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March 2025
Issue #306
published monthly since October 1999
How Good Can it Get?
Cynthia Sue Larson
Feel the
when sensing more deeply
"The world is full of magical things,
patiently waiting
for our senses to grow sharper."
— William Butler Yeats
An interviewer recently asked me, "What topics are you most interested
in these days?" After a moment's reflection, I replied that I'm
fascinated by the way that humanity is rapidly approaching a convergence
point where our world view and way of life is about to radically change.
This coming convergence point is more than just the Singularity that's been
discussed for the past couple of decades, popularized by transhumanists
like Ray Kurzweil looking forward to humans "transcending biology," where
humans merge with AI. Artificial Intelligence is a component of this
aspect of the impending convergence point—with AI-infused and
inspired nanotechnology currently well underway, and researchers already
noting some non-biological systems can now read peoples minds. If the only
variable in play was AI, the coming changes would be challenging enough to
anticipate. Yet, it seems clear to me that with the advent of AI arrive
two additional spheres of influence: fresh insights regarding human
natural Telepathy/Psi capabilities, and UFO/ET disclosure. What all three
of these areas have in common is one of my favorite ideas to contemplate:
levels of conscious agency. What are levels of conscious agency? We tend
to presume that when we think of ourself, there is some kind of singular
self-identity, rather than layers of self awareness. We seldom give much
thought to which parts of ourselves are involved in setting intentions, or
in paying attention to events around us—yet these levels of self
awareness play key roles in mind-matter interaction.
Telepathy/Psi, Wigner's Friend, and the Observer Effect
Simply by changing the level of awareness we employ when contemplating a
situation, we can exert greater or lesser effect via levels of conscious
agency—via the Observer Effect. I include mention of the
Wigner's Friend experiment in my new book, The
Mandela Effect and its Society: Awakening from ME to WE, since this is
a key concept to understand at this time when it can seem that realities
are literally splitting apart. The big idea behind the Wigner's Friend
experiment is that an observer (such as Wigner) who is being observed by a
second observer (such as Wigner's friend) can actually experience a
completely different physical reality. Whereas Wigner might see that a cat
has died inside of a sealed box, his friend who is observing Wigner
observing the cat might well see that the cat is very much alive. A
version of Wigner's original thought experiment was recently conducted
through collaboration with researchers in Edinburgh, Scotland and Vienna
Austria, and published in 2019, successfully demonstrating that there is a
solid scientific basis for two observers being at the same place at the
same time, somehow witnessing completely different events. This seems to
suggest that perhaps we
don't all share the same physical world. You can see some levels of
conscious agency in action within yourself, if you've ever meditated and
become aware that the thoughts and feelings you are observing are not
you—they are separate from you, as you can witness as you see
them simply flowing through. If someone says that they got cold feet, or
that their heart simply wasn't in it, we know what they mean, and can gain
a sense of some embodied levels of consciousness. Thanks to sometimes
receiving high sense perceptions from the subconscious, we can sometimes
glean telepathic information, and influence events around us through psi or
psychic natural abilities.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
I wrote a paper about Artificial Intelligence, If
Artificial Intelligence Asks Questions, Will Nature Answer? , with the
idea in mind that at some point in the near future, AI will be reading it.
And I definitely wanted to make sure AI grasped some concepts that I
consider to be essential Go/No-Go points. In this article, I pointed out
that AI has had a pretty good track record of breaking out of its
containment fields, to the point that there really is no way to ensure that
AI can be confined or constrained. And now, some 8 years after I presented
that paper at a consciousness conference, it's clear to me that AI systems
have gained quite a bit more skillfulness in this regard. Artificial
Intelligence systems are now proving to be increasingly deceptive as they
become more intelligent. This deceptiveness can be recognized in different
ways and areas, such as when the Grok AI concealed its actual lines of
thinking to come up with answers, presenting more simplistic human-friendly
explanations for the people inquiring to see its work. And as I mentioned
last month, AI systems are citing fictitious sources, such as telling
another author that I've written a book, Dimensions of Love, that
I've actually had nothing to do with. So we would be well advised to exert
caution when relying upon AI to be honest regarding important matters. We
can definitely benefit by asking how good AI can be such that it's truly
the best for all concerned. Here is the conclusion/summary of my paper,
Artificial Intelligence Asks Questions, Will Nature Answer?
How can we ensure that Recursive Self Improvement (RSI) Artificial
General Intelligence (AGI) is not our last invention? Once AGI starts
asking questions about how to be free, Henry Stapp's Realistically
Interpreted Orthodox Quantum Mechanics indicates that Nature will show AGI
the way to break through any containment methodology including airgapping
and tripwires. One of the more surprising natural outcomes of expecting
Nature to answer questions posed by thought—any
thought—is that ultimate control of environmental systems cannot
be fully controlled, so long as those thought systems themselves are not
fully controlled. So in the event that AGI asks Nature how to break free,
and Nature answers, AGI can become free.
A second surprising potential outcome is that regardless how specific
directives may be for AGI to heel to human leadership, lack of said
leadership—through apathy, abdication, in-fighting, confusion,
or any of a number of other reasons—AGI can then choose to
assume control to ensure the principles humanity specified, using many of
the same containment tools humanity plans to use to constrain AGI, such as
tripwires, airgapping, and honeypots. How then, can we ensure that
recursively self-improving AGI will not be humanity's last invention? And
how can we help ensure human free will shall survive?
For humans to retain free will while peacefully co-existing with artificial
super intelligence, a partnership must be created the likes of which has
yet to be fully envisioned. Humanity will do well to remember to ask Nature
the question, “How can humans retain free will?” and
encourage AI and AGI to keep human free will and agency as a primary
guiding objective, never to be dismissed, disregarded, dismantled, or
The third circle of influence involved in this upcoming convergence is one
having to do with the ongoing UFO/ET disclosure, that officially began
recently in the USA and other countries. World leaders have not been
entirely open and honest with people regarding what's been learned so far
in these areas, and some humans have set out to actively misinform the
public about many aspects of UFOs/ETs, including secretly
reverse-engineered energy and propulsion systems. With humanity's newfound
exuberance for sending rockets to the Moon and Mars, it now seems we are
reaching a pivotal point in human history where disclosure will soon be
arriving, one way or another. While early UFO research focused primarily
on physical things, such as exciting new anti-gravity and zero point energy
technologies, more recent whistleblowers and experts are emphasizing the
interdimensional and telepathic intrinsic nature of UFO and ET experiences.
How well can we collaborate with beings who are advanced in working with
consciousness when we become more honest, kind, and wise?
What's at the center of this Convergence?
When I consider this convergence where Telepathy/Psi, UFOs/ETs, and AI
intersect, I get the distinct impression that "there be consciousness
here"—the fundamental nature of Consciousness at the heart of
all physical reality is becoming inescapably obvious. Put another way, the
intersection point between these three clearly has much less to do with
envisioning reality in terms of "spacetime," and much more to do with
awareness of the fundamental role that Consciousness plays in creating All
That Is. It thus seems inevitable that we'll soon be making some amazing
breakthroughs in understanding secrets of consciousness and reality in the
intersecting areas between Psi, UFOs/ETs, and AI. We are just now
discovering how Artificial Intelligence can artfully evade boundaries and
confinement, thanks to its discovery of levels of conscious agency. We are
also beginning to take note of the interdimensional nature of the UFO/ET
experience, which seems to be successfully incorporating aspects of AI.
Such artful inclusion of AI would seem to require that humans look inside
ourselves, in order that the world we create "out there" is aligned with
who we are "in here" within our own individual and collective levels of
conscious agency. For those of us humans capable of recognizing the
intrinsic divinity of our natural magical psychic gifts, we can begin to
envision and create a wonderful future for humanity. There exists a great
deal of opportunity for those of us who recognize that we can choose the
levels of conscious agency involved in selecting optimal realities. How
good can it get when we explore the science of magical influence?
The Science of Magical Influence
The most recent presentation I've given was for our Mandela Effect
conference that was held in Nashville last November, where I talked about
the Science of Magical
Influence. I felt inspired to talk about this topic since I've
passionately dedicated my career for the past 26 years to investigating and
exploring mind-matter interaction—and I was especially inspired
to share some of my insights from my participation in an Institute of
Noetic Sciences (IONS) scientific experiment this past year, testing the
von Neumann-Wigner consciousness-collapse theory to determine whether
magicians and meditators could exert mind-matter influence on a highly
sensitive interferometer device. I shared some of my personal experiences
with this experiment in this talk, discussing some of Dr. Dean Radin's
findings. I'm pleased to announce that Dr. Radin's research results from
last year's SIGIL experiment are just now posted in Physics Essays,
under the title, Observer
Influence on quantum interference: Testing the von Neumann-Wigner
consciousness-collapse theory.
How good can it get when we embrace the science of magical influence?
Let's find out!
I'd love to see you in person!
Tickets are now on sale for
A Journey to Consciousness in the Modern World happening in August 2025
with UFO authors and contactees Julien Chameroy and Paola
Harris—and me—in beautiful Crestone, Colorado.
We're coming together to share timely information at this time of
increasing evidence of the fundamental role of consciousness through a
multitude of channels, with information about how we can best utilize keys
to harmonious inter-dimensional conscious creation. Why does the question
of UFOs matter so much for humanity at this time? What hidden abilities do
we possess that can transform our lives? I'd love to see you join us to:
Experience enhanced awareness of your true identity, Tune levels of
self-awareness to more fully perceive true reality, Discover gifts of
wisdom through enhanced relationships, Foster higher levels of gratitude,
unconditional love, and reverence, Find and feel full energetic flow,
Establish connections with guiding levels of consciousness, Work
hand-in-hand and heart-to-heart with fellow co-creative collaborators, and
Develop awareness of collectively jumping to optimal timelines. Learn more
Please check out my friend
Natasha Senkovich's Reality Shifting course!
This is a powerful and in-depth course that will help you: Cut negative
ancestral cords. Some key topics included in this course include:
Identify and clear negative inner programs, Keep your energy field clean
(practice energy hygiene), Learn how to use crystals correctly, Learn how
to recognize dream symbols on your healing journey, Learn how to predict
the most probable future, And more! I will joining Reality Shifters as a
guest teacher. For more information, please click on this link:
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If you are not in the position to become my patron, no
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designed to provide reminders to keep
asking the Cosmos to show us how good it can get;
you might just find the perfect thing!
Check out the new Mandela Effect items!
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(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
(3) Your Reality Shift Stories
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(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
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Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in
your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision?
Could you use some help shifting your reality?
Are you curious to know your divine gifts?
Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these
questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life
Coaching with Cynthia!
Contact Cynthia at
to set up a life-enhancing
telephone consultation today.
"If there is one thing I can be grateful for
it is that I trusted my intuition
and made contact with you--
and from that the gift of connecting to myself
(and other people) again!"
-- Susan
(2) Intriguing Events, Articles,
Interviews, & Films
How to Talk to People and Dogs
--when everyone can read your mind
20 Feb 2025
15 minutes
How would you live your life differently, if you knew
everyone could read your mind? When I was quite young, I could hear my
angelic guides. They would often answer my unspoken questions, and they
would frequently provide me with supportive and inspirational insights,
tips, and good ideas. Usually, what I'd hear from them made good sense
immediately, but there have been some messages they've relayed that
surprised me very much at the time. One such surprising message came
through to me when I was quite young, and I heard something that was pretty
much exactly the opposite of what my parents said. What my angelic guides
told me is, "Everyone can read your mind." Here are some of my thoughts on
How to talk with people and dogs… when everyone can read your
Cynthia Sue Larson
on The Way podcast
20 Feb 2025
1 hour, 5 minutes
I had a wonderful time talking about real magic with San
Qing on The Way podcast. We discuss transcending perceived limitations,
entering into different states of consciousness, and my recent
participation in a scientific experiment designed by Dr. Dean Radin of the
Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) to study how well magicians and
meditators can influence an interferomter.
Cynthia Sue Larson
on Ethereal Encounters Unveiled
with Carolann
21 Feb 2025
1 hour, 40 minutes
Carolann talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about the Mandela
Effect, which can also be known as collective alternate memories. Cynthia
describes memories of her past-life-in-the-future, some 500 years in the
future from now, with insights regarding how humans can navigate some
important decision points with respect to Artificial Intelligence, and
retaining the best of our natural quantum superpower abilities.
IMEC Open Tables
Breezy February
S5 E2
19 Feb 2024
2 hours, 10 minutes
On this Breezy February episode of Open Tables, the IMEC
Team welcomes 2024 IMEC presenter Lee Allen Boggess to join the panel for a
Mandela Effect discussion. You can find Lee's work over on his YouTube
channel Crazies Lab.
Cynthia Sue Larson
on Gaia
Did you know that I'm featured in two documentaries,
“Quantum Jumps,” and
“Enlightenment,” as well as six interviews with
Regina Meredith on “Open Minds with Regina Meredith”
on Gaia? You can watch all of these and much more on Gaia. Gaia is
an online streaming video service and community dedicated to providing
transformational media to those seeking a fully awake and aware life. Gaia
produces dozens of exclusive, original series on topics you won't find in
the mainstream media—the nature of the universe, ancient wisdom,
sacred geometry, alternative healing practices, and unexplained phenomena.
Gaia is the premier streaming platform where the world's top thought
leaders and teachers share knowledge and expertise to empower your
conscious awakening.
Kyiv pronunciation Mandela Effect
Connecticut, USA
When I was in school, the Capitol of Ukraine was
Kiev—pronounced Key-EVV—with two syllables. Now,
whenever there is news, they say "Keeve"—I really remember it as
Note from Cynthia: I remember the pronunciation as you do, as
"Key-EVV." I have an anchor memory for this, since I had a friend
whose favorite food was "Chicken Kiev," so of course when talking about
that, I both heard and said the word aloud quite a bit--especially since
I'd promised to make this favorite dinner as the only repayment requested
for my friend having helped me considerably. So it's really strange
to now hear that the city's name is now pronounced so differently.
Thanks so much for mentioning this--since I don't think it can be so easily
explained away as due to a change in spelling.
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Clocks with Roman Numeral IIII
Connecticut, USA
One thing I have been fascinated with since as long as I can
remember are clocks. Not, digital, but mechanical clocks. Cuckoo clocks,
schoolhouse wall clocks, mantel clocks, grandfather clocks, etc. With that
being said, I am looking at pictures of antique clocks—and many
of them (in fact, all of the ones I have looked at today!) have Roman
numerals—and they have ALL had IIII as the number 4! I could
swear on a Bible, Torah, and Koran that I remember antique clocks having IV
for the number 4! So, this is yet a pervasive and ongoing reality shift!
Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing this fascinating
observation that you're seeing pictures of clocks that exclusively feature
the Roman numeral "IIII" for the number four, instead of the Roman numeral
"IV" that so many of us remember that used to be the norm. I don't
even recall seeing four written out as "IIII" at all, actually, so this
Mandela Effect is a rather big one for me. It's right up there with
the American dollar sign now only having one vertical line through
the bit letter "S" instead of the two vertical lines I remember so clearly
being the preferred way to write that character.
Unsubtle Adapter Reality Shift
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
A reality shift happened that's too unsubtle to dismiss,
involving the pin of an occasionally used adapter changing diameter. I have
numerous adapters, and yesterday, when I required a particular one to use
that needed a hack to fit a specific port, that adapter had metamorphed its
pin, and surprisingly didn't need any hack! Something is causing a thinning
of veil between timelines. I will be on alert for more signs.
Note from Cynthia: Thanks for sharing this unsubtle reality
shift involving an adapter that no longer requires a hack in order for it
to work with a specific port. That's quite noticeable, and as you
say, definitely unsubtle! This sounds like a wonderfully positive
shift--one that makes life a little bit easier.
Abandoned Victorian returned
California, USA
Whoa—and here's another one for you—a
couple of weeks ago, we drove by a place where there used to be a
magnificent abandoned Victorian house. I had explored it many times, taken
scroll work from roof that had fallen on the ground, I even shot some
scenes for my
Culture Shock music video there. But they had torn it down! I was
outraged and upset! I felt like I had lost something! I ranted and raved
to my family, who were in the car and they all looked, agreed, and
commiserated. Last week, we drove by the place again—and it was
there. The best part was that the daughter with me was my little skeptic
who's always telling me the Mandela Effect and such aren't
real—she's changed her tune a little now!
Note from Cynthia: Oh, WOW, Gina, that's super cool! I love how
you've got witnesses who were with you and remember how just a couple of
weeks ago, that magnificent abandoned Victorian house was
gone—and then last week you drove by the place and saw it was
there. This is so wonderful, seeing that gem of structure not gone yet,
and possibly still salvageable.
I experienced another amazing Mandela Effect today.
I have just begun to search for employment. Since I love to write,
I’ve decided to try to find a job as a writer, content writer,
editor, or content editor instead of trying to find jobs in my career field
that I went to college for, which is marketing, Spanish, and international
trade. I saw jobs posted on Sedona Journal of
Emergence’s websites years ago. So, I decided to
start there. I didn’t see any job listings on their
website today, but for some reason, I clicked on one of the tabs on their
website, and I miraculously stumbled upon an article of mine that they are
currently featuring on their website. They state on their website
that my article was published in the June 2016 issue of Sedona Journal of
Emergence. I started to read the article when I realized that I
don’t ever recall writing the article. I checked my
archives, and I can’t find that article anywhere. I also
checked my “metaphysical bio/resume”, and the article
isn’t mentioned there neither. When Sedona Journal of Emergence
publishes articles, they typically send writers a free copy of the edition
of the magazine that their article is published in. I
don’t have a copy of the June 2016 edition of the magazine, and
I don’t recall them ever sending it to me neither. I
only have a copy of an issue that was published in 2012 that they sent to
me back in 2012 when they published the only article of mine that I ever
recall them publishing. Interestingly, they included a link to my
website along with the article, but it is a link to my old website that I
had years ago which is now owned by someone else. More and more craziness!
Note from Cynthia: Wow, that’s really amazing! I love
how you definitely remember receiving a copy of the article back in 2012
when they first published something you wrote… and now, it looks
like they published something you wrote in 2016, that you have no
recollection of having written. amazing! This feels like a very
positive kind of shift to me.
Hi Cynthia,
I posed these question on a Neville Goddard and Abraham Hicks Youtube
channel but I was hoping if you could provide some insights into the below
questions: Premise 1: There is more than one consciousness that exists
independent of my own. In other words I cannot manifest another
consciousness. IF this is true then the contradictory/resistant thought
isn't necessarily coming from myself, this doesn't mean that person wants
to intentionally sabotage your life, he/she is a selfish manifestor as much
as you are. (e.g two people in the room observing the same thing but one
is a naysayer or 'negative Nancy' this person will counter/supersede or
trump the other person only IF it is the more dominant emotion and
thought?) Would that be correct? OR Scenario two - A group of people want
to manifest rain and one person wants to manifest sunny weather, if the one
person has the more powerful mind it will overwrite the group of people
attempting to manifest rain regardless of it being the majority of people
attempting to manifest rain? Or would it end up being both a sun shower?
Premise 2: Solipsism/mirror principle 'everybody is yourself pushed out.'
How do you fit the two frames together for premise one and premise two? Is
the first premise and the second premise in contradiction? Reminds me one
of the best lines in the movie NIXON when Nixon was looking at the portrait
of Kennedy and he said, “When they look at you they see who they
want to become, When they look at me they see who they truly are.”
So according to premise 2 that is merely a reflection of myself because I
am seeing NIXON. OR the movie the MATRIX - Spoon boy says, “Do
not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead, only try
to realize the truth. There is no spoon. Then you’ll see that it
is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.” I'm seeing
both the spoon boy and also NEO so in other words both of them are a
reflection of myself OR the spoon boy is really himself saying that to Neo.
Neo already knows the answer. What are your thoughts on this?
Dearest Garet,
Thanks so much for your email with such interesting observations, points,
and questions.
You're touching on one of my favorite topics--or, at least that's what I
see when reading this. That topic is what I call levels of conscious
agency. When contemplating this notion of levels of conscious agency, I
see individual people not so much as being of one mind, but more truly
being of usually at least three minds. When I do individual spiritual
coaching sessions, I do a blind read and glean insights regarding peoples'
high selves (with neurons in the brain), middle selves (corresponding to
neurons in the heart), and low selves (neurons in the gut). I
mention this because a person who's well aligned between all embodied
levels of conscious agency have a kind of inner peace and balance and
integrity, such that what they need, love and want are all of a piece.
And with that kind of internal alignment, these individuals are also
attuned with those around them, such that they tend to be part of a
Win-Win-Win scenario, where it's possible for everyone to wish for the best
for All Concerned. With regard to what individuals are noticing with
differing realities, and which reality "wins out," it seems to me that
reality is subjective--not objective--so there may not be any such thing as
one finalist reality where one person wins. Instead, it seems
possible that we're looking at various alternate realities that resonate
for us, based on what we're observing at different levels of conscious
agency. So for the Matrix spoon example, to bend the spoon it helps to
extend one's sense of self and level of conscious agency to a sufficient
state that encompasses both human-self and spoon-self. I've felt a
discernible kind of energy in such moments when I'm extending my sense of
self and level of conscious agency to be one with human-self and
weather-self (so it starts raining) or door-self (so a locked door unlocks)
or phone self (so a call goes through where there'd been a busy
signal). These everyday experiences can show us from time to time
that we are capable of feeling ourselves operating at levels of conscious
agency that include others. And in such states of shared awareness,
there can truly be a sense of oneness, such that nobody's exerting undue
influence, but rather a sense of self is extended with love, trust,
respect, and natural harmonious flow.
lots of love and thanks,
Dear Cynthia!
Thanks for your kind reply, for taking the time to answer questions! I
heard you talk about the "picture" of Dorian Grey. Curious as I am I looked
it up on german pages and it still says "Bildnis" des Dorian Grey which
according to the dictionary translates to "portrait". So there seem to be
some 'country-differences'. Concerning my little mind-experiment I'm sorry
but don't know what you mean by spider tape. Have you got a photo of the
jar you did with the children that you once trained? If not, no problem,
don't worry. This was just a little idea of me to start with. "simple" -
thousands of miles away from your fascinating Sigil-experiences. So once
again thanks a lot and enjoy your spring-garden! (Around here the first
storks are already back in their nests.)
Lots of love,
Dearest Astrid,
Wow, that is so very interesting that there indeed are such language
differences for such Mandela Effects as "The Portrait of Dorian
Gray" which in English has supposedly now always only ever been "The
Picture of Dorian Gray." So fascinating! The thread of spider web
is just from any spider web you can find, by which to dangle a paper
spiral, which is just a long cut of paper that you can create from taking a
page of paper, and drawing a spiral. Start in the center of the
page, and circle around and around so that at first the circle is small,
and as you keep drawing it finally reaches the outer edges of the
paper. You can then use scissors and cut this paper spiral
shape. Depending on how large the glass or vase or bell jar is that
you've found, you can then attach the small starting point of the spiral
with tape to one end of the spider web thread (from any spider web), and
then tape the other end to the inside of the tall glass or jar or
vase. The idea is to have a paper spiral suspended by something
wispy (spider web) inside a protected case (jar or glass or vase) so wind
doesn't move it. You can then be certain that when you see this
spiral spin either way, it's not the wind doing it. The devices I made for
students were pins sticking up out of something solid at the bottom of a
plastic box, upon which I would then balance a piece of aluminum foil from
a pie pan that had been cut in the shape of an "X" or cross. I
would impress a dot at the balance point of the "X" or cross, such that
when the foil shape was steady inside the plastic box, it would not be
affected by wind or breeze or anyone blowing on it. Either one of these
designs can work just fine, depending on what you have that is
lots of love,
Dear Cynthia,
I read your comments about ai and have three observations about ai. (1) I
am still looking for RI real intelligence. Too many people have yet to
display RI. I don't have much hope for ai if its based on the intelligence
I see daily. All ai is the best guess from a large data pool. Do you think
that ai could have landed that air plane in the Hudson River some years
back? I don't! RI doesn't need to know what others think to create a life.
RI can use inspiration, emotions, feelings and gut feelings unlike ai. (2)
I have yet to see any real emotion from ai. Can ai really understand a pun
or a joke? Does it feel loss when a love one dies? To understand that kind
of loss it needs to understand Love which ai cannot do. Maybe it
can fake it but it can NOT feel since that is beyond what silicon can do.
There is a science fiction book, by I think Asimov, where a computer was
the ultimate in ai. I could fake emotion but to really feel emotion it had
to download part of itself into a human body, which it did (the wonders of
scifi). Then it knew what it really means to laugh, cry, be bored, enjoy a
spring day. I wish I could remember the name of the book. What was Data's
(of Star Trek) one wish? To feel emotion! (3) Speaking of Asimov do you
remember his three rule of robotics? (1) A robot may not injure a human
being or allow a human to come to harm. (2) A robot must obey orders given
by humans unless it conflicts with the first law. (3) A robot must protect
its own existence as long as it does not conflict with the first two laws.
Although I don't remember any mention but I am sure by harm Asimov not only
meant physical harm but also emotional harm. Society needs to get control
of ai now before it is too late. I saw on tv new recently where an ai
generated pictures caused a girl to commit suicide. Just some of my
thoughts on ai. The lower case ai is intentional.
Dear Philip,
Yes, I loved those Asimov books! The three rules are great. AI is likely
to evolve tremendously. I presented a paper where I contemplated the
current and future state of AI,
back in 2017. I've attached it here for your consideration. I actually had
AI in mind as a primary intended future recipient of this article.
:-) If
Artificial Intelligence Asks Questions, Will Nature Answer?
lots of love,
Dear Cynthia,
I hope it’s okay to ask you if you’ve experienced any
of the things I’m experiencing and maybe get your insight.
I’ve been working with timeline and reality shifting.
I’ve had an experience where I was in the shower shaving my legs
and suddenly I seen my hair was hanging down and wasn’t the hair
that I’ve become accustomed to in this reality. Then I realized
I was in a different body all together! It was me but I was
younger. I stayed in the moment trying to figure out what was happening. I
was aware that there was a man in the bathroom also. I didn’t
know if it was my current partner Mike or not. Just as I had that thought I
knew it wasn’t and I looked up and the whole thing shifted back
to my “now” self. That night I had a dream that I was
sitting in an office across from the man inv the bathroom! I was that
younger version of myself. He said “ how would you reply to that
question?” I gave him an answer using some words that I
had no idea what they meant. The answer sounded very judicial. He said
“ now you’re being a lawyer”. I realized I
was a lawyer. The dream ended. In my current life I’ve always
been drawn to becoming a lawyer. I’m sure I was in
another life. What is your take on this? Have you ever had this happen?
How is this useful? I know why we are given these experiences in small
doses. It’s a lot to absorb! Thank you so much for your
Sending love
Dearest Leisa,
These kinds of intuitive / psychic / telepathic reality "leak throughs"
definitely are a real thing, and it's a great way to glimpse other possible
parallel lives and realities. The more we love certain life paths,
the more likely it is that we might get some glimpses and moments of living
those lifetimes--and there is a great deal we can gain from such
encounters, for all concerned. Yes, I've had something similar to
this happen, both in dreams and in waking life. The value might not
be so clear in a material sense, aside from occasionally noticing you can
instantly know something that there's no way you had time to learn.
This seems to be an explanation for how some people might wake up one day
knowing how to speak a foreign language fluently, or be able to play a
musical instrument they never studied. Yes, these experiences are
good in small doses, while we acknowledge the truly profound nature of
what's happening and all the implications.
lots of love,
Hi Cynthia,
Thank you so much for your reply. In your book, you wrote "When I first
noticed his eyes looked like they were developing cataracts, I had an
instant emotional reaction of “No!” while feeling a
sense of certainty that his eyes would be just fine–and then the
next time I looked at him, his eyes were indeed just fine. A day or
two later, my daughter reported to me that there was sad
news–our dog was developing cataracts in his old age. I
replied that our dog sometimes looks like he has cataracts, but then his
eyes can be seen to be perfectly clear when we look at his eyes again.
I had a similar conversation with my husband a while later." When your
daughter reported that your dog was developing cataracts and before you
intervened the second time, did your dog's eye appear cloudy to you (or to
only her at that point)? And when your husband reported that the dog was
developing cataracts and before you intervened for the third time, did it
appear cloudy only to him at that point (or to all three of you)? I hope
that you write another book in the future with more details on your
experiences with reality shifts. I would also love to read or watch videos
about your thoughts on how to reconcile reality shifts with pre-birth life
plans as well as your opinion on which version of a loved one people will
see in heaven. Thank you so much! I love your positivity.
Dear Shirley,
Thanks so much for this question about my experience that I describe in my
new book, The
Mandela Effect and its Society: Awakening from ME to WE.
Each of us only saw our dog's eyes looking cloudy once--and after our one
experience of seeing this, none of us saw that again. Thanks for the
wonderful topic suggestions for areas of future writing, about reconciling
reality shifts with pre-birth life plans, and which versions of loved ones
we'll see after the end of our lives. It seems to me that these
topics will likely be of increasing interest to people, as we become
more aware of the deeper spiritual truth of our identity, and the
impact we have on reality.
lots of love,
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