Whether or not you've witnessed socks or keys moving around
in your house, chances are you're shifting reality right now, at this very
moment. Perhaps you haven't noticed things suddenly appearing out of thin
air, or disappearing... or transporting or transforming.... but chances are
you've noticed amazing synchronicities in your life.
My viewpoint about synchronicities is that they come into being (or
"manifest") based on our thoughts and feelings. We create the very world
that we observe.
If this sounds a bit far out to you, consider the fact that until a century
ago, we didn't realize that the act of observing something changed it. We
were naive voyeurs, assuming that we could watch tiny quantum particles
without having any impact on their behavior. This assumption proved to be
completely false when physicists noticed that observing quantum
particle/waves had the effect of popping the wave function and forcing the
particles to choose their position as they materialized into physical
This "quantum weirdness" showed up when Thomas Young conducted an
experiment in the 19th century involving firing a stream of subatomic
particles at a particle sensitive screen with a barrier in placed in front
of it. Particles passed through one of two parallel slits in the barrier
before they hit the screen. The resulting pattern that developed on the
screen showed the interference pattern of particles passing through the
slits at the same time, just as you can see interference patterns in a pond
or lake if you throw two stones into the water simultaneously. Each slit
in the barrier could be opened or closed independently and the tiny quantum
particles could be directed towards the screen in a trickle, so only one
particle passed through the slits at a time, showing a spot every time a
particle hit the screen.
The really surprising thing about Young's double slit experiment is that
when one particle at a time was fired through the double slits, a pattern
developed that looked like particles had passed through BOTH slits at the
same time! This would be like having the double ring effect in the pond
when you only threw one pebble in.
When the apparatus was modified to include particle detectors behind each
slit, scientists found two blobs of light on the screen behind the two
slits with NO interference pattern! Somehow, every quantum particle knew
exactly how these experiments were being conducted, and adjusted their
behavior accordingly.
Just as quantum particles seem to depend on our observations to determine
their behavior, I've witnessed large-scale changes in physical reality --
most especially when I've been in a state of feeling tremendous love.
You can ask yourself the following questions to start paying attention to
the reality shifts in your life.
When I feel the most loved
and loving:
o Things seem to go
my way
o I feel in tune with everything around me
o I feel more alive and energized
o I notice many more synchronicities
o I am healthier
o I am happier
How many did you say, "Yes" to?
Please consider how all of these changes brought about by love are shifts
in reality... and how every one of us who loves also shifts reality.