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October 2020
Issue #253

published monthly since October 1999
How Good Can it Get?

Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
Empathize with Future Selves

"Empaths did not come into this world to be victims,
we came to be warriors. Be brave. Stay strong.
We need all hands on deck."
― Anthon St. Maarten

"Empathy is how kind hearts breathe."
― Nitya Prakash

"The funny thing about the heart is
a soft heart is a strong heart,
and a hard heart is a weak heart."
― Criss Jami

Empathy is one of those qualities that can be developed, regardless how little empathy we might think we have. Empathy has much in common with listening, with awareness of listening as deeply and fully as possible, beyond even what messages are intentionally being conveyed, down to the core essence of another. Empathy is one of those very special qualities that has the power to change the world. The world's best communicators understand the importance of knowing their audience, and of taking a moment to attune oneself to others. Empathy might seem weak or vulnerable, but ironically it is in that very vulnerability that true strength resides. Empathy is one of the soulful qualities, along with humility and reverence that together can bridge gaps that might otherwise seem impossible. We tend to think of empathy with respect to how we might better walk in another's footsteps, yet we can also employ empathy in our own lives.

Change is inevitable in our lives, and studies have shown that over the course of years and decades, peoples' personalities change tremendously. When we think back to earlier times in our lives, or read something we'd written many years before, we can gain insights into just how much we may have changed.

Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
We can gain strength, inspiration, motivation, courage, support, and joy from tuning in to our best possible future selves. Simply by envisioning how easy-going, radiant, fearless, and dazzling our future selves can be, we can gain a sense of connection with moving forward into such positive future possibilities. I feel certain that I have gained quite a bit of intuitive guidance, in large part due to feeling a great deal of empathy and connection with my best possible future self.

There's an article on the news that scientists consider it possible to time travel--and meet yourself: Paradox-free Time Travel is Theoretically Possible. This idea of time travel is more than purely theoretical to me: it is something I experienced, back in 1978. This extraordinary moment in my life did not give me the impression that the cosmos doesn't care; I got a sense that this Cosmos is very accommodating, very supportive, very tuned in, dynamic and alive. And despite my future self apparently taking something from my room, back in 1978, overall her presence in my life at that time provided a positive, uplifting, supportive, inspirational message that was truly wonderful for me to receive at that time, and think about for many years and decades afterward. This was the topic of my blog post and video this month, about envisioning your best possible future self.

My favorite question, "How good can it get?" provides an open-ended invitation to welcome inspiration, support, connection, meaning, kindness, and love into our lives. We've reliably witnessed some truly amazing reality shifts over the past twenty plus years of reporting them in RealityShifters, and any time you'd like to remind yourself of some of the remarkable changes we've witnessed, I hope you will feel free to browse through a few issues, and restore your sense of wonder.

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      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia! Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "You're so insightful, positive and personable. You helped me to refocus my thoughts and energies. I really appreciate the positive energies that you were able to channel through me as well as your reminders to remain positive--and to question and even challenge--how good CAN it get! After our reading, things fell into place and I have no doubt that your reading had a lot to do with it. My angels were watching over me and showing me just how good it can get! With your help I feel that I was cleansed and opened up to the infinite possibilities that surround me. My positive energy/aura did and will continue to attract more positive energies!" -- Lori

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Collective Growth Online Symposium
Collective Growth Online Symposium
10 Oct 2020
We are delighted to invite you to our online Symposium "Collective Growth" on Saturday 10th October, intended to inspire, heal, open up and transform participants worldwide. Speakers at this Symposium include: Barbara Rozenkruis, Lori Spagna, Sydney Campos, Maya Boston, Wanda Vitale, Cynthia Sue Larson, Leisa Peterson and Ana Estrada. At this seemingly chaotic time, people around the world can feel tempted to accept drama and fear-based interpretations of reality and increasingly focus on doomsday scenarios of disease and death, economic decline, stolen freedoms and collapsing social structures. Why is collective growth important in this present moment? Human beings have an opportunity to heal schisms and separations, and begin looking at growth opportunities. Humanity is invited to experience this miraculous opportunity of growth on Saturday October 10, 2020 at 8.00pm (UK time), EST 3.00pm, CT 2.00pm, PT 12.00pm, Australia 5.00am Sunday, Hawaii 9.00am Saturday.

Cynthia Sue Larson
Envision your Best Possible Future Self
4 Oct 2020
We can gain a special kind of inspiration, guidance, and intuitive insight by envisioning we're receiving help from our Best Possible Future Selves. One of my favorite ways to stay positively focused, optimistic, and inspired is to stay aware of the presence of loving, divine wisdom ever-present in our lives.  And this presence can be highly personal and trustworthy--it can be a relationship with your Best Possible Future Self. For all of my adult life, I've been aware of the reality of my Best Possible Future Self, since meeting my future self back in 1978 when I was a teenager.  She float-walked into my bedroom, entering through my mirrored closet doors, non-verbally telepathically communicating comforting messages of love.  I thought I was just dreaming, but later found that some special items--hand-written love letters--were missing from the secret place I'd hidden them in my roll-top desk's lower drawer.  Her visit was a mystery to me, and is still quite enigmatic and ephemeral to this day--yet one of the lasting gifts to me from her appearance is my faith in our ability to nurture our relationships with our Best Possible Future Selves. For many years I thought my future self would return those letters to me at some point in time.  I still have the same roll-top desk, providing opportunity for the return of these items, no questions asked.  Yet so far, this has not happened.  Some conceptualizations of the way quantum physics might allow for time travel via closed time-like curves can provide an explanation for that, since it's not necessary for the teenage version of me that I remember to have met an older future version of me who I remember.  In fact, I might never have the experience of being the Future Me who float-walks through that mirror closet door at all. My current view of my very real first experience with my future self is that my future self was providing gentle guidance to me, without directly influencing my free agency and free will to do whatever seemed right for me.  I sense that my future self was giving me unspoken permission to 'change my stars,' and not consider myself locked into any situation, but rather instead to acknowledge that change is ever-present, and I can best honor changes in myself and others by learning to not be overly clingy, but instead ready and willing to let go. The advantages of such relationships with our future selves are truly enormous; we can benefit from guidance, inspiration, protection, and support by someone who knows and understands us best--our Best Possible Future Selves.
You can read the companion blog post to this video in its entirety at:

Cynthia Sue Larson on Soulspeaks 5D
Cynthia Sue Larson on
SoulSpeaks 5D
SoulogyOneStudios with Todd Medina

14 Sep 2020
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Todd Medina about spiritual awakening; conscious identity; communing with Nature and elemental spirits; kundalini awakening, the Mandela Effect; and human conscious evolution--among other things!

Cynthia Sue Larson on Propagate this Light
Cynthia Sue Larson on
Propagate this Light

21 Sep 2020
Cynthia Sue Larson talks about this very special time to be alive, with all the challenges and opportunities we face. Memories of the bliss between lives is wonderful and refreshing, yet most of the learning occurs when we are living our lives in human physical form amidst. We have opportunities in our responsibilities to others, which may not seem clear at first, but which we can learn and grow from, if we welcome such opportunities in our lives.

Cynthia Sue Larson with Chad on Open Your Reality
Cynthia Sue Larson on
Open Your Reality

21 Sep 2020
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Chad about the Mandela Effect, Quantum Jumps, Parallel Universes, consciousness, 'the matrix,' quantum computers, simulation theory, the singularity, and how to change our reality.


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Epiphanies via Disappearing Reappearing Glasses
Bastrop, Texas, USA

While not new to personal Mandela Effects, the one today was profound for me due to the IMEC conference. Detesting clutter, I keep only my wallet, keys, phone and glasses in my purse.  My bright red, sequined glasses live in a narrow vertical pouch where the end sticks up about 1 1/2 inches. Entering the grocery store this morning, my glasses were not in my purse.  I took everything out of my purse both looking and feeling around the relatively small purse.  No glasses.  It briefly crossed my mind to buy another pair so I could shop but distinctly heard, "NO!" OK then; this is going to be interesting.  I understood that I was to just hold my list and feel what was on it.  At the dairy counter there was a kind gentleman that helped me with expiration dates.  On another isle, I was "told" to FEEL the ingredients instead of relying on being able to read the labels. Paying for my groceries--still no glasses. Got to my car and went to retrieve my keys.  Lo & behold: there were my glasses; right there in the vertical pouch with the sequined end sticking up. Right then and there I burst into tears with gratitude for the IMEC conference (which was WONDERFUL).  I understood, based on what I had learned from the presenters the whys of my personal Mandela effect.  I was to connect, for some unknown reason, to the gentleman at the dairy counter and release mental entanglements regarding my old ways of, in this case, grocery shopping in favor of embracing a more heart resonant way of being. Thank you; THANK YOU SO MUCH for all you are doing in assisting to open me and others to embracing not only the 9th wave but actually living "how good can it get."

Note from Cynthia: Thank you so very much for sharing this beautiful experience of embracing a more resonant way of being and connecting with others in the process.  Wow, that is such a profound insight, and something that touches my heart so deeply, too.  I can feel how easy it is for all of us to feel isolated from one another--especially during this time of social distancing--when clearly one of the very best things for our mental and emotional health and wellbeing is to check in with others.  I love how your glasses were right where you would expect them to be, after your experience seeing with the eyes of your heart.


Larry the Cable Guy and Grandma
Davis, California, USA

Here’s a personally stunning reality shift for you that I just learned about tonight!  I was trying to remember the name of the town in Nebraska where my Grandmother was born, and I just couldn’t remember the place, although I knew I would recognize the name of the town if I saw it. So I thought of a very quick and easy way to find it—I’d previously noted that a very popular and famous person named Larry the Cable Guy, (yes, that comedy genius we all know and love), was born in the same town as my Grandma! That fact seemed hilarious to me when I first realized that these two such opposite people had that town in common. So, I Googled him and I quickly saw where the internet now thinks he was born listed on multiple sites, but the place did NOT ring a bell at all!  Apparently, NOW, he was born in Pawnee City, Nebraska. No way. That’s NOT the same place as my Grandma!  What is going on here? Checked page after page online. All say Pawnee City. Then I suddenly remembered my Grandma’s birthplace was Burchard, Nebraska. And THAT'S the town where they used to say that Larry was born too! I recall it being noted that Larry the Cable Guy was the only famous person to have ever been born in Burchard. This was according to what I thought was a Wikipedia article a number of years ago. Now there’s no record of that memorable “fact” that I knew. I even remember telling many people over the years that My Grandmother was born in the same town as Larry the Cable Guy—in Burchard, Nebraska! How about that?! No more. Still shaking my head over this alternative history! At least my ancestor that was killed by the Rock Island Line train is still a victim of that train made famous in song. Not a mighty good road for him, sadly. Never thought I’d find a family history reality shift tonight. I was just recently wishing to find more. How about that? I got my wish!

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing this extraordinary experience noticing that such a highly memorable birthplace has changed for where "Larry the Cable Guy" was born.  Surely you would not have been so impressed that he and  your grandmother were both born in Nebraska!  But for someone to also have been born in such a small, obscure town as Burchard, Nebraska really is quite memorable!  That's fascinating that you also recall having seen a Wikipedia article about Burchard, Nebraska, mentioning "Larry the Cable Guy."

Vibrating Slot Machines
New Caledonia

This is a short account of an experience I had in June, 1965. In May, 1965, at the time of my midterm break from university, I hitchhiked up to Seattle, Washington from Los Angeles, California with a friend whose parents lived up there. After an enjoyable stay of a couple of weeks I started hitching south back to Los Angeles. At Eugene, Oregon I got a ride with a woman, a biologist doing research on hibernation as I recall. She wasn't going directly south to California, but east through Reno, Nevada. Since I had no time restraints I decided to accompany her to Reno, then, who knows? We reached Reno in the late afternoon. She dropped me off in the middle of town and we said our goodbyes. As soon as I got out of the car looked across the street and saw the police roughly handling a hippie-looking young man of my age. Since I was “hippie-looking” myself I knew this could spell big trouble if I was noticed, so I ducked into the first storefront door I spotted and headed for the back entrance. I don't recall the exact details of my evasion, but I wanted to put as much distance between me and the police as possible. I knew that I couldn't be seen on the streets, especially after dark because I'd be arrested for vagrancy and beaten to a pulp in the bargain.  I remember sprinting through the length of a very narrow, noisy and bustling casino, a canyon of clanging slot machines and automatons manning them. I had to get out of there quickly because I was underage at eighteen to be in there. At some point I was face to face with the iconic front of the Greyhound Bus Terminal. In a flash I entered the terminal. I knew that as long as I was in the bus station the police couldn't really bust me, although they could make life very dangerous. I knew that I had to find a way of getting out of Reno unseen, though that seemed a nearly impossible task because the town was teeming with cops on patrol because of all the gambling and prostitution which was the heart of Reno's economy. In June, 1965 hippie hunting by cops was in open season, especially in the bastion of Red-Neckdom, the state of Nevada.  When I entered the bus station I was surprised to find it deserted. In one corner there was a cafeteria and I saw a tired looking waitress doing nothing behind the counter. There was also a long row of nickel (5 cent piece) slot machines that ran along one entire wall of the building. In front of me were several rows of empty seats. I sat down in the middle of a row facing the entrance of the building and emptied my mind. I needed a plan. After several minutes I was distracted by noise and movement coming from the slot machines off to my right about 20 metres away. A middle aged, red-faced, fat, bald man was furiously yanking the handle of the first one-armed bandit in the long row of machines. My attention became entirely focused on him. I was transfixed. After several minutes the man cursed, abandoned the slot machine and hurried out of the building. What didn't depart was what I perceived as a hot, red glow surrounding the slot machine that the man had been working. It was clearly visible and I was intrigued, so I left my seat and made my way to the slot machine. It was indeed surrounded by an intense, highly seductive crimson aura.  I thrust my hands into the pockets of my blue jeans and came up with a couple of nickels. I was otherwise flat broke. I approached the glowing machine carefully, looking around to make sure that nobody was watching since underage gambling was highly illegal. The only person visible beside myself in the building was the waitress behind the cafe counter, who seemed to be completely disinterested in my presence.  The hot, vibrating machine took my nickel. I placed my right hand on the handle and very, very slowly pulled it down then released it. Suddenly, there was a clanging as if all hell broke loose and a flood of nickels cascaded into the tray at the bottom of the machine. I was stoked. I knew that this was the means to my escape. Otherwise, my chances were slim to nil. I crammed my pockets full of nickels then gazed down the long row of slot machines. The machine that had just gifted me its treasure was now completely neutral and cold, no more aura. To my delight I saw that several other of the machines were glowing red with different intensities, and I assumed different amounts to yield correspondingly. I moved down the row of machines to the next one that was glowing brightly, looking around to make sure that nobody was about to pounce on me. I drew one from my fat stash of nickels and delicately repeated my ritual. The machine vomited a pile of nickels into its tray. I repeated this several more times, each time filling my pockets with nickels. Finally there were only “cold” machines left. Just for confirmation I put a nickel in the slot of one of the cold machines and it ate the coin. This was my offering.  My jeans pockets were so laden with nickels, bursting at the seams, that I had to waddle carefully to the cafeteria, which was also where one purchased bus tickets. I realized that I was starving. I couldn't even remember the last time that I had eaten. Hitch-hiking penniless around the country was a common practice of mine, adventure winning over fear and caution every time, so it was not unsusual that meals could be few and far between, left more to fate than planning.  When I waddled up to the counter I looked at the menu on the wall above the counter. Everything looked delicious. I couldn't choose, so I ordered just about everything. Being an eighteen-year-old highly active athlete with a hummingbird's metabolism enabled me to eat an extraordinary amount of food at a sitting and burn it off as quickly as it churned through the system. There were still no other people in the bus station other than me and the waitress, and an unseen cook behind the wall. I paid for the meal with a handful of nickels and the bulging weight in my pockets didn't seem to have diminished appreciably. Next I bought a bus ticket for the all night bus from Reno to Oakland, California, that went through Lake Tahoe. People started arriving at the bus station, the bus arrived, and I boarded, tummy full and relieved beyond belief. I took my seat and shortly the bus headed out of town—passing countless street cops and patrol cars. I knew I was safe for the moment, and with my belly full, I slept soundly.  When we arrived in Oakland early the next morning the sun was shining brightly in the east. At the Oakland bus station I found the nearest pay phone, fed the phone slot a couple of nickels and phoned my friend Rob who was in the neighboring town of Berkeley where he was studying at the university. He said to me upon answering, “Wow, what great timing. I'm just about to head for the San Francisco airport to fly down to L.A. for Andy's 18th birthday party. I'll pick you up along the way.” It was June 10th.  I can't remember how we got to the airport.  Regardless, when we got there I hauled out a bunch of nickels and bought a plane ticket. There were still nickels to spare.  When we arrived at LAX we hailed a taxi, We made it to Andy's parents' house in West L.A. just in time for the party to begin. I paid the cab driver with my remaining nickels.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks for sharing this extraordinary experience! I love the way you got just exactly what you needed, when you needed it, and had fun being guided to the right slot machines in the process!  I've seldom played slot machines, but once I was on a vacation on a cruise ship with a friend, and we'd prepaid for our Royal Caribbean cruise to Mexico, but not factored in the expected tip to the wonderful stewards and other staff aboard the ship.  With only a few dollars cash, I suggested that we play the slot machines on the ship while we were out in foreign waters.  My friend agreed, and I asked her if she knew anyone who'd ever been truly gifted and lucky playing the slot machines--since I said we needed to play to win.  Happily, my friend did have a deceased relative who'd been extremely good at feeling which machines were "hot" and which were not, and fortunately, I was able to invite this deceased relative to please join us and show us which machines to play--which she did.  We were then able to immediately win the exact amount we needed for the tip, and stopped immediately once we had just what we needed.  I reminded my friend of the importance of stopping once we got what we needed to my friend, who was hoping we could continue this winning streak, but that just didn't feel right to me. 

Sofas change and Steve Irwin different dates
Mesquite, Texas, USA

I had a conversation with my friend through the videophone. While we were talking, I just noticed that his couch and a sofa were covered with brown cloths. This seemed strange to me, since in my parallel universe, my friend's couch and sofa are covered with white cloths. I asked him if he previously had white cloths covering his couch and sofa, but he said he never covered both of them with white cloths. Another small but significant shift is that I remember that Steve Irwin, a zoologist of Australia Zoo - Home of the Crocodile Hunter in Australia, was killed by a stingray in an accident on September 4, 2006. In my parallel universe, Steve Irwin was killed by the stingray in an accident many months earlier, in February 2006.

Note from Cynthia: That is truly amazing about noticing that your friend's sofa coverings had been white in your memories, yet your friend states that the coverings were always brown. This is fascinating, since it's the kind of 'small difference' that might seem insignificant, yet that change in color can change the feeling in that room dramatically. Thank you for sharing with me that you remember that Steve Irwin died in an accident with a stingray in February 2006 and not September 2006.  There really is a big difference in seasons between February and September, so it's pretty memorable.


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

Hey Cynthia,
Am I the only one for whom the link in your book review (“Soul in the Storm” by Nancy Wagaman, Down-to-Earth practical tips for stress-free living through soulfulness took me instead, to a book about politics?! Just an FYI. :-) Thanks as always, for being such a wonderful, uplifting resource!
Angela in Florida

Soul in the Storm
Dear Angela,
Wow, good catch! Thank you so very much for pointing this out, and I'll be sure to include special mention of the correct link in the next RealityShifters. I have made the correction to the page on the website, and here's the corrected version for you--thanks again ever so much!
lots of love,


Dear Cynthia,
Does it seems like time units such as a "second" feels different now? It could all be perception due to age but weird none the less.

Dear Nathaniel,
Yes, time definitely seems different to me, and I can observe a difference in what I think, for example, ten seconds ought to be, by counting out along the lines of "one-a-thousand, two-a-thousand" the way I learned in childhood that always seemed to be pretty accurate.  But now when I do that same thing, and count out what seems right for three seconds, I see that now corresponds to five seconds on a sweep second hand of a clock.  So yes, something definitely seems very different, and in the direction of time going visibly faster, in my experience. Here's a link to a time and date website where you can see if time is passing at the same rate you remember:
lots of love,


Dear Cynthia,
Why does this (Mandela Effect) happen with famous people only?

Dear Ray,
There have been numerous first-hand reports of people noticing those who were previously reported to be dead to be alive again--including cases where those 'Alive Again' are not celebrities, such as my roommate's cat, Ashes, that I reported in my book, "Reality Shifts." Most of these "Alive Again" types of reality shifts and Mandela Effects are noted in cases of someone we are peripherally aware of, rather than someone who is part of our daily lives--and a possible scientific explanation for that is the Quantum Zeno Effect, which is something like the quantum version of the "watched pot never boils."  So with our tendency to mostly only observe people in the periphery of our lives to be alive again (rather than those we see every day), we'll most likely some kind of confirmation with others who also notice peripheral people alive again--and those shared cases will naturally tend to be public figures such as celebrities or politicians.
lots of love,


Hi Cynthia,
I have a question: Are there other people who remembered John Lennon being shot in a park in New York City during the daytime? I just watched a documentary about how he was shot at his condo late at night. I remember the daytime event so clearly. It is freaking me out a bit. A couple of other things recently that changed makes me think I have made a reality shift/jump. Also, I love your talks on YouTube. Are there other ways to learn about this reality shifting?

Dear Kelley,
There have been numerous first-hand reports of people noticing those who were previously reported to Thanks so much for writing about remembering John Lennonbeing shot in a NYC park in day time.  Because John Lennon is a celebrity, there is a very strong possibility that someone else will also remember something similar to what you recall.  I've written books about reality shifts:  Reality Shifts, and Quantum Jumps; and you can subscribe to the monthly RealityShifters ezine, which is free, and all issues are archived online at:

Reality Shifts

Quantum Jumps

lots of love,


Dear Cynthia,
Have you heard of this happening yet? I read a lot, and recently, I will read a book and like it, so I go to Amazon to review it, and find I have already reviewed it, usually earlier this year, but I had no sense of having read it before while I was reading it. This has happened several times recently. Is this a Mandela Effect, or am I just getting forgetful? Or am I shifting dimensions back and forth?

Dear Sandy,
Yes, this might count as a personal Mandela Effect (aka reality shift), provided you're not losing track of all sorts of things--in which case, we might hold off on calling this a reality shift, and chalk it up to losing track of events these days.  Naturally, we sometimes can and do lose track of what we've done, due to life's stresses, lack of sleep, and so forth.  But it's a different feeling when you witness something that you clearly must have done--such as an amazon book review--and you'd expect to remember at least a little bit of having done that. As to what's causing the Mandela Effect and reality shifts, some people do attribute such experiences with alternate histories to a variety of things, to the point that another name for 'reality shifts' is 'dimensional shift' for many people.
lots of love,


Dear Cynthia,
A couple days ago I woke up and things seemed different. Very weird. I kept thinking, "I am in a simulation?" Then, I remembered hearing of shifting to alternate realities. So, I have been researching it and finding that people try to shift to their desired reality, but mine seems to be accidental. Four days ago I woke up and things are different. Is it possible to have shift realities accidentally or is it always on purpose?  I've found I am very hyper aware of how my surroundings have changed and how people are acting differently, with the exception of my immediate family. They are acting the same, but still gives me weird vibes. I can't imagine any other reason besides shifting. What're your thoughts on the matter?

Dear Zoey,
Yes, it's completely possible--and quite likely completely natural--to shift realities accidentally.  That's the topic of my book "Reality Shifts."  I generally utilize the term "Quantum Jumps" or quantum jumping to convey the idea of intentionally shifting one's reality.  I've been reporting the first-hand experiences of thousands of people from around the world noticing reality shifts on my free monthly RealityShifters ezine; you can browse through all issues posted online at:
with love and thanks,



(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases; your purchases on amazon after clicking through these links help support the realityshifters website and ezine. While many materials are received for review, only the best get the benefit of receiving mention in RealityShifters and having a review written and posted. If you enjoy reading these reviews, please feel free to express your appreciation by clicking through these links before making purchases at, so you can help offset the costs of the RealityShifters web site and ezine. You can see some excellent metaphysical books at:


The Alchemy of Stones
By Robert Simmons

A Crystal 'Bible':  Clear, Comprehensive, Colorful, and Classy

If The Alchemy of Stones was a diamond, it would be graded at the highest level of quality.  This most recent book by best-selling author Robert Simmons certainly captures the four C's of gemstone book excellence for its clarity, completeness, colorfulness, and class. A great deal of reverence and respect toward stones and Stone Beings is evident in the subtitle of The Alchemy of Stones:  "Co-creating with Crystals, Minerals, and Gemstones for Healing and Transformation."  Those who already appreciate the ways that stones can enrich our lives in a multitude of ways, and those who are more skeptical will benefit from an explanation of why Simmons refers to 'Stone Beings,' and what he means by this term.  Simmons explains, "... we can say that every center of consciousness, expressed as any self-organized object or creature, is a 'self.'  Both we and the stones we work with have self hood.  That's why I call them Stone Beings."  Simmons backs up this assertion with a great deal of historical background describing four overlapping areas of ideology in this area, including:  soul, imaginal, psychoid, and subtle.  The words of Novalis about the Seat of the Soul having to do with the space of awareness "where the inner world and the outer world meet" has everything to do with relating to stones.  The alchemy suggested in the title of this book thus has a great deal to do with encoded intentionality, or entelechy:  the realization of potential, development and functioning of an organism.  Simmons elaborates, "We meet the Stone Beings within the realm of the soul, which is also the imaginal realm, AND the realm of subtle matter/energy and subtle bodies." The Alchemy of Stones is beautifully written and organized to showcase and share a lifetime of accumulated wisdom and knowledge about crystals and stones.  Readers focusing primarily in some specific area of interest--such as orgonite, stone elixirs, crystal waters, stone labyrinths, stone purification, stone body layouts, crystal wands, or stone grids--can quickly find the appropriate chapter, and dive into those areas immediately.  Color illustrations and photographs bring the subject to life, including in the extensive Stone Dictionary at the end of the book, showing detailed descriptions of hundreds of stones.  Exercises are abundantly provided to encourage readers to explore an extraordinary depth and breadth of approaches to relating with crystals and stones. Highly recommended!


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Quantum Jumps

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