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September 2017
Issue #216

How Good Can it Get?
Cynthia Sue LarsonCynthia Sue Larson
You Are Known and Loved

"A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you."
-- Elbert Hubbard

One of the things I'm consistently most grateful for in my life are my friends. These are the people (and sometimes animals and plants) who I sense can really see me as I am, and love me anyway. Feeling this kind of complete love and acceptance is such a blessing, because once you know you've got friends like that, life is already just about as good as it gets!

One of the most beautiful things about truly good friends is their heart and personality, and their ability to love us despite seeing all our quirks, fears, doubts, and vulnerabilities. Dear friends grace us with their unconditional love that is based on genuine love, respect, and appreciation. Friends lift our spirits by their very presence, and remind us to not take problems too seriously. Friends remind us that the greatest 'things' in life aren't really things at all, but rather shared experiences of laughter and shared memories. Our friends often see what's good in us more clearly than we do, and are able sometimes to lift us out fearful or downward spirals simply by reminding us that we've made it through challenging times before.

It occurs to me that all of us could benefit from having some truly good friends, and one of the ways I've found to experience things—even if you've never (yet) experienced them before—is to start appreciating who you have in your life at this very moment. Notice those people who respect you, appreciate you, and accept you just the way you are. Feeling such a sense of unconditional love can give you a powerful foundation from which life can feel more meaningful and enjoyable.

This month, I've got a real treat for you with my interview of Diane Brandon, author of the wonderful book, “Born Aware: Stories and Insights from Those Spiritually Aware Since Birth” which I also review in this RealityShifters. “Born Aware” covers a subject that has not previously been described, though it bears some similarity to near-death experiences. I was one of the people interviewed for this book, in the chapter titled, “Whoops! Wrong Planet!” This is based on some of my early childhood observations about the general way things are done here on Earth that seemed right from the start to be a bit wonky to me. I've learned to walk with awareness and identity based in both the spiritual and the earthly-egoic worlds, and learned to better integrate the two following my kundalini awakening experience of 1994, which catalyzed my current career interest in quantum consciousness and spirituality, and motivated me to create the RealityShifters website and write my books, “Reality Shifts,” and “Quantum Jumps.” And I dearly love reading “Born Aware,” since it helps me realize that there are many of us awakening to spiritual awareness and consciousness now, and that we can find friends who share this in common with us.

This issue of RealityShifters is thus a very meaningful and special one to me, and I hope that while reading it you also remember that you are truly known, and that you are deeply loved.

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Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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Quantum Jumps jumbo tote bag ($20.95)
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      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia! Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "I can't thank you enough for your guidance. Before we met I was pretty negative about myself. I found out in our visit, that the negative energy I was carrying wasn't mine. It was as if I was infected by another person's darkness. Thank you thank you thank you... I feel like myself again, which is reflected in relationships with all people around me."
      -- Sari

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Mandela Effects, Reality Shifts, and Quantum
Mandela Effects, Reality Shifts, and Quantum Jumps
Cynthia Sue Larson at The Awareness Network

7 Sep 2017
9-11 am
Community of Infinite Spirit
1540 Hicks Ave., San Jose, CA
Startling evidence of alternate histories indicates we may be experiencing multiple realities. We can learn to thrive amidst shifting ‘facts’ and relative truths, discovering core stability not so much in measurable, but rather in aspects of perennial wisdom, as we see increasing evidence of many possible truths, many possible realities. (Cost is $6, coffee and tea are served; healthy finger foods are welcomed.)

Mandela Effects, Reality Shifts, and Time and
Alexis Brooks talks with Cynthia Sue Larson
Discussing Shifts and Anomalies in Reality
Cynthia Sue Larson, the “Quantum Optimist,” shares stories of the strange and unusual nature of reality in a conversation with best-selling author and Higher Journeys host, Alexis Brooks. Despite many who feel that reality is always static, predictable, and unchanging, there are those who differ with that assumption. Find out just how deep the rabbit hole goes in this fascinating interview.

Diane Brandon

Born Aware with Diane Brandon
on Living the Quantum Dream with Cynthia Sue Larson

Diane Brandon talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about people who retain higher soul awareness, maintaining an innate spiritual orientation. Diane shares insights and spiritual lessons that ‘born aware’ individuals have for all of us, that she gleaned from interviews published in her book, “Born Aware.” The born aware phenomenon is different from children who remember past lives or are naturally intuitive, and provides us with insights as to a behind-the-scenes big picture view of what is happening here on Earth at this exciting time. Author, Integrative Intuitive Counselor, Teacher, Business Consultant, Speaker, and former Radio Host Diane Brandon has been facilitating, teaching, and assisting people in their personal and business lives since 1992, in both private consultations and group classes, workshops, and seminars helping others to transform their lives in a positive way and to find more fulfillment in life. Diane is the Author of “Dream Interpretation for Beginners,” “Intuition for Beginners,” and “Invisible Blueprints – Intuitive Insights for Fulfillment in Life” – and her newest book is, “Born Aware: Stories and Insights from Those Spiritually Aware Since Birth.”
You can listen to this audio interview at:

Shape-Shifting Protein Key

The Shape-Shifting Army Inside Your Cells
Quanta Magazine
Summer 2017
Shape-shifting quantum jumping proteins appear to help make life as we know it possible. Proteins work like rigid keys to activate cellular functions—or so everyone thought. Scientists are discovering a huge number of proteins that shape-shift to do their work, upending a century-old maxim of biology. This fluidity — dubbed “intrinsic disorder” — endows proteins with a set of superpowers that structured proteins don’t have. Folded proteins tend to bind to their targets firmly, like a key in a lock, at just one or two spots, but their more stretched-out wiggly cousins are like molecular Velcro, attaching lightly at multiple locations and releasing with ease. This quick-on-quick-off binding’s effect in the cell is huge: It allows intrinsically disordered proteins — or IDPs, for short — to receive and respond to a slew of molecular messages simultaneously or in rapid succession, essentially positioning them to serve as cellular messaging hubs, integrating these multiple signals and switching them on and off in response to changes in the cell’s environment and to keep cellular processes ticking along as they should.

Best Self-Help Books

The Best Self-Help Books (Picked by 200 Influencers)
Quanta Magazine
I was one of over 200 authors and influencers asked to select best self-help books--here are the top 15. My pick came in at #4! Here are the top picks from 200 influencers who were all asked the question, question. ‘What is the best self development book you’ve ever read and why is it different from the rest?’ Here are their answers (and mine).


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Reality Shift Shock
Laurie and Marc
Cape Coral, Florida, USA

I love your monthly E-zine and your YouTube videos.  I want to write about yet another reality shift or parallel universe my husband and I experienced about a month ago.  It took us a long time to process it in our minds, and we still cannot make sense of it, except that it must have been a reality shift. Thursday is our normal trash pickup day by the city.  There is an exception to this rule when there is a holiday during the week.  In that case, the trash pickup day is put off a day.  For example, if Monday is a holiday, then they pick up the trash on Friday instead of Thursday. This always has been true and it is on the city’s website as a fact, too. Nothing has changed. Well, I am not sure what holiday it was a couple of months ago, but Monday was a holiday, so on Wednesday evening we did not put out the trash and recycling bins like we usually do for early morning Thursday pickup.  However, we noticed that several of our neighbors did put out their trash, and we always chuckle at how some people never remember the exception for holidays, that trash pickup is the day following the normal day.  So, we had our laugh at the neighbors who put out their trash on Wednesday night.  Well, it turns out that the joke was on us! Normally, on Thursday mornings when they make the rounds for trash pickup I can hear those big trucks early in the morning in the distance before they get to our neighborhood.  The brakes are very squeaky and when the automated arm picks up the bins and dumps the contents into the truck it is loud enough to wake me up, even a couple hours before they get to our area.  That Thursday morning it was quiet as a cemetery with no truck noises and hardly any traffic noises at all as a matter of fact.  That reassured me that there was no trash pickup that day, and confirmed the fact that the pickup would be a day late as expected because of the holiday on Monday. Well, when my husband came home from work and when I drove around running errands, we both saw that those people who left out their trash and recycling bins had been picked up on Thursday!  The trucks had not even been in the neighborhood!  When they are picked up, a lot of them fall over on their sides, and the lids are left open, so we can see that pickup was done.  We saw that every driveway that left trash out had the bins picked up!  We thought for sure that we screwed up by not leaving our trash out or that there was a new schedule for trash pickup that we didn’t know about. So, Thursday evening we decided to put our trash out anyway, despite the others being picked up that morning.  To our astonishment, the same people that put their trash out the day before put their trash out AGAIN on Friday along with us, and everything was picked up AGAIN from the same people the day before and ours was picked up as well as the whole neighborhood’s trash and recycling! What's so weird is that there was no trash collection that Thursday, yet the people who had trash bins and recycling bins out were picked up because most of them were tipped over and empty. I was home all day and didn't see or hear trucks on Thursday. You can't miss the noise they make! So how did the few people's trash get picked up on Thursday, and why would they put out their trash again the next day for pickup? It's all spooky to me! We are still stunned at this.  We figure we got involved in some parallel universe or shift in reality.  Since both my husband and I noticed this anomaly, we figure this is not a figment of our imagination or a lapse in memory.  What do you think?

Note from Cynthia: Wow, your experience with witnessing two trash pick-up days in a row is truly amazing. It reminds me a bit of how my mother has noticed that over the years, trash day seems to come sooner and sooner--until the point that "It's always garbage day," but the only place I've visited where that actually proves to be true was downtown Manhattan in New York City, where that much garbage really does need to be hauled off each and every morning. Your description of all the details associated with evidence of witnessing your neighbors' trash having been picked up a day early sounds detailed, and it's also worth noting that both you and your husband observed numerous signs that there had been a Thursday morning trash collection that week, despite the fact that apparently the garbage collectors returned to collect trash again the next morning as well. You're right about all the noise those garbage trucks make, and how obvious it is when they're around, due to the din. Thanks so much for sharing this experience, as I'm sure you must not be the only ones to have noticed garbage-day related reality shifts, and I'll be interested to find out how many others have observed similar discrepancies.


Nail Polish Reappeared

Disappearing/Reappearing Nail Polish and Barrette
Atlanta, Georgia

The most amazing thing happened last Friday. I went to Iowa to visit family, among other things, and I took a bottle of nail polish so that I could touch up my nails while I was there. On the way home, I lost that bottle of nail polish. Just to give a few details, the nail polish came open in my purse, and leaked onto the bottle, causing one of my hair barrettes to get stuck on it. I arrived home on Monday, and I went through all of my things when I got home, looking for that nail polish. I dumped the entire contents of my purse out onto my bed, but the only thing I could find was the paper napkin I had wrapped the bottle in to keep it from getting all over everything. My purse was not a large purse, and I emptied EVERYTHING out of it looking for that nail polish. Monday night I slept over at a friend's house. On Tuesday morning when I got back home again, I searched my car, my suitcase from Iowa, and again my purse, and found no nail polish. On Wednesday morning (this morning), I had to go to whole foods to do my monthly volunteer work to pick up food donations for the homeless. I always go to the bakery department first, where they always have a shopping cart loaded down with large garbage bags full of the donuts, bagels and pastries they have collected for donation. Today there were two large trash bags full of donations, and the bags were so heavy I could barely push the cart. I took NOTHING in with me but my car fob which i had placed in my pocket. I left my purse in the car, because I knew my hands would be full and occupied with the grocery cart. Anyway, I pushed the cart outside to my car, and started unloading the donuts. The bags were so heavy i could hardly pick them up, and so a man stopped and helped me get them out. When we lifted the last HUGE trashbag out of the cart, there was my nail polish bottle with my hair barrette attached to it! How the heck did that nail polish and hair barrette get into that buggy underneath all of those heavy bags?!? I took absolutely nothing in with me, because it was pouring down rain, and i did not want water to ruin my nice leather Coach handbag, or my phone. So where did that nail polish and barrette come from? That just blew me away! The hair barrette was not actually attached to the bottle--it was just in the bottom of the buggy with the bottle. Isn't that interesting? You can see by this photograph the size of the nail polish compared to the size of the purse. That large of a bottle of nail polish would've been easy to spot inside that purse when I dumped it out.  I was wearing a pair of tight jeans--well not skin tight, but you know, normal jeans for a woman, with a T-shirt a scarf and a raincoat. I had not seen the nail polish for two days, because the last time I saw the nail polish was on Monday and it reappeared on Wednesday. So the clothes I put on on Wednesday morning were not the clothes that I wore on Monday. There is no way that nail polish could have gotten in those clothes! It is just an amazing event to me. I can't stop thinking about it. Just to make it clear, there was nothing that I had on Wednesday that I wore in iowa. I did not have on the same clothes and everything that I had in Iowa  was still packed in my suitcase at home. I cannot make any connection whatsoever with anything in my possession on Monday with anything in my possession Wednesday when I went to Whole Foods. There is absolutely no connection whatsoever for the nail polish to be transported to that buggy by me. I did not take the coat to Iowa.   The only possible common thread was my purse, but my purse was emptied out on my bed on Monday and Tuesday looking for that nail polish. I cannot imagine that I would not be able to find it in my purse. My purse is small and there's not much inside of it. Not to mention the fact that my purse was left in the car when I went inside the store, so there was absolutely no connection with any of my personal items and that shopping cart!

Note from Cynthia:Thank you SO much for sharing your amazing experience--how truly extraordinary! I love how you describe the sequence of events leading up to the surprise return of your nail polish--in the buggy for the food donations! And obviously if the nail polish and barrette were clipped to your hair or coat or something, or up your coat sleeve, you would have noticed. I'm especially impressed that you were not wearing anything that might possibly have been hiding a sneaky nail polish castaway that could then later fall out into the cart--and there's no way it would have been able to leap out of your purse all the way over to the buggy, either. And since you'd already completely emptied out your purse, and you'd left your purse in the car at the time you noticed the nail polish showing up in the buggy, that seems just about impossible.  So once all other possible explanations are exhausted, that leads us to your having experienced some kind of teleportation event involving your nail polish and hair barrette! This photo makes the whole situation crystal-clear for anyone who might possibly still be incredulous. And if that's the nail polish in question, it's SUPER obvious that it will stand out if it's in the purse, thanks to it's brilliant color! .

PK Ability After Seeing UFO
Farmington, New Mexico, USA

Thought I would tell of one day back 2000 when I was in Farmington, picking up my nephew to bring him over to visit. Heavy rain was pouring down, and I went driving to pick up my nephew, who was seven years old at the time. The clouds were a thick grey. I happened to look up, and saw that there were two metallic, grey zeppelins, that were circling each other and moving across the sky at a high rate of speed.  I watched as they traveled from East to West, rapidly covering a lot of ground. My son was a teen then, and he witnessed the same thing. My nephew then got into the car, and we went to my house. When we got home, I sat at the kitchen table, and for fun balanced a pencil on the rim of a drinking glass. I thought that I could move the pencil if I concentrated hard enough, so I moved my fingers towards the pencil. To my complete astonishment, without touching the pencil with my fingers an inch away, I held my breath. I saw the pencil spun slowly, and moved slowly. I called my son and nephew over to show them. I balanced the pencil again. My nephew reached his hand over toward the pencil and didn't touch it, and it moved. Then my son tried it, and it moved again. This kinetic energy lasted over thirty minutes, if that's the proper term. Then the effect dissipated. We tried and tried to move the pencil balanced on the rim of the drinking glass, to no avail. We couldn't move the pencil without touching it.. Some how the UFO type zeppelins exerted an electromagnetic field that effected out bodies enabling my nephew, my son and myself to exert telekinetic abilities artificially. What prompted me to balance a pencil on the rim of a glass? I have tried on several occasions to see if telekinesis was actually possible. I suppose I tried balancing the pencil just to do it not having any sort of inclination that the said craft would have any residual effect. And it was entirely a surprise that the pencil moved at all. I was astonished to see this happen!

Note from Cynthia:Thanks so much for sharing your experience with having seen a couple of zeppelins in the sky, and experiencing post-UFO psychokinetic abilities. 


HIPPA used to be well known as the Health Information Patient Privacy Act.  I saw someone receive an "update or download".  I asked her what HIPPA is, she stated as above...then I told her it was HIPAA.  "No that's correct people just misspell it HIPPA." She was a Congressional aid when it was legislated, and completely believes it was always HIPAA.  I showed her the flip flop article. "That's  just a typo.". I pointed out a typo would be consistently wrong not both wrong and right.  I found the actual legal law and it is half and half....yet she would rather believe that it was a typo!

Note from Cynthia:Wow, you're right--this poor author does look incompetent, now that HIPPA has mysteriously become HIPAA.


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

Someone I linked to on LinkedIn remembered me working where I never worked.  I don't think he slipped from a parallel universe but it was a weird experience.  He might have me confused with someone else. 
— Nathaniel

Dear Nathaniel,
Thanks for sharing this odd experience. I've also been confused with someone else, so I know that feeling--though on a few other occasions, including one in which someone insisted I'd given a talk on the UC Berkeley campus back in the 1980s (when I was seriously shy and introverted, and currently recall having done no such thing). They were adamant that was me--insisting they'd know the difference. So in such a case, I concede such things are indeed possible, and goodness knows I've seen my share of people who swear they weren't there, as well as witnessing people and their work and research appear as if out of nowhere.
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia


Hello Cynthia,
I have had some questions about Quantum Jumping and I would be grateful if you have the time to answer me. Can I change the past (with QJ) and the results of wrong actions caused in the present? How long time will it take to learn this skill? Do you think someone experienced could help me in any way or this is the path I shoul walk on my own? Before 2 months ago is happening something which completely changed my life in a negative way. My dream, my solution now is to alter this past event, but I find it a difficult. Any help? Thank you!
— Ayten

Dear Ayten,
I've witnessed changes occurring to the past, thanks to quantum jumping / reality shifting activities I've been involved in. Most people experience such shifts without having full conscious control over such things, mostly due to people's energy often being strongest in the lower energy centers. Learning to "run your energy" harmoniously in aligned fashion with intentions and desires that resonate fully and evenly from your head to your heart to your gut is much of what's required, along with learning to boost your energy field (restore pre-birth Ki that typically depletes as we age), and learning how to be fully aligned with your spiritual purpose toward helping others. As to how long it takes to learn these things--that depends on many factors. I do work with clients to help individuals find their way forward on this path, and I find that people arrive at very different starting points, with different initial skill sets and strengths, and very different areas that require improvement.  I recommend tuning in to your intuition and dreams as to whether this path is one to walk alone (though we're actually never completely alone), or with support from others--and to get a sense of how best to proceed forward at this time. With regard to changing the past, I suggest first restoring a sense of your center, and tuning in to the part of you that is bigger than any situation. From such a viewpoint, of the one who observes how you feel and what you think, you can revise and review your story of your life so far. And this is a very good place to start.
lots of love,
— Cynthia


Hi, Cynthia!
I just recently discovered your YouTube account and have been learning about quantum mechanics and quantum leaping along with retrocausality and it's fascinating. I was wondering if I could just pick your brain for a moment since I'm new to this concept and theory that you can affect your past thus changing the present and that the past is fluid. So, in my case an ex boyfriend and I have discussed reconciling but only briefly. I would love to be able to move this idea and desire into my present reality. I was wondering if you think that is possible by sort of going into the past when we broke up and healing that event and if so do you have any suggestions or tips? Thanks so much!
— Amanda

Dear Amanda,
Thanks so much for writing to me with this question. I do believe it's possible to exert retroactive influence, and I've found sending 'positive' emotional energy of gratitude 'back to the past' that is charged up with super-high levels of feeling everything is absolutely wonderful right now has truly brought about some of the all-time most amazing shifts. What I'm suggesting is that instead of dwelling on 'what went wrong,' that one appreciate all that one is grateful-to-the-very-core-of-your-being for.Such a sense of being supremely grateful needs to be strongly enough felt that it gives one a sense of everything being right with the world. Typically, such strong energies come from feeling one is part of something bigger than oneself--a truly spiritual feeling of feeling and knowing true goodness, and being part of that goodness in the world. For best results, I therefore recommend meditating and following whatever spiritual practices you enjoy that help you best align all levels of your conscious and subconscious self, to the point that you are most fully accepting and aware of all levels of yourself, from your gut feelings all the way to your most highly evolved spiritual feelings. In this way, you indeed are accessing your true spiritual self that is the traveler between physical realities. Though we tend to assume we only ever experience one 'solid,' 'unchangnig' physical reality, this surely is not the case. So my tips involve accessing your highest and deepest feeling levels of gratitude, with a sense of faith that all is right and good, and that you can really, really feel a sense of that as your underlying core sense of the truth of reality. And from this state of being and state of mind and state of heart, you can view your relationship with great love
lots of love and thanks,
— Cynthia

Hi, I just wanted to let you know how happy i am cause i found you and the Things you teaching the world.  We need it and we need more people like you who is able to explain this difficult Experiences.
All Love

Dear One,
Thank you so much for your lovely email message to me-- you made my day! I'm glad to hear how happy you are to have found me, and what I'm teaching. Thanks for your words of encouragement and support!
With love and thanks, Cynthia

Dear Cynthia,
 I have recently just stumbled upon the Mandela Effect Theory. I am starting to become convinced about the possibility of Parallel Universes and was hoping you could enlighten me a bit on your own personal experiences. Sincerely,
— Robert

Dear Robert,
Thanks so much for writing to me regarding the Mandela Effect! While this term has just recently been rising in public awareness and the term "Mandela Effect" itself is just seven years old, I've been dedicating my life's work to researching this area, publishing monthly newsletters about it, creating blog posts, articles and YouTube videos about it, giving talks about it, and writing books about it over the past 18 years.  Perhaps the best starting point to get my perspective on this phenomenon is by watching an interview where I cover the main points in 20 minutes, such as this one:
Mandela Effect and How we Experience Alternate Histories
You can subscribe to my free monthly ezine to stay current on this topic, and browse through all previous issues at:
With love and thanks, Cynthia
— Cynthia


(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

While many materials are received for review, only the best get the benefit of receiving mention in RealityShifters and having a review written and posted. If you enjoy reading these reviews, please feel free to express your appreciation by clicking through these links before making purchases at, so you can help offset the costs of the RealityShifters web site and ezine. You can see some excellent metaphysical books at:


Born Aware:
Stories and Insights from Those Spiritually Aware Since Birth

by Diane Brandon

I feel like I'm in Heaven when reading this book

Diane Brandon's book "Born Aware" shares spiritual insights and wisdom from the point of view of those who have been spiritually aware since birth, and know they come from somewhere else. This innate spiritual orientation is thus their primary focal point, with those having been 'born aware' experiencing benefits of higher soul awareness all through life. Brandon includes interviews with twelve 'born aware' individuals (including me) and also includes her autobiographical account. I was moved while reading "Born Aware" to recognize through it's thirteen personal stories a rich and beautiful vision of the spiritual true nature of reality being revealed. Whether each person interviewed says it or not, all sound much like Heather, who "knows she is an incarnated angel and has always had a pervading knowing, which was innate in her, that everything is made of energy and is light and energy." Brandon includes chapters after the sharing of personal accounts to discuss spiritual lessons from the born aware phenomenon. Not only is it possible to have natal awareness, but as Brandon puts it, "it is our norm." (p. 239) Higher spiritual awareness is possible while human, and it is not only possible but likely that many people have been born aware all through history. And there is tremendous value in being born aware: "One salient hallmark of having been spiritually aware since birth is our split awareness of our prevailing access to our higher soul awareness. It is being in our higher soul awareness that maintains our strong connection to these higher spiritual levels and keeps us oriented there and spiritually sustained, even as we dip back and forth into our human persona." (p. 242) Indeed, this is a source of tremendous comfort for those of us 'born aware'! As Brandon puts it, "This shows us that it's indeed possible to live a life on this planet as a human and not be completely embroiled in or blinded by or encased in our human side. It's possible to be here as a human and also have a spiritual clarity of vision, spiritual awareness, and access to some higher knowledge, truths, and wisdom." I love how "Born Aware" points out the connection to God that most 'born aware' individuals have at their very core--which means there is no need for intermediaries (between God and us) and also that there is a lack of fear and a sense of trust and faith that all is well, regardless how it may seem. There is also much less effort made by those 'born aware' to strive in some unbalanced way for material gains or self-centered manifesting, based on short-term, ego-based desires. Reading this book is as refreshing for me as being in the blessed presence of others who know and live this spirit-centered life. I especially love chapter 19, which is all about grooming higher soul awareness! This is a chapter for everyone who loves the feeling of living in resonant harmony with spiritual awareness, who wishes to enhance the experience. It is also a chapter that encourages all of us to recognize our spiritual core nature. Brandon writes, "I wouldn't be surprised if a large percentage of babies have this awareness at birth, before amnesia erases any memory of it." (p. 259)


(6) Join in the Discussion

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Quantum Jumps

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