(4) Exercises:
Connect with Divine Love
Are you ready to experience more "zing" in your life? Would
you like for lost things to appear as if dropped from above, and to find
things while shopping that weren't on the shelves just moments before?
Would you enjoy experiencing many more delightful synchronicities? If you
answered "YES!" to any of the above questions, this exercise is just right
for you!
If you've ever been physically separated from a loved one, but been able to
"reach out" to feel the love between you, then you have experienced the
auric cord of love that exists between the two of you. Such cords exist
between you and everyone and everything you love, and as more energy flows
between you and those you care for, the more delightful will be the
miraculous and joyous reality shifts you encounter every day. When you
practice this exercise daily, you will begin to experience the power of
reverence in your life.
(1) Find a time and place that you can meditate/pray uninterrupted for
twenty to thirty minutes. This exercise works best if you do it both upon
going to bed and waking up each day.
(2) Imagine the highest source of divine love, and take a few minutes to
bask in the radiance of this extraordinary love. This love is real. The
connection that you feel to it is also real, and as you enjoy the fullness
of the love you are experiencing, know that your every interaction with the
physical world will be greatly enriched by the strength of the energy cord
you are developing.
(3) Keep your attention focused on feeling the connection between you and
the highest source of divine love for as long as possible. When you find
your concentration slipping, return your attention to feeling that
connection of love. When you can no longer focus your attention any
further, praise and thank yourself for doing this exercise, which will help
keep your energy field clean and positively charged.
(5) Reality Shifters Shop
You can now purchase the reality shifts video, T-shirts, and
tote bags at the one-stop reality shift shop!
(6) Books that Shift Your
Need some great books for holiday gifts? These four
books are some of the best I've read all year.
Any time you click through the realityshifters site
before going to buy books at Amazon.com, you help to
offset the costs of distributing this ezine and operating
the realityshifters web site! This is true even if you
don't buy anything that is specifically listed at the
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keeps our beloved site and ezine up and running!
Check out some of my personal favorites at:
Four wonderful books are reviewed here this month: POWER VS FORCE
by David R. Hawkins, INFINITE MIND by Valerie Hunt, A TIME FOR
Dana Ullman.
Power VS Force
by David R. Hawkins
Measuring & Raising Energy Levels of Human
You exist in a field of energy that is inextricably
intertwined with everyone and everything else. Your energy field can serve
to uplift those around you, or it can have the opposite effect and tend to
weaken those you encounter. Since most people are unaware of these energy
fields and their significance in bringing about miraculous changes in the
world, they do not realize how they can measurably raise their
consciousness, and see the world more clearly as it truly is.
POWER VS FORCE helps to solve the problems of confusion and negative
patterns of behavior by presenting a crystal-clear model of consciousness
along with a useful tool for measuring the energy levels of fields of
consciousness around us. Hawkins describes how we can measure the
frequencies of the fields surrounding people, ideas, and things with
Kinesiology, sometimes referred to as "muscle testing." When we ask
questions about things that we consciously do not know the answers to, we
can find out the truth that is known to the collective unconscious. As
author David Hawkins explains, "Everything in the universe constantly gives
off an energy pattern of a specific frequency that remains for all time and
can be read by those who know how. Every word, deed, and intention creates
a permanent record. Every thought is known and recorded forever. There are
no secrets; nothing is hidden, nor can it be."
The main idea in POWER VS FORCE is that when you raise the level of energy
of your field, you will experience more joy and peace in your life, which
in turn will help to improve the quality of life for everyone. You can
learn to use Kinesiology to determine truth from falsehood, and to improve
your life in every meaningful way. After years of study, Hawkins used
Kinesiology to make millions of calibrations of human consciousness that
follow a logarithmic progression from zero to 1,000. The title of Hawkins'
book comes from the energy field where force finally yields itself to
power, at 200, which also happens to be the most typical energy level
currently found in most societies on Earth.
What I love most about POWER VS FORCE is the feeling I get as I read it
that "Here is a book that speaks the truth." From the very beginning, in
which Hawkins describes his own spiritual experiences with miraculous
healings and synchronicities, all the way to the final chapter, POWER VS
FORCE presents a view of reality which consistently describes the way our
consciousness effects the physical world. I give this book my very highest

Science of Human Vibrations of Consciousness
by Valerie V. Hunt
Groundbreaking Work in the Field of
Valerie Hunt's book, INFINITE MIND, is a classic in the
field of human energy fields, or bioenergetics. The research described in
INFINITE MIND is on the cutting edge of exploring what we know about human
energy fields. Hunt's descriptions of experiments she's conducted with aura
readers and physicists make fascinating reading. For example, Hunt shares
her amazing findings in the "Mu Room," in which human subjects burst into
tears when the electromagnetism of the air was depleted, and regained a
sense of clear thinking when the electromagnetism of the air was increased.
The Mu Room is a seven foot square shielded room located in the Physics
department at UCLA, where the electromagnetic energy of the air can be
altered without reducing its breathability (oxygen content). Other studies
examine the energy fields of healers and the people they are healing, and
the energy fields eminating from our bodies independent from our internal
INFINITE MIND is packed with gems of wisdom, such as Hunt's description of
the five most commonly unintegrated spiritual experiences (experiencing a
God-like energy, recalling a past life, gaining abilities to perform
miraculous healings and alter material substances, acknowledging one's rage
at God's apparent abandonment of us, and the Kundalini experience).
INFINITE MIND is a book best read sequentially from beginning to end, since
Hunt includes numerous personal experiences throughout her descriptions of
scientific studies and experimental results.
What I most enjoy about INFINITE MIND is the way Hunt weaves together a
sense of wholeness from her exotic experiences with spirit healing in
foreign lands, her unceasing commitment to scientifically investigating
energy fields and thought forms, and her honesty in sharing her mystical
insights along the way. Seldom is a reference book as riveting and relevant
as INFINITE MIND. I give it my highest recommendation!

Deep Dialogues for Deep Democracy
by Michael Toms
How the American People Can Build a Better
Many Americans wonder why their feelings have not been
adequately expressed by American politicians or the mainstream media
following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon
in 2001. While most Americans felt a great sense of sadness and anger after
September 11th, they have not necessarily felt a need to re-establish a
sense of American global strength and primacy at any cost. There is, in
fact, an ever-growing number of American citizens who do not wish to see
America behave like an uncompassionate and self-absorbed empire who is bent
on retaliation without regard to whatever "collateral damage" may occur as
a result.
Fortunately for America, one of her most important branches of government
consists of her people. When American people learn more about national and
international issues and get involved in making sure their feelings are
heard, tremendous positive changes are possible that have wide-sweeping
effects throughout the world. A TIME FOR CHOICES presents a remarkably
clear picture of the decisions that American citizens face following the
pivotal events of September 11, 2001, as well as some visions of how
Americans can help create a better America.
A TIME FOR CHOICES was compiled from a series of forty-two fascinating
interviews that "New Dimensions" radio host and founder Michael Toms
conducted after September 11, 2001 with people who are noteworthy for their
worldly awareness and insightful commentary. Toms organizes these inspiring
interviews into chapters that explore some of America's founding principles
of democracy, freedom of the press, and national security. What makes A
TIME FOR CHOICES really stand out as an exceptional book, however, is the
fact that it also includes discussion of spiritual issues and hopeful
visions of the future.
I love the way I learned things in A TIME FOR CHOICES that I have not heard
of anywhere else. For example, International Law professor Francis Boyle
explains why the United States is obliged to resolve its dispute with
Afghanistan in a peaceful manner according to UN Charter 2(3) and Article
33, and linguist Noam Chomsky describes the importance of retaining civil
liberties in America. Author and world-traveler Mark Hertsgaard shows how
different American media is from international media, when for example
President George Bush's statement, "You're for us or against us" made
headlines in France, but was buried deep inside American news reports.
I highly recommend A TIME FOR CHOICES to everyone who wishes to see the big
picture of what is really happening in America today. A TIME FOR CHOICES
should be required reading for all Americans, and for anyone interested in
understanding where America is headed next.

More Wisdom from the Sages, the Rosemarys, and the Times
by Dana Ullman
Natural Remedies for Thirty-One Common
THE ONE-MINUTE (OR SO) HEALER is a little book packed with
big wisdom concerning natural remedies for a wide variety of common
ailments. Thirty-one chapters on topics as diverse as acne, allergies,
arthritis, constipation, coughs, depression, earaches, fatigue, influenza,
insomnia, migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, pain, premenstrual
syndrome (PMS), sinusitis, tension headaches, and ulcers contain a
multitude of short paragraphs packed with ideas for alleviating the problem
at hand. This is the kind of book that I envision a new age mother giving
to her children, to remind them to remember things like "eat the BRATY
bunch (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast & yogurt) if you have diarrhea,"
and "relieve asthma by touching the pressure point in the web of your hand
between your thumb and index finger."
If you are facing menopause and are concerned with finding good
replacements for hormone replacement therapy, you'll find the twenty
natural remedies suggested by Dana Ullman to be very timely advice. Bee
pollen, the Bach walnut flower remedy, natural clothing, spirulina and
chlorella, soy, black cohosh, and dong quai are just a few of the wonderful
possibilities you can try.
Any time you find yourself wondering how to naturally alleviate a
particular health issue, THE ONE-MINUTE (OR SO) HEALER will likely be the
reference book you'll want to read first. Parents, health-care providers,
and people who prefer to begin their health treatments with natural
solutions will adore this book!
(6) Join in the Discussion
Do you have some questions you'd like to share?
Or perhaps some reality shifting stories? Have you read any good books,
seen some intriguing movies, or found a web site that relates to reality
shifts? Contemplate the big questions and make new friends in the
realityshifters discussion group at:
(7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
See the difference between sending energy and being at rest vividly
illustrated with Kirlian photos of world-famous spoon-bender and psychic,
Uri Geller.
An internet newsletter that focuses only on health care.
Here, you'll find news you won't find in the mass media.
Perhaps a suggestion for that person "who has everything"
3,400 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 58 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, and Israel.
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