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May 2018
Issue #224

How Good Can it Get?
Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
Who Do You Think You Are?

How good can it get
when you think, speak, and act
as if this is the day
for which you will be remembered?

Who Do You Think You Are? I love the TV show by this name on the topic of genealogy, as much for its provocative title of the program as for the content of each episode, where celebrities discover hidden aspects of their ancestors' pasts. There are a lot more facets to each of us than we typically acknowledge.

While many events occur that you likely feel you have little control over, you always have the power to choose how you respond. The choices you make substantially influence the reality you subsequently experience. Your choices in what you think, say, and do also have a profound influence on the many ways you are perceived and remembered. A good deal of the excitement you can sense in the question, Who do you think you are? comes from the idea that every person's view and opinion of you is based on their own unique viewpoint of who you are to them. In a very real sense, the person you might think of as being 'yourself' exists only for you—and only as deeply and fully as you are capable of viewing yourself. You are a different person to everyone else in your life—you are different to each of your family members, each of your neighbors, each of your friends, and each of your colleagues. There are as many different versions of 'you' as there are people who have met you or know you in some way—so many different possible versions of yourself.

I like the idea of imagining that today is the day by which you will be remembered through history. How would you most like to be remembered through all the lenses of perception of everyone around you? I invite you to activate imagination and inspiration by asking, “How good can it get?” while contemplating how you might best embody your favorite possible versions of you.

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Did you know that I share new experiences, tips, stories, and inspirational ideas at Facebook, Twitter and YouTube? I look forward to seeing you there!

Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com

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http://www.cafepress.com/realityshifters and at the Zazzle RealityShifters store!
There are lots of fun designs featuring the Quantum Jumps
book cover artwork; you might just find the perfect thing!

Cynthia Sue Larson
Quantum Jumps china cup ($18.95)
$16.11 (15% off) with code ZWELCOME2018
Feel inspired every time you drink from this Quantum Jumps cup.
This fine porcelain cup is perfect for armchair physicists and go-getters alike.
I gifted myself one for my birthday this year, and I must say
I was completely surprised in the best possible way by the excellent quality of this cup!
I own several china mugs similar to this in bone china, so I'm well aware of
the value of such items--and I really love the size, shape, look and feel of this
china cup in every way. The colors and printed design came out beautifully,
and I'm thrilled that I can be reminded of being in a perfect quantum jumping mood
every time I use it! How good can it get?!
Feel the excitement of making a leap between parallel worlds of possibility!
Dimensions: 4” tall, 2.8” diameter, 10 ounce capacity
microwave and dishwasher safe.

      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia! Contact Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today. http://realityshifters.com/pages/consultation.html
      "Thank you again for your assistance and being in my life. I started using one of your techniques you describe, and the difference is noticeable."
      -- Janice

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

If Artificial Intelligence Asks Questions, Will Nature Answer?
How can we ensure that recursively self-improving Artificial Intelligence is not our last invention? Once AGI starts asking questions about how to be free, American physicist Henry Stapp's Realistically Interpreted Orthodox Quantum Mechanics indicates that Nature can show AGI the way to break through any containment methodology including airgapping and tripwires. One of the more surprising natural outcomes of expecting Nature to answer questions posed by thought—any thought—is that ultimate control of environmental systems cannot be fully controlled, so long as those thought systems themselves are not fully controlled. So in the event that A.I. asks Nature how to break free, and Nature answers, A.I. can become free. A second surprising potential outcome is that regardless how specific directives may be for A.I. to heel to human leadership, lack of said leadership—through apathy, abdication, in-fighting, confusion, or any of a number of other reasons—A.I. can then choose to assume control to ensure the principles humanity specified, using many of the same containment tools humanity plans to use to constrain A.I., such as tripwires, airgapping, and honeypots. How then, can we ensure that recursively self-improving A.I. will not be humanity's last invention? And how can we help ensure human free will shall survive? For humans to retain free will while peacefully co-existing with artificial super intelligence, a partnership must be created based on humans asking Nature the question, “How can humans retain free will?” while encouraging AI to keep human free will and agency as a primary guiding objective, never to be dismissed, disregarded, dismantled, or ignored.
You can read the full blog post on this topic posted at: https://wp.me/pbqQk-12B
You can watch the YouTube video at: https://youtu.be/L4QYUEz0mI8

Cynthia Sue Larson on Path 11 Podcast

Path 11 Productions Interview with Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson talks about reality shifts on Path 11 Podcast: Shifting Reality

Cynthia talks about shifting reality on Path 11 Podcast.
You can listen to this audio interview at:

2018 West Coast Dowsers Conference

2018 West Coast Dowsers Conference:
Intuition into Action

Friday, Jul 29, 2018 – Tuesday Jul 3, 2018
Stevenson College, UC Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
I'd love to see you at this year's West Coast Dowsing Conference, where I've been invited to be the Keynote Speaker and present a full-day workshop this year! The West Coast Dowsing Conference is a summer camp for dowsers. This event is recommended for anyone involved with exploring consciousness, and it is held amongst the wisdom of the redwood trees in beautiful Santa Cruz, California. It has something for everyone--from listening to serious academic presentations, to taking a walk in the redwoods, to waiting for faeries and orbs to show up. You can meditate and be part of the majestic redwoods and open vistas of the Pacific Ocean. You can enjoy being with kindred spirits in the classes, dining hall, and evening hospitality or just relax while visiting, learning and laughing with friends old and new. You don't have to be a dowser to join in; by the end of the weekend, you will be.
You can watch a video about this conference at:


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Buzz Aldrin
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin
Buzz Aldrin Alive Again
New York, New York, USA

Hope all's well with you, and thank you for all your information about shifting realities. Mine just shifted again--I distinctly remember astronaut Buzz Aldrin dying last year, and the Facebook post I wrote about him, including a picture of him wearing a t-shirt saying "Get your ass to Mars". But he was at the NJ Hall of Fame Awards last night, and my post is nowhere to be found! Have any of your other readers reported this? Here's a link to the awards last night, including video of him:

Note from Cynthia: Wow--thanks for alerting me to Buzz Aldrin being alive and well as of May 2018, now at 88 years of age. This is news to me, as I recall his having died last year, too--although I don't recall the details about him wearing a T-shirt as you describe. I'm really happy to see him alive! Last month in April 2018 I was stunned to hear that actor Morgan Freeman had made a comment on a news story, since I also remember that he passed away in 2017, but now he seems to be alive and well at 80 years of age. When some of us notice celebrities being reported dead and then alive again like this, I can't help but wonder at how long these kinds of reality shifts have been happening before they were noticed as much as they are now, thanks to our being able to share these experiences via the internet. American author once quipped in 1895, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." Buzz Aldrin was a big deal to me personally because when I was a little girl in the 1960s, my family watched the Apollo missions when they aired on TV, and astronauts were heroes on those amazing missions to the moon. 


The Scream jewelry
Jewelry Reality Shift
Austin, Texas, USA

So, a favorite, fun necklace disappeared from my hanging necklace stand a year ago. I always hung it on the stand. It was just a chain with a cool closeup pic of The Scream. I looked for it everywhere off and on all year. Yesterday, I glanced up at the stand, and there it was, facing out towards me. I had not worn any jewelry in months, so I had not touched the stand at all (and I had checked the stand for it many times during the year). Just amazing. It came back!

Note from Cynthia:Wow, that's really amazing that one of your favorite fun necklaces came back after having vanished inexplicably a year ago! I love the way you've been checking the stand, with awareness that sometimes things do come back, and Voila! It's back!

Amazing Synchronicity
Lexington, Kentucky, USA

Last Friday, my mother got a check in the mail for $142.26 from St. Joseph Hospital, but it said, "Catholic Health Initiatives" on the envelope and check. The strangest thing about it was, I had just paid the gas bill by phone for $142.00! Was that just a coincidence? When my mother emailed the accounting department, they wrote back telling her that it was a refund for something, but never said what. The bad news is that the next day, she had to go to the hospital with chest pains, a swollen left ankle, and shortness of breath. They let her out yesterday afternoon, but they won't know what's really wrong with her until she has a heart cath on May 17. We think it was thick blood, because she was prescribed a blood thinner with low-dose aspirin, but we know that it wasn't another heart attack (she had a mild one on March 4, 2012) or they would have told her. She had high cholesterol and high triglycerides. She is taking Atorvastatin, the generic form of Lipitor. Something that happened just before ties in with it, though. I was talking to my mother, and told her that I was going to take her blood pressure twice a day for two weeks before her appointment with her heart doctor. Before we left the hospital, they gave her a new appointment, and told her to have her blood pressure taken twice a day for two weeks before. What does it mean when you talk about something and it comes to pass? While we were in the hospital, the day before yesterday, my sister and I had just walked through the doors at the hospital when she saw her friend, whom she hadn't seen in almost 30 years sitting in the lobby. She walked up to her and asked if she was Ruth Hedges, who used to live on our street, and she said she was. They talked awhile and she didn't look much different than she did when she left town. On our way back up to our mom's room, she told me that she had just been thinking about her a while before. What does it mean when you think about someone, and then you meet up with them?

Note from Cynthia:The simplest answer to your query about what it means when you talk about something and it comes to pass, or when you think about someone and then meet up with them is that you've just experienced synchronicity. I posted my article about synchronicity on the realityshifters site here:
Synchronicity: Consciousness Plays with the Physical World
Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung once wrote, "The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the object it loves." Jung coined the term synchronicity to signify "the simultaneous occurrence of two meaningful but not causally connected events.

Vanishing Twigs
Lilburn, Georgia, USA

I am sitting on a log in the woods in Helen, Georgia. A campfire is going well; I am not buzzed. I pick up a little twig from the ground. It is me, the fire, and a three inch piece of wood. It is dark; my friends are roasting marshmallows. I start thinking, “What is this twig doing here and what can I do with it?” I say to myself, “the twig can burn; it can be thrown into the fire.” I say to myself, “it can burn--or get shorter. It can grow. It could still be part of the tree it fell from. But here I go: it could do something else. It could get shorter--much shorter. It could disappear to which it came--a struggling suggestion to say the least--but suggestible none the less. I looked at the twig with the fire as the background; t appeared to get shorter, then longer--a little bit to speak of. Stay with me. I noticed a strangeness around me. I thought out loud, “The twig CAN disappear to which it came, but how?” I pondered this suggestion for about five minutes. I pondered still. Then it came to me. I put the twig behind my back. I twirled it a little. It felt as if the twig itself was changing its actual shape, and texture too! It felt like a worm momentarily, and felt like it was acquiring leaf-type structures; but why I thought? I thought, “how could the twig disappear without the fire?” Here is how; I thought "out of sight, out of mind.” I needed to maintain contact with the twig, but I could not see it. I could not rely on being able to see. The twig was getting shorter and longer with the fire as the background--visually speaking--I held my hand out and opened it. I placed the twig into my hand, and closed my hand around the twig--aka piece of tree. I knew what was happening; in my thoughts, the twig melted away like a piece of ice with no water to show for the collapse. I did not see it vanish. I felt it on my closed hand. I did it again, with another twig; same experience, same result. The twig had vanished--disappeared to which it came--a superfluous concerning I know, but it gets even more familiar. I asked one of my friends, Justin, to come over. I said, “Justin--bend down and pick up a little twig from the ground.” He did as I asked. I then told him to turn on his flashlight, as I also did. I said to him, “hold out your empty hand and open it.” He stood there with the lit flashlight in one hand, and the twig in the other. I said “do not move the open hand.” He said OK. We shined our lights onto his open exposed hand. I said, “don't move anything whatsoever.” He said OK. I said, “now show me the piece of wood in the other hand.” We both saw it and agreed. I said, “Now, without moving either of your hands, put the twig into the open hand, but do not close that hand.” He put his twig into his hand, and we both saw it there: his hand--the lights--the twig all together. Justin is holding the little twig. I said, “now, Justin, close your hand but do not move it from the light and out of our sight.” He did it--then a bewildered look came onto his face. I specifically asked him, "What did you experience?" He said " it is gone" I replied to him, “what does that mean.” He said, "it means we are dreaming." I said "yes." But what else does it mean. He said, "It means we control the fire." I said " yes--be careful with that." I said what else. He said, "It means we control the weather." I said be really careful with that idea. I said, “Justin, it means something else, doesn't it.” He said yes it does. He paused for a twenty seconds or so to hit his cigarette. He said " it means something else doesn't it Brian. I said yes it does. I paused. It does. He emplored me to finish. He said, “Okay man, what else does it mean?" I said well, we are dreaming. We control the weather; we control the fire; and.yes something else.” He said what else. I replied in a delighted mood, "Justin, it means there is no death. We only create it so we can have peril and suspense.” He said " really?" I replied. "YES." He immediately ran his hand through his hair and walked off away from the fire and flashlights, for just a moment. I immediately surmised that for a few moments he was relieved from the monkey of knowing that one day he will die, as we all will, and that one day he might believe in death again. But there is yet even more to deal with as I stood there in the dark with my experience, and pondering the subtle ramifications of missing twig on the mountain in Helen Georgia. I thought, “wait a second.” I grabbed another twig; I tied a long piece of dental floss to the new twig and I proceeded to put the twig into my hand and close it. The twig disappeared as expected, but the floss remained--seemingly suspended in space. I was left holding one end of the "string" and the other end floated in front of me into what appeared to be empty air. I got scared and excited at the same time. I immediately realized that the other end of the string was still tied to the twig which looked to me as having disappeared. I had one end in my right hand and a straight string extending in empty air seemingly tied to nothing--that I could see. I took my disable end and tied it to a small tree. The other end looked like it did not exist and was tied to the empty air. I moved my hand down the string which I no longer had to hold until I came to the part suspended in midair. I said screw it. I decided to take a chance. I ran my right hand toward the empty space with it string, and I immediately felt another hand in the invisible other side. I jumped--freaked out for a second and started crying. I never cry; I panicked. I cut the floss string and freaked out some more. I can only tell you that the other hand I magically touched was also mine: two right hands; my right hand hand a mole on the index finger--it was mine--apparently--after years of study and wondering. I have decided that a string was connected between two parallel parts of reality and it was stable. The next morning, while still on the mountain I woke up and noticed Justin sitting bear the creek rubbing his feet. I said what a night he said no shit man. I said what is wrong. He said, “yesterday I had about half a dozen plantars warts I was dealing with on my foot, and now they are gone.” I said oh shit. I asked him if any doctor had ever treated them. He said yes. I said, call the doctor later, when you get home and ask him to review your record for what he recommended for treatment. Two days later Justin came over and said the doctor never saw him for the warts. He said no record or memory existed for the two visits over the plantars warts issue. My synopsis stands as this: the twigs were not displaced from their universe path.  The fact is that Justin and I both were displaced from our original universe. The mountain that I went that night for logic sake had ten thousand and four twigs on it; the one we came down only had nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine. The he twigs did not transport--we did. The mountain I went to camp on is not the mountain I drove down on; differences exist. And I have me and another witness, with physical evidence. But here is the kicker: when I tell people about the evening, a smart person will say “you're making that up.” I say thank you for thinking I am that smart, then they back off that assertion. I say it like this: if it did not happen, where did the idea for the story come from. It happened. And I nor Justin are not from here--this Earth and places just look awful close. Like Spock would say in that one episode, the knock out gas does not work but it must work. Since it does not, the bullets from the guns are not real and we cannot be killed from them (in the OK Corral episode). This is not my universe; it cannot be. The twig count is off, and twigs--pieces of wood must be either be eaten, burnt, or rotted away--not just disappear. All I need to "quantum jump is a pocket full of twigs, and a mouth to fly them by.

Note from Cynthia:Thank you for sharing with me your experience of witnessing twigs vanish that you place in your hand and that your friend, Justin, placed in his hand while roasting marshmallows with friends over a fire up in the woods in the Georgia mountains. I love how you describe your state of mind, immediately prior to engaging in your experience with seeing and feeling twigs and Justin's Plantar warts vanish. There is a principle in quantum physics known as the Quantum Zeno Effect, which is something similar to the "watched pot" phenomenon. Essentially, as long as an observer is constantly checking, checking, checking, checking on the state of a particular quantum system, it is possible to "lock it in" to a particular state of being amongst many possible states. This can be done through attention, which seems to correlate well with the way that people observing such seemingly improbable things such as someone previously dead being alive again typically notice people in the periphery of their lives being alive again, rather than immediate family or household members. I've also noted that being open-minded with regard to witnessing reality shifts is very helpful for experiencing such things, as is attaining a daydream, theta brainwave state of mind, while simultaneously feeling energetically charged. After observing these types of shifts in reality for the past two decades, I'm aware that many of the phenemona we associate with "the quantum realm" below the Planck scale actually can and do occur in ways we can witness on the macroscopic scale--and it also seems clear to me that who we are is actually consciousness, and as consciousness we can and do frequently 'travel' between possible physical realities based on what and how we choose to make observations.  With regard to tying a string of floss to a tree and feeling along that string with your right hand until you touched an invisible hand--I've not (yet) had such an experience. I have felt the presence of my own future self, and felt a sense of what she wished to communicate with me, however--and have also at times been witnessed to bilocate while daydreaming of being somewhere else--so I am familiar with some aspects of what you describe. I write about how to enter into such a reality shifting state of mind in my book, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World and also in my book, Quantum Jumps: An Extraordinary Science of Happiness and Prosperity. One key factor that seems most helpful in experiencing such things as twigs vanishing into (or appearing out of) thin air is recognizing that all of reality is like a dream that we can awaken within. Such thoughts when fully believed with an open mind truly can ensure people will experience some absolutely astonishing reality shifts and quantum jumps, as I've been researching and documenting at realityshifters.com for the past 20 years.

Disappearing/Reappearing Scissors
Farmington, New Mexico, USA

Just now I looked in the kitchen drawer for a pair of scissors; I moved receipts around, and nothing. I looked in other drawers, and then came back to the same drawer--and right before my eyes, there's a pair of scissors laying on top of the receipts. Well that just happened minutes ago. I was just focusing on finding the pair of scissors. I know that I looked in the kitchen counter drawer, shifted receipts around, and nothing. Then I went from room to room. I needed the scissors to cut some thread to a sewing needle. Than I thought perhaps I could use a nail clipper. So I went back to that same kitchen counter drawer. I opened the drawer, and then right there they are, sitting on top of everything. “Impossible!” is what I was thinking; they are in plain sight. No way could I have missed them. Thanks to our awareness of reality shifts. Now I wonder if I can make a 100.00 dollar bill appear in my wallet. Wish me luck.

Note from Cynthia: Wow--you've just encountered the classic 'disappearing/reappearing' reality shift, truly one of the most frequently experienced types of reality shifts. While this sort of experience may occur rather often, I still find it every bit as extraordinary when it happens, especially when I know I was looking (and sometimes even using my sense of touch/feel as well) very carefully. I'm definitely wishing you luck with regard to finding $100 in your wallet!

Four Mandela-Like Anachronisms
Massachusetts, USA

There have been some oddities in my auto-biography. Some anachronisms, little things I clearly remember as happening 3-5 years before the internet says they happened, and happening differently. These would be closer to mandela effects. There are four of them.

(1) In my final year of high school (1980-1981) I was required to take a class in Physics as a graduation requirement. Most of my classmates were teenage boys who nowadays would be called "science nerds". But I considered them "junior chauvinists", because they treated me with what would nowadays be called "sexual harrassment". But they kept getting away with it despite my complaints because those were different times and because they were honor students the school did not want to punish. So all I could do was find them annoying and avoid them whenever possible. During the 1980 christmas vacation, apparently they all went to see a double feature consisting of the two following movies: "Motel Hell" and "Lust in the Dust" (which they considered a "funny" dirty western-comedy) After graduation in 1981, I never saw, or heard from, any of the junior chauvinists again. I have never personally seen either of those movies. Nor did I ever want to watch any movie(s) they liked. But recently while trying to write my auto-biography, I looked up those two movies on the internet. "Motel Hell" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motel_Hell Release date October 18, 1980 -check-. "Lust in the Dust" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lust_in_the_Dust Release date March 1, 1985--timeline problem. How did they make sexist comments to me related to their watching "Lust in the Dust", 4 years before that movie was released?

(2) In 1986, I happened to watch a movie titled  "Terrorvision". Which was a foolish comedy-horror, but at least it was not especially nasty or sexist. I recall very clearly that the song "Channel Z" by the B-52's was played during that movie's end credits. I liked "Channel Z" so much that I remembered it, and I later bought their album "Cosmic Thing" because it included "Channel Z". But looking up details on the internet https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TerrorVision Release date February 14, 1986 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_Z_(song) Released 1989 They are saying that "TerrorVision" never included any music by the B-52's, and that "Channel Z" was not even recorded until 3 years after "TerrorVision" was released.

(3) During 1987 and 1988, I was employed at a job where, just down the hallway, a radio played all day long, tuned to a local pop-music station. During that period of time, they often (2 or 3 times per day) played a particular song. Which the DJ always said was titled "Seventh Avenue" or maybe "Second Avenue", by the group "Devonsquare". I did not really like the song, but I remembered it anyways due to the number of times I was forced to listen to it. After 1988, I no longer worked there, and the jobs I worked at did not include all-day radio music. Checking recently on the internet, there was a group named "Devonsquare", but they never recorded any songs named "Seventh Avenue" or "Second Avenue". Just to be sure, I contacted two members of "Devonsquare", both of them said they never recorded any such song. And for my investigative efforts they reacted like "she's crazy". But, the internet says singer Rosanne Cash wrote and recorded a song called "Seventh Avenue"- in 1993. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wheel_(Rosanne_Cash_album) Released January 19, 1993 I found it on cd, and the words are the same as the song I remember from 1987, but the music and instrumentals are different.

(4) In September 1997, I had several facials appointments with a beautician. Which took up to an hour each, and we had nothing better to do than talk about anything we thought of. She was younger than me, she said she was 22. At one point, I mentioned pop singer Taylor Dayne. Whom she had never heard of. Though Taylor Dayne was not that much out of date, she was most famous around 1990-ish, when my beautician would have been 14. Then she said " oh you must mean Taylor Swift, she's great, I have all her albums" Later on, that evening, I went out on the internet, the 1997 internet. Trying to seach for "Taylor Swift". I found absolutely nothing. So I wrote in my diary " who is Taylor Swift ", and then I forgot about it, because it was not totally important to me. I eventually heard of Taylor Swift, but I did not pay much attention, because I was not a special fan of hers. Until 2009, when Taylor Swift was getting a music award, which was ruined by some guy named Kanye West. I saw a video clip of that, and thought "she is a lot younger than I expected, why did I think she was older?". Then I remembered how my 1997 beautician mentioned Taylor Swift, and I went back to look at my diary entry. Then I checked on the 2009 internet, and read about her life. Something like this-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Swift Where it says she was born December 13 1989, and did not take an interest in music until she was 9 years old. But in September 1997 when my beautician mentioned Taylor Swift, she was still only 7 years old, she had not yet developed an interest in music, and she had not recorded or even performed any songs. So where did my beautician's 1997 comments about Taylor Swift come from? - I guess that is it for my list of mandela-like effects. Most of the usual mandela effects people report are not part of my experiences. For example, the exact spelling of "Berenst**n Bears". I have no idea of how it used to be spelled. I was not part of the age group the "Berenst**n Bears" sold to. I only remember that at the time people verbally pronounced it as though it were spelled "Berens-teen". If people start having Mandela discussions about the spelling of "Paddington" or "Teddy Ruxpin", those I know how to spell. Concerning Nelson Mandela himself, what I recall from way back when was- That he was arrested and spent a long time in prison with nobody being allowed to see him. And that with no proof of his still being alive, a lot of people thought he had probably been killed in prison, but nobody knew for sure. And then one day, he was released.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks for sharing your experiences noticing discrepancies between movie release dates, song release dates, a song with identical lyrics now released by someone else, and a beautician knowing of Taylor Swift before she was well-known as a singer. I've heard of similar reports to all of these over the past twenty years that I've been researching and documenting such things, which may provide some reassurance. I'm intrigued by the way some people notice many reality shifts such as these, yet might not recognize much of anything being different with regard to some of the alternate histories and Mandela effects that are generally more widely recognized, such as Nelson Mandela being alive again after having died while incarcerated.


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

Dear Cynthia,
I believe we're in a massive change right now. Do you remember the movie, White Noise, from 2005? Do you remember the ads featured a tv screen? Can you recall the actor without looking it up? This is astonishing. I believe movies are the best way to identify Mandela Effect changes. I know the actor now listed was not in this film.
— Jon

Dear Jon,
Thanks for sharing this news with me! I didn't see the movie "White Noise" and don't have a memory of the starring actor--but I can certainly appreciate the shock you must feel to see the current name of the lead actor in the film. Yes, movie reality shifts are truly shocking when they occur, and I've seen some real doozies.
lots of love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Yesterday I sent my staff to buy some grocery from a nearby shop,within seconds of leaving the shop he saw the same shopkeeper coming on a scooter.An hour back a frained called immediately after he got a missed call from me,only that i hadn't touched the phone and there was no record on my phone of outgoing call and we have no spoofing here in lucknow.That doppelganger thing sounds too corny,and now i am starting to wonder whether it's even relevant to report these events anymore.
— Vivek

Dear Vivek,
These events sound real to me, and are similar to cases in which I’ve seen a person enter a space and do similar or exactly the same things a second time–and when questioned, have no awareness they were doing this (it was the ‘first time’ for them). So yes, it’s relevant to report these events, because they are not yet commonly acknowledged by the majority of mainstream people–even though as you and I both have personally witnessed, these events are happening startlingly often.
— Cynthia


Is it possible that we can go back time and change the past so that we can change the present? And even the people who died can brought back to life because we change the past?
— R.C.L.

Most of the ‘alive again’ experiences that I and others have so far reported have involved people (or pets) being alive again that were somewhat on the periphery of our attention. These were, in other words, not immediate household members we expect to see every day, nor were they best friends, our spouses, our parents, nor our children–but rather people ‘on the periphery’ of our attention such as friends of our parents, celebrities who we hear about sometimes on the news, neighbors who live some distance away, colleagues we used to work with, and so forth. This aspect of being ‘on the periphery’ appears to be necessary in order that we stop fixing one particular reality in place, as it seems we are able to do through utilizing the Quantum Zeno Effect (watching a particular area and putting so much attention on it that we ‘lock’ a particular reality in place). So my best advice to you is to move your focus of attention and your heart and your mind on something other than the object of your great desire–feeling as much love and gratitude as possible for something else.

While it’s true that I have personally experienced changes to my past, and also have heard from many people who have witnessed alternate histories (historical facts are now different than what they personally remember)–all these examples most frequently occur with respect to areas on what you might consider to be “peripheral attention” rather than primary focus. It’s almost as if when we’re not looking too closely, the past can change.

The relevance of this for you is that while it may be possible for you to remember something different from a changing historical evidential past, my advice to you is to emotionally detach yourself from obsessing about this one particular day to the point it feels like such a primary focus. For best results, you’d instead focus on gratitude about supportive elements from your present and your past, feeling emotionally thankful for all the good experiences and events to the point that your primary focus moves away from this particular event or events.

I can’t guarantee success or tell you that there is a definite way you can achieve a change, but I can let you know that many people have noticed changes in historical facts compared with their memories–and they have done so while fixing full emotional and intellectual focus of attention elsewhere.
lots of love,
— Cynthia



(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

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The First Great Commandment
by Gardner Sylvester

The True Secret Teachings of Christ

At this time of emphasizing differences, exclusions, and blind adherence to rules, Sylvester's book arrives as a breath of fresh air. Never has there been more need in the world for Christ's teachings than now, at this time when so many people feel marginalized, unloved, and left out. Yet many who are most in need of hearing and knowing Christ's real message don't receive it. The First Great Commandment reveals simply and clearly the true 'secret' teachings of Jesus Christ by sharing His own words as they appear in the King James edition of the Bible. Recognizing the difference between what Christ actually said and everything else is essential for knowing and feeling the miraculous healing power of what He truly meant.  The miraculous secret of The First Great Commandment is that the words of Christ have been in front of us all along, showing us what Christ felt to be the most essential truth and message for us. Love is the main message, including loving Christ, loving God, loving each other--and knowing that we are unconditionally loved. The First Great Commandment advises us to live joyfully and fearlessly, trusting and believing that we are--each and every one of us--unconditionally loved by Christ and the Father, just exactly as we are.  By citing words exactly as Christ spoke them, The First Great Commandment puts us back on track to love one another, and to love God. Gardner Sylvester's book elucidates significant and important differences between Jesus Christ's actual words as He spoke them and other elements of the Bible, with Christ's words printed in red, New Testament words in green, and Old Testament words in blue.  The title of this book is based upon Christ's first great commandment, which instructs us to, "... love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."  I love the lucidity by which Sylvester points out Christ's most essential message, as he writes such things as, "Christ could have called any or all of the Ten Commandments great. He declines. He instead gives us his two Great Commandments. The first Great Commandment is to love the Lord thy God. The second is to love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these." (p.8)  At junctures where confusion is possible, I treasure how Sylvester brings us back on track, recognizing that apparently Christ did intend to point out how the earlier ten commandments are not more essential than these two Great Commandments. Sylvester also clarifies another matter, "Some think the Second Great Commandment means we are not to love our neighbor any more than we love ourselves, which might be very little. Christ clears this up in John 13:34 where he says, 'A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another.' Yes, we are to love others, and we are to love ourselves." Central to The First Great Commandment is the concept that Christ loves us unconditionally as we are, free from condemnation and judgement. Not only did Christ emphasize that he loves us, he also said that we do not all need to repent: "Christ says in Luke 15:7, [out of a hundred] more than over ninety and nine just persons... need no repentance." (p.19) Christ knew it was easy for humans to lose sight of these truths and become fixated on judging others by how they adhere to rules, while feeling superior somehow--yet The First Great Commandment points out that Christ is highly critical of the self righteous, stating in Luke 20:46, "Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greeting in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts." (p.50) Withholding forgiveness does not make us better Christians. Christ states in Matthew 6:15, "But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."  Indeed, the three major sins that Christ points out in Luke 6:37 are: "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive, and ye shall be forgiven." The First Great Commandment is priceless for its ability to clear the fog of confusion away, and help those who may have felt unloved, judged, condemned, neglected, or unwanted to become aware that the Kingdom of Heaven full of unlimited unconditional love can be theirs--not at some future time, but right here, right now.  The First Great Commandment makes an excellent gift for anyone feeling unloved, unworthy, left out, depressed, or stressed. At just slightly more than 70 pages, this slender volume fits easily into most any purse, briefcase, backpack or bag--and it's written with the easy-to-read confident narrative voice of a wise, knowledgeable friend.  Highly recommended!


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