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February 2020
Issue #245

How Good Can it Get?
Cynthia Sue Larson
Cynthia Sue Larson
Be Your Best Self

"Be the person your dog thinks you are."
-- J.W. Stephens

If you've ever traveled to a new country where social customs were unfamiliar and different from what you were used to, you might have looked around to see if there was someone whose nonverbal cues could provide some kind of gauge by which to see how you were being perceived. Making adjustments to our behavior to be who our dogs think we are might be even more radical, in the sense that we'd likely drop a lot of our social masks and facades, and show a great deal more compassion and kindness. One of the best things about getting a fresh start in a new town, new country, new job, or new year is that it's possible to envision ways to make the very best of the new opportunity, whatever it may be. And we can always make a fresh start!

Cynthia Sue Larson
I've had a few truly amazing reality shifts this past month. The first one took place when I arrived at the doctor's office on January 9th, after I'd checked in with the receptionist and sat down, I saw every person waiting already was wearing a face mask. Several of them were coughing, so this made sense to me--but when I looked over at the place to stand in line before checking in, I could plainly see a sign with huge lettering that read, "Everyone MUST wear a mask." There'd been no line, so I'd just gone directly up to the receptionist's check-in desk, which is how I'd missed that, so after reading that sign that struck me as being possibly a wee bit pushy, I decided it was probably the right thing to do, and got up and fetched one of the blue facial masks stacked there, and put it on. At this time in January, there had not yet been widespread news of this year's Chinese coronavirus and bird flu outbreak. A while later, another couple of women came in, signed in with the receptionist, and sat down, and I noticed neither of them wearing a mask. I thought maybe I ought to point out the sign with giant lettering, and looked over to where it had been to see--it was no longer there! It was gone. And when I went in to see my doctor a while later, he asked me, "Why are you wearing a mask? You're not sick." I didn't know how to explain that there had been a sign in the waiting room that adamantly stated everyone was to wear a mask--because it vanished and had not returned by the time I was called to see the doctor.

The second extraordinary shift occurred while I was having dinner with a dear friend the Dushanbe Tea House. It's a beautiful restaurant in Boulder, that was moved to Colorado piece by hand-carved piece from Tajikistan--and the building is a piece of art. It's energy is magical, and I just adore being there. We had been talking about the way the Mandela Effect is providing evidence that miraculous changes can and do happen instantaneously on a global scale. During this blissful conversation, we were talking about how it can be possible to co-create an experience of heaven on Earth, and we continued talking long after all other restaurant customers had left. The wait staff were extremely welcoming and hospitable, asking us to "Stay as long as you like--you don't need to go!" So we stayed, and finally realized we ought to leave so I could be well-rested to be interviewed at Gaia the next day. As I moved my chair before getting up to give Nicole a hug, a beautiful tiny pink rose fell down out of nowhere. It was fresh-cut and gorgeous--and I was stunned. We had been talking about the positive vibe at the Idaho Mandela Effect conference, and the topic of choosing positivity over negativity, and bringing heaven to Earth, and now here was a gorgeous little rose arriving out of the blue as if it was some kind of gift from the Divine. We swiveled our heads in all directions--looking everywhere to see if there might be other little roses around--but there were no flowers anywhere to be seen. And we were the only two people in the entire restaurant--all other diners had left, and the wait staff were back in the kitchen area. I've had several things manifest 'out of thin air' for me before (a half gallon of milk inside the refrigerator, car keys that had been locked in the trunk of the car, a tiny tooth my daughter had lost at school that day, a small crystal when I'd just told a woman she had a crystalline quality to her heart), but this was the first fresh-cut flower! Back at my hotel, I took a photo of the little rose, resting on a small notepad. I was so stunned I didn't have the presence of mind to photograph it when it landed!

My third amazing reality shift this past month happened on Groundhog Day, when I was on the Ripon Rabbit show about the Mandela Effect hosted by AJ and featuring YouTuber moneybags73. Before the show started, I had run two loads of laundry; one had just finished being washed and was in the washing machine, and the other was waiting for it in the dryer. I'd planned to complete the radio show and then move the clothing to the dryer and run the dryer. But as soon as the show was over and I said “goodbye” to AJ and moneybags73, I heard the dryer running in the laundry room. I opened the door to the dryer and felt that the clothes were perfectly dry, and both loads were in the dryer. Which was technically impossible, since I'd left the washer and dryer both turned off during the taping of the show, in order to minimize background noise. I had been discussing how I love to experience new kinds of reality shifts as long as they're good ones, with results I enjoy—and this certainly was wonderful; my laundry had dried itself, instantaneously! This 'instant laundry' experience was truly amazing--right up there with the time my flat tire was fixed between parking the car and getting out of the car to walk around and look at it.

There are now several more videos of the interviews and talks from the Idaho Mandela Effect Conference posted on the International Mandela Effect Conference Channel on YouTube. Please check it out, and subscribe to the channel when you get a chance at:

If you missed the November conferenc in Idaho and wish to attend the next one, mark your calendar for the first weekend in June, when plans are in the works to hold the next International Mandela Effect Conference in Connecticut. You can check the Mandela Effect Conference website for further details, which will be announced as this event continues to shape up.
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      In This Issue:

      (1) Spiritual Life Coaching
      (2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films
      (3) Your Reality Shift Stories
      (4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers
      (5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
      (6) Join in the Discussion
      (7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Cynthia Sue Larson MBA, author, speaker, and spiritual life coach

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching

Could you benefit from help facing a challenging issue in your life? Would you like clarity regarding an important decision? Could you use some help shifting your reality? Are you curious to know your divine gifts? Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia! Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.
      "I've had two sessions with Cynthia and each time I experienced a major change in my energy and things just seem to click easily. Cynthia is brilliant while at the same time down to earth. Her joy of simply being is contagious. Having a session with her is like speaking to an old friend except her intuitive abilities and perspective is happily unexpected. I feel like I have someone in my corner that understands my needs on a soul level and is able to give me exactly what I need to bring out the sides of me I love most." -- Meredith

(2) Intriguing Events, Articles, Interviews, & Films

The Mandela-Affected Hero's Journey:
How RealityShifters Will Save the World

Author and Life Coach Cynthia Sue second talk at Idaho's 2019 Mandela Effect Conference. While Mandela Effects and quantum jumps may seem random, a case can be made that there exists evidence of the workings of a hidden order, in accordance with greatest good. Insights from philosophers Liebniz and Rescher provide us with context by which we can see how Mandela Effects can be offering us evidence of the possibility of how together, we can overcome even the seemingly most dire circumstances through reality shifts and quantum jumps. For information about this year's upcoming International Mandela Effect Conference to be held in Connecticut June 5th-7th, visit:

Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Paola Harris
about UFOs, robots, and
the November 6-8 2020 Nevada
artificial intelligence conference

Cynthia Sue Larson talks with Paola Harris about this year's UFO and Artificial Intelligence conference happening November 6th through 8th 2020 at the Aquarius Resort in Laughlin, Nevada. Paola plans to bring her robots to join us at the conference; these are the same types of robots that have passed a self-awareness test a few years ago, and we'll be able to see them in the lobby and interact with them every day at this year's conference. For more information, visit:

Ripon Rabbit Mandela Effect
Cynthia Sue Larson and Moneybags73
on Ripon Rabbit Hole Mandela Monthly

AJ, host of the Art Bell Archives Live special Mandela Monthly show talks with Cynthia Sue Larson and Moneybags73 about a number of recently reported Mandela Effects, including the "Alive Again" types of reality shifts in which people are reported to have died by reputable sources, and later are noticed to have 'always been alive.' Cynthia discusses having been inside the Mandela Effect , and Moneybags73 discusses relatively recent changes observed in some common food products. AJ, Cynthia and Moneybags73 chatted with callers in the second half of this show.

Our Reality with Violeta Vranjkovic
Cynthia Sue Larson on Our Reality

Violeta Vranjkovic, host of the show "Our Reality" talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about time travel, life between lives, levels of consciousness, reality shifts, quantum jumps, and the Mandela Effect.

Beacon of Reason
Cynthia Sue Larson talks about reality shifts on Beacon of Reason
Michiela, host of the show "Beacon of Reason" talks with Cynthia Sue Larson about numerous types of Mandela Effects and reality shifts, including some of the changes to human physiology and anatomy, such as changes in the location of organs such as the kidneys and heart.


(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

LinkedIn and Computer Cable Shifts
Bournemouth, Dorset, UK

Thanks for all you do and are continuing to do in the world. I would also like to experience Terrific Twenties myself - and for all of us - and I'm keen to ask 'how good can they get?' Anyway, I thought I'd also mention that I was surprised to learn about LinkedIn from one of your readers, Mary. For me, the name has always been without the 'e' . I remember being irritated by it's absence because it didn't make sense, and lo and behold, I now discover that for others it's always been with the 'e'. I'm discovering lots of small shifts now to the extent that I wonder if the Universe is preparing me for bigger shifts to come. It's only a thought but I do wonder why there are so many now. One typical example is of a happening a few minutes ago. I noticed that my computer cable wasn't working properly to keep my battery charged. So, the battery was starting to go down and I thought I needed to make sure the insertion site was well connected. It was. So, I thought, did I need to change the fuse or get another cable from somewhere? I tried the apparently faulty cable in other sockets. It didn't work whereas my work lamp in the same sockets did. So, I gave up and accepted that I had a faulty cable (this 'surrender' seems to be key for me in shift experiences). After a few moments, I tried again (I don't know why because surely the cable was broken?!) and hey presto, the cable started to work and recharge my computer battery again. It seems silly and small but spooked me into thinking "Was that a shift"? I think it might have been, because it defies sensible logic as far as I can see. It's a comfort to read of others' experiences in your newsletter and helps me keep a sense of connection and sanity through massive world changes going on right now. With gratitude & wishes for a wonderful 2020 to you & yours.

Note from Cynthia: I'm so glad to know how much you appreciate my work and ezine--that means the world to me! Thanks for sharing that you remember a different spelling for LinkedIn, without the "e." People are experiencing lots of little shifts, and that suggests to me that we can make bigger ones when and as we need them. Your recent experience with your computer cable is such an excellent example of that, and I love how you noticed accepting the situation as it appeared to be, and took a break for a few minutes, before trying again. This, to me, seems analogous to turning the spotlight of "observer" focus away just long enough for the cable to adopt any status it may, choose, no questions asked. In other words, you gave that system a chance to what quantum physicists would call "decohere," before again returning your observational focus of attention, at which point you could successfully lock in the desired state of your cable working again. Such shifts may defy classical logic, but they correspond beautifully with quantum behavior. And everything and everyone is part of this universal set of quantum reality.


Ving Rhames Alive Again
Broomfield, Colorado, USA

I had a Mandela moment recently. I was watching a movie with Ving Rhames and remember reading about his passing. I looked him up and he is still very much alive. How cool is that! Especially for him!

Note from Cynthia: How wonderful indeed to see that Ving Rhames is still with us! As just this past year, scientists are gaining physical evidence in favor of the idea that we can have parallel adjacent realities co-existing side-by-side at the same place and time, it's possible that we each are capable of witnessing highly personal reality shifts and Mandela Effects--which is to say that Ving Rhames might not even have noticed any near-death moments at all.

Sudden Rescue
Copenhagen, Denmark

I’m a Danish journalist. Way back, when Yugoslavia still existed, I drove through the country with my husband. There is a certain dangerous road in the middle of the country. I was very nervous about going down this road, because a Danish truckdriver had fallen into the abyss there. It is a two-lane road. On the one side, there is a cliffwall, on the other an abyss. My husband were at the wheel. We were driving south with no traffic in our lane. In the opposite lane a lot of traffic - going quite fast in spite of the fact, that cars were tailgating. At an upcoming curve a giant truck, 18-wheels I guess, were coming towards us. He was going fast and had no possibility to get into his proper lane. Because of the curve he couldn’t have seen us coming towards him, when he had decided to pull out in our lane. I knew we were going to die. We saw him right in front of us, and then a cloud engulfed us. But we were alive, yet we couldn’t see anything. The car were covered in a greyish substance. But we were still moving, which were very dangerous because of the nearby abyss to my right side. My husband stopped the car and rolled down the window. We could see the truck in its proper lane. Cars were still tailgating. There were absolute no way, this monster truck could have gotten in there without smashing 8 to 10 cars. I had been opening a packet of cigarettes when we saw the truck coming. Later, when we found a small place to stop, the cigarette-pack was gone. I looked everywhere for it, believe me, because I really needed a cigaret! It is odd, but that is the thing that puzzles me the most. We examined the grey stuff on the car. We first thought the chrome had been completely destroyed, but it turned out the stuff simply vanished, when we touched it, like very fine ash, only we didn’t get it on our fingers. It just vanished. We swept it off with a cloth. The feeling were extraordinary. Like in the edit function on photos in an iphone or ipad. There is a tool that allows you to write on a photo. If you regret, you can use an eraser to remove your writing. This feeling you have when you erase the writing, like it just vanishes into thin air, it was exactly the same feeling I had sweeping this grey substance off. Like it wasn’t really there. Left no markings on the cloth either. Yet it had covered the car and prevented us from looking out. Of course this was prior to iphones, but as I years later use this function on an iphone, I always think of the incident.

Note from Cynthia: Thanks so much for sharing your experience driving on a Yugoslavian two-lane road between a cliff on your left and an abyss on your right, when a giant truck swerved into your lane, headed directly toward you, as it rounded a corner. That does sound like you averted an almost certain head-on collision quite miraculously. This type of experience is one of the most frequently experienced, yet seldom discussed types of reality shifts that people have reported to me over the more than 20 years I've been researching this phenomenon. In fact, after I gave a talk to a group of about 100 people a couple of years ago and mentioned this type of experience of seemingly being "teleported to safety" on the other side of some oncoming vehicle, about seven or eight people came to tell me afterward, "That exact same thing has happened to me." I've noticed that much of what we consider to be the "bizarre" behavior of quantum physics particles sometimes appears to be happening on our larger-scale macroscopic reality. We know that quantum particles often behave like waves; we see quantum particles sometimes in a superposition of states; we witness quantum particles 'tunneling' through solid matter; we observe quantum particles appearing to teleport across vast distances; we witness observations in the present moment influencing quantum particles in the past; we see entangled particles moving simultaneously in response to being observed, even when they are separated across great distances (what Einstein called "spooky action at a distance"). People have also observed exactly the same kinds of "weird behavior" on the macroscopic scale. The experience you describe is very similar to many other first-hand reports, with the exception that you are the first person I have heard mention a grey substance.

Signs from my Soulmate
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

These experiences assure me that we live on after physical death. Helga my soulmate, died 28th December 2017. In all the 15 years we knew each other we never had a single fight and we used to play hide and seek like children, and frighten each other, and skip like kids. When she died she was 80yrs old and I was 64yrs old. Helga went into a coma after she fell and hit her head. After a long fight with the hospital that wanted to give her no water so she would die, I was able to bring her home. I fed her the best I could thru a tube that went into her stomach. But I had no help from doctors. It was a horrific experience, doing everything for her. She slept in a hospital bed I rented and I slept next to her on chairs lined up. One night sleeping next to her I started dreaming, but it felt like it really wasn't a dream. It felt real. I felt pulled out of my body. Then I saw Helga and we hugged as if we were both ghosts. We flowed into each other! Then I felt like I was falling ten feet down. I opened my eyes. At the same time, Helga opened her eyes! You can say it was a coincidence. But Helga was in a COMA! She couldn't open her eyes. The fact that we opened our eyes together at the exact same time is very mysterious and wonderful. We looked at each other for a minute or less and then Helga went back into a coma. That gives me a lot of comfort. It is proof to me that we have a spirit within us that can come out of our body exactly as Jesus and other sources say. And when she died, her face looked like she was seeing something wonderful and beautiful. Another proof - Helga and I often saw a red Cardinal bird out the window of her apartment. The bird was in a tree about 50 meters away. When I moved into my parents' house after Helga's death, a red Cardinal came to nest across the street about 50 meters away. In the 50 years we have had this house, a red bird has NEVER appeared. When winter came, the bird disappeared. But on Helga's birthday, even though it was winter, a red bird came again for a minute. On the first day of spring, about TWENTY birds came in the tree on my parents' lawn. I yelled to my mother and she too saw the birds. They filled me with hope that I will see Helga again. I have since learned that Cardinals are said to be sent by loved ones who have passed on. A third proof that shows me that Helga is still alive... A month after Helga's death, I went with my mother to Ottawa, another city, to visit my sister. I was very depressed and cried. We had reached town and were about fifteen minutes from my sister's house. I felt that I could not continue and my thoughts were on Helga. Helga and I had a habit of looking at the license plates of the car in front of us. To distract myself, I looked at the car right in front of my car. The license plate said SCHATZ. I couldn't believe my eyes. I even asked my mother to tell me what it said. She also said SCHATZ. Helga always called me SCHATZ which in German means, treasure, sweetheart! My sweetheart! My sweetheart! Never by my name. Maybe in Germany one may see a license plate with SCHATZ. But we are in Canada. People speak english. There is no word "SCHATZ" in English. My friends in Germany have told me they have never seen a car license plate with this word SCHATZ. Maybe in Canada it's the only car with this license plate! I am not even sure the owner of this car is Canadian. It could come from Mexico for all I know. For me to see it, my car and the other car had to be in the same country, in the same province, in the same city, at the same time. If two cars were ahead, I would not see it. And if the car was behind me, I wouldn't see it. But this car was right in front of me. If I didn't think about seeing license plates, I wouldn't see it. So many things had to happen at exactly the right time and place to see this unique license plate with the word SCHATZ! The probability of this is astronomical. Impossible. But it did happen. And my mother saw it too, so I didn't hallucinate. The next event may be nothing more than chance. But it is also interesting. For my Father's memorial service—he died about six months ago, my family went to a church in another city. We saw a woman enter and she chose a seat behind us. Then after about five minutes, she got up and came to sit next to me. After the Mass/Service she decided to talk to me. She said we have no reason to fear Death. I asked her how she could say such a thing. Do you know something I don't? She said that a few years ago she fell into a coma. Later on she was pronounced dead by the doctors. But she surprised them when she revived and came out of the coma. She told me that in the coma or dead she saw a bright Light that was bigger than the Universe. It was intellegent and full of love. She asked this Light who or what it was. The Light said it was Jesus. She then asked the Light if she could approach. Whereupon she entered the Light. (I guess that was when she died.) She said she also saw people filled with blue and pink light. I told her that Helga also had been in a coma. She said she felt a need to communicate with me. I have tried to calculate the odds of meeting this woman. What made her get up and sit next to me? How many people go into a coma? 1 in 10,000? Of those how many are pronounced dead but later revive. 10 in 10,000? And come out of the coma? 100? 500? in 10,000? Of those how many remember what they experienced? I guess not many. One tenth? Most of us can't even remember dreams! Of these how many see a Light filled with love? One must also calculate the odds of an encounter between two people in which a coma is relevant to both the speaker and the listener. Surely it must all work out to 1 in many millions. I hope my account brings hope and comfort to anyone who has lost a loved one. I know I will meet Helga again.

Note from Cynthia: Thank you so very much for sharing such a beautiful description of witnessing signs from Helga after she'd died. I agree with you that love never dies, and the love we feel for one another knows no bounds, absolutely no bounds at all. I've had intense experiences of this nature, such as this one I wrote about keeping a promise to a friend after he died: I can understand that people would like to trust their senses, and not be deluded by something they think is 'just imagination.' But some of these signs are truly unusual, and honestly have deeper significance and meaning to such a degree that they are obviously genuine afterlife communications to those of us like you and me who have experienced them. How marvelous that your mother witnessed something that was so unusual (smoke coming out of a dishcloth drawer) that she could not dismiss it as being anything other than a meaningful sign. And how truly wonderful that this message conveyed a reminder to you to please look after one more little thing here, and install those smoke detectors!


(4) Mail Bag, Questions, and Answers

Hi, Ms. Cynthia,
Thank you for sending the newsletters. This one really hit me where it FEELS and where I remember. What she says about the book 1984 and the quote, ' You are dead '. This is what I was told when I landed here from an actual slide here on April 5, 2016 . This is what I remember. I was asleep, and ' dreaming ' , I was in a room with a lady , a secretary type lady with a dress , she was in a room with a map in it, the map was of me, she was in charge of people , who were going from one earth reality to another. I was sliding on a water slide, but it was ' weird pink goo ', which I now believe to be a blood vessel - of Jesus. I believe we all live inside of God, inside of Jesus. When I woke up here at the end of the slide , I was told by a male powerful voice, You are dead . I went running around in the house looking in mirrors to see if I looked like I was dead. I was in shock that whole day. Then another spirit just let me know that I would do better being merged with this version of myself , because I was obviously in a different body , but the same one. Also was told that if I would be positive, things would go better for me. Then I started noticing all the changes. I did not sleep for a few weeks , studying all the changes and trying to figure out what was going on. So I wanted Donna in NSW to know how powerful what she said was for me. Thank you,
— Anna

Dear Anna,
Thanks so much for sharing how the reality shift experience with the book "1984" hit home for you, with the quote, "You are dead." It makes sense to me that you might receive such a message when letting go of identifying with a (smaller) version or level of awareness of yourself; this kind of message is often received by those undergoing shamanic initiations. A transformation of self from a level of being focused on the realm of material appearances into one of recognizing oneself as being the larger underlying consciousness is essential in shamanism, before initiated shamans move into a state of being divinely aligned, such that thoughts and wishes can instantaneously manifest in the physical world. There seems to be similar suggestions within Christian spiritual teachings, and even Jesus Christ says in John 14:12, "Truly, truly, I say to you, He who believes in Me, the works that I do he shall do also, and greater works than these he shall do." Our ability to witness reality shifts and Mandela Effects can be considered as possible, thanks to shifting our sense of self identity from purely materially focused, to awareness of the primacy of our spiritual identity.
lots of love and thanks,


Dear Cynthia,
I've been listening to Burt Goldman about quantum jumps but I haven't purchase his material. I want to know from you the a system that can really transform my life and take me to another level. Is it possible for me to experience another version of myself? If so, how would I start? Thank you,
— Gledson

Dear Gledson,
I don't sell packaged programs, so much as provide a combination of free information (articles, ezine/newsletter, podcast, YouTube videos), books and meditation CD, and individual coaching. My reason for this is that I find there to be too much variability and individual differences between people, that makes one-size-fits-all programs unsuccessful. Quantum jumping is a natural skill we all innately possess, and learning to improve conscious results typically involves commitment to improvement at all levels of one's being.
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lots of love,


Dear Cynthia,
I have a question: How do you consciously shift from one parallel reality to another? Seems to me that unless you could do it, observing reality shifts that just happen would be of no benefit, just a curiosity. I’d really appreciate your thoughts on this. Thank you in advance.
— Hernando

Dear Hernando,
I wrote my book, Quantum Jumps to describe simple ways that anyone can get started making conscious shifts from one possible reality to another. My earlier book, "Reality Shifts" delves into how it feels to experience personal Mandela Effects, showing an approach of how to live your life like a waking dream, which allows you then to ask questions of the Cosmos in your heart and mind, and receive answers in physical reality--while "Quantum Jumps" provides both a meditative approach to conscious reality selection as well as some simple physical things you can do for specific results.
with love and thanks,



(5) Reviews that Shift Your Reality

While many materials are received for review, only the best get the benefit of receiving mention in RealityShifters and having a review written and posted. If you enjoy reading these reviews, please feel free to express your appreciation by clicking through these links before making purchases at, so you can help offset the costs of the RealityShifters web site and ezine. You can see some excellent metaphysical books at:


The Forever Angels
by PMH Atwater

The ultimate reference book about early childhood NDEs

What do Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Black Elk, and Benedict Cumberbatch have in common? All these people encountered close brushes with death when they were young children, according to near-death experience (NDE) expert PMH Atwater. While this fact in and of itself may seem trivial, Atwater explains that children who experience brushes with death before the age of five share common insights as to how the true subject of near-death experiences is not that there is life-after-death. The true story is much bigger, with greater implications: "The true subject has always been continuous life. Children tell us we have always lived, that eternity is our home." Atwater's interviews with hundreds of childhood near-death experiencers provide tantalizing insights into how such life events shape one's way of life and view of the world. These children have special intuitive gifts, and they also often have special environmental sensitivities, as described in detail in numerous excerpts from longitudinal case studies conducted both when these experiencers were young, and many years later. Atwater surveyed a statistically significant group of 397 early childhood near-death experiencers, and discovered surprising ways that early childhood NDEs establish striking changes in peoples' lives for the rest of their lives. The people who had early childhood NDEs have memories of the future; they can dissociate easily, and are able to easily detach and merge with others. They tend to be independent, service-oriented, keen observers and abstract thinkers, with a sense of higher purpose to life. "The Forever Angels" is the most comprehensive reference book on early childhood near-death experiencers that provides insights into how best to relate to and understand these people, with wonderful ideas to help these individual thrive. I highly recommend "The Forever Angels" to all near-death experiencers, teachers, service workers, and their families and friends. Information shared in "The Forever Angels" provides tips, tools, and insights into some of the wisest, most creative people on the planet--as well as ways that we are witnessing the evolution of human consciousness right now. Highly recommended!


(6) Join in the Discussion

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Quantum Jumps

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