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October 2017
Issue #217

How Good Can it Get?
Cynthia Sue LarsonCynthia Sue Larson
Relating to the Divine

"The more I study science, the more I believe in God."
-- Albert Einstein

One of the things I find fascinating as consciousness has enveigled it's way into quantum physics is the way the idea of God is often required, even if not named as such, for papers attempting to unify quantum with classical physics. We truly live in interesting times when scientists find a need for a global, all-encompassing perspective, yet it's considered unfashionable, professional suicide, or politically insensitive or incorrect to say the word “God.”

Perhaps some of the reason the word “God” arrives with such baggage has more to do with the way people deal with that idea and that word, than any intrinsic meaning in the word itself. It is in our relationship to God, and what the divine means to us where we find ourselves potentially bristling at what others have to say on this topic, or how we feel they are behaving because of their beliefs. So we end up with physics papers mentioning “the census taker” or other similar terms in the meantime.

With attempts to bring together quantum and classical physics comes an inevitable realization of a need for recognition of a unified fundamental consciousness. And when we are blessed with moments of spiritual awareness and epiphany, we can gain a sense of choosing to be in alignment with the Divine. Through such connection, we can experience miraculous shifts in reality, though in my experience the greatest blessing is simply in relating to the Divine.

Cynthia Sue Larson
This month, I enjoyed giving a talk on the Mandela Effect, Reality Shifts, and Quantum Jumps to the IONS Petaluma group. We enjoyed a lively discussion about what might be the cause of what seems to be a rather rapid rise in reports of Mandela Effects, reality shifts and quantum jumps—including the rather astonishing recent news that this past year the world has experienced a reality shift of epic proportion that appears to have touched every single one of the 7.57 billion people in the world.

What is this change that left no person on Earth untouched, you wonder? It's something most of us have on the inside: our kidneys. What appears to have changed is: the position of the kidneys.

Cynthia Sue Larson
Before going to check to see where the kidneys are in the human body, just ask yourself where you remember them being. If you have absolutely no idea, then ask yourself where a boxer would be striking if he or she were executing a “kidney punch.” Such blows are considered illegal, for the reason they can seriously injure a person.

If you're now thinking the kidneys must be situated in the lower back, and that's why they've been considered vulnerable to being hit or kicked, and this is why such strikes are illegal, that's what I remember, too. Now it seems the kidneys in all humans are positioned quite a bit higher, no longer in the lower back.

When I announced this recent development to The Awareness Group last month, one member of the audience exclaimed she'd just been to the doctor the other day for a kidney examination, as she'd done so many times before, and she asked the doctor what he was doing when began probing with his fingers under her rib cage. He'd said he was palpating her kidneys, and that was so confusing to her, since for years she'd had many kidney exams and doctors had never palpated so high in her body for her kidneys before.

I've also heard from another friend who was stunned to see where the kidneys are now, since they'd been considered a possible cause of abdominal discomfort back in late 2016, yet now clearly they would never be considered for causing lower back or lower abdominal pain.

As usual, most people who are closely working with this particular area on a regular, on-going basis will likely not notice there has been any change at all. This means if you are a doctor or nurse, or a kidney specialist, it's much less likely that you'll be “in” on this global Mandela Effect / reality shift. The reason for that seems to have something to do with the Quantum Zeno Effect I've discussed before, in which quantum watched pots stay in whatever state you're initially observing them in.

I encourage you to keep asking my favorite question, “How good can it get?” no matter what is transpiring. There is a good change that by genuinely focusing on this question, and truly wanting to know, you'll help bring something truly wonderful into being that didn't exist before.

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Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia! Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "I can't thank you enough for your guidance. Before we met I was pretty negative about myself. I found out in our visit, that the negative energy I was carrying wasn't mine. It was as if I was infected by another person's darkness. Thank you thank you thank you... I feel like myself again, which is reflected in relationships with all people around me."
      -- Sari

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Foundations of Mind
Foundations of Mind V
The New AI Scare?

3-4 Nov 2017
California Institute of Integral Studies
Room 304, 1453 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Launch of Henry Stapp's latest book, “Quantum Theory and Free Will” on Friday, November 3rd; (Post) Quantum computation and the foundations of physics on Saturday, November 4th. Featuring Stanley Klein, Menas Kafatos, Wolfgang Baer, Sean O'Nuallain, Cynthia Sue Larson, Fred Alan Wolf, Aamod Shanker, Mansoor Vakili, Bev Rubik and many more. Suggested donation $200

Andy Myers

Angel Talk with Andy Myers
on Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson

Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Andy Myers about how we can talk to our angels and better appreciate their involvement in our lives. Andy describes winged angels, guardian angels, and some of the amazing history and stories about real-life encounters with angels. At this time when a majority of people on Earth believe in angels, it’s helpful to know how to make connections with them, and it’s fascinating to discover what spirit guides and guardian angels do in our lives. Andy talks about what’s required for our deceased loved ones to become guardian angels, and he describes some real-life angel encounters. Andy Myers is a best-selling author, psychic medium and inspirational speaker who is know for his sincerity, humor, and down-to-earth approach to spiritual topics. Andy has lectured at numerous prestigious colleges, and his clients wait up to six months for a private session with him. Andy’s books include “Flying Paint Rollers from Heaven,” “Inspiration A to Z,” and his newest, “Not Your Average Angel Book.” Andy resides in Omaha, Nebraska with his wife and daughter.
You can listen to this audio interview at:


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

1979 Globe

Changing Globes
Cape Coral, Florida, USA

1979 Globe
When did globes stop showing a big ice sheet coming from the North Pole down in to Canada? Here is an old globe with no ice in the Arctic! And the USSR still there, so the north pole ice cap is gone without global warming! The date on this globe shows 1979. Odd, but a Professor thinks I saw maps of the ice age.  The thing is that the glaciers of that era went all the way in to the 50 States whereas what I saw went in to northern Canada.  It was the Arctic circle.  Even odder was that it looked to me like a cake and I would imagine Canada as like a cake with frosting based on that map. 

Note from Cynthia: Wow--what an awesome find! And how totally bizarre to see such an old globe that's missing the familiar-to-me north pole ice cap. I remember seeing cartoons of Santa's workshop up at the north pole with a red and white specially marked pole that said, "North Pole" up in the snowy north polar ice cap. But here we have such an old-looking globe, sans north pole ice. I also can relate to the old globes and maps looking a lot like a frosted cake; I do remember all that white up at the top of every globe. And now the old globes show... blue expanses of North pole... water?! Amazing!


Purple Irises Came Up Yellow

This was beautiful and validating. I couldn't wait to tell you, but I've been so busy! This happened in the spring and now it's fall and I wish I had a picture!! This year my entire family witnessed our purple iris patch came up yellow! I interviewed the entire family, both my daughters were bewildered because they remembered them purple, my husband couldn't say but also couldn't say we were wrong.

Note from Cynthia:Thank you so very much for writing to let me know that your irises came up yellow instead of their usual purple this year! While some flowers are known to change colors if the soil changes in some way, irises are not one of those kinds of plants. I'm glad you talked about this with your entire family, and confirmed that you and your daughters all remember your irises used to always come up purple in previous years.

kidney reality shift

Kidneys Have Moved
Spokane Valley, Washington, USA

I have a 1977 copy of Gray's Anatomy; I am glad I still have this book as I have lost many others over the years that may help in the debate of things.(including a college book about the Consumer Financial Protection Agency which is now the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau!) *A new one I noticed yesterday*  Regardless, the book I still have clearly shows the date of publication, the location of the kidneys "in the loins", etc...  I also included recent internet information on my research.  Some do show the kidneys are now well within the rib cage!  My 1977 book clearly states "in the loins" and "behind the peritoneum."  I hope this helps your research before I am able to do more.  I am glad to help others who suffer from false memories as I do, or those that remember things as they were (as I do). :) LOL, so fascinating!

Note from Cynthia: Thanks for sharing your observation of the 1977 copy of Gray's Anatomy that describes the location of kidneys the way many of us still remember. This kidney reality shift has really been blowing peoples' minds recently!

Missing Keys
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA

Thank you so much for your incredible work that I've just discovered through an interview you did with Regina Meredith on Gaia. Your website and resources are fascinating, and I am so thrilled to have found you! I wanted to share an experience with you that echoes some of those on your website. My husband and I were living in Seattle, WA and I was going through an intensive outpatient trauma program to heal from PTSD. A side effect of that was a huge increase in anger, and I would have occasional outbursts where I would throw things and yell. :( One unfortunate victim of an outburst was my set of house and mailbox keys that were attached to a lime green stretchy band and several other keychains. I came in the apartment upset, and threw my keys toward the hallway closet. After I settled down about fifteen minutes later, I went back to the doorway to find them. After searching the entire area, I called my hubby over to help me look for our only mail key. We looked in all the closets, doorways, and rooms of our apartment but to no avail. He assured me they would turn up within the next couple days. I waited, searched again, he searched again, but to no avail. I ended up paying for a new mail key about a week after they went missing. We moved out of that apartment about a year later, and I was sure we would find them, but we packed all of our items and NEVER FOUND THE KEYS!! It was like they completely vanished out of existence! We still talk about this anomaly. I think it was a gentle reminder from the universe to take better care of my things! ;) Many thanks for all you do,

Note from Cynthia: Thank you so much for sharing your experience with the vanishing mail key! I can certainly appreciate the feeling of mystification of knowing "there's nowhere that key could possibly have gone"--yet recognizing you've searched everywhere, and that key simply vanished. I can also appreciate the sense that there was a kind of message in that incident, which has had the affect of engaging you in communication with things in a way you'd likely not ever have done otherwise.

Who is my Hubby?
Waco, Texas, USA

 I just had a new reality shift--one that made say to my hubby, “Just who are you?” Tonight a bug flew near my nose, and yep, my nose bled for a few seconds. That can happen with bugs, as they carry pollen.  No biggie.  But what shocked me with a huge reality shift tonight was that the hubby said most of the time he had known me (which is around 40 years or so) I had nosebleeds. That is *definitely* not true for me. I clearly know what goes on with my own nose.  lol.  And nope. not true, not even close.  I could not believe it.  I have not had an extremely 'in your face' type reality shift like that one in awhile.  Actually I love it tho as it lets me know, yep, once again, confirmation that is how life works, we shift all the time.  I've had big ones, really big ones, like geography, anatomy that I studied in the 90's, different, and much more, but I have not had one that made me question if my hubby was a pod person or not, lol.  It made me wonder as I explained this one to him that ya know, I bet more arguments in this world, and misunderstandings would stop if people just knew they were shifting reality.  :) Much love to everyone.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing your experience with your husband informing you that most of the time he's known you over the past 40 years, you've had nose bleeds, while you know for sure that's definitely not the case. This truly is an 'in-your-face' reality shift, in the sense that it involves your face, and it reminds me of some previous reports published in past RealityShifters, in which married people have noticed some remarkable changes in their spouses from time to time. I agree with you 100% that there will be a whole lot fewer arguments in the world when people recognize that reality shifts from time to time, and alternate histories are completely normal. 

Healing Rheumatoid Arthritis
Lynchburg, Virginia, USA

I hope you're enjoying your weekend!! I forgot to tell you one other story that your interview with Gaia's Regina Meredith brought to mind! :) Thank you for sharing your experience regarding your ability to heal your wound and walk your friend through choosing a "timeline" in which her leg was never broken. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis when I was about seven years old. The doctors told me it would either go into remission by the time I was 18 and no longer pose a problem to my body, or it would get worse, spreading throughout my body, and I would have it forever. Though I questioned how the doctors knew that, I nevertheless accepted it. The RA "spread" from just my right knee to both knees, hands, elbows, wrists, ankles and right hip. I established disability status at both universities I attended, and unfortunately needed the protection from discrimination. Almost three years ago now, I completed an intensive outpatient trauma program for PTSD and began reading all the "alternative science" books I could get my hands on. That included Deepak Chopra's "Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul," in which he stated that genes could be turned on and off. I decided if that's true, I didn't want RA anymore! :) Fast forward several months later, I saw my rheumatologist who could find no markers of RA! Astonished, she brought in several other doctors who ran the same tests and confirmed that though they could see the skeletal damage via X-rays, my body nor blood showed any sign of the disease! :D :D I'm currently working on developing a blog and website to help share this knowledge and promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing!

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing your experience, and I'm so glad you're free from rheumatoid arthritis now! I'm also delighted to see that you're starting a blog where you can share this knowledge and encourage people to do some research into complementary and alternative healing methods. While it may be true that no one method or way will work for everyone, it certainly can be helpful to share some tips from those who've had success with these techniques!

Feeling I'm Wearing a Watch I Don't Own
Farmington, NM, USA

 For the past five days I have been feeling the sensation of wearing a wrist watch on my right wrist.So I thought that I would mention that I don't own a wrist watch. Don't know how much that has to do with reality shifts or being in touch with my counter part though he resides in a parallel dimension. We may be interfacing between dimensional planes.

Note from Cynthia: Thank you for writing to let me know you've been feeilng a sensation of wearing a wrist watch on your right wrist, when you don't own a wrist watch. And it sounds like you're also suggesting you've not previously worn a wrist watch on your right wrist--so this sensation really does seem to be coming from nowhere.  Indeed, this sounds like you could be sensing another possible reality--one in which you wear a wrist watch. I've had some similar brushes with realities where, for example, I know how to play the drums, and feel compelled to jump up on stage when a band's drummer walks off, so I carry on with the rest of the band. And I'd not taken drumming lessons before! 


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

Hi Cynthia,
I’ve written to you before. I loved your book, and think maybe a time to read again, or do you have another you could recommend for understanding shifts? One of the things that happens to me is that I notice name changes. As in the name spelling of certain friends changes, people I’ve known for years and know how to spell their name quite well. For me, it is a significant sign of a major reality shift of my own personal nature versus a shift of impersonal (works of art etc.) Have you experienced this, or can you recommend any resources toward? Warmest regards,
— Michelle

Dear Michelle,
Thanks so much for writing to me with these questions. With regard to books for understanding shifts, I've got two books dedicated to providing perspective on these things:

Quantum Jumps

Reality Shifts

With regard to noticing personal shifts, in which you observe something like changes in names of those close to you, I've not (yet) noticed this particular kind of change--though I do tend to notice all sorts of shifts, so I'll likely notice these things more in the future. Once we start paying attention to certain kinds of shifts, we often do tend to see more of that type--such as changes in names, or traveling farther in less time, or objects appearing/disappearing/reappearing, and so forth.
lots of love,
— Cynthia


Hi Cynthia,
So correct me if I'm wrong, quantum leaping is basically oneself absorbed into another parallel reality, like a good person in a material world vs. a person in an anti-matter reality being evil?  Does this have anything to do with those articles on Supercolliders where there is an evil demonic realm?  I was reading about this and found it fascinating. Also, I was reading about Omarosa Manigault, and the term quantum leaping came up describing invisible "Illuminati" forces at work which sounded so science fiction like, in which her reality collided with an alternate reality where everything was controlled (she was controlled as well as the audience).  Of course, the half the things on the Internet you cannot believe with all the "fake news" these days.
— John

Dear John,
The types of reality shifts that I've been observing over the past couple of decades indicate that what's happening is that we're all regularly experiencing reality shifts--yet most people typically don't notice these discontinuities.  We're seeing evidence that this is true from research in the fields of quantum biology, quantum chemisty, and the quantum aspect of every other field of science. Which is to say that we're starting to observe clear evidence for quantum phenomena to occur at every level of reality, and not just in "the quantum realm."  In other words, once you start paying attention to reality shifts, you will likely start to notice people and/or things appearing, disappearing, transporting, transforming, and also changes in the experience of time.  While some people have reported experiencing that they were literally living in a different, parallel reality, such experiences are not common to all reality shift and Mandela Effect experiencers. I don't believe that particle physicsts at CERN working on the Large Hadron Collider are involved in evil research, since I've seen particle physicists when I was working at the Space Sciences Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley Lab above UC Berkeley, and I can assure you that particle physicists are the least likely people to be involved in nefarious, evil plots. These are some of the most grounded, practical, literally-minded, Boolean-logic-focused people you're ever likely to meet.
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


You mentioned in your writings that you can shift among dimensions.  What is the way to accomplish that?
— Sal

Dear Sal,
I describe dimensional awareness in my book, "Reality Shifts,"  which presents an overview of what various dimensions feel like.  The best way to experience different levels of dimensional awareness is to practice it on a regular basis over a period of many days, weeks, and months. 
Reality Shifts
lots of love,
— Cynthia


I'd like to know the steps to quantum leap to a parallel uni.  Read your site; are there instructions? 
— Kenny

Dear Kenny,
I cover the basic steps in my book, Quantum Jumps, with exercises and examples. While I believe all of us are quantum jumping regularly, most people experience low-level effects. I work as a coach to help individuals improve their quantum jumping abilities.  I've been sharing tips in articles and blog posts and videos you can view by reading back issues of my free monthly newsletter, RealityShifters at: RealityShifters

With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Dear Cynthia,
I’ve been researching changing the past for a while now. The thing I cannot rectify in my mind is – does the memory of the original past remain or get overwritten to the new envisioned and better past. Sorry if that’s confusing, it’s a tricky topic to put words to for me. I suppose I worry that if I managed to shift realities to one that contained a more preferable past, would my memories of the original past be in conflict with the new past?
— Sharon

Dear Sharon,
This is actually a truly excellent question–which of course means I don’t fully know the complete answer. Typically, we mostly notice changes to the past when we do still remember something being rather different than the current official historical account. Yet sometimes, some of us do also notice that as things start changing, our ‘memory’ of how things have always been can sort of make a companion jump as well, and sometimes that does mean we enter a time when two sets of memories both seem possibly true. So it seems reasonable to consider that sometimes our memories also make the jump to the new physical reality–though in such cases, we’d likely not really notice we’d even made a jump at all. With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Dear Cynthia,
So I experience the realities stacked up beside each other like particles in two places at once. It affects my memories, deja vus, keys that disappear in one reality but are later lying just where I had put them and looked for them to begin with, a bike that was stolen but appears years later and miles away hanging in sister's garage, lost keys that fall out of an every day used book bag in Ireland that disappeared a year before, people telling me a secret that is true but the person has no recollection of telling it to anyone, me standing in the middle of 19th century Fishamble street, Dublin with the smells and the must in grey old frock and uncomfortable lace up black shoes then a few seconds later being back standing in clients room --the list goes on and some shifts are so small most miss it all together like a word spelled different if a change in a song and on and on--do in long, I guess--think that quantum theory/physics should at least help us take things a whole lot less seriously--like I have memories of stuff in my family or experiences with friends that no one else seems to recall--so it seems pretty pointless to insist on being right when there truly are different realities going on literally and not just psychologically--ya know?
— Julie

Dear Julie,
Yes, I completely agree! Once we see that just about anything can change and once changed has officially 'always been that way,' it seems increasingly more and more wise to not be so concerned about being right over being kind.
— Cynthia


I came across your website and i am quite fascinated with the post on it. would like to know if it is possible to travel back in time and save someone through your method. Thanks.
— Dej

Dear Dej
Thanks so much for writing and asking this question! The experiences I've had involving time travel have either involved a kind of hypnosis / meditative approach toward traveling back in time, or a real-time time-travel experience which has spontaneously arisen in which a couple of times have somewhat overlapped. While the first kind of travel is something I've been able to initiate, I've not (yet!) managed to save someone. The reasons for this seem to mostly have something to do with the way emotional entanglements and strong emotions (such as of great grief) seem to interfere with making changes to the past. The best results I've seen for witnessing 'dead people alive again' typically involve individuals who aren't so close to us. And perhaps the reason this occurs is that detachment is required from a particular reality, in order that we can experience another.
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


 I have been experiencing Mandela effects recently, (my husband’s new birth mark, flags, logos and songs changing etc),  and other weird physical anomalies (time loss, attracting things, and I appear to be able to make hearts out of things without touching them) etc., so it’s become obvious to me now that we can affect our physical world with our mind. Your website confirms this.  My question though, is how much and how far can we take it?   I’m wondering this as today I was upset to hear of a massacre in Vegas, and I wonder if somehow, we can even change big things like this? And if so, how? If it is true, it would mean that the world really does revolve around me. Maybe around all of us but we’re all in different places. How to jump to a more peaceful reality? Is it through constant peace meditation? Can we induce selective amnesia somehow? Controlling our thoughts?  I’m wondering what you would have to say about this? I don’t assume it will be easy, but I would like to try.   If you have any advice or input, I would be grateful as I haven’t read the books yet. Thanks so much <3 .
— Rachael

Dearest Rachael
Thanks for writing to me with your question. I'd say the short answer is pretty much anything is possible--due to there being a number of possible realities we can experience. Having said that shorter answer, the longer answer is that what I've noticed after tracking this phenomenon for twenty years is that we are co-creating reality (since we humans are social beings), and our subconscious (and collective subconscious) play huge roles. There are many more things going on than ever meet the eye, and sometimes a disaster on one level helps offset something potentially worse. It seems a great deal of chaos occurs at times of waking up, when some people don't wish to take responsibility for thoughts and feelings, and/or fall habitually into fear.  My advice is adopt a daily practice of compassionate living and meditation, working to listen to your own subconscious, and provide a safe sounding board for others to share theirs with you. 
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

While many materials are received for review, only the best get the benefit of receiving mention in RealityShifters and having a review written and posted. If you enjoy reading these reviews, please feel free to express your appreciation by clicking through these links before making purchases at, so you can help offset the costs of the RealityShifters web site and ezine. You can see some excellent metaphysical books at:


Are You or Are You Not:
Searching for the Real Dimensions of Life

by Stan V. McDaniel

A Fresh View of Reality

From the first page, McDaniel invites us to seriously reconsider our assumptions that may unknowingly have been leading us down a garden path to the point we might be biological machines lacking free will. While the assertion that you might be such a mechanized automaton hopefully strikes you as outrageous—that's exactly the point. A certain perspective of mechanistic reductionism has become the dominant paradigm to the point that people seldom even notice the problems implicit in such assumptions. “Are You Or Are You Not” is a philosophical book that's perfect for anyone wishing they could put their finger on exactly what it is about mechanistic reductionism that's gone so wrong. One could argue that it takes a philosopher to guide us through this matter, and so we are indeed most fortunate that philosophy professor Stan McDaniel has crafted such a careful reconstruction that could better provide humanity with a solid foundation of understanding life, the universe, and everything. Historically, humanity now stands at a juncture of the dawning of the quantum computing age, along with brave new worlds of robotics, artificial intelligence systems, and cybernetics. These new technological advances require us to step up to a similarly advanced view of who we are and our role in the world. Rather than adopting a purely Boolean, rational approach of revisioning our conception of reality, McDaniel invites us to explore representational models, presented throughout the book in the form of figures, in order that we regain a sense of intrinsic interrelationality that is implicit and fundamental in the natural world. McDaniel presents ideas of John Dewey, Carl Jung, and Henri Bergson to this end, as well as concepts from the Upanishads, Aristotle, Govinda, Mouni Sadhu, and Hermes Trismegistus. From such a rich and varied assortment of influences, McDaniel presents us with a fresh view of self and God, which ultimately advocates denying the dualistic paradigm that is typically assumed in our lives. Ultimately, McDaniel encourages us to discover an 'amplification of the world' in which there is another dimension which is not a physical dimension of space-time, but rather an interpenetrating hierarchy of non-fixed levels of consciousness. There is a sense of continuity in these levels of consciousness, which reveals itself to us when we explore the nature of time. John Dewey recognized there is a kind of 'situational space' in which transactions occur, and in which place experience arises as a function of continuity. I loved reading this book for the sense of wonder and expansion of possibility it brings, as well as clarification regarding providing a framework for more future understanding. This is a topic where there are no easy answers, and it helps to bring an open mind and willingness to set aside preconceived assumptions. This is a marvelous book for the way it guides readers through a philosophical wilderness and ultimately to an expanded sense of wonder. Highly recommended!


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Quantum Jumps

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