Your RealityShifter Stories
Page 268
Superimposed Cyclist
Another oddity to share with you; I was out for a walk early
this morning on the local cycle track. What looked like two cyclists were
approaching me. I thought it was strange that one was directly behind the
other extremely close in a perfect line. Normally, cyclists ride side by
side rather than one behind the other so close. Also of note was how they
were matching exactly in movement and motion. As 'they' got nearer to me,
I realized that it was the same cyclist superimposed on himself. It was
like seeing double. One was layered over the other. 'They' looked
directly at me and I nodded a hello. I'm certain that it was not a vision
malfunction on my part. Everything else around me appeared normal. I just
thought I'd share this with you as it was so fascinating. Normally the
cyclists, runners and walkers that occupy this popular cycle track give
each other a hello, or a friendly nod. He did neither although I nodded
and smiled; which isn't necessarily strange in itself - but he sort of
seemed 'empty'. He stared right at me as he passed, but I couldn't see his
actual eyes as he had cyclists dark visor type glasses on. It felt like a
piercing soulless stare. It was extra strange because I had two of him
looking at me. Come to think of it, it seemed that his head was
turned to look at me for a long time even though it must've been only 1 or
2 seconds. There was a lady walking briskly with a dog approaching behind
me, and the cyclist went past her too, but she did not give him a second
glance. If I had to describe his 'vibe', I would again say empty as if he
was not human, but an android. I felt fascinated, and was in no way upset
by it. I enjoy the weirdness of reality and the oddities that I come
Note from Cynthia: Oh, that is truly strange! Thank you so very
much for sharing this experience with me. The fact that nothing else other
than the one cyclist appeared to be doubled is significant, since then you
know that your vision is not doing something strange, but rather the
cyclist in question is doing something strange. When you describe the
countenance of this cyclist, it's fascinating to me that you describe him
as seeming sort of 'empty.' I've noticed people enter rooms where they
were deep in meditative inner contemplation, thus seeming less responsive
and less connected with everyone there, and I've personally experienced
bilocations when I have been daydreaming/meditating and at those exact
moments, apparently engaging in activities exactly in accordance with what
and where I was daydreaming about. I mention this because it makes a kind
of sense to me that someone doing such unintentional bilocation as I've
done might be meditating--and wow, that could look super weird if you catch
someone in the act of being "spacey" because they actually are
rather in two places at the same time.
Crossing Over into a Parallel Universe (Parallel Reality)
Set During the Civil War Era
Trish LeSage
I have been feeding the wildlife in the woods behind my home
since January 2010. I have experienced many otherworldly and
paranormal occurrences while feeding the wildlife there. One of the most,
if not the most, memorable experience that I have had with the parallel
universe phenomenon happened on a hot summer day a few years
ago. I sat the bag that I carry the bird food in on
a large, flattened rock like I usually do, and I walked over to where the
wild mallard ducks were to feed them. I glanced over to
where I had left the bag that I carry their food in, and I was shocked to
see a camera on a tripod facing the rock and the bag of
food. What was surprising to me was that the camera was not
a camera from our time period at all. It looked like it was
from the 1800’s. The first thought that came to
my mind was, “What in the world is that camera doing there? Is
someone spying on me?”. Then I wondered why an
old-fashioned camera was there, instead of, a modern day
camera. I thought that maybe someone was in the small woods
behind my home doing a Civil War reenactment since history buffs sometimes
do these in Michigan, especially during the summer months, but I did not
see any people around. Usually, they do reenactments at
festivals around the state. So, I thought it was
strange. Then I suddenly saw two men dressed in Civil War
uniforms across the little river that runs through the woods standing on
the opposite shore that the ducks and I were on. They were
there for only a few seconds, and then, they vanished. I saw
Civil War soldiers on two other occasions while I was in the woods behind
my home feeding the ducks and other wildlife. On each
occasion, the men appeared and then disappeared a few seconds
later. What I thought was especially odd was that the men
were dressed in Confederate uniforms. I live in the state of
Michigan, and Michigan was a Union state during the Civil
War. I highly doubted that anyone in Michigan would be
running around in Confederate uniforms. Besides, the
soldiers vanished after only a few seconds. So, at that
point, I was starting to question whether they were even from our time
period at all. As you can imagine, all sorts of thoughts were running
through my mind, and then I became a little scared, because I was wondering
what in the world I would say to the soldiers if they were ever able to
interact with me and ask me where I was from, especially if they were truly
Civil War Soldiers from a past timeline and not Civil War
reenactors. I could not tell them that I was from Michigan
since it was a union state during the Civil War and that would more than
likely lead to my certain death. I highly doubted that they
would believe that I was from the 21st century when to them, they
were fighting the Civil War in the 1860’s. Then I
heard one of them say: “She must be from another
country.” (I believe that my hearing this meant that they did in
fact see me but assumed that I was from another country, because I was
wearing baggy sweatpants and a tank top since it was a hot summer day, and
my hair was pulled up in a short pony tail, and I have bangs which is not
the way in which women dressed nor wore their hair back in the
1860’s). I saw those Civil War soldiers in the woods behind my
home on three separate occasions. However, my experience
with that particular timeline (parallel reality) did not end with my only
seeing them. Shortly after that, I was driving my car on a
service drive near my home near some shops. I was driving no
more than 25 or 30 mph, but I could feel myself start to cross over into
the Civil War parallel universe again as I was driving my
car. What was really strange was that although I was driving
my car, and I had my hands on the steering wheel, I could also feel myself
transition to the Civil War universe in which the character that I would
have played there if I would have fully crossed over into that parallel
reality was sitting on a covered wagon driving a team of horses with reins
in her hands. I could actually feel myself holding the reins
in my hands as I was shifting away from driving my car to driving the team
of horses! For a few brief seconds, I was straddling the two
worlds (our present day timeline and the Civil War timeline), and I felt
scared, because the speed at which my car was going down the road was
apparently also being perceived by the woman/character from the Civil War
era that I was transitioning to, and she was scared of the speed at which
my car was traveling, but yet, I could feel myself, the person that I am in
our current time period, not being scared and trying to tell myself/her to
not be scared. I also did not want to fully cross over into
the Civil War parallel reality, as I did not want to leave my life in our
present-day time period behind. Therefore, I did not fully
cross over onto the Civil War timeline. I wanted clarity regarding what
had happened on those occasions on which I was seemingly crossing over into
a Civil War parallel reality, and then, shortly after having these real
life experiences while I was awake and going about my daily routine, I
dreamt while sleeping that I had indeed begun to cross over into a parallel
universe set during the Civil War era on those four occasions, but the
Civil War parallel universe (alternate reality), however, was not a glimpse
into the past on our own timeline. In other words, I did not
time travel back to the past on our current timeline. I was
crossing over into a parallel universe that was running parallel to ours
during our present day, but it was simply “set”
during the Civil War era. I was told in the dream that the
souls that are incarnated on that particular Civil War timeline need to
learn certain soul lessons (life lessons) that they cannot learn during our
present-day time period. Hence, they were incarnated onto a
timeline that was “set” during the
1860’s. I was also told that it was not in my
best interest to fully cross over into that parallel reality and that I do
not need to live during the Civil War time period for my own soul
growth. Hence, I did not fully cross over into the Civil War
era parallel reality, and I did not leave my present-day life on our
current timeline behind to live on that Civil War
timeline. I simply straddled the two timelines (our
present-day timeline and the Civil War timeline). Although these
experiences shocked me at first since I had never experienced a parallel
universe in another time period to such an extent, it, at the same time,
did not surprise me, because ever since I began to experience the
phenomenon of parallel universes, so much has happened to me almost on a
daily basis that pretty much nothing surprises me
anymore. If I make it through a day without something out of
the ordinary happening, that is an unusual day! I had never shared these
particular experiences with others until recently when I was a speaker at
the IMEC conference which was held in Nashville, Tennessee in November
2024. However, I now want to share these experiences with
others in hopes of bringing this knowledge to humanity so that we can all
open our minds and learn about the nature of reality, especially during
these monumental times in which it has been said that humanity is in the
process of ascending to a higher state of consciousness.
Note from Cynthia: Thank you for sharing such an astonishing set
of experiences encountering Civil War timelines. Walking back in
time is definitely something that happens from time to time, and some of
these experiences have been reported over the years in first-hand reports
shared on the RealityShifters website. In one such first-hand
account where a young woman and her friends took "A Walk Back in Time in
I was intrigued by the descriptions shared in that Moundsville
account of touching inhabitants of that past time period: "One of
my friends touched a dog's head, and said it felt like touching Jell-O. A
carriage passed through us, and felt cold and like water almost... but not
wet. The best way to describe the feeling is that it was like being in a
hot tub with the massagers on full blast... and the streams of water make
ripples on your skin." Several things stand out about your experiences,
namely that it seems you were receiving a recurring invitation to visit the
Civil War time period, via more than one event. In the situation
where you connected with a woman driving a covered wagon with a team of
horses, you sensed her anxiety when sensing the speed you were
traveling. These experiences are interesting for pondering
"What if" you had moved more fully into the Civil War time frame
reality. Thanks so much for sharing all of this. This is so
very fascinating, with definite indications that humanity may be evolving
to become better attuned to such experiences that would previously have
been considered highly anomalous, if not impossible.
Vanishing Cop with Flashing Headlights
Missouri, USA
Last night I saw a cop with gumballs flashing headlights. I
checked my rear view mirror seconds before—nothing. I was
making a left hand turn off a 55 mph 2 lane dark country highway, appear
out of nowhere 40 feet ? behind behind me. Headlights on. Last 2
seconds—and vanished. No way I missed it preturn rear view.
Options to explain this: (1) Timeline beed through. (2) Holographic
projected technology. (3) Any thoughts?
Note from Cynthia: Thanks for the report of having seen
a vanishing cop with flashing headlights--very odd,
indeed! I've seen cars and pedestrians vanish such
that one moment they're coming toward me, and the next there's no sign of
them at all (and nowhere they could have gone). Thanks for
clarifying that you were not imbibing alcohol or paratking of other
substances at the time. And it's also significant that this was a
familiar road and route to you, so the vanishing can't
be attributed to simply missing it in a mirror. Regarding the cause
of this, it's hard to say for sure what's going on. Since I've seen
these things for years (decades), it seems unlikely these are all
holographic projected technologies. More likely I suspect we're
seeing what you refer to as timeline bleed throughs.
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RealityShifter Stories
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