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RealityShifters News - August
How Good Can it Get?
Feel How Good It Has
"It's not easy being grateful all the time. But it's
when you feel least thankful that you are most in need of what gratitude
can give you."
-- Oprah Winfrey
One of the best known methods for instantly changing our lives for the
better has to do with taking time to feel gratitude and appreciation for
all that has gone so well for us in the past. Gratitude journals have
become well-known, thanks to popularization by television self-help gurus
such as Oprah Winfrey and Wayne Dyer... yet even in the midst of this
recognition for the power of our mindset regarding our past, few of us
realize that what we are actually doing when we keep gratitude journals is
that we are actually changing our past.
I documented some of my own experiences with changing the past along with a
summary of current research in the field in a paper I presented at a
conference last year, Retrocausal
Reality Shifting: Adventures in the Fine Art of Changing the Past.
Retrocausality encourages us to redefine our sphere of influence beyond
simply making changes now and in the future. As I state in this paper,
We may begin to hold as much hope for a positive history as
we do for a positive future, knowing we are capable of influencing
I consider my gratitude journal to be a "How Good It Has Been" book... a
means to acknowledge in written word and sometimes illustration the essence
of all that I find most energizing, relaxing, and worthwhile to be aware
of. Such memories inevitably conspire to remind me of times of great joy
and peace and balance in my life. Looking back at what I most appreciate
transforms my perspective about the past to one of feeling abundant and
happy about some of the times I consider to have been the most upsetting
and challenging. I am finding that even the slightest such change in my
viewpoint makes a world of difference in my prosperity right here, right
When we see a parking space open up when we need one, when a cancerous
tumor goes away, when someone calls who we haven't heard from in years but
were just thinking of... we have engaged a future end point in a way that
has influenced the past. Our intentions act as targets for the future we
wish to invoke, and this desired future immediately begins working on
changing both our present and our past.
Wishing you all the best that life and love have offered,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at
Books & CD by Cynthia Sue Larson:

"Speculations, theories and experiments
from quantum science have now been entered into the debate which suggest
that our world is far more mystical, complex, interactive and even humorous
than the sterile, mechanistic dogma of classical scientific thought. Read,
enjoy, be amazed, ponder REALITY SHIFTS" --
Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D., Founder, Institute of Noetic Sciences & Apollo

Aura Advantage is "In a chaotic and
unpredictable world, Aura Advantage offers its readers grounding,
inspiration, and hope."
Stanley Krippner

Aura eBook! This empowering
provides tips for making every day the best it can be by harnessing the
power of your aura.

The Aura Healing Meditations CD will help
you improve your aura... and your life... in every way.

Karen Kimball "... combines the mystery
of a Nancy Drew with the metaphysical daring-do
of a Harry Potter book" --
Order autographed books & CDs
in the RealityShifters
including the newly released
Aura Advantage book with full-color aura
In This Issue:
(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
(2) Upcoming Events
(3) Intriguing Articles, Interviews, & Films
(4) Your Reality Shift Stories
(5) Reality Shifting Q&A / Mail Bag
(6) Reality Shifters Award Winner
(7) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
(8) Join in the Discussion
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
Feeling stuck?
Want help facing a challenging relationship?
Need clarity making an important decision?
Could you use some help shifting your reality?
Are you curious to know your divine gifts?
Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these
questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life
Coaching with Cynthia!
Contact Cynthia at
to set up a life-enhancing
telephone consultation today.
"... with your loving and non-judgemental help, I crossed the threshold
from the world of victimization to the world of redemption and grace; a
place where all wounds are healed and where all things are possible; a
place where all things exist and do not exist - at the same time! I deeply
appreciate your "midwifery" expertise that helped me to trust the
initiation and unfolding of this process. Many blessings to you and all
that you do." -- Dea
(2) You're Invited to Fabulous
Upcoming Events
FREE Talk: Practice Good Energy Hygiene
Stockton Holistic Living Expo
19 August 2007 11:30 am
4219 Waterloo Road, Stockton, CA
Learn the four fundamental Qi Gong movements for maintaining an energized,
relaxed, healthy glow no matter what is going on around you.
FREE Pass ($5
FREE Talk: Discover Your Manifesting Personality Type
Davis Holistic Living Expo
8 September 2007
Veterans Memorial Center, 203 East 14th St., Davis, CA |
Discover your own personal manifesting personality type, and how knowing
your personal manifesting style can help you become much more successful
more easily.
FREE Pass ($5
FREE Talk: Discover Your Manifesting Personality Type
Santa Cruz Holistic Living Expo
22 September 2007
University Inn, 611 Ocean St. at Dakota, Santa Cruz, CA |
Discover your own personal manifesting personality type, and how knowing
your personal manifesting style can help you become much more successful
more easily.
FREE Pass ($5
Improve Your Life By Changing Your Past
A Gathering of Spirits Harvest Festival
23 September 2007
8990 Kruitof Way, Fair Oaks, CA |
Learn how you can improve your current quality of life by improving your
past, with help from reality shifting author and expert Cynthia Sue Larson,
author of the critically acclaimed book, Reality Shifts: When
Consciousness Changes the Physical World. Discover some of the biggest
secrets about manifestation which are typically overlooked, as you learn to
influence your present situation by revising your past.
2nd Annual Lightworker Coming Home Event
30 September - 7 October 2007
Felicita Growth Center, Escondido, CA |
Come commune with Lightworker Family to share your gifts, enjoy
presentations and conduct and/or receive private sessions at the Felicita
Growth Center. This gathering intends to create heaven on earth on these
dates, sharing emerging and developing gifts and teachings, networking and
making time for having great fun together! (Cynthia Sue Larson will not be
attending or presenting at this conference, but many wonderful Lightworkers
will be there -- highly recommended!)
Schedule an Event with Cynthia!
Would you like to invite your friends to attend an
aura advantage workshop in your home? If you live in
Northern California and are interested in planning
such an event, email Cynthia for further information at:
Cynthia's schedule of events for this year is posted online at:
(3) Intriguing Articles,
Interviews, & Films
Time Travel Could be Possible... In the Future
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
by Roger Highfield
8 August 2007
It may take more than a nuclear-powered De Lorean or a spinning police box,
but time travel could actually be a possibility for future generations,
according to an eminent professor of physics, Amos Ori, of the
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.
Time Shift... A True Story
Kite Magazine
by Kay Earnshaw
August 2007
Kay Describes a stunning experience in which her son dove head-first from
his crib too far away for her to catch him, yet she managed to move as if
in slow motion, yet instantly, to catch him before he had a terrible fall.
Whats Done is Done... Or is it?
New Scientist
by Patrick Barry
28 September 2006
Researchers are on the verge of experiments that will finally hold
retrocausality's feet to the fire by attempting to send a signal to the
past. What's more, they need not invoke black holes, wormholes, extra
dimensions or other exotic implements of time travel. It should all be
doable with the help of a state-of-the-art optics workbench and the bizarre
yet familiar tricks of quantum particles.

Reality Shifting Films
What do movies and TV shows like
Deja Vu,
The Secret, The Jacket,
What the Bleep
Do We Know, Just Like Heaven, Indigo,
Tru Calling, The
Matrix, Frequency, Wonderfalls, Dark City, Sliders, The Lathe of Heaven,
Sliding Doors and Passion of Mind have in common?
These films feature the reality shift phenomenon in their plots. I find it
especially refreshing to see films that describe reality shifts close to
the way I've experienced them myself, and I am grateful that reality shifts
are being featured more often than ever in film!
(4) Your Reality Shift
Astounding Results with Love
Stratford, Connecticut
I am learning that reality shifts do come when I am in a loving place. When
I say loving, I don't mean that I am completely free from sadness
sometimes... everyone has sadness at times... passing of a loved one or
pet, watching a sad story on the news, loved ones moving away, or breaking
up with a lover... but I have learned that the difference lies in not being
hateful or allowing negativity to wash over me. I am not as boiling angry
with hateful resentments like I used to be. I used to be very vengeful at
times and I learned that you are so right... extreme anger and "I wish
so-and-so would fall flat on their face after what they did to me" or "I
wish what I am experiencing would happen to someone else" only attracted
further anger, further frustration, more resentment, and more jealousy, and
quite frankly, physical sickness into my life. Not to mention further
experiences of outcomes seeming to go against me. Now, if someone or
something makes me angry, I really try to stop....and take a deep breath...
even if it hurts a little... and just say "I am filled with love... God is
filling me with love right now." I don't think it means we should never
feel angry about anything If a certain "positive" type of anger comes
about, such as knowledge of child abuse, or cruelty to animals, or any kind
of prejudice or injustice, or lack of care for those creatures who need it
most, then it can motivate me to be helpful and to get involved and to make
a positive difference. But the most important thing is to feel love! And to
give it where I can! Now, when I see someone who seems to have what I want,
instead of letting jealousy of that person wash over me, I stop and say "I
love that person and I pray for their health, well-being, and love!"
And the results are astounding! I feel better all over, and that opens so
many different doors of all kinds. Sometimes someone who may have hurt my
feelings will suddenly apologize to me, and reconciliation always feels
good all over. Or suddenly, I will find something I thought was lost... or
an unexpected nice surprise will just pop up... or my three little nephews
will come down and all of them will come running up for big hugs! I just
seem to experience more abundance... .mental, spiritual, as well as
material... when I am operating from a mindset of being loving. It's like,
when I let myself brood or feel jealousy or resentment, I slam all the
doors shut... mental, spiritual, and material... and when I am feeling
loving or at least telling myself to be loving, the doors open back up
again... even ones that I didn't know existed!
Note from Cynthia: I know exactly what you mean about how things
just get sooo much better with love. Particularly with those "little
things" like smiles, hugs, kind words, unexpected support, encouragement
from strangers that together, add up to so much. Your story is an excellent
reminder that we live our lives for love.
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Small Maple Tree Appears
Stratford, Connecticut
In our garden, there was a spot where I SWEAR there was nothing....there
was only pachysandra.. and I am not drinking or on drugs, and haven't
become delusional or senile, but one day when I walked by that spot there
CYNTHIA! When I asked my mother if she noticed the tree, she said she
hadn't noticed it before. And I asked my sister, but unfortunately, she
didn't remember a tree or not because she has been so busy with her three
boys. Some trees grow fast, but not within a matter of two days! My "inner
skeptic" says "No, that's ridiculous.. I just never noticed the tree
before... I've been busy lately and I just never took the time to see it."
Well, no one in my family has had time to garden lately, and I doubt anyone
in the neighborhood would want to sneak into our yard and plant a tree just
for fun and because they had nothing better to do!" (Even though planting a
tree is ALWAYS a nice thing to do.) And I swear there was no maple tree
there before!
Note from Cynthia: This is a wonderful story... and such an
excellent example of how we can change the past as if by walking into a
completely new reality where a tree appeared which could not possibly have
grown to such size in two days!
Backwards Shifts in Time
Ontario, Canada
I've been noticing backwards shifts in time. A couple of nights ago, I
looked at the menu on the TV, and noted that it said 12:38... and the menu
had moved to the 12:30 mark. I went back to watching my show, on the next
commercial, I looked again, and it now showed the time to be 12:27 and had
moved back to the 12:00 mark. This type of thing has happened at least six
times in approximately the last month. The time shift is always
Note from Cynthia: Your story fascinates me because it is similar
to experiences Ive had in which time has gone very, very slowly or stopped
almost completely. It is good to notice what you are thinking and feeling
when these time changes occur, to see if you detect any patterns.
Vanishing Egg Cups
Prince Edward Island, Canada
I have a story about some egg cups. I had an egg cup, and one day I used
it. Then the next time I went to use it I could not find it, so I used
another one. When I went to use it again, I could not find the second one.
I bought two more egg cups that were the same as the first, with little
feet on them. I used one a couple or more times. One day, I looked in the
cupboard for something, and one of the egg cups was gone. Why egg cups? I
have since cleaned out all my kitchen cupboards and did not find any of the
missing egg cups. I had the first two egg cups for a long time before they
disappeared. Thank you for your interesting emails. Namaste. Pearl.
Note from Cynthia: This is a most interesting story, as it seems
your egg cups are vanishing one by one... and not returning. Have any of
them ever come back, or do they just seem to disappear? Keep in mind that
most reality shifts seem to operate like itinerant magicians... first
taking something away, then returning it later... so perhaps you'll find
that some of these egg cups are indeed coming back... perhaps even in some
place you haven't looked and wouldn't expect. Please do keep us
(5) Reality Shifting Q&A / Mail
is a fascinating as well as a challenging topic. But it is much easier to
understand with regards to quantum events than it is to understand
regarding events in our personal lives. It surely needs to be more than an
intellectual exercise if we - especially as non-scientists - are to benefit
from it. For the pragmatists amongst us, the question is: does this mean I
can influence my own past, and if so how? In fact, is there something
tangible and measurable that I can do to counteract the "if onlys" in my
life? (With the benefit of hindsight surely we would all like to change
choices we made in the past!) Are you saying that retrospective wisdom can
actually be employed in this way to change our own history?
-- S.J.B.
New Zealand
Dearest S.J.B., This is an excellent question, and one that is the topic of this
months ezine. While the newest view of causality and time in the realm of
theoretical physicists is to consider bi-causality, the practical
application of retrocausality is still mind-boggling to most people. The
short answer to your question is yes, you can learn to influence your past.
As to how to learn to do that, a lot depends on your ability to do things
such as get parking spaces when you need them in crowded areas. If you are
already quite adept at such instant manifestations, then you are in good
shape to change the past. Some ways that people practically change their
pasts is by praying for spontaneous remissions from otherwise incurable
diseases and injuries. For those of us who would like to improve their
skills at reality shifting, it is advisable to start by meditating every
day, and by keeping a gratitude journal... stating out loud and from the
heart all that we feel most thankful for. When we make this a regular,
daily practice we can watch to see how our lives improve by the sheer
volume of things to be grateful for. Long-standing problems can vanish as
if they had never existed, and even if some problems do not instantly
disappear, it is possible to see tremendous overall improvements. It also
helps to open our minds to the possibility of retrocausality by reading
articles about it, such as the paper I presented at a conference last year,
while imagining what we would most love to manifest in our past.
lots of love,
-- Cynthia
(6) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to
announce this month's winner of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of demonstrating consistent
excellence in web site content and design, while helping
people shift their reality in a positive direction:
A Letter of Love
People worry about material things by leaving "Wills" but
our hopes,faith and love are left to memories. Why not write a letter
and/or make a video for your loved ones? When everyone takes the time to
reflect, our world can immediately grow in love and peace.
(7) Reviews that Shift Your
Here is something that will give you nourishing
food for
thought! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at:
We Are Here
The Voice of the New Perspective
by Ron & Denny Reynolds
Tapping into the "Inner We"
As the third book in Ron and Denny Reynold's inspirational
self-help trilogy, WE ARE HERE immediately sets itself apart from its
predecessors by presenting information that came through from H.S., which
the Reynolds explain can stand for human subconscious, higher self, or holy
spirit... depending on the reader's beliefs. WE ARE HERE describes how it
can be possible for anyone to access the voice of spirit, and contains some
of the most interesting transcripts from "The We" obtained by the Reynolds.
While Ron Reynolds channels The We, psychotherapist Denny Reynolds and
others ask questions which provide WE ARE HERE with its unique focus and
direction. The basic teachings of The We reflect global truths such as
those found in perennial philosophy about the nature of reality, the self
and the world... yet some channeled sessions delve into relatively newer
concepts of how we create our own reality as we choose to be and express
either love or fear. A central key to these teachings is that there is no
such thing as objective reality, because when we change our minds, we
influence everything.
One of the things I love most about WE ARE HERE is how it describes that we
are not our bodies and we are not our stories... that we are able to allow
life and divine spirit to flow through us so we may see how all aspects of
our lives are perfection and in divine order. When we learn to be still and
turn off the ego mind, we are capable of knowing and understanding all, as
we accelerate our spiritual growth. There is a gentle quality of
compassionate kindness to this book, which makes it a true delight and
inspirational treat to read.
(8) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Get the inside scoop on reality
shifts, contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites
Find the perfect gifts for people who have everything! Ka Gold Jewelry also
has fascinating free articles about
spiritual symbols and sacred geometry which explain the advantages of
wearing jewelry designed according to these ancient principles.
Discover a practical method for attracting all the money, power, and
every kind of success you desire. This system is down-to-Earth and easy to
understand and implement immediately. FREE instant access!
Jennifer Shepherd's awesome new ebook is grounded in common sense, with
liberal dashes of zesty inspiration and lots of practical advice from
someone who's 'Been there, done that.' Shepherd, the Lipstick Mystic,
describes four basic building blocks of successful affirmations in a way
that doesn't require you to "believe" anything. These principles simply
ARE, and you can make use of them today to start attracting more of what
you do want instead of what you don't. This ebook describes how we are
constantly creating based on the vibrations we are sending out through our
emotions, intentions, and actions, and helps us to start shifting into
experiencing situations that give us happiness instead of sorrow.
Join the Spiritual Cinema Circle and receive new, thought-provoking
spiritually rich films every month... great conversation starters when
watching with friends.
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
Louise Hay and Barbara de Angelis have
changed the lives of millions of people... and
these remarkable women credit books with changing their lives. Join the
Transformational Book Circle and you will receive one book and one audio CD
each month:
Now you can try a free demo of the most amazing computer meditation
biofeedback system ever. I feel like I'm in Shangri La in Wild Divine,
where I can build stairways with my breath, meditate to open doors, and
juggle balls with laughter. It's awesome!
4,300 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 84 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Spain, Israel, and Panama.
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