(5) Reality Shifters Q & A
I'm currently using creative visualization techniques to improve my
health. Afraid I didn't know enough to do a good job as a young
and I'm definately paying the price now. I have a question if you care to
respond, and if you've actually written about it on your site, then I
apologize in advance. Here goes: When a person visualizes
something, don't you mentally thread through
the dimensions until you find the picture or condition you are thinking
about? If so, couldn't you use the computer copy and paste idea to
a new and better reality for yourself? (This seems like a form of
projection to me.) It seems logical to me and much easier than actually
trying to do astral
travel, which I have never been successful with.
-- Carolyn
To respond to your query, there are many ways to visualize... and one of
ways is just as you describe... seeking through the imaginal realms of
possible futures until finding the one that feels best. In my experience,
it's possible to use the analogy of a computer copy and paste technique for
reality creation, there's a much greater sense of satisfaction and
with the universe to co-create... meaning to send out the vision of what's
desired, and receive the information and energies of that which feels best.
This works both for influencing the future and the past.
lots of love,
-- Cynthia
(6) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to
announce this month's winner of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of demonstrating consistent
excellence in web site content and design, while helping
people shift their reality in a positive direction:
Vision Statement
Be audacious! Bring a smile to your face as you think
about your future! Make a VISION Statement that will help you manifest
something wonderful for yourself and the world. Malcolm Cohan will inspire
and entertain you as his own vision statements show you how you can
envision your best possible future.
(7) Reviews that Shift Your
Here is something that will give you nourishing
food for
thought! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at Amazon.com, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at: http://realityshifters.com/pages/reviews.html
Clear Your Clutter With Feng Shui
Free Yourself From Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Clutter
by Karen Kingston
Feel Much Happier in Your Home & Life
YOUR CLUTTER WITH FENG SHUI is a delightful how-to manual that helps
clear out clutter in all areas of our homes, by addressing the underlying
reasons that things tend to get so cluttered in the first place. As author
Karen Kingston points out, "clutter is stuck energy," and she shares
powerful insights as to why it is that some people get so attached to junk
that it can literally overflow throughout the house, threatening the
health, well-being, and sanity of those who live there.
While the chapters on discovering various clutter proclivities is
fascinating reading, my favorite part of CLEAR YOUR CLUTTER is using the
feng shui bagua to determine which sections of the living area are most
cluttered. Kingston explains that those most highly cluttered areas
indicate which parts of one's life is being most sabotaged. Rather than
baldly stating such potentially controversial points without supporting
evidence, Kingston encourages us to see for ourselves what a difference the
presence or absence of clutter has on our well-being. She suggests we pick
an area in our lives that is not going as well as we would desire, and
clear out the clutter in the corresponding part of the house in order to
witness the positive results of this clearing for ourselves.
From realistically assessing the clutter situation, to noting what effect
the clutter is having, to finding the underlying clutter causes, to
clearing the clutter away, I can think of no better single resource than
CLEAR YOUR CLUTTER. Anyone wishing to find an inexpensive way to bring
about radical, positive change in their life will benefit from reading
CLEAR YOUR CLUTTER; I give this book my highest recommendation!

Sunflower Serenity
Watercolor Odyssey
by The Candlelight Guitarist
Uplifting & Relaxing Guitar Instrumentals
SERENITY has sixteen songs totalling over an hour of beautiful
instrumental guitar melodies which are interspersed with soothing sounds
from nature. The Candlelight Guitarist's guitar solos perfectly complement
birdsongs, ocean waves, babbling brooks, and wind through trees. Listening
to this album is immensely soothing and uplifting at the same time... the
perfect music for getting or giving a massage, for a romantic dinner for
two, for meditation, or for music to read by. Each song has its own fresh
sound, yet all go together smoothly. The song titles are remniscent of
spending a day in the garden, with themes revolving around flowers, birds,
the hammock, hummingbirds, ladybugs and caterpillars, as the music
transports us to a beautiful spring day in a sunny garden by the sea.
(8) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Get the inside scoop on reality
shifts, contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites
CallWave Fax delivers faxes directly to your email without any need for
a fax machine or second phone line. Get CallWave Fax FREE for the first
month, then just $7.95 per month after that.
Find the perfect gifts for people who have everything! Ka Gold Jewelry also
has fascinating free articles about
spiritual symbols and sacred geometry which explain the advantages of
wearing jewelry designed according to these ancient principles.
 Get The Secret with a FREE trial of
the Spiritual Cinema Circle this December |
Discover a practical method for attracting all the money, power, and
every kind of success you desire. This system is down-to-Earth and easy to
understand and implement immediately. FREE instant access!
By now you have probably heard about The Secret.. the phenomenal film
already changing millions of lives around the world. You can get it now
through the Spiritual Cinema Circle, along with three great short films.
For a limited time, as a special offer for the month of December, new
subscribers to The Circle can receive a FREE one-month trial membership
(you only pay shipping of $4.95 domestic or $7.95 international).
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
Louise Hay and Barbara de Angelis have
changed the lives of millions of people... and
these remarkable women credit books with changing their lives. Join the
Transformational Book Circle and you will receive one book and one audio CD
each month:
Now you can try a free demo of the most amazing computer meditation
biofeedback system ever. I feel like I'm in Shangri La in Wild Divine,
where I can build stairways with my breath, meditate to open doors, and
juggle balls with laughter. It's awesome!
4,000 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 81 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Spain and Israel.
Your One Stop Reality Shift
RealityShifters has a secure "Shopping Cart"
to make it easy to view and place your order.
Get autographed copies of AURA ADVANTAGE & KAREN KIMBALL,
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Send it to Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com
Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
Berkeley, CA 94707-7393
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