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Disappearing/Reappearing Manger scene figure
Franklin, Indiana, USA

Thank you so much for the work you do. I follow you on YouTube and have begun reading your book. Here's a short version of what happened yesterday. Right away, I knew I had to write to you. A week ago, I unpacked our ancient creche scene but then decided to pack it back up because we have another, more elaborate set.  I wrapped each piece in paper of some kind and tucked the box away. Changing my mind a few days later, I unwrapped the figures again and set them on a table. Yesterday, when I looked at the figures, I realized that the baby Jesus was missing. I scoured the room where all the activity had taken place, but I couldn't find him. I dug out the box again and unwrapped all of the crumpled paper. No baby Jesus. As my automatic thinking mind kicked in, I was figuring out how to replace this figure that we got in Bethlehem 50 years ago. So I returned to the box. Picking it up, I heard a rattling noise. (There had been no noise when I stowed the box the day before.) In the bottom of the box, not wrapped in paper, lay the baby Jesus. Double split experiment? Or as, my theologian husband said, "Jesus wanted to be out of the box." There's something so perfect about what happened—and I was more open to the mystery of it all because of your work. Thanks so much.  (I'm going with alternate realities.)

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for writing to me, and for sharing this amazing experience of unwrapping your nativity scene figurines, and finding baby Jesus missing--and then a short while later, finding that little figurine unwrapped and loose in the very box you'd just checked.  "Jesus wanted to be out of the box"--I love it!  That feels like a wonderful invitation for humanity to experience more miracles, even when least expected!


May 2023 news of Jimmy Carter death
July 2024 news of Jimmy Carter death
Jimmy Carter died... again
Desta Barnabe
author of Jimmy Carter: Paranormal and UFO Tales and other books

Happy new year! When I just heard that Jimmy Carter died, I was like, “No; he died a long time ago.” I asked my bf and then I texted Grant Cameron, because we released the Jimmy Carter UFO book, Jimmy Carter: Paranormal and UFO Tales, when he went into hospice, two years ago. Now I just found these two photos that show he lied last summer! I remember that I was in my office of my other house when I heard he died, but I don’t remember where. I can only assume it was from someone on YouTube I get news from. It was just a natural death, since he was in hospice, so it wasn’t surprising or anything. Grant Cameron and my fiance both didn’t remember this, but I’m 100% because I thought we’d see an increase in the books sold. So it was tied to my own experience, and those are the Mandela Effect experiences I remember most.

Note from Cynthia:  I've been seeing reports of many people remembering having seen reports of Jimmy Carter having passed away previously.  Naturally the traditional response to such reports is something along the lines of, "Well, reporters and news companies have prepared obituaries written and poised and ready to roll, and sometimes they are viewed early prior to actual publication."  Personal memories and anchor memories are the best with regard to feeling confident regarding Mandela Effects.  Thanks for sharing your thoughts at the time that you'd heard of Jimmy Carter passing away a couple of years ago.  Indeed that would not have been all that surprising, since he was not as vibrant as he'd been in earlier years, and I love the way you have a special memory of the time frame, since your Jimmy Carter UFO book had just been published.  

Mandela Effect movies and North Pole change
Desta Barnabe
author of Jimmy Carter: Paranormal and UFO Tales and other books

I ran a chain of CD/DVD stores from 1996 to 2008. I was more than familiar with every name on every DVD, especially the ones we sold constantly, like Interview with a Vampire, Sex in the City, etc. I knew the Field of Dreams: “Build it, and they will come,” the Star Wars: “Luke. I am your father,” the Snow White: “Mirror Mirror on the Wall,” and the Forrest Gump: “Life is like a box of chocolates.” But one that really got me was the North Pole being an ice structure on the top of a globe. My family kept a globe on the living room table my whole childhood. I was always interested in traveling, so I spun that globe thousands of times, and memorized all the places on it. I was living in Vancouver in 2015 when I discovered the Mandela Effect. But after all of these movie quotes and changes to the titles, I saw the one where it said there is no longer anything on the top of a globe. The North Pole was always a white land mass on the top of the globe. When I heard this, I knew we had one in the house I was living in, so I ran into my friend’s child’s room and grabbed the globe. There was nothing on top, just the ocean. I was so shocked I had to sit down. I almost started to cry. I immediately called back to Winnipeg to my ex who had also worked at the music store with me and who I had been with for a decade. I gave him the checklist over the phone, and asked him to fill in the blanks to see what he said. He was on the same page as I was! I then called a few of my friends, who were huge fans of Interview with a Vampire and Sex in the City. The weird thing was both of them got the name wrong! I couldn’t believe it! It was their favorite movie! How could they get it wrong? They both bought the DVD from me at my store! I was shocked. Then I heard about the mandible and kidney placements in the human body. I have a Science degree, so I have taken many Anatomy and Physiology classes at University. I was 100% sure of the placement of these. But I checked current diagrams, and yep. The kidneys were now neatly hidden under the ribs; the heart was placed almost in the middle of the chest, and the mandible one! I can’t actually remember what it was now, but I read that it changed, and I sketched out what I thought it was supposed to look like, then I looked it up, and it was different. I couldn’t believe it! The last one was the location of Sri Lanka. In 2002, I was in Thailand and flew to Trivandrum, India. We made a pit stop on the way home to Sri Lanka. We went to Kanyakumari, the southmost tip of India, and looked out across the ocean, trying to see Sri Lanka, where we were heading just a week later. I wondered why the airline offered us the few-day stopover in Sri Lanka since it was not on the way back to Thailand; it was straight south of India. I was more than shocked also to see that now Sri Lanka IS on the way back to Thailand. It has moved so far East and North that it is not even close to the same location as in 2002. Again, I feel that I have had direct knowledge of most of these Mandela Effects. I am 100% sure about the ones that I listed. Yes, of course, I remember many others, but not to the extent that I am 100% like I am with these. I would bet my life that these listed ones have indeed changed.

Note from Cynthia:  What I love so much about your description of how people who loved the movie about the interview with the vampire both remembering the "wrong" name of the movie, which is so weird when it was their very favorite film.  This is the kind of thing that helps confirm that there really is something far bigger than "confabulation" or "mistaken memories" going on.  And you know for sure that the top of globes always used to include a white land mass at the very top of the globe, for the North Pole.  And then one day--poof--it's not there, and never was!  The human anatomy changes have been stunning for me to see, too.  And I'm so amazed at your recollection of Sri Lanka moving so far to the East and North that you know for sure it's nowhere near where it used to be.  That is wild! 

bathroom sign
bathroom stalls
Changes to bathroom at Cafe
Pennsylvania, USA

I thought of you when this happened, and I had to tell you the story. I am moving from New Jersey to Pennsylvania. I went for a trail run yesterday in my new neighborhood in the Ottsville, Pennsylvania area, and then I went to a family-owned health food market and cafe for lunch. As I was eating my chili, a man in a cowboy outfit walked by and smiled at me. I smiled back and said hello. I wasn't sure if he was hitting on me, but he didn't say anything else. I knew I wanted to go to the bathroom before I left, because I was meeting a realtor right after lunch and I wasn't sure if I could use the bathroom at my new place yet. A woman went up to the girl behind the counter and said that a lady had been in the bathroom for a long time. I figured that by the time I was done eating, the woman would be done in the bathroom. I knocked on the bathroom door about ten minutes later, and a young woman called out that she was inside. The door had a sign that said "Single use bathroom. Please knock before entering." I asked a store associate if they had another bathroom, and he said they didn't because they were renovating and the other bathroom was closed.  He said he would try to knock in a minute and let me know. He came over to my tabe; a few minutes later and said that the woman was still in the bathroom. I walked past the locked door and bought face wash in the grocery area. Then, as I was leaving I went to the bathroom to try one last time, and the door was open, the single use sign still on it, but it was a multi-use bathroom with three stalls! It was bizarre. New Jersey feels pretty weird right because of all of the aerial phenomena, and I thought of you when this happened. Weird!  I remember, "Knock before entering (or could have been opening)," but I definitely remember the word knock. I got the sense that someone or something was drawing my attention to this change, and it felt very positive. Thank you for opening my mind and heart through your work. 

Note from Cynthia: Oh, wow!  What a strange experience to see such a big change to the women's restroom in such a short period of time!  That's so interesting that the "single use restroom" sign was in place the entire time.  The sign now doesn't seem to mention knocking, but it does say "please lock door while in use," and seems to indicate there may be some delays with this system since at the bottom of the sign in small print, it says, "Thank you for your patience." That's so intriguing that the sign distinctively indicated something about being sure to "knock," especially since that kind of thing matches the whole idea of the bathroom being set up for single occupancy.  This does feel like a positive, expansive shift!

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