutes
Jerry, Cynthia, Chris, and Shane investigate a Bible Mandela Effect, a series of possible human upgrades involving a brand new organ, a change of heart, and an astonishing discovery about the state of our brains. We contemplate a possible explanation for the mystery of the World War II Foo Fighters, celebrate the return of two Lazarus species back from extinction, and herald the long-prophesied return of a wild white buffalo calf who was born this month in Yellowstone.

IMEC Minisode: Philip K Dick and his Adventures in
IMEC Minisode
Philip K Dick and his Adventures in Consciousness

15 Jun 2024
41 minutes
Get ready for an extraordinary journey as we delve into the mind of Philip K. Dick and his groundbreaking 1977 speech in Metz, France, titled "If You Find This World Bad, You Should See Some of the Others." In this compelling discussion, we focus on a fascinating segment, where Dick describes phenomena eerily similar to what we now refer to as the Mandela Effect. In this thought-provoking part of his speech, Dick explores the concept of "alternative presents," where subtle alterations in our reality occur. He eloquently discusses how these changes are often perceived through "vestiges of memory, fleeting impressions, dreams, and nebulous intuitions." Despite the challenges of scientifically proving these lateral changes, Dick's insights provide a profound understanding of our perception of reality. Join our IMEC team as we dissect this remarkable speech, uncover the parallels with the Mandela Effect, and ponder Dick's thought-provoking statement: “If you find this world bad, you should see some of the others.”

Cynthia Sue Larson on Wise Old Soul
What is Your Reality
Cynthia Sue Larson on The Wise Old Soul

12 Jun 2024
59 minutes
We talked about High Energy Money, Quantum Jumps, Reality Shifts, the Mandela Effect and some interesting experiences we've had in our life journeys so far. We discuss indigenous wisdom, synchronicity, past lives, and more. Find out how we can improve our relationships with money, starting with upgrading our beliefs--and how we can benefit from utilizing one of the best "cheat codes" in the game of life.

Cynthia Sue Larson on the Other Side of Midnight
The Other Side of Midnight
Frank Morano talks with Cynthia Sue Larson
about the Mandela Effect and its Society

15 Jun 2024
16 minutes
I had a great talk with Frank Morano @frankmorano today about experiencing, defining, and appreciating the Mandela Effect on "The Other Side of Midnight"

Cynthia Sue Larson on Into the Parabnormal
Shifting Reality
with Cynthia Sue Larson
Into the Parabnormal

Episode #701
26 Jun 2024
1 hour, 21 minutes
Jeremy welcomes Cynthia Sue Larson
to discuss how the phenomenon has grown
over the years, and why people are convinced
that their reality has been altered.

Cynthia Sue Larson, Shane Robinson, Chris Anatra, and Jerry
Hicks IMEC 2024
IMEC2024: Adventures in Consciousness
Tickets now on sale for IMEC 2024
Mandela Effect Conference

Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Nov 7-10, 2024
3 Day Mandela Effect conference

If consciousness--rather than matter--is the foundation of reality, what kind of experiences are we having with the Mandela Effect, what have we learned so far, and what adventures are possible? Tickets on sale now:


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

My nephew never was a Celtics fan?!
Connecticut, USA

I think we might have had a Mandela Effect here today!  My twin nephews are watching the Celtics play the Mavericks tonight.  Now, my mother, sister and I could swear on a Bible, Torah, and Koran that Tom was a Celtics fan. In fact, we even remember him having a Boston Celtics jersey. Well, both boys are rooting for the Mavericks! Tom denied up and down ever being a Celtics fan and insisted he has been a Mavericks fan since he was nine years old! But honestly, Mom and Sis and I are certain he was a Celtics fan! Maybe a Mandela?  Mom and Sis don't know about Mandela Effects, so I didn't say anything about that, but all three of us were mystified by Tyler's staunch declaration of never having been a Celtics fan and having always been a Mavericks fan!  How good can a basketball game get?

Note from Cynthia: Wow, this is super interesting!  I love how you checked with your mother and sister, and all three of you agree that your nephew used to be a Celtics fan, and even having a Boston Celtics jersey--yet now, he insists he's never been a Celtics fan, and only ever a Mavericks fan.  This truly has all the hallmarks of being a Mandela Effect, where some people clearly remember something that apparently now (according to your nephew) has never been true.  I love to share these experiences, so people get a better idea of how this works, and so they can believe and love their friends and family members, even when sometimes there can be some pretty big differences in what we all remember happened. 


Time Bending
Connecticut, USA

I was just reading your newsletter from a few months ago and was reading a letter from someone who had "bent time" or found it malleable. A husband and wife who had to get to an airport 30 miles away and thought they would never make it, but they did make it! I had an incident with that last December!  It was mid December, and my sister, who has taken to buying "experiences" instead of physical gifts for the holidays, had bought my Mom and me tickets to go to a candlelight Christmas concert at Church of the Heavenly Rest Episcopal Church in New York City. Despite all the new technology, often times the algorithms of "artificial intelligence" like mapquest are not aligned. New York City must really through mapquest and navigator programs for a loop because New York is so huge and complicated. Anyway, it was a Saturday afternoon and the concert was to be at 6PM. We were doing pretty well getting there, my sister driving while we listened for the voice that said "at the next light, turn right", etc. Holiday traffic in NYC can be brutal and we did hit some on the way. Something didn't feel right to me, because I am pretty familiar with New York, even though I don't spend as much time there as I did when I was younger. Something about the direction we were heading didn't feel right. We were on FDR Drive, heading south, and the Church is on East 90th. Street. We were driving through a tunneled part of the highway for what seemed like a while, and passed a sign that said "Welcome To Brooklyn". Okay, Brooklyn is nowhere near the Upper East Side of Manhattan, LOL! New York is HUGE! So we kind of came to peace with the fact that we might miss the concert, but then resigned ourselves to the fact that we would at least try to see part of it. So my sister managed to turn around, we reprogrammed Mapquest with East 90th. Street and headed there. Now, it must have been meant to be that we get there for that concert! Because we were running very late! However, time seemed to "warp" for us. We got to a parking garage and managed to park the car and then walk to the church on East 90th. Street. Well, lo and behold, the concert was scheduled to start at 6, and we got to the church at 5:55 PM! People were still arriving and going into the church! How did that happen? Well, not being a quantum physics major, all I could do was shrug. But we found seats, the church was all aglow with artificial flame candles from one end of the church to the other, beautiful Christmas decorations, and an absolutely beautiful program of Christmas music, religious and secular, and some Hanukkah and wintertime pieces of music too! You could feel the love and peace in that church sanctuary! We were so thrilled that we made it and after the concert, we had the most peaceful and enjoyable ride back home! I think time must have warped or bent for us! We were so thankful and filled with love! Santa must have come early, LOL!

Note from Cynthia: I love how you share the details of this time-bending experience, especially the part where you noticed a sign stating you were in Brooklyn, when you were heading to a completely different part of New York, over on East 90th Street. This kind of time bending is one of the most commonly reported types of reality shifts that people have shared with me over the past couple of decades.  I'm so glad that you were able to arrive on time for that wonderful holiday music program!

Brodie Missing
Really Grand Miracle
Newfoundland, Canada

We went out on a family drive, and and decided to watch the ferry in Portugal Cove, but the road had roadworks. So, we decided to turn left and up a street and chatted with a few friends there. Then we carried along the road bringing us out to a very pretty small beach, which we had visited several times prior. So we pulled up alongside of the beach, and Rob took our dog, Brodie, out and Brodie got attacked by a pitbull the second he got out of the car. Now Brodie got out of collar as he was on lead, so he took off up the road to the left at record speeds for a dog—Brodie is a Silky Terrier.
Brodie Map
Rob tried to run after him, but could not, so I brought our car up the street. I went up and down the street, no sign. But the fifth time a lady signaled for me to turn up a side road that was a circle. Brodie had run up the drive further past a house. When I got there, it seemed Brodie came out, but there were two giant Shepherds. Brodie headed back behind the house and came out three times, and was gone! Lost in the bush, bog, and a cliff. We stayed there all night, thinking he will come come out--but he did not. Our son came to relieve us after we spent the night in our car. So did our daughter. Our in law and son were there and decided to stay over so we could go hoke for some sleep.  We did, but since we had not heard, we felt Brodie could have passed.  Yet where he was lost was not passible bush.  When Nate went home he said he has put a tracker monitor mapper, and was going in bush. I told him to hurry and said where I felt Brodie was.  We both think after 49 hours missing, it was a long time for a 16 year-old deaf doggie. Yet I could feel him, so I told him where I felt him. When Nate went in bush, I felt better too, but we were all broken hearted. But here is where it gets nuts. As Nate went into the dense bush, I called up Angel Ariel, and asked for help, as we were beyond flight and fight. So in tears, I asked her to help Nate right. We were an hour into Nates search. We were saying he can't stay in bush much longer—there are too many bugs, and light was going. I hated leaving Brodie here in the bush--I knew he was alive. After one hour and ten minutes, Nate called--and he was crying, he found him, and said he was alive, but he needed help to get out of bush. We were a bit and disappeared the looking to help. I called pals who lived at the end of the street to come as we did not wish to lose Nate with Brodie. It was an intense time, Cynthia. Omg wild!
Brodie Found
Okay, this is where Spirit comes in! As I called in Angel Ariel, so did Lynne, way out in California. We actually called at the same time. She was told she could help, if Brodie wished to come home. They asked her to visit Brodie which she did and told him, his choice, to come home, or Ariel would take him Home. She told him he was so loved and when Nate found him Cynthia, there was Brodie lying down on the ground in a tight circle and Nate touched him, and he lifted his head. Ariel was staying the whole time. Now Nate touched his back, and he lifted his head but would normally jump. So Nate picked him up and walked out of the bush up a huge cliff and Rob was waiting for him. It is a huge miracle he was found at all—the brush was too dense, but Brodie was resting in a clearing! He lay as if he was placed there in the only spot that was a clearing amidst all the brush. Brodie knew we were coming! Sure of it. Spirit was all over this, and we know blessings and miracles every day we see him.

Note from Cynthia: Wow, what an amazing miracle it is that you found dear Brodie!  Thank you for sharing this experience with me, which clearly could’ve turned out so very differently. This truly seems like an example of how good can it get, given the circumstances. What a blessing to have such an amazing reunion!

Medical Ultrasound Image Vanished

Just recently, I had a curious case of a possible quantum jump to a parallel universe. I had an abdominal ultrasound done, and was given access to a portal where I could view the scan, while the report was sent to my doctor. On the scan, there was an image showing something unusual on my liver. That spot was marked with the usual white crosses, and in the detail info panel on the left it said: “10.2 mm in length”. I was going through the whole scan back and forth, to see if I can find this thing on other views/angles images – but that was the only one. I looked at it at least 25 times during my 20-minute close examination of the scan. Two days later I received a second SMS from the radiology clinic with a link to my scan. That was unusual. When I logged in to the portal again and looked through my scan again – that particular image WAS GONE. I searched the scan several times which looked the same – except for that one image that was no longer there. I contacted the radiology and asked why they removed one image or replaced my scan – which they vehemently denied, claiming that no one has touched my scan after it was uploaded to the portal, they could never do this etc. They couldn’t explain the reason for the second SMS. The report sent to my doctor is normal. I know what I saw. It is no longer there. Either the clinic initially uploaded another patient’s scan by mistake and then replaced it with mine, which they absolutely deny (damage control) – or I jumped to a parallel reality with no abnormalities on my liver. Re my ultrasound case – It is so bizarre that I really don’t know what happened, But as I said – there are only two possible explanations: either the radiology made a mistake, replaced the scan and now refuse to admit to it, covering it up to the points of changing the logs etc – OR I quantum jumped. That’s it. there is no other explanation.  I KNOW what I saw and what I was looking at several times for over 20 min. To be honest, I’m sitting on the fence here giving 50-50 probability between the two scenarios. I think my doctor doesn’t believe me, but she also knows me well and agrees that I wouldn’t have made up something like that. But she was looking at me with this strange look on her face,  like “have you been smoking something lately?...” kind of a look. LOL The thing is that I didn’t pay much attention to all the other images (about 80 of them) so I can’t say whether they were replaced too. But I do know that it is very difficult to remove just ONE image from the US scan, and you need to have a good reason for that.  What reason would the radiology technician have? Makes no sense. That’s why the whole scan would need to have been replaced. To answer your question –what happened was that when I saw the scan, I called the radiology and said I also want to see a copy of the report, as I was concerned with one image.  They said that they can’t give me the report (which explains the scan) as it must be only sent to my doctor.  That’s the law in Australia. Patients can’t see their tests results before they discuss them with their doctor. I said fine. Later that day I received a second SMS about my scan being available for me to view (remember the black cat in the Matrix??) with a different link. When I logged in to my account on that portal and checked the scan – THAT image was gone. The radiology claims that there is no sign of the scan swap in the logs, and no one has touched it after it was initially uploaded. But can I trust them??? But then again, they can’t explain the second SMS either! Conclusion? This is either a heavy duty coverup of a serious mistake by the radiology OR I quantum jumped. One strange thing was that when I saw that image with some sort of growth on my liver – my concern was purely intellectual – like, what the heck is that??  Emotionally, I was very calm inside, I had no tension in my solar plexus and I KNEW that there was nothing to worry about.

Note from Cynthia: That's such a memorable detail that you observed, with the text stating something that tantalizes the imagination with so many questions: "10.2 mm in length."  It's not the kind of thing one would likely imagine on one's own, nor is it likely anything you'd see elsewhere and mistakenly attribute to a radiology image.  I know your mind is sharp and you are quite observant, and not often mistakenly seeing things that aren't there, so that leaves us with a reliable first-hand report of your having seen an ultrasound image that wasn't seen again, despite not having officially been lost, damaged or destroyed.  Amazing! I definitely can relate to your feeling that the simplest explanation for what happened at the doctor's office is indeed either the medical staff made a mistake, replaced the scan, and refused to admit any of this--or you made a quantum jump.  And I love how you maintained a calm emotional state throughout all of this! 

Changes to Windows and Houses
Berlin, Germany

We live on the third floor in a complex of almost identical apartment buildings, the foundation stone of which was laid in 1903. The buildings are richly decorated and have small bay windows or balconies. The ceiling height is 3.30 m (a real joy to live in, less so to heat the rooms ;-). Here are two shifting stories from this house. (1) One fine day, I looked at the small old window in the staircase on the mezzanine floor above us--the attic above us has now been converted. Modern windows are installed in the apartments, in the staircase we have these single panes, divided, with a simple hook for opening and closing. The window panes are often colored. Ours had been replaced with normal, clear glass. I thought to myself how great it would be if the panes were colored. "Green would be nice," went through my head. Then I forgot about it. A few days later I looked at the window and the outside panes were green! I really had to laugh. My husband and I have lived in houses with the old, colored panes and this one looked different. I walked up the steps and looked at the pane up close. It had clearly been lacquered over on the inside, because there were leftovers of running lacquer. When light shone through the pane it glowed light green, but without it was quite dark.  A small part of me thought, "Just ask our caretaker if he painted over the old windows for fun." But because I knew that the green was a lovely gift from the universe, I let it go. This year, our super-nice caretaker Mister Krause renovated the kitchen and bathroom in our apartment. When he rang the bell, I opened the door and spontaneously praised the beautiful green windows. He looked at me with confusion and asked, "Which green?" I pointed to the attic window. Visibly irritated, he paused and said very slowly, as if he were sorting out his thoughts: Oh yes, of course, they kept the old windows in. I said: so they weren't repainted? He replied: no, they were made like that. When he left, I went up to the window. Yes, it was obvious that this window had never been painted. The clearly palpable vestiges, where the lacquer had run down, had disappeared! So, yes, we are living in a kind of Matrix, whatever this means by detail, and our realities cross and melt. Possibilities without end—why not a world at peace?! (2) Our house is part of a complex of 6 or 7 houses. One day I went to one of the other houses for the first time, to see special neighbors. The elderly couple take great care of the garden, they have turned it into a paradise, and she (Monika) is a trained seamstress who sews clothes for the neighbors. While we were going through the clothes, I looked at her living room window. It was very different from ours, among other things in its shape. Hers was beautifully oval and rounded at the top. It looked fantastic. I spoke to Monika about it and she was delighted, but then asked if our windows hadn't been replaced too. I rocked on the soles of my feet in embarrassment because I saw OLD windows. I noticed that the floor beneath my feet was not made of springy wooden floorboards like ours. There was carpet, but thin tiles were laid underneath. Really hard and flat, as if the floor came from another time. When I left the house, I felt like I had escaped fairyland, because I knew that their window front looked EXACTLY like ours from the outside. To be on the safe side, I checked: yes, all the windows were square. Since then, I have been sure that I was standing in an old version of this apartment, but my conversation partner was in her current one.

Note from Cynthia: Thank you so very much for sharing these extraordinary moments with observing changes to your window pane glass, and the "fairyland" house nearby.  That's so intriguing that you'd been wishing that the glass in your apartment has now been painted a nice color of green, which you'd been thinking would be nice.  And now it's "always" been this way--well done!  I love how you had sense of experiencing something truly special to be in your neighbor's house with such a beautiful oval window when you were inside the house--and back to matching the square windows once you were outside again.  


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

Hello dear Cynthia,
And thank you for your continued supportive and inspiring sharings!  I SO appreciate you being on the planet NOW  - with – us! The link to the IMEC conference does not work.  Error 404 - page not found!   By the way, is there an online option to attend?
Many many blessings,

Dear Leslie,
Thanks so much for writing to me  and letting me know there was a problem  with the link for IMEC24 tickets. Here is a link that hopefully will work for you:
At this time, we don't have plans for conducting both a live and a livestreamed conference.  What we have done in the past and hopefully will also do this year is post the videos from the event afterward. 

Lots of love and blessings,


Dearest Cynthia,
Your emails always brighten up my day, so thanks. Well, I hear that various people talk about the golden age that is coming. I gave that deep thought and meditation, and the result was this: I see that many, especially young people, are going vegan. I myself have been vegetarian, but thinking what is the next thing that we can do—I had a clear answer, living on light! It would stop agriculture pesticides and other poisons to be released on our natural world. Wild animals would not be hunted, and therefore have no fear of us, and so many things would change, that my inmagination goes wild! Naturally we would need some free nonpolluting energy, like zero gravity energy which would be free. I can see it in my minds eye, and I am sure that everybody would come up with the benefits of living on light. Also no garbage, no packiging, no supermarkets, etc. Anyway, I am putting this out there because anything is possible.
Sending love and light,

Dear Lili,
Thanks for sharing this beautiful vision of our possible human future--I love it!  Yes, it seems completely reasonable to me that we can evolve in this way.  And having seen some relatively rapid evolutionary leaps that have been witnessed in recent years (such as kidneys moving up to a safer location, better protected by our ribcage, heart now situated in the center of our chest, and more), it seems possible we might even see this evolutionary leap in our lifetimes.
Lots of love and blessings,


Hi Cynthia,
Mandela madness has struck. I just realized how many arguments I got into when I was younger some legit many were do to time line jump where person A on timeline B had knowledge of what person A said to me on timeline A. Like the Dianna story and other new ones. I thought they were all lying to me. Riddle How do you apologize to person A on the correct time line ? Mandela Mania. Cynthia all this travel is making me a little "Jumpy". How do you tell a real jumper from a poser? The real jumper no longer looks at calenders to see what day it is. Truth

Dear E,
I once co-authored and presented a paper on this topic, complete with a life skit with my co-author of our paper, "When Worlds Collide."  It's available online and includes the written part we acted out at the conference where we presented it.  This is designed for going forward, once we start to realize our loved ones, friends, relatives and others aren't lying--they've just experienced different realities with us:
When Worlds Collide: How Parallel Realities Can Heal Interpersonal Relationships
Cynthia Sue Larson and Anne Menne
International Conference on the Study of Shamanism and Alternative Modes of Healing, Sep 2004
Lots of love,



(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

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What Comes Next?
An Investigaive Reporter Uncovers Quantum Physics'
Hidden Afterlife Hypothesis

by Michael Schmicker

Extraordinary Tour de Force

What lies beyond death? Michael Schmicker leads us on an exhilarating scientific quest to explore this ultimate mystery, in What Comes Next. Cutting-edge multi-disciplinary evidence reveals the astounding discovery that we are actively participating with a universe brimming with purpose and meaning. We are much more than "survival machine" by-products of a mechanistic universe, and rather are graced with individual personal experiences of our true identity as conscious beings. At our very core, we are part of a natural quantum reality that is far more beautiful, magical, and magnificent than deterministic materialism can explain.


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Quantum Jumps

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