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April 2018
Issue #223

How Good Can it Get?
Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
The Wisdom of Music

“If you learn music you'll learn most all there is to know.”
-- Edgar Cayce

There is something special about music that seems to touch the soul--something that connects directly with both our highest sense of spiritual eternal awareness, and our most down-to-Earth feelings of being alive. I've also found that music provides me with insights into myself, others, and a continuous flow of ideas--as well as with a feeling of how my I fit in with the part I play in all of existence.

In some of my earliest childhood memories from a time when I was just a few years old, I loved listening to music and I loved playing outdoors. And often when I was outdoors and there was no music playing on the radio or stereo, I loved to sing. Mostly, I'd sing songs to myself when nobody else was around, since at those times I felt free to sing or hum whatever melody I felt flowing through me. I felt such a sense of peaceful harmony as songs seemed to coming through me as if I was a human radio receiver, although when I was very small, I didn't yet understand what a radio receiver was. What I knew was that I loved the feeling of humming and singing music I could feel and hear flowing on the inside, rather than music I was hearing with my ears until I started humming and singing what I was sensing intuitively. If someone had asked me, “Where does that music you hear come from?”, I wouldn't have known what to say. I just had a feeling that music was always around, always available to hear when I was quiet and stilled my mind.

Once I was old enough to attend grade school and middle school, one of my favorite experiences at school was learning the words and melodies to songs that I sang together with others in group choirs; this was a truly exhilarating experience for me. I felt a sense of shared awareness when I sang with a choir, as I added my voice to the combined voices of many, and learned how to sight-read music and sing notes that were written on a page.

When I was in high school, I enjoyed studying my first musical instrument, the acoustic guitar. Perhaps because I still recalled my earliest childhood memories of simply 'singing what comes through,' I loved playing songs I heard in my mind. I also loved playing songs with groups of other musicians in which songs were written on sheets of music, again enjoying a sense of shared community. I learned there could be great joy in either playing music exactly as written, as well as playing music the way it comes through and feels in any given moment—with a spirit of improvisation.

Cynthia Sue Larson with guitar
Cynthia Sue Larson plays Karen Kimball's song, “It's All Right”
These different kinds of musical experiences gave me a sense of feeling how ideas are 'already here,' including songs and music 'in the ethers' we can access to 'compose' or channel fresh musical songs. These experiences also helped me viscerally feel a sense of joining together in harmonious community to make a contribution that strengthens what all of us together can create. And music has also shown me that it can help create a sense of community between me as a solo performer and an audience of listeners.

One of the first times I gave a public talk, I chose to begin my talk by singing an a capella version of a song I had written about the heroine of my young adult novel, “Karen Kimball and Dream Weaver's Web.” I started my talk with a song, because I sensed this could be a way to gently bring people into a state of shared awareness of the topic I planned to talk about, through song. I was delighted at the time to see that was the case, and I later created a videotaped version of this song that I sang and played with my acoustic guitar that you can watch here:
Karen Kimball's song, “It's All Right”

This month I hope you'll ask my favorite question, “How good can it get?” as you find and feel the wisdom of music in your life.

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Did you know that I share new experiences, tips, stories, and inspirational ideas at Facebook, Twitter and YouTube? I look forward to seeing you there!

Love always,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at

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Cynthia Sue Larson
Quantum Jumps china cup ($18.95)
$16.11 (15% off) with code ZWELCOME2018
Feel inspired every time you drink from this Quantum Jumps cup.
This fine porcelain cup is perfect for armchair physicists and go-getters alike.
I gifted myself one for my birthday this year, and I must say
I was completely surprised in the best possible way by the excellent quality of this cup!
I own several china mugs similar to this in bone china, so I'm well aware of
the value of such items--and I really love the size, shape, look and feel of this
china cup in every way. The colors and printed design came out beautifully,
and I'm thrilled that I can be reminded of being in a perfect quantum jumping mood
every time I use it! How good can it get?!
Feel the excitement of making a leap between parallel worlds of possibility!
Dimensions: 4” tall, 2.8” diameter, 10 ounce capacity
microwave and dishwasher safe.

      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia! Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "If there is one thing I can be grateful for it is that I trusted my intuition and made contact with you--and from that the gift of connecting to myself (and other people) again!"
      -- Susan

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

Gödel's Incompleteness, Mandela Effects, and Reality Residue
There is a remarkable connection between Gödel, reality shifts, and Mandela Effects, and it's something I happened to run across recently while re-reading one of my all-time favorite books, Axiogenesis, by philosopher Nicholas Rescher. The passage I read was the very last section of the book on the last two pages, "Gödel's Conspiracy Theory," having to do with Gödel having come to believe that important documents and writings were being intentionally hidden and withheld.
You can read the full blog post on this topic posted at:
You can watch the YouTube video at:

Cynthia Sue Larson on Higher Journeys

Exploring the Mandela Effect with Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Alexis Brooks on Higher Journeys

Higher Journeys welcomes back author and consciousness researcher Cynthia Sue Larson to discuss some of the deeper implications of what is now popularly known as the Mandela Effect. Are "ME's" simply "false memories" or something more? Are we literally traversing multiple realities, parallel timelines, or are we unwittingly participating in a sophisticated brain hack in which memories can be unknowingly altered? How might the Mandela Effect fit within a simulated or holographic model of the universe?
You can listen to this audio interview at:

2018 West Coast Dowsers Conference

2018 West Coast Dowsers Conference:
Intuition into Action

Friday, Jul 29, 2018 – Tuesday Jul 3, 2018
Stevenson College, UC Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064”
I'd love to see you at this year's West Coast Dowsing Conference, where I've been invited to be the Keynote Speaker and present a full-day workshop this year! The West Coast Dowsing Conference is a summer camp for dowsers. This event is recommended for anyone involved with exploring consciousness, and it is held amongst the wisdom of the redwood trees in beautiful Santa Cruz, California. It has something for everyone--from listening to serious academic presentations, to taking a walk in the redwoods, to waiting for faeries and orbs to show up. You can meditate and be part of the majestic redwoods and open vistas of the Pacific Ocean. You can enjoy being with kindred spirits in the classes, dining hall, and evening hospitality or just relax while visiting, learning and laughing with friends old and new. You don't have to be a dowser to join in; by the end of the weekend, you will be.
You can watch a video about this conference at:


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Say Goodbye to Fake Pain
San Jose, California, USA

In response to "The Stop Pain Solution" story from Aynne McAvoy: me too! A few years ago, I was having frequent lower back pain. I'd been reading Louise Hay's "You Can Heal Your Life" book and was contemplating the idea that the pain wasn't real, just mental/emotional and possibly based on my feeling or perception that I was carrying the weight of the world on my back (i.e. all of my own responsibilities plus the responsibilities for others in my life). One night I decided I'd had enough of this pain and it must be a fake, not real pain, and so I told it that I was no longer going to carry all of that emotional weight on my back and I didn't need it (the pain) anymore. It went away! Poof! Like Aynne, I also don't know exactly when it went away. Some time later, I just suddenly realized that it was gone. It was great! The pain returned a few times and I was able to get rid of it the same way. In addition, I worked on catching myself when those "weight of the world on my back" type of thoughts started to creep back into my mind and nipped them in the bud. I haven't had the lower back pain return for a long time. It feels "cured". I discussed my "fake pain" theory with my husband when he was having a similar issue. He was having trouble with the concept, but still had some success in relieving his pain this way. He didn't like my characterization of it as "fake", because it felt very real to him. I've also been able to say goodbye to headaches using this technique. Next, I'd like to say goodbye to excess weight that's overstayed its visit and is no longer a needed, welcome guest. I haven't attempted it yet because I'm a little concerned that my perception of that being a "big" thing to tackle will interfere, so maybe it's time to go back and re-read your books to fortify my mind. Aynne mentioned a "Mentally Eliminating Pain" story. Was that in an issue of Reality Shifters newsletter? I love your newsletters and look forward to reading one every month! Thank you for taking the time to write them.

Note from Cynthia: Wow, I love the way you've had such good success viewing pain as 'fake pain,' and noticing how it's gone away, Poof! And I know what you mean about not knowing exactly when it goes away. I've noticed something similar when there's improvement, and then at some random point I'll remember to feel grateful about the change. Thanks also about mentioning how your husband didn't appreciate having the pain he was feeling called 'fake pain' when he was feeling a need for you to hear that he was having pain--and his reaction certainly is a human one, too. Many of us like for someone to hold a 'safe space' for at least a little bit while we vent or complain a bit, before moving on with feeling better. The "Mentally Elliminating Pain" reality shift experience appears in the February 2018 issue of RealityShifters at:


Finding Money
Poole, Dorset, U.K.

Hi Cynthia.  My name is Steve and I live in the UK on the South Coast. I’m a spiritual person, and I meditate daily. I’ve practised chi gong, and I’ve had one out-of-body experience. Recently I’ve been drawn to watching these Youtubes about Quantum Jumping, and I quickly discovered besides being very pleasing to the eye, yours are the most informative. :-) I had just watched a couple, and needed to go out to buy my lunch, so playfully I set the intention that on the way there or back I would find or someone would present me with a large amount of money. I was half way back, and I looked down to see something bright and shiny, and it looked like a £2 coin? It looked fake, like one of those chocolate ones, and even when I picked it up it felt too thin? But as I held it, it became clear to me it was real. That 2 pound coin I found was indeed a large sum of money in light of my current financial need. I thanked my guides, my higher self, and God the rest of the way home! I was so so blown away! How good can it get? As you say.

Note from Cynthia:I'm so happy to hear from you, and delighted to read about your finding money soon after setting an intention to do so--how good can it get, indeed! I love how you describe feeling playful as you'd set your intention to be presented with a large amount of money on the way to or from lunch, too. A playful attitude is excellent for helping to ensure you're relaxed, grounded and energized--which along with getting into a daydream state of mind put  you in an excellent reality shifting state of being! And I really love how you thanked angels and God the rest of the way home!

Capital of Australia has Changed
Sao Paulo, Brazil

I watched you today in youtube video from Libertas Alternative Media, called "I promise you haven't seen a Mandela Effect Video like this one!", published on Mar 27, 2017. So, I'd like to share my experience, happened about fifteen years ago, before I've even heard of such things. I was sitting on my dentist's chair and we were talking about travels. At certain point, she told me that she had visited Australia's capital. "What's its name?" "Sydney," I replied. "No," she said, I remember now; it's Canberra." "No", I argued, "of course its Sydney." Well, I went home that day, searched for it, and there it was: CANBERRA! How was that possible, I thought; I learned it in school, read it in magazines, watched it on TV news, it was always SYDNEY! I've never ever heard of Canberra, where the heck is this city? Only now I begin to understand.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks for sharing this news-to-me that the capital of Australia is now Canberra, which I've not previously heard about. I've just looked this up online, and I see that now Sydney is the capital of New South Wales, and that according to current historical facts, Canberra officially became the capital city of Australia on 1 January 1911, having been selected in 1908 as being "a compromise between rivals Sydney and Melbourne, Australia's two largest cities." This really is surprising news to me, and this is the first I've heard of this. It's worth mentioning that I've been paying fairly close attention to Australia since 1972, when I began writing letters to a penpal friend who lived in Melbourne, so this change is startling to me, to say the least. 

New Mountain Range near Ship Rock Mountain
Farmington, New Mexico, USA

For years when I made the drive coming into Farmington, New Mexico from the nearby town of Bloomfield going west, what I was used to seeing was Ship Rock Mountain, then flat plains about it. Then, as the years went by, a mountain range appeared that did not belong. The mountain range was there for I feel like a couple of months or so, and then one day when I was riding in to Farmington from Bloomfield, the mountain range was gone! I thought to my self, “How could this be?” and then a few weeks later, they are back. So I thought maybe the sky was overcast or there was smoke from the power plants. Some days were clear, some wete not. Sure, the mountains became obscured, yet I could see their outline. The time that the mountain range vanished, there was no over cast. So today there is overcast, yet I can see the moutain range I have mentioned before. My world is the world with out the mountain range.

Note from Cynthia:I've heard from others who I've known and trusted for decades that they, too, have noticed the skyline changing--with either distant mountain ranges appearing and disappearing, or giant stands of forests and woods appearing and/or disappearing again. So I do believe these things happen, and I also believe that once people allow within their belief systems that such large scale changes are possible, then more people will acknowledge (rather than dismiss) such things, too. I see that with the increasingly widespread experience of the "Mandela Effect" which is a term for reality shifts, such awareness of quantum large-scale shifts is growing.

North Face Hat Returns!
Alexandria, Virginia, USA

How are you? Hope you are doing well! I had found your web site I believe from looking up Mandela effect phenomena as I've always been intrigued by paralled realities and things of this nature. I have read Quantum Jumps and am working on Reality Shifters. I just wanted to share a recent happening that I really got a kick out of! I have a blue the north face hat I love to wear, that I realized went missing and after incorrectly checking various places I figured I lost for good. I ordered another used one as it is discontinued and it's impossible to get it new. A few weeks had passed. I work at Kohls on the side, and thought to myself one night as I went to leave "My higher self would tidy up my locker," so I got down low (as the locker is next to the floor), and pushed all my stuff back to the rear of my small locker. My hat "fell" on my hand as if it fell from the top of the inside of the locker! I did not see it until that point. I was so happy this happened that I texted a coworker, and she reminded me that I had checked my locker a couple of times when she was standing there, and I had told her it was still missing?! It's so funny, but I do remember you mentioning some items are "shy" about returning, and I'm pretty sure the last time I remember wearing it I was not headed to work. I was at a restaurant, and I had called to try and find it! I do feel like I've had items of jewelry appear and disappear along with certain articles of clothing kind of "turn up" with way more frequency within the past year or so, but this was definitely the most cut-and-dried situation where I really noticed something missing and found it! I also am very fond of your phrase, "How good can it get," and have been reminding myself of it as a practice, and I think it really helps to keep in mind. Thanks for your work and keep it up!

Note from Cynthia:Thanks so much for sharing your experience of finding your north face hat falling down on your hand as if from the top of the inside of your locker--what a delightful surprise! And I like the way your coworker reminded you that you'd checked that same locker a couple of times previously when she was standing next to you as you were searching for it! Yes, it sounds like this hat was a bit on the shy side--but fortunately your spontaneous desire to tidy up seems to have happily coincided with your happy reunion with it! I've shared some tips on a blog post and video previously on finding lost things, and I include tips on how to do that in my books Reality Shifts and Quantum Jumps, too. Some things literally do "jump" back into our lives!

Married With Children
Youngstown, Ohio, USA

Hey, Cynthia. I just noticed a new one. Remember that TV show called "Married: With Children?" We knew it as the Al Bundy show, in my house. Well, I remember when they got rid of the child character named "Seven." Few people liked him, apparently. I thought that, perhaps, in an attempt to make fun of the Dallas show, which did something similar, they made the whole time with Seven a dream that Al was having, and said that Seven never existed outside of that dream. I even remember, some years later, talking about that with a guy in college - how it was funny that they went the dream route. You can get away with stuff like that more on comedy shows, like Married: With Children. However, now I'm reading, on the internet, that Seven left the show by leaving Al's house and moving in with the neighbors. (and, then, never being seen, again, on the show) That wasn't how I, and that guy I talked to in college, remembered it.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks for sharing your recollection of the way the character named "Seven" left the show "Married with Children" being different than how the official history now tells it. I didn't watch that TV show, so I don't have any memories associated with it, but I can certainly empathize with your having such clear memories of the character having left the show by a plot device in which the show's writers explained how Seven only existed inside of one of Al's dreams. And now, Seven supposedly left Al's house by moving in with neighbors?! Clearly that's something you would have remembered, if you were regularly watching the show--and it's nothing at all like having been but a figure of Al's dreaming imagination! Most likely there are others who like you, also recall Seven having been dismissed as 'but a dream,' and hopefully they'll let us know.

Baseball Cap Disappeared and Reappeared
Wheatland, Iowa, USA

I have a story to share that happened to my brother. About 15 years ago my brother and his wife moved in to a two story rental house built around the 1930s. This house, nestled between a quiet street and some active railroad tracks, was rumored to have been haunted before they moved in. Previously, a couple of young men lived there and claimed they saw a woman running up the stairs disappearing through the attic door. My brother was skeptical of their story of course. As it turns out my brother and his family never had an actual haunting experience while they lived there. However, a few years after they moved in to the house a weird event occurred that to this day they cannot explain. One morning their 7-year-old son, Eric, was in the kitchen tossing his baseball cap in to the air and then catching it when it fell back down. My brother said Eric had been tossing the hat up in the air and catching it for a few minutes when suddenly the hat disappeared on the up toss. The hat went up but it did not fall back down! Perplexed my brother and his son searched the kitchen for the missing ball cap. It wasn't stuck in the ceiling fan, or on top of the refrigerator, etc. The cupboards were flush with the ceiling so there was absolutely no place for the hat to go. My brother told his wife and they searched the kitchen meticulously but could find absolutely no trace of the baseball cap! Fast forward a few is morning and my brother walks into the kitchen. The baseball cap is sitting in the kitchen sink! My brother is still perplexed by this story and to this day cannot figure out how a baseball cap could disappear into thin air then reappear several weeks later! This makes me wonder if haunting phenomena and general "spooky" activity could be caused by a home's vicinity to active railroad tracks. I recall reading an article about a correlation between that and hauntingsand other paranormal activity. What are your thoughts on this?

Note from Cynthia: I love how you describe the way such a complete search of the kitchen was made, which hopefully would have included the kitchen sink, and the way a meticulous search for the missing hat was immediately conducted, yet no hat was found on the day it disappeared. Over the two decades that I've been researching reality shifts, in which things of all sizes (sometimes including people, buildings and mountains) appear and/or disappear, I've also noticed that children can often witness some of truly amazing reality shifts. I suspect this may have something to do with their open-mindedness to new experiences (with fewer pre-existing assumptions of what is and is not possible), and also has something to do with their high levels of Qi, and ability to easily access a theta brainwave state of mind--both of which will tend to increase one's chances of witnessing such a real-time reality shift. I've personally witnessed objects appear and disappear "out of thin air," and am glad that this baseball cap to your nephew just fine. With regard to railroad tracks, I've not done much research--but I have noticed some locations seem more conducive to reality shift events than others.


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

I am very interested in your videos but if I understand correctly to return to the past it is not possible physically but mentally, but it is impossible to change his past to have a new present?
— Penelope

Dear Penelope,
Some people have experienced a feeling they've walked back in the past, yet typically those experiences don't necessarily involve changing events so much as witnessing them. I include a variety of time travel experiences on this page on my website, which might make this more clear:
With regard to changing the past, I do believe we are all changing the past all the time. We are seeing evidence of such quantum shifts in every branch of science, and I write about this in my book, Quantum Jumps and cover it in issues of my RealityShifters ezine that you can read online here:
When some people attain a meditative state to change the past, they experience it as a daydream--as a mental state.
lots of love,
— Cynthia


Here's another one for you, Cynthia:
I remembered your blog post about the kidneys being higher and I managed to find this picture, on, which shows the kidneys in their lower position:
— Mark

Dear Mark,
Wow--EXCELLENT find! Thank you for this great image that matches what so many of us remember with regard to where the kidneys 'used to be' across the world for every human being on this planet. And then, with little to no fanfare nor public announcement, Voila! The kidneys are now much more safely positioned up and a bit within protective range of the ribcage.
With love and thanks,
— Cynthia



(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

While many materials are received for review, only the best get the benefit of receiving mention in RealityShifters and having a review written and posted. If you enjoy reading these reviews, please feel free to express your appreciation by clicking through these links before making purchases at, so you can help offset the costs of the RealityShifters web site and ezine. You can see some excellent metaphysical books at:


The Compassion Revolution: 30 Days of Living from the Heart
by Amy Leigh Mercree

A joyfully loving gem of a book

We know that our lives have most meaning and purpose when we feel loving and loved--yet many of us get lost in the daily hustle and bustle of earning a living and keeping everything going, so we can sometimes forget to stay love-and-kindness centered and focused at all times. Enter wonderful Amy Leigh Mercree and her beautiful little book, "The Compassion Revolution"! This little gem is meant to be tucked inside your purse or bag and brought with you everywhere you go to remind you to trust love and live a compassionate life in every moment of your busy days. The Compassion Revolution is designed to be a cheerleader and coach, inspiring you to make and keep a commitment to bring deep compassion to every situation--regardless what is going on all around. The Compassion Revolution really shines by showing practical ways we can become the change we wish to see in the world, one act of compassionate thought, word, and action at a time. I especially love the way Mercree emphasizes the tremendous significance of self-talk, and the way we can change the steady stream of banter running through our minds for the better, in ways that serve to nourish, enrich, and empower us and everyone around.


(6) Join in the Discussion

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Quantum Jumps

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