"The only way to make sense out of
change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance."
― Alan W. Watts
When I was growing up, two of my favorite
outdoor activities were climbing trees and running. While these two
activities might seem different on the face of it, they share a common
sense of being in the flow of life. I got a sense of attuning myself to
greater rhythms than my own thoughts and concerns, and in so doing,
attaining a greater state of awareness of myself in relation to the world.
There is a healing quality in placing attention on our state of being,
rather than on any particular things—a magical kind of bliss.
And in this state of joyful flow, there is awareness of experience, and
interaction with place.
Researchers at Cornell University led by Dr. Gilovich have found that our
experiences in life are much more about memories than things:
"Our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material
goods. You can really like your material stuff. You can even think that
part of your identity is connected to those things, but nonetheless they
remain separate from you. In contrast, your experiences really are part of
you. We are the sum total of our experiences."
I can feel the truth in this recently, as I have been clearing clutter out
from my home, keeping mementos that remind me of special times and places,
but not keeping stuff just to have more things around. There is a feeling
of freedom from decluttering, and greater happiness when keeping things I
associate with experiences I’ve enjoyed.
I had a great time listening to Fritjof Capra talk at the Foundations of
Mind conference held last month at UC Berkeley about a systems view of
life. Fritjof talked about moving from a mechanistic to a systemic network
view of life, in which there is a more unified view of mind, matter, and
life. “Evolution is no longer seen as a competitive struggle,
but a cooperative dance.” He described the theory of
autopoiesis, which defines biological life as a pattern of self
organization within a boundary of its own making. With this definition,
Capra pointed out, “plants have consciousness, too!”
From such a systems view of life, I find myself marveling at how our
individual networks interweave together to create communities of
consciousness, communities of values, and communities of conceptualizations
about what matters most in life.
In keeping with the philosophy of investing in travel rather than physical
things, in just over one year from now, I am looking forward to going on a
into Spirit on the Royal Caribbean cruise ship, Oasis of the Seas. I
have felt a wonderful sense of being in the flow on my two previous cruises
on Royal Caribbean ships, and I am especially looking forward to next
October’s cruise for the excellent company and conversations we
are sure to have with so many inspiring authors and healers on board! I
find great value in enjoying the past, present, and future of events and
invite you to join me in looking forward to, enjoying, and remembering some
wonderful times together.
I'd love for you to stay in touch and let me know your thoughts
about this issue of RealityShifters! The best way to reach me is to email
me at cynthia@realityshifters.com
Let’s Connect
Did you know that I share new
experiences, tips, stories, and inspirational ideas at Facebook, Twitter
and YouTube? I look forward to seeing you there!
Love always, Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com
Get your very own
autographed books & CDs in the RealityShifters Books and
CDs Shop,
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and at the new Zazzle RealityShifters
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book cover artwork; you might just find the perfect thing!
In This Issue:
(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
(2) Upcoming Events
(3) Intriguing Articles, Interviews, & Films
(4) Your Reality Shift Stories
(5) Questions and Answers
(6) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
(7) Join in the Discussion
(8) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Do you feel like the universe is trying to tell you
something, but you can't quite figure out what it is? Are you wishing you
could understand the messages in your dreams, life events, and
Need help facing a challenging issue in your life?
Require clarity making an important decision?
Could you use some help shifting your reality?
Are you curious to know your divine gifts?
Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these
questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life
Coaching with Cynthia!
Contact Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com
to set up a life-enhancing
telephone consultation today.
"You're so insightful, positive and personable. You helped me to refocus
my thoughts and energies. I really appreciate the positive energies that
you were able to channel through me as well as your reminders to remain
positive--and to question and even challenge--how good CAN it get! After
our reading, things fell into place and I have no doubt that your reading
had a lot to do with it. My angels were watching over me and showing me
just how good it can get! With your help I feel that I was cleansed and
opened up to the infinite possibilities that surround me. My positive
energy/aura did and will continue to attract more positive energies!"
-- Lori
I would love to see or hear from you if you can make it to my upcoming
15-22 Oct 2016 Royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas Cruise with me on our seminar at sea from Ft. Lauderdale
to Eastern Caribbean!
How good can your life get when you cruise into
spirit with me? I would love for you to join me, Cynthia Sue Larson, and
dozens of respected spiritual teachers on the "Cruise Into Spirit"
Seminar-at-Sea from the 15th through the 22nd of October 2016 on Royal
Caribbean cruise ship, Oasis of the Seas. We feel happiest when investing
our time, money and attention in experiences, much more than things; and
feeling good about the future boosts happiness substantially, too. When you
put these together with enjoying interesting ideas, places, activities, and
people, you've got "Cruise into Spirit," which sets sail in the Caribbean
just over a year from now. Be sure to mention my name, "Cynthia Sue Larson"
when registering for seven days of pampering your mind, body, and spirit in
gorgeous surroundings!
Schedule an Event with Cynthia!
Would you like to invite your friends to attend a talk or
workshop in your home or for your group? If you live in
Northern California and are interested in planning
such an event, email Cynthia for further information at: cynthia@realityshifters.com
Cynthia's schedule of events for this year is posted online at:
(3) Intriguing Articles,
Interviews, & Films
Expect Different Memories in the Quantum
Have you noticed how things often aren't the way you
remember them? Or that your memories are sometimes quite different from
your family and friends? Different memories are to be expected in the
Quantum Age. Facts do not always stay fixed, and we will increasingly
recognize changes in the way we remember the past that differ from previous
Changes in the way we remember previous events is an intrinsic part of the
true nature of reality. I write about the way our memories can be observed
to change in our own lives, and in relationship to friends and family in my
book, "Quantum Jumps," where I write about "flashbulb" memories, and the
way we can observe shifts in reality in which people don't agree on what
happened, since they recall different pasts.
We're living in an extraordinary time, as quantum technology brings
humanity to the brink of entering the Quantum Age. At this juncture, some
surprises are in store for everyone, as we finally begin to acknowledge
that Boolean logic is seen to be a subset and special case of quantum
What we think of as analytical logic is thus partially complete, partially
true. Quantum logic includes a much broader awareness of four-fold logic,
similar to logic as long understood in Asia, in which we do have binary
categories of "True" and "False," but we appreciate there are even larger
categories of "True-and-False" and "Not-True-Not-False."
Quantum logic is necessary in order that quantum computers can be
programmed, just as Boolean logic sprang into being in 1847 in conjunction
with Charles Babbage developing his Babbage computer--the forerunner of all
of today's classical computers. And as quantum logic is being developed,
quantum physics is now being derived from six simple axioms, much as
classical physics has been known to be derivable from simple classical
You can read the full blog post on this topic posted at: http://wp.me/pbqQk-Hu
You can watch the video edition of this post on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/xvN5s34JfoM
Berenstain Bears, the Mandela Effect, and
Thanksgiving Thursday
The biggest alternate universes popular meme recently has
been the Berenstein Bears / Berenstain Bears. After sixteen years of
regularly covering this topic of alternate histories--sometimes rapidly
changing alternate histories--I'm delighted to see some specific cases of
reality shifts and quantum jumps being so widely reported that some bigger
media channels are taking notice recently. While realityshifters like me
are conservatively reporting at least one rather noticeable reality shift
or quantum jump every day, many newcomers to this phenomena are viewing
this subject with astonishment mixed with understandable incredulity as
they discuss the "Mandela effect" or the "Berenstain Bears" controversy.
For newcomers to the world of reality shifts, typically only one thing is
currently being noticed as having mysteriously changed--so naturally their
focus of attention is on the what, when, where, how, and why of that
particular shift.
BerensteinBearsThe Berenstein Berenstain Bears story has this month been
covered by MTV, Seventeen magazine, the Globe and Mail, the New Zealand
Herald, and the Mandela Effect website, While reporters maintain a cheeky
attitude of playful irreverence when covering this topic, such as when New
Zealand Herald reporter, Karl Puschmann, asks us to spell the name of the
family of bears we came to know and love as children, "Did you spell it
Berenstein or Berenstain? The former is right, but wrong. The latter is
officially correct but undoubtedly incorrect. Everything we thought we knew
is a lie. In case you're wondering, yes, I am wearing my best tinfoil hat
right now but let me assure you, this is only as a safety precaution. I'm
not a nutter or anything. Honestly.” The Mandela Effect has
gained similar traction recently, being reported this past month in the
Corsicana Daily Sun, CKNW News Talk, and The Globe and Mail. I first wrote
about having remembered Nelson Mandela passing away while incarcerated in
my blog and the August 2013 issue of RealityShifters. Over the past couple
of years, increasing numbers of people have remembered that they, too, have
memories of Mandela dying years earlier than his more recent passing. There
was so much interest in this so-called "Mandela Effect," which is part of
what RealityShifters has been calling the "Alive Again" phenomenon since
May 2004, that Reddit readers talked about it recently, and that Fiona
Broome created her Mandela Effect website in 2011.
While I've not yet seen such widespread reports of America's Thanksgiving
Third Thursday switch from the third to the fourth Thursday of November,
I'm sure that's just a matter of time. Over the past two years, I've been
receiving increasing numbers of reports from people who do remember that
American Thanksgiving "always" fell on the third Thursday of November. I
published the first such report in the November 2013 RealityShifters, with
follow-up confirmation from others with similar memories in the January
2015 RealityShifters, the February 2015 RealityShifters, and the May 2015
RealityShifters. Clearly, there's some kind of momentum for remembering
alternate histories, as increasing numbers of people are agreeing that
they, too, remember things differently than supposedly have "always been
true." As one of the many people who remember Thanksgiving being on the
third Thursday of each month, I can assure you I never would have scheduled
International Aura Awareness Day to fall on Thanksgiving weekend. Which is
why I'm quite certain that I've experienced a change in the past few years,
despite there being no current historical record that such a change has
You can read the companion blog post for this video in its entirety posted
at: http://wp.me/pbqQk-IC
You can watch the video edition of this post on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/lzBXJ6jt9kE
Reparsing Nature at Foundations of Mind
The Foundations of Mind II conference may be over, but the
conversation is heating up. The Foundations of Mind II conference took
place at UC Berkeley this month, featuring presentations by Fritjof Capra,
Stuart Kauffman, Henry Stapp, Bob Doyle, Howard Pattee, Jacob Needleman,
Walter Freeman, Stuart Hameroff, Jonathan Schooler, Glenn Aparicio Parry,
Beverly Rubik, Acacio de Barros, Carlos Montemayor, Len Talmy, Bob Petr,
Judy Gardiner, Julia Bystrova, Maria Syldona, Leanne Whitney, Tania Re,
Wolfgang Baer, Markate Daly, Justin Riddle, Seán Ó
Nualláin, and many more. With three information-rich days of
conference proceedings, and ongoing conversations that ran long into most
nights, this year’s conference was a veritable feast of
interdisciplinary ideas, wisdom and information from around the world.
Videos from the conference presentations will be available through the
Foundations of Mind website, and papers will be published in the future,
too. People registered through Foundations of Mind are joining in several
threads of on-going conversations begun at the conference, and moving
forward to explore topics of the quantum paradigm, consciousness,
biosemiotics, and higher education. Fritjof Capra talked about moving from
a mechanistic to a systemic network view of life, in which there is a more
unified view of mind, matter, and life. “Evolution is no longer
seen as a competitive struggle, but a cooperative dance.” Capra
described the theory of autopoiesis, which defines biological life as a
pattern of self organization within a boundary of its own making. With this
definition, Capra pointed out, “plants have consciousness,
too!” The Santiago Theory of cognition is a non-representational
(non-symbolic) theory that identifies cognition–the process of
knowing–with the process of life. Life and cognition are
inseparably connected, and perception and behavior do not require a brain
or nervous system. The Santiago Theory overcomes the Cartesian division of
mind and matter, so that mind is not a ‘thing,’ but
instead represents the self-organizing process aspect of life, and matter
represents the complementary aspect of structure.
You can read the full blog post on this topic posted at: http://wp.me/pbqQk-Jy
Something strange happened today.
Before dinner, I smoke. When my mom
prepared dinner, I moved my ashtray to
the opposite corner of the living room
I went to my room.
By the time dinner was ready.
The ashtray was placed at the
corner I moved it from.
I had NOT been near it in the meantime, and
neither had Mom.
So I have three theories. 1. I do not
move things without remembering.
I have good memory, even my doctor
told me.
2. Maybe the ashtray moved itself via
relocation, or involuntary telekinesis.
3. This could also be a "first" glitch
in the matrix on a larger scale.
The smaller ones are mainly deja vu
and repeating incidents.
What do you think?
I am not scared or anything. I just
think it is cool if something
unusual manifests in an
otherwise dreary life. I have also used an online telekinesis
test / training program a lot. Could
that have been a likely influence?
I do strongly believe (or wish) in
telekinesis, as I often have
dreams of that ability. I don`t know if you have thought
about the "simulation argument."
It means that our reality is a
computer simulation.
That would explain why reality
is so difficult and bad situations
seem to repeat themselves and
problems go on unresolved.
And bad pop music.
Maybe the creator /s turned of the
automatic updates.
Just some thoughts.
Note from Cynthia: This kind of experience in which an object is
noted to be in a different place than where it had last been seen, without
anyone moving it, is a very commonly reported type of reality shift--or
potential evidence, if you will, of having experienced a quantum jump.
There are many types of reality shifts in which objects are often seen to
disappear and reappear, relocate or 'teleport,' and changes have been noted
in books, movies, and magazines. Some people previously reported dead are
seen very much alive again, and deadly cases of cancer go into complete
remission. What all of these and some of the time-related shifts in reality
have in common is that it's as if our true nature of who we are is
awareness--is consciousness--and through that awareness and consciousness
we are capable of experiencing numerous possible realities. This is to be
in fact expected, if we recognize that we live in a primarily quantum (not
classical) world.
So witnessing a move of an ashtray without anyone having moved it (which I
presume to be the case) presents an excellent example of a reality shift.
I do suspect anything you're doing that focuses your attention
on telekinesis while keeping an open mind that such things are possible
and staying grounded and energized can serve to increase the types
of teleporting object reality shifts you're likely to encounter. It's also
enough just to read first-person accounts such as these, while keeping
an open mind that lots of people are experiencing these types of reality
Reality was called a 'dream' long before it was called a computer
simulation, and ancient mystics have long urged people to wake up
from the hypnosis of having eyes open, but not truly being aware of
what is happening.
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Long-lasting Shaving Cream and Spigot
Pasadena, California, USA
You're the only person I've come across other than myself who has
experienced both great distances being covered in very short amounts of
time and empty containers being full without being refilled. It hasn't
happened since my 20's, but I had a can of shaving cream I used every day
that lasted for 2-and-a-half years. I also used to get across 25 miles of
Los Angeles traffic in as little as 20 minutes. Lots of other stuff, but
those are what coincide with what I've read on your site. I've decided to
start a list, and just this week noticed a water spigot under my kitchen
window that hasn't been there in the 10 years I've owned my home and is
nonsensically just a few feet away from the spigot we've been using all
these years. It's also above waist height instead of close to the ground
like all the others on the property. It also is right where I happen to
need one (more convenient for plants I'm trying to keep alive in our
drought affected area). So weird.
Note from Cynthia: Thanks for writing to me about using the same
can of never-ending shaving cream for 2.5 years, navigating through 25
miles of Los Angeles traffic in 20 minutes, and noticing you've now got a
wonderfully positioned new water spigot in just the right place and at an
optimal height for watering plants. These types of experiences, as
different as they may seem, are all indicative of the way many of us are
noticing that "facts" don't always stay the same. Our conscious awareness
can experience alternate histories.
Dear Cynthia,
Thanks for all the continuing hard work you do to make our world a better
place. Much appreciated!
By coincidence (synchronicity?), one of the two Rumi calendars I have on
display in my home has a message for August that resonates with your theme
in this month's Reality Shifters newsletter.
"Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own
Best wishes,
Thank you, Garrick!
I love the wonderful synchronicity you experienced with last month's
RealityShifters theme about rewriting your story, and this lovely quote by
love and thanks,
— Cynthia
Hi Cynthia,
I am thoroughly enjoying becoming more aware of shifting timelines and
realties. I already had a tendency to go out of body quite easily, but
recently have been experiencing instances where I feel the shifting taking
place more and more.
It has happened once while waiting at a traffic signal in the passenger
seat of our car, and another time while relaxing and watching a cooking
show. I was not mindfully shifting during these times, but yet I distinctly
felt as if I was jumping from one timeline to another and had to re-adjust
my frequency upon re-entry. Each experience lasted no more than about 5
seconds, and were accompanied by a feeling of physically moving forward,
and a buzzing in my aura.
I was wondering if you could discuss some of the sensations (physical or
otherwise) that one could feel while shifting realities.
Thank you!
Dear Karen,
Thanks for writing to me with this question! My conceptualization of
reality shifts and quantum jumps is that we are actually moving
between different realities much more often than people realize. My
experience is that it's more like we experience physical reality the
way we see frames in a movie reel projected onto the big screen.
Action and events seem continuous and uninterrupted to us, but if you
were to ask, "How does it feel to move between one frame and the
next?" the person you're asking would be baffled as to how to answer
this question, since the gaps don't really register in our conscious
So the actual evidence of having undergone a shift seems to be so fast
as to be almost undiscernible--yet sometimes I do feel larger waves of
energy that last for several seconds, and experiencing such waves of
energy--of Ki--is often associated with experiencing reality shifts
and quantum jumps.
— Cynthia
Dear Cynthia,
It's me again. :D I was wondering, if we can change our past, is it
possible to change world's history? And if so, is there an actual danger of
so many people not being born in the same place and time including oneself
or something like that? Sorry if the question is too obvious..
Lots of love and gratitude,
Dear Desi,
Yes, we can and do change our personal and collective pasts on a regular
basis, as part of living in a primarily quantum logic reality. There is no
danger from this, as it's the way it's always been, despite most people
presuming that the natural order requires the past stay fixed with only the
future malleable and open to change. Thanks to entanglements between
ourselves and all we know and are connected to, there are levels of
awareness, levels of focus of attention, and levels of coordination and
cooperation as reality comes into being in ways that sometimes are unique
to individuals, and other times more fully shared with larger groups of
individuated consciousness. In quantum logic, some things are fixed, and
others that are not being closely observed by those particular observers
are required to shift and change. So there is no danger of many people
being born in the same place and time.
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia
All materials reviewed by Cynthia Sue Larson have been
received as complementary review copies. While many materials are received
for review, only the best get the benefit of receiving mention in
RealityShifters and having a review written and posted. If you enjoy
reading these reviews, please feel free to express your appreciation by
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can help offset the costs of the RealityShifters web site and ezine. You
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excellent metaphysical books at: http://realityshifters.com/pages/reviews.html
Artificial Superintelligence:
A Futuristic Approach
by Roman V. Yampolskiy
Yampolskiy summarizes the Singularity Paradox (SP) as "superintelligent
machines are feared to be too dumb to possess common sense." Put in even
more simple terms, there is a growing concern about dangers of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) amongst some of the world's best-educated and most
well-respected scientific leaders, such as Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and
Bill Gates. The hazards of AI containment are discussed in some detail in
Artificial Superintelligence, yet in language easily understandable to the
In Artificial Superintelligence, Yampolskiy argues for addressing AI
potential dangers with a safety engineering approach, rather than with
loosely defined ethics, since human values are inconsistent and dynamic.
Yampolskiy points out that "fully autonomous machnines cannot ever be
assumed to be safe," and going so far as adding, "... and so should not be
constructed." (p 186)
Yampolskiy acknowledges the concern of AI escaping confines, and takes the
reader on a tour of AI taxonomies with a general overview of the field of
Intelligence, showing a Venn type diagram (p 30) in which 'human minds' and
'human designed AI' occupy adjacent real estate on this nonlinear terrain
of 'minds in general' in multidimensional super space. 'Self-improving
minds' are envisioned which improve upon 'human designed AI,' and at this
very juncture arises the potential for 'universal intelligence,' and the
Singularity Paradox (SP) problem.
Yampolskiy proposes initiation of an AI hazard symbol, which could prove
useful for constraining AI to designated containment areas, in J.A.I.L. or
'Just for A.I. Location.' Part of Yampolskiy's proposed solution to the AI
Confinement Problem includes asking 'safe questions' (p 137). Yampolskiy
includes other solutions proposed by Drexler (confine transhuman machines),
Bostrom (utilize AI only for answering questions in Oracle mode), Chalmers
(confine AI to 'leakproof' virtual worlds), and argues for creation of
committees designated to oversea AI security.
Emphasizing the scale and scope of what needs to be accomplished in order
to help ensure safety of AI are points such as Yudkowskiy having "performed
AI-box 'experiments' in which he demonstrated that even human-level
intelligence is sufficient to escape from an AI-box," and even Chalmers
"correctly observes that a truly leakproof system in which NO information
is allowed to leak out from the simulated world into our environment is
impossible, or at least pointless." (p 111)
Since one of the fundamental tenets in information security is that it is
impossible to ever prove any system is 100% secure, it's easy to see why
there is such strong and growing concern regarding the safety to mankind of
AI. And if there is no way to safely confine AI, then like any parents,
humanity will certainly find itself hoping that we'll have done such an
excellent job raising AI to maturity, that it will comport itself kindly
toward its elders. Yampolskiy points out "In general, ethics for
superintelligent machines is one of the most fruitful areas of research in
the field of singularity research, with numerous publications appearing
every year." (p 114)
For those hoping that teaching AI to simply follow the rules will be
enough, Yampolskiy replies that law-abiding is not enough. AI could still
keep humans safe 'for their own good,' increasingly limiting human free
choice in a sped-up kind of way, that superintelligent AI will be able to
For readers intrigued in what safe variety of AI might be possible, the
section of Artificial Superintelligence early in the book will be of great
interest. Yampolskiy describes five taxonomies of minds (pp 31-34).
Returning to re-read this section after having completed the rest of the
book can be quite beneficial, as at this point readers can more fully
understand how AI that is Quantum and Flexibly Embodied according to
Goetzel taxonomy (p 31) with Ethics Self-Monitoring (p 122) might help
ensure development of safe AI. If such AI systems include error-checking,
with firmware (un-erasable) dedication to preserving others and constantly
checking to seek and resonate with highest-order intelligence with quantum
levels of sensing through time-reversible logic gates (in accordance with
quantum deductive logic), one can begin to breathe a sigh of relief that
there might just be a way to ensure safe AI will prevail. While the deepest
pockets of government funding are unlikely to ever make plans to develop
such a system that would not be controlled by anything less than the
greatest intelligence seekable by AI (such as God), it is conceivable that
humanitarian philanthropists will step forward to fund such a project in
time that all of us will be eternally grateful that its
highest-order-seeking AI will prevail.
I highly recommend Artificial Superintelligence to all readers, as this
subject will absolutely impact everyone's lives.
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