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Your RealityShifter Stories
Page 269

Kyiv pronunciation Mandela Effect
Connecticut, USA

When I was in school, the Capitol of Ukraine was Kiev—pronounced Key-EVV—with two syllables. Now, whenever there is news, they say "Keeve"—I really remember it as Key-EVV! 

Note from Cynthia: I remember the pronunciation as you do, as "Key-EVV."  I have an anchor memory for this, since I had a friend whose favorite food was "Chicken Kiev," so of course when talking about that, I both heard and said the word aloud quite a bit--especially since I'd promised to make this favorite dinner as the only repayment requested for my friend having helped me considerably.  So it's really strange to now hear that the city's name is now pronounced so differently.  Thanks so much for mentioning this--since I don't think it can be so easily explained away as due to a change in spelling. 


clock with Roman numeral IIII
Clocks with Roman Numeral IIII
Connecticut, USA

One thing I have been fascinated with since as long as I can remember are clocks. Not, digital, but mechanical clocks. Cuckoo clocks, schoolhouse wall clocks, mantel clocks, grandfather clocks, etc. With that being said, I am looking at pictures of antique clocks—and many of them (in fact, all of the ones I have looked at today!) have Roman numerals—and they have ALL had IIII as the number 4! I could swear on a Bible, Torah, and Koran that I remember antique clocks having IV for the number 4! So, this is yet a pervasive and ongoing reality shift!

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing this fascinating observation that you're seeing pictures of clocks that exclusively feature the Roman numeral "IIII" for the number four, instead of the Roman numeral "IV" that so many of us remember that used to be the norm.  I don't even recall seeing four written out as "IIII" at all, actually, so this Mandela Effect is a rather big one for me.  It's right up there with the American dollar sign now only having one vertical line through the bit letter "S" instead of the two vertical lines I remember so clearly being the preferred way to write that character. 

Unsubtle Adapter Reality Shift
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

A reality shift happened that's too unsubtle to dismiss, involving the pin of an occasionally used adapter changing diameter. I have numerous adapters, and yesterday, when I required a particular one to use that needed a hack to fit a specific port, that adapter had metamorphed its pin, and surprisingly didn't need any hack! Something is causing a thinning of veil between timelines. I will be on alert for more signs.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks for sharing this unsubtle reality shift involving an adapter that no longer requires a hack in order for it to work with a specific port.  That's quite noticeable, and as you say, definitely unsubtle!  This sounds like a wonderfully positive shift--one that makes life a little bit easier.  

Abandoned Victorian returned
California, USA

Whoa—and here's another one for you—a couple of weeks ago, we drove by a place where there used to be a magnificent abandoned Victorian house. I had explored it many times, taken scroll work from roof that had fallen on the ground, I even shot some scenes for my Culture Shock music video there. But they had torn it down! I was outraged and upset! I felt like I had lost something! I ranted and raved to my family, who were in the car and they all looked, agreed, and commiserated. Last week, we drove by the place again—and it was there. The best part was that the daughter with me was my little skeptic who's always telling me the Mandela Effect and such aren't real—she's changed her tune a little now!

Note from Cynthia: Oh, WOW, Gina, that's super cool! I love how you've got witnesses who were with you and remember how just a couple of weeks ago, that magnificent abandoned Victorian house was gone—and then last week you drove by the place and saw it was there. This is so wonderful, seeing that gem of structure not gone yet, and possibly still salvageable.

Another Mandela Effect
Trish LeSage

I experienced another amazing Mandela Effect today.  I have just begun to search for employment. Since I love to write, I’ve decided to try to find a job as a writer, content writer, editor, or content editor instead of trying to find jobs in my career field that I went to college for, which is marketing, Spanish, and international trade.  I saw jobs posted on Sedona Journal of Emergence’s websites years ago.  So,  I decided to start there.  I didn’t see any job listings on their website today, but for some reason, I clicked on one of the tabs on their website, and I miraculously stumbled upon an article of mine that they are currently featuring on their website.  They state on their website that my article was published in the June 2016 issue of Sedona Journal of Emergence.  I started to read the article when I realized that I don’t ever recall writing the article.  I checked my archives, and I can’t find that article anywhere.  I also checked my “metaphysical bio/resume”, and the article isn’t mentioned there neither. When Sedona Journal of Emergence publishes articles, they typically send writers a free copy of the edition of the magazine that their article is published in.  I don’t have a copy of the June 2016 edition of the magazine, and I don’t recall them ever sending it to me neither.  I only have a copy of an issue that was published in 2012 that they sent to me back in 2012 when they published the only article of mine that I ever recall them publishing.  Interestingly, they included a link to my website along with the article, but it is a link to my old website that I had years ago which is now owned by someone else. More and more craziness! Lol!

Note from Cynthia: Wow, that’s really amazing! I love how you definitely remember receiving a copy of the article back in 2012 when they first published something you wrote… and now, it looks like they published something you wrote in 2016, that you have no recollection of having written. amazing!  This feels like a very positive kind of shift to me.

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