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November 2020
Issue #254

published monthly since October 1999
How Good Can it Get?

Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
Choose Reverence

"To yield reverence to another,
to hold ourselves and our lives at his disposal, is not slavery;
often, it is the noblest state
in which a man can live in this world."
― John Ruskin

This past month has certainly been an interesting one for me, full of surprises. On America's Election Day, I was stunned to discover myself in "Facebook jail"—blocked from commenting or conversing on that social media platform. I asked Facebook officials what might have precipitated my being blocked on Facebook, but only received this rather cryptic message: "Your account is restricted for 30 days. Your previous activity involved groups, Pages, or events that didn't follow our Community Standards, so you can't do things like post, comment or send messages." I have no idea of being involved in any such groups, pages, or events. I can still scroll along and see what is happening on Facebook, but it's a different experience to be unable to respond to posts about deaths, births, and birthdays. Yet, clearly, there is a silver lining to every cloud. Part of this silver lining is a refreshing reminder to reduce screen time, which is always a good idea. Another silver lining corresponds with one of the biggest things I've learned from living with reality shifts—that it's okay for everything and everybody to change, and it's okay to let things go. Wonderful opportunities can be waiting for us, and there is quite likely a hidden order in what might at first seem disappointing.

How to Improve Your Memory
Another big surprise this past month was seeing an HBO episode of "How to with John Wilson" that was partly filmed at our international Mandela Effect Conference held in Ketchum, Idaho last November. This docu-comedy episode is, How to Improve Your Memory, and it starts off in pre-pandemic New York City, with John Wilson practicing some memory enhancement techniques. John Wilson did an excellent job of covering the Mandela Effect in such a way that invites curiosity and inspires interest in the idea that some people might remember different histories and versions of facts. John Wilson was very low-key when he attended our first international Mandela effect conference held in Ketchum, Idaho last November. He was so low-key that he seemed more like 'just the camera man,' than the director of a new hit docu-comedy. I'm deeply moved that what John Wilson created is heart-warming, funny, thought-provoking, and uplifting.

After watching this episode of "How to with John Wilson," I felt a sense of reverence for our amazing Cosmos that has such reality shifts, quantum jumps, and Mandela Effects in it. I felt reverence for all the people who have gathered together to discuss these topics, and reverence for everyone watching a docu-comedy about this topic who might give the idea more serious consideration after having had a few good laughs.

Reverence is one of those things most of us absolutely adore in rare moments when we see it in others, yet something we rarely nurture in ourselves. We can feel a sense of truly being seen and valued just for being who we are when we are greeted with reverence—with profound awe, respect, and love. Something about being greeted this way can also remind us to stand a little bit taller, speak a little more positively, and feel a little more connected with others in the world. Reverence is a state of being that feels to me like one or two steps up from gratitude on the vibrational scale, and this emotional state, together with unconditional love, feels truly heavenly to me.

Quantum Jumping Event
There is something revolutionary about adopting an attitude of reverence in times of increasing polarization; there is something unusual about choosing reverence over irreverence. When we choose to feel connected, rather than disconnected—we are choosing reverence. When we choose to feel a sense of awe and wonder, rather than jaded cynicism—we are choosing reverence. And best of all, when we choose to see the world and one another with unconditional love—we are choosing reverence.

Next month, on Thursday, December 10th, I hope you'll join me in a first-ever Quantum Jumping event. We'll have five quantum jumping panelists sharing some of our favorite tips, techniques and key ideas for success, including myself, Bruce Goldberg, Natasha Senkovich, Joya, and Vanessa Cordieu. The fun starts at 10am Pacific Time, and if you're interested in improving your quantum jumping game, this is one you'll want to be sure to attend!

My favorite question, "How good can it get?" provides an open-ended invitation to invite reverence into our lives. We've reliably witnessed some truly amazing reality shifts over the past twenty plus years of reporting them in RealityShifters, and any time you'd like to remind yourself of some of the remarkable changes we've witnessed, I hope you will feel free to browse through a few issues, and restore your sense of wonder.

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      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia! Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "What a gift you are to the light bearers! The clarity of your sight is matched by your compassion and generosity for this planet and all of us." -- Deatra

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Quantum Jumping Event
Quantum Jumping Event
10 Dec 2020
10 am P.T.
Transform your reality in a big, positive way when you join a panel of Quantum Jumping experts who will show how consciousness shifts reality, and remind you that you can experience seemingly impossible things. Panelists include: Bruce Goldberg, Cynthia Sue Larson, Natasha Senkovich, Joya, and Vanessa Cordieu. Quantum Jumping event organizer and host, Natasha Senkovich, talks with each expert, to discover key tips, techniques and insights. Would you like to make a quantum jump? I'll be part of panel of quantum jumping experts on Thursday, December 10th, starting at 10am PT. You can learn more about this exciting event and register at:

Cynthia Sue Larson
Choosing Revhumanism in Apocalyptic Times
11 Oct 2020
At this time with robots, Artificial Intelligence, and the Singularity on the horizon we've reached a crossroads for the future of humanity—where we can either choose to put faith in technology to inspire us and lead the way (Transhumanism)—or choose to put faith in life force energy in each of us, the Earth, and the Cosmos (Revhumanism). Technologies are not inherently evil—the risk of loss of sovereignty comes from idolizing technologies as higher, greater, or more than a living conscious Cosmos, or God. We can see we have reached a decision point that was prophesied thousands of years ago by many spiritual faiths and traditions. A picture of this decision point was literally carved in stone on the Hopi Prophecy Rock near Oraibi, Arizona. This rock tells the story of three previous human worlds being destroyed when people became greedy, worshiped technology as if it were a god, fought each other, and forgot the original purpose of humanity to honor the Earth as the source of life and sustenance. Two paths go forward into the future; the higher path places faith on technologies, at the expense of caring for each other and the Earth, and it fizzles out and disappears. The lower path continues on indefinitely, and is for those humans who continue to care for each other and the Earth.
You can read the companion blog post to this video in its entirety at:

Cynthia Sue Larson on Atlantic Underground Podcast
Cynthia Sue Larson on
Atlantic Underground

25 Oct 2020
Join me in my latest chat about IMEC, Mandela Effect Society, communicating with one's future self, what it means to be “born aware,” and the value of revhumanism on Atlantic Underground Podcast. Do you remember the line in the movie E.T., “ET phone home?” That is no longer what the line always was and always has been. Author Philip K. Dick was an experiencer of meeting his future self, and also of reality shifts and what we now call the Mandela Effect. Cynthia discusses all this and more with Johnny and Chris on the Atlantic Underground Podcast.

Cynthia Sue Larson on Radio Charlotte with Renn
Cynthia Sue Larson on
Radio Charlotte
with Renn

25 Oct 2020
Tune in to hear me talk with Renn on Radio Charlotte about Reality Shifts & the Mandela Effect. Do you remember the Berenstein Bears? What about Jiffy peanut butter? Who can forget famous movie quotes like, "If you build it, They will come." or "Life is like a box of chocolates.." How about "Mirror Mirror on the wall.. Who's the fairest of them all?" None of those things ever existed.. Or did they?

Cynthia Sue Larson on your best possible future self
Cynthia Sue Larson on
How to Meet and Interact with your BEST Future Self
on Higher Journeys
with Alexis Brooks

4 Nov 2020
Many feel that the veils between the seen and unseen are as thin as they’ve ever been. Some say that the veil no longer exists at all. If this is the case, then we are primed to experience all sorts of “phenomena” that would be considered paranormal or metaphysical in nature right here in the 3D realm. Given this possibility, what if we could call forth our future self and glean insight from them? What if we have MORE THAN ONE future self (possibly hundreds)? How would we choose which “self” to connect with and moreover, if we could summon this aspect of ourselves from “the future,” how could they help to guide us in our present life? These are the questions we posed to quantum physicist and consciousness researcher Cynthia Sue Larson during exciting this episode.

Trail of Light interviews Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson on
Voice From Tomorrow
Interview with Cynthia Sue Larson
by Trail of Light

8 Nov 2020
Many feel that the veils between the seen and unseen are as thin as they’ve ever When you're settled down and able to read an in-depth interview, here's one I think you'll enjoy. Trail of the Light interviewed me in this back-and-forth interview conducted over the course of many months of 2020, "Voice from Tomorrow." In this interview we talk about spiritual growth, quantum physics, quantum biology, philosophy, and wisdom. We also discuss how Mandela Effects have been utilized by shamans, the uniqueness of Cynthia’s ‘NDE’ experience, and the surprising story behind Cynthia’s aversion toward using mobile phones.

Cynthia Sue Larson
Collective Growth Symposium
11 Oct 2020
This special four hour symposium features short presentations by eight speakers. Barbara Rosenkruis (Pantheon of Aeternam): How to connect to Earth and experience collective growth? Maya Boston: The importance of self-love and introspection as part of the coping mechanism for navigating the challenges of today's world. Wanda Vitale: The enormous creative potential of humanity as it will unfold over the next three months. Leisa Peterson: Healing Scarcity Consciousness. Sydney Campos: Embodying Heaven On Earth: Ascension is an Inside Job Lori Spagna: The Root Cause of all diseases for People and Animals. Cynthia Sue Larson: Revhumanism Rising: Actuating High-Level Sovereign Agency. Ana Estrada: Sekhmet: Courageously Claiming our Embodied Sovereignty


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Celebrity Biographical Collective Shifts
Connecticut, USA

Hi Cynthia! I might be experiencing reality shifts based on something I have been fascinated with for many years: celebrity biographical information. Yes, I have a thing for where people come from and how they grew up. I don't know why, but it fascinates me to know where they were born, moved to, etc. And yet, I am finding shifts in this area. Perhaps lapses in memory, or perhaps errors of those who gather information for Wikipedia. Again, it could just be physical or mental factors, but sometimes I read a biographical piece about someone famous and where they were born and how they lived.  Only to find a later reading that their birthplace has changed. Example, I was recently reading about a certain celebrity that I enjoyed. Now, in previous readings, I could swear that I had learned that this celebrity was born in North Carolina. And in a later reading, just as plain as day, the biographical information stated that this person was born in NYC! Honest to GOD I swear I had previously read North Carolina! And I could swear that when I had read about this celebrity even further back in time, this person entered current life in New Jersey! Could a burnt out, stressed, overweight, middle age gay man like me be faltering in memory? Maybe. But I don't think that is the case with biographical information! (Maybe I have a career with Fact Finders or something? LOL!) Mayhaps a collective reality shift?

Note from Cynthia: Reality shifts can be observed anywhere, and I'm grateful to be hearing about this relatively new category of Mandela Effects involving people noticing that celebrities (or any personality famous enough for large numbers of people to be aware of them) have now "always been" born somewhere other than what we recall. This topic was first reported in the October 2020 issue, in a RealityShifters first-hand report by Lisa in Davis, California about Larry the Cable Guy and Grandma. Clearly, we can now all pay a bit more attention to where we remember public figures and celebrities being born, because one day it might have 'always been' somewhere different!


David Attenborough
Alive Again Celebrities and Kidney Shift
Petersborough, Ontario, Canada

I recently learned that David Attenborough, the British broadcaster is still alive. Both my husband and I remember he died years ago. I was so shocked to see he was alive! Do you remember that he died? I was also shocked by Helen Reddy’s death as I am certain she died around 10 years ago! Both of these revelations occurred to me recently and on the same day! How strange is that! Also, I wanted to tell you that in 1981 I was in an Animal Health course. I took a lot of anatomy, both animal and human. The kidneys absolutely were in the low back. In the early 2000’s I was training in Therapeutic touch and the teacher told me to put my hands over the kidney area. Naturally I put my hands over the person’s lower back. The teacher kept repeating ‘no, over the kidneys’ . I was very confused! She finally came over and held her own hands high up the back!!! I was completely confused. I couldn’t understand why she was saying that but I just let it go, but it really bothered me, I just couldn’t understand how I could have been wrong about something I knew so well. It was very disturbing. I believe I took the therapeutic touch course in 2002. When I heard you talking about the kidneys years later, I nearly fell off my chair! It had happened so long ago to me but it had been so disturbing I remembered it very well. I went home and checked with my husband, because he was a lab technologist, and also knew anatomy. He told me she must be confused, because he also knew the kidneys were in the low back. She wasn’t confused, she was more than confident, which is how she convinced me I was wrong. When I ask him about it today, he’s not sure where the kidneys were, which is odd, since he was certain in the past. He still remembers the kidney punch though. This all makes a really good case for the switching of timelines. I can’t tell you what a relief it’s been to hear you discuss this very thing. Thank you so much for helping me to see I wasn’t deluded! That bothered me for years until I heard you bring it up a few years ago. What a strange thing that body parts can actually change like that! Thank you for being there and being who you are, I appreciate you so much!

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing that you remember that David Attenborough and Helen Reddy had passed away, and then were alive again.  In an amazing synchronicity, I just today heard that David Attenborough and Prince William are starting a new "Earthshot" prize, which is something like Kennedy's ambitious "Moonshot" project of the 1960s, but this one is worldwide, and is like a green Nobel prize, open to anyone.  I'm delighted that Attenborough is still with us, and still making such a positive difference, and Helen Reddy, too.  And what an extraordinary experience you had in your Therapeutic Touch course back in the early 2000's, your instructor was repositioning your hands after you'd placed your hands were you knew the kidneys to be--the lower back.  How interesting that at that point in time, for your instructor, the kidneys had already shifted upward to a relatively safer position where most of us now know the kidneys to have "always been."  I'm just as amazed that our human anatomy can shift and change like this as I am that some people become aware of these shifts at different times, such as your instructor noticing this kidney shift in the early 2000s, where it has been fairly new to me more recently. I often hear people say that the Mandela Effect can't really be happening on account of alternate histories (implying parallel universes), and that surely we can explain all this away by simply pointing at the fallibility of memory.  Cases like these involving having something literally called "the kidney punch" that no longer matches up with where the kidneys currently are seem to indicate differently. 

Abundance Multiplies
Wheatland, Iowa, USA

I love your Reality Shifters ezine! An event happened to me today that is a demonstration that "lack" truly does not exist in the Universe. My friend and I were discussing spiritual subjects over coffee this morning.  One topic we talked about was how the belief in lack is not real.  We both agreed that the Universe is a benevolent place and that lack is simply not part of True Reality. I told my friend that I've been working on dispelling any lack beliefs that I still hold on to. Later that day, I had an opportunity to demonstrate my belief in abundance. While standing in the checkout line to pay for groceries, I noticed an elderly gentleman behind me wearing a war veteran cap.  I turned and thanked the man for his service to our country then told the clerk I would like to buy the man's groceries.  The combined bill totaled $100.47.  I just happened to be holding a hundred dollar bill in my hand and the clerk commented that it was weird that I had just enough money to pay for it.  I agreed and laughed as I pulled two extra quarters out of my purse to foot the remainder of the bill.  The elderly gentleman thanked me and I went on my way with joy in my heart. Giving is truly just as fun as receiving in my book! After arriving home I made some very odd discoveries while unpacking my groceries.  I had purchased several things on my list that I found to already be in the freezer that I know weren't in there before.  Yes, I have had this happen on occasion when I thought I needed a food item and got home to find that I already had it in the cupboard.  This time was different.  I will explain. A few days ago I made a pan of lasagna for a neighbor who recently had surgery.  My husband got a loaf of frozen garlic bread out of the freezer.  He asked if he should deliver it to the neighbor with the lasagna as it was the last loaf left.  I double checked the freezer and agreed that it was the last garlic bread loaf but said that he should take it because I can always buy more.  Well, I bought the replacement loaf of garlic bread today and returned home to find that there are already two loaves in the freezer!  Not one but two extra! As anyone who buys groceries knows these loaves are long and not easy to conceal.  I have a very organized upright freezer that is easy to navigate.  Also, I am the only one who does the grocery shopping in my family as we live in a rural area which rules out my husband buying the extra loaves.  I also found a bag of frozen egg noodles and a tub of cool whip all of which I needed last week but at the time could not find in the freezer.  They were not there then but appear to be there now!  So now I have two of those items as well.  There are a few other extra items like peanut butter and white wine vinegar that were not in the cupboard before the shopping trip but are in there now. So I have doubles of these items too! I called my friend and told her that my demonstration of giving money to prove there is no lack must have put me in a timeline to prove that this is true! Any thoughts or comments you have on this would be appreciated! And as a side note. We ate the "magically appearing" french bread last week and it tasted amazing!

Note from Cynthia: Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with abundance--they are inspirational!  I've had some wonderful reality shifts involving abundance with money and food, too.  I love how you and the store clerk noticed that you had just enough money to pay with the cash you had on hand.  And how fun to find doubles of food appearing in the freezer and cupboard, too—and of course the 'magically appearing' French bread tastes amazing!

Garage Wall Switch Working Again
Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Reality Shifts
For the past week , I’ve been reading your book Reality Shifts.  Every morning, when I wake up,  I keep asking myself, before I do anything else, “how good can it get?”  Today, October 27th 2020, I got a reminder. My garage door stopped working about a month ago, and I started opening and closing it manually. It’s been a pain, because I have to get out the car, open the door, get back in and close it once more after I get back out the car. For many people, it wouldn’t seem like a big deal, but I wasn’t in the mood to go shopping for a garage opener and just started wishing that it would work again, so I could skip the hassle. Well for the past few times, in the past week, when I went out, as I came back home, I literally forgot that I had to get out and do the ritual of manually opening the door and started reaching for my remote to press the button on the opener, which still isn’t work at the moment, but at that moment, I forgot it isn’t working. It’s so interesting how our minds either erases or smooths out, the memories to coincide with the current reality. I do know better, though, as a deliberate creator. The strangest thing is tonight, the door wouldn’t let me open it manually all the way, so I ducked under the half open door, went inside the garage, and had to open the garage door with the wall switch, I was so happy and surprised at the sometime. I went back outside to the drive way where my car still was, but tried the remote in the car, that still wasn’t working, but I somehow feel it will in the next few days. I think I caught a shift in the middle of a transition, back to it working again, remote and all. I initially thought that I had to be thinking happy thoughts all the time, to be a deliberate creator, however I realized even the desire to remove an uncomfortable scenario is good enough for a shift, with positive intent. I’m so happy to recognize this latest lesson. So as it continues to shift, I continue to ask that awesome question with total excitement and wonder, Cynthia, How good can it get?

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing your experience with your garage door switch that started working!  I especially appreciate your mentioning how our minds often move into remembering whatever history coincides with the reality we are currently observing.  It really does help to know that we are visiting various parallel possible realities, and it helps so much to remember that when you notice you can move between various realities with their differing histories, you can also "vote" for the most positive possible reality (and its companion histories) by asking, "How good can it get?!"  Wonderful! 


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

Dear Cynthia,
Cynthia, I’m truly blown away by something, and I think you have something to do with it. After I had read your reply the other day, I decided to read the attached article, (thanks btw, this is an awesome prospect), and work on my planned meditation. Well, I did meditate, and after, I didn’t feel anything about it one way or another. In fact, I questioned whether it “worked“. So I sat down to paint, and I asked my Google Assistant to please play my Wellness Daily playlist on my music app and the most interesting song I had never heard before caught my ear right away, “There's a knock at your door. You don't even recognize the stranger. It's you from before.” (Head On by Man Man) The rest of the song was interesting, and such a random song to be on a Wellness playlist. I thought this was a really big coincidence that it should play right after I read your reply, and after I questioned if my meditation worked. I think the Universe just gave me the thumbs-up, and nodding to you too. I love it!

Dear Lori,
Wow, Lori, this is amazing! I’ve got goose bumps of joy from reading the lyrics on that song you heard, “There’s a knock at your door You don’t even recognize the stranger It’s you from before” My goodness, but that’s just so wonderful in terms of validation that indeed, your meditation worked! What a magnificent thumbs-up from the Cosmos! Thanks so much for sharing this with me!
lots of love,


Hi, Cynthia!
I did see my story (about Larry the Cable Guy and Grandma) in the recent RealityShifter Newsletter! Thank you! I didn’t finish the whole thing with all the distractions around here, but I loved your “monologue”! Here’s the thing--when I was reading it Tuesday night, the TV was on and we were watching the first episode of the new game show, “Weakest Link.” At the moment I was reading the story about Grandma and Larry online, I heard a question came on the TV show about who had the tagline—“Let’s Get ‘er Done”! Well, my eyes got big and I exclaimed, “Larry the Cable Guy!” How often does he come up to our minds or is mentioned on TV?! Rarely, I’d guess. My jaw just dropped at this confirmation that Larry is part of this weird shift for me. Ha!

Dear Lisa,
That is AMAZING about the coinky-dink with "Get 'er done" right when you were reading the RealityShifters mentioning Larry the Cable Guy and your grandma's home town!
lots of love,


I am very interested in your work regarding quantum jumps and reality shifting. I have been seeing a lot of people talking about shifting to fictional universes realities such as the Harry Potter world. I was wondering, can you really shift to any reality instantly? For example let’s say I want to go to New York but I actually live in France, can I, by the use of meditation and other techniques, suddenly wake in the reality in wich I am in New York? Because it seems like people are actually able to do this so I wanted to know your view on that! Thank you very much.
Iman, from France

Dear Iman,
Based on the dramatic and sometimes seemingly impossible shifts I have observed, I believe any shift of any size or magnitude is possible.  The primary constraining factors for an individual's success in making any kind of reality shift or quantum jump has to do with how fully they (1) genuinely NEED that shift to occur (not just something fun to do for kicks); (2) truly LOVE that desired reality; and (3) can fully ENVISION themselves actually in that reality. Humans who can do all three of these things are able to make jumps to any envisioned reality that they love and need.  We thus see that the vast majority of people right now can thus convince themselves, if need be, that for example, they got enough sleep last night, and benefit immediately from this (placebo) suggestion/belief.  To the degree we don't doubt or second-guess ourselves, we can thus experience all manner of reality shifts and quantum jumps, as I've written about, and as numerous laboratory-tested studies prove to be repeatable.  When we move into areas where our collective consciousness does not (yet) acknowledge to be true, such as teleportation or bilocation, best results will occur for those who can maintain a state of certainty while simultaneously knowing what they need, and feeling tremendously focused with love. 
With love and blessings,


Dear Cynthia,
I watched your video about your experience when your were 16 and I gotta say that's pretty interesting. At that age I never had such experiences but I did feel someone get shot named Jaynou Oliver Beck. On December 22, 2017 Apex TV uploaded a video called Time Traveler From 4932 Reveals Future President. They also uploaded a second video confirming that such a person would be born 2 years ago. And thus a person named Jaynou Oliver was born. At this point I have no choice but to confirm that parallel realities do indeed exist. But I gotta ask, does a PAST version of ourselves exist also? How would we know? Have you ever had any experiences regarding the matter?

Dear Amr,
Two of the three people I know of who've had their experiences with future selves included in books (Philip K. Dick and myself) have not had the experience of consciously being the future self that went back to converse with our earlier selves.  When we consider the concept of 'closed timelike curves,' we might recognize the point that a particular given future self can go back to one-of-many-possible past selves, and interact there--thus never becoming ensnared by the famous "grandfather paradox" where a time traveler might go back and kill their own grandfather, thus eliminating themselves--which is a fundamental paradox.  My personal experiences engaging with past versions of myself are via meditation--though I have experienced the Vardogr experience of hearing people before they actually physically arrived.  And I've also witnessed repeating cycles of events, such as a woman entering a hotel twice (unaware of her first walk through the lobby past us) and a woman handing out business cards twice (unaware she'd done that a few minutes earlier).  So we can be aware of encountering future events earlier, or what might seem like experiencing events twice.
with love and thanks,



(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

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Quantum Jumps

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