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their best life.
RealityShifters News - July
How Good Can it Get?
Bring Order Out of Chaos
"Man does not weave this web of life. He is merely a
strand of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself."
-- Chief Seattle
When I visited the Federation of Damanhur this past month, I was fascinated
to learn how its underground Temples of Humankind are built
on one of only two places on Earth where there is a convergence of four
synchronic lines. The Damanhurian concept of synchronic lines is based on
the idea that these energy lines are capable of modifying events and
transmitting ideas, thoughts and feelings in ways that shift reality. Great
care is taken in the Damanhur community to ensure the transmission of
peaceful and positive thoughts and energies throughout the Earth. I was
favorably impressed by the energy I felt at Damanhur, particularly in one
of the underground chambers where the energy lines converged most
noticably. These rooms are viewable and open to the public during scheduled
tours, and I felt very fortunate to experience the healing intent of these
special chambers in a very small group. I could sense the resonance from
the converging energy lines, and made use of this special opportunity to
focus my intentions to help ensure the very best possible future for
everyone on Earth.
If the idea of sending out focused intentions for everyone appeals to you,
you may be delighted to learn that on July 17th, everyone on Earth is
invited to help positively influence the Web of Life... the synchronic
lines... the matrix... the grid... the worldwide network of ley lines and
energy vortices... during a special event known as Fire the Grid. The idea for
participation in this exercise is very simple: for a one hour period
beginning at 11:11 GMT, which is 4:11 am Pacific Standard Time, we have an
opportunity to positively influence our entire interconnected network of
consciousness through focused prayers and/or meditation. The idea is that
by joining together in a unified focused transmission of feelings of love,
joy, and light, we can and will positively influence the world in a big
For those sensitive individuals who may have noticed a tremendous shift in
chaotic energies and unexpected difficulties and stresses this past week,
you are likely sensing energetic conflict surrounding this upcoming event.
If you would like to help make the world a better place, but wish to do so
in a way that is guaranteed to be positive, you can participate in this
event safely by starting with setting energetic protection, as previously
described in the August 2006 RealityShifters News, Practice
Good Energy Hygiene. People participating in this July 17th event come
from all walks of life, all faiths, all spiritual traditions, all
continents, all races, and all beliefs... joining together with one shared
intention for unconditional divine love and light. This is a wonderful
thing to wish for every day, and when we join together as One, it is
especially powerful.
Wishing you all the best that life and love have to offer,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at
Books & CD by Cynthia Sue Larson:

"Speculations, theories and experiments
from quantum science have now been entered into the debate which suggest
that our world is far more mystical, complex, interactive and even humorous
than the sterile, mechanistic dogma of classical scientific thought. Read,
enjoy, be amazed, ponder REALITY SHIFTS" --
Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D., Founder, Institute of Noetic Sciences & Apollo

Aura Advantage is "In a chaotic and
unpredictable world, Aura Advantage offers its readers grounding,
inspiration, and hope."
Stanley Krippner

Aura eBook! This empowering
provides tips for making every day the best it can be by harnessing the
power of your aura.

The Aura Healing Meditations CD will help
you improve your aura... and your life... in every way.

Karen Kimball "... combines the mystery
of a Nancy Drew with the metaphysical daring-do
of a Harry Potter book" --
Order autographed books & CDs
in the RealityShifters
including the newly released
Aura Advantage book with full-color aura
In This Issue:
(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
(2) Upcoming Events
(3) Intriguing Articles & Interviews
(4) Your Reality Shift Stories
(5) Reality Shifting Q&A / Mail Bag
(6) Reality Shifters Award Winner
(7) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
(8) Join in the Discussion
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
Feeling stuck?
Want help facing a challenging relationship?
Need clarity making an important decision?
Could you use some help shifting your reality?
Are you curious to know your divine gifts?
Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these
questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life
Coaching with Cynthia!
Contact Cynthia at
to set up a life-enhancing
telephone consultation today.
"I can't thank you enough for your guidance. Before we met I was pretty
negative about myself. I found out in our visit, that the negative energy I
was carrying wasn't mine. It was as if I was infected by another person's
darkness. Thank you thank you thank you... I feel like myself again, which
is reflected in relationships with all people around me. You are
beautiful!" -- Sari
(2) You're Invited to Fabulous
Upcoming Events
Exploring The Paranormal TV Show
Exploring Reality Shifts
26 July 2007 5:30 - 8:00 pm
Hayward, CA
Exploring the Paranormal's host Monique Chapman will interview
author Cynthia Sue Larson for the taping of a television show on the
subject of reality shifts. If time allows, Edward Carrion will host open
forum readings. Seating is free but limited; so be sure to reserve your
seats in advance by sending an email to
with the number of people who will be attending, and a phone number where
you may be reached... and be sure to indicate whether you'd be willing to
participate in an on camera reading with Edward Carrion and/or Cynthia Sue
Schedule an Event with Cynthia!
Would you like to invite your friends to attend an
aura advantage workshop in your home? If you live in
Northern California and are interested in planning
such an event, email Cynthia for further information at:
Cynthia's schedule of events for this year is posted online at:
(3) Intriguing Articles &
Public donates to UW scientist to fund backward-in-time
Seattle Post-Intelligencer
by Tom Paulson
12 June 2007
It can take a village to save science -- a village that so far includes a
Las Vegas music mogul, Kirkland rocket scientist, Port Townsend artist,
Bothell chemist, Louisiana gas-and-oil man with a place in Port Angeles and
a Savannah, Ga., computer programmer.
The public has stepped forward with cash to boldly go where nobody in the
mainstream scientific establishment wants to go -- or, at least, to have to
pay for the attempt to go.
Backward. In time, that is.
What John Cramer is proposing to do is certainly outside the box. It's
about quantum retrocausality.
"He's looking into the fundamental qualities of the universe," said Denny
Gmur, a scientist who works for a biotechnology firm in Bothell. "I had
$2,000 set aside to buy myself a really nice guitar, but I thought, you
know, I'd rather support something that's really mind-boggling and cool."

Reality Shifting Films
What do movies and TV shows like
Deja Vu, The Secret, The Jacket,
What the Bleep
Do We Know, Just Like Heaven, Indigo,
Tru Calling, The
Matrix, Frequency, Wonderfalls, Dark City, Sliders, The Lathe of Heaven,
Sliding Doors and Passion of Mind have in common?
These films feature the reality shift phenomenon in their plots. I find it
especially refreshing to see films that describe reality shifts close to
the way I've experienced them myself, and I am grateful that reality shifts
are being featured more often than ever in film!
(4) Your Reality Shift
Very Mobile Phone
United Kingdom
I am an MD in the UK who has always been interested in the 'real' reality.
I've read about the philosophical implications of
quantum physics for years, looked at Bell's and Bohm's work and always
thought the fixed Newtonian world wasn't quite what it was all about.
Despite being a scientist of sorts, I do have a natural
abhorrence to anyone preaching logical positivism i.e. 'unless it can
be tested against the objective outer world any proposition is
worthless' -- the usual quote of people who introduce themselves as
scientists in conversations about the nature of reality!
Of course this basic proposition itself cannot be tested against
objective experience -- it fails its own defining test.
Anyway I've had quite a few weird experiences. One which sticks out is
as follows.
I came home at lunch time from work. The house was empty. I took off
my jacket and hung it in the closet. My mobile phone was in the
inside pocket. I made a sandwich and cup of tea. I sat down for maybe
15 minutes when I realised I needed to make a call on the mobile
phone. When I went to find it it had disappeared. I searched
everywhere and had no luck. That evening I had to get ready to go to
Germany on a trip. I pulled out a suitcase from under my bed. It was
locked - a digital code type wheel on the handle and only I knew the
I placed it on my bed and unlocked it , opened the lid and to my
utter surprise sat EXACTLY in the middle of the empty suitcase was
my lost mobile phone. Nobody else had been in the house or touched
the suitcase since the phones disappearance.
I cannot explain this at all.
Sounds a minor trivial thing almost to some of the reality shifts
some of you have had, but to have a phone transported from an inside
jacket pocket downstairs to a locked suitcase upstairs by some
unknown 'process' strikes me as an action that is impossible by our
current understanding of the nature of reality.
In the ensuing trip I had an important conversation -maybe one of the most
important emotionally -- in my life.I think the reason for moving the phone
was to reassure me 'it would be OK'.
I do believe in the past, present and future existing at the same time. I
also believe we don't have free will rather were here for the ride! I think
physics supports this view.Its the only explanation for unconditional love
-- nobody has a real choice as to their actions good or bad, as their
future as already happened, even if we feel we have made a choice.
Note from Cynthia: This particular shift gets me to thinking how
interesting it is when some
things reappear in the most unexpected places, rather than exactly
where we'd think they might have been all along. These sorts of reality
shifts are the kind that used to inspire stories about mischievous gnomes
and elves, and they really grab our full attention when they
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A Few Missing Screws
Toronto, Canada
Recent posts on the Reality Shifters yahoo group, reminded me of my first
unquestionable reality shift happening in about 1990. Actually, it was one
of the reasons I got interested in this kind of curious phenomena.
I had an old car and the front passenger seat had come lose. I investigated
and found three bolts were missing at the bottom of the seat. How they
unscrewed themselves I'll never know. I tried looking for the bolts, and
searched absolutely every inch of the floor of the car for them. The reason
I searched so hard was because I knew it would be extremely difficult to
get replacement bolts of exactly the right size that fit. But I didn't find
even one. What I ended up doing was jamming three big, old screws into the
boltholes to secure the seat. After finishing, I went back in the house to
grab a coffee. I returned about ten minutes later to inspect my handiwork.
But to my shock, I saw the three missing bolts, in plain sight, right
behind the seat. They were lined up parallel to each other as if some
cosmic practical joker had laid them out neatly for me to see.
There are no exaggerations or embellishments in the above account. Plainly,
it just happened. I've considered the possibility of some capricious
passerby being involved but the idea seems too unlikely, if not ridiculous,
for some strange person to have spirited away the bolts and then to replace
them so elegantly. I've also read through the Reality Shifters stories, and
some of the accounts are very similar. Occasionally, there's a happening
involving more than one witness, making things even more interesting. In
particular, there was one account that impressed me, on the Arthur C. Clark
TV series, involving a minister and his wife. The pair saw a long and deep
fissure in the path leading to the entrance to the church. They discussed
it, while examining the hole, and then the minister went off to get a local
handyman to cover it up. When he shortly returned, the fissure was gone,
and there was no sign of it ever being there in the first place.
Note from Cynthia: I love the way you emphasize the truly
mind-blowing experience of being absolutely 100% certain that reality has
shifted, with no alternate explanation other than shifts happen. Thanks so
much for sharing this story with such detail and clarity, as it helps
everyone who reads it better comprehend the way it feels to experience a
reality shift for the first time.
More Than Two Dice
Oakland, California
My son and I were playing a board game when he was seven or eight years
old, and there were two dice, a red one and a white one. He put them in the
shaker thingy to shake them, then tossed them on the board. Only there were
now three dice! We both looked at each other astonished.
When I'm stressed, I've always "disappeared" things. The disappeared item
situations usually happen when my energy is verschimmelt for whatever
reason. It happened more often when I was younger. The month my divorce was
final, every mechanical thing in my life broke. I could walk into a room
and light bulbs would pop.
Note from Cynthia: Thanks for sharing your experiences... these
stories are excellent reminders to us to keep positively focused,
especially when we are going through challenging, chaotic times. I have
found it necessary to remind myself to ground my energy when I am feeling
especially tense and stressed... it makes a huge difference!
(5) Reality Shifting Q&A / Mail
My name is Frank, and I'm sure glad to see a site like yours. Well, here is
my question to you. Do you know of any good books that deal with energy?
(Prana, chi, life force, whatever you want to call it.) I need to find some
helpful reading on this matter, specifically how to deal with your own
energy, and other peoples/places energy? Years ago, there were some chakra
books but they were'nt really helpful. I'm looking for something good that
talks about it -- energy. OK, hope you have some ideas and thank you for
your time.
-- Frank
Dearest Frank, Thanks so much for writing to me with this wonderful question, and
also for your patience in awaiting my response! I wrote a book on the
subject of energy that I'd highly recommend, as it contains all the most
significant aspects of energy (your own and other peoples')... it's called
"Aura Advantage: How the Colors in Your Aura Can Help You Attain Your
Desires and Attract Success" and it's available through my realityshifters
web site, and also through at
The other books I most admire are excerpted and referenced in "Aura
Advantage," so it's got the best assortment of information... in my humble
opinion, anyway! :-)
lots of love,
-- Cynthia
(6) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to
announce this month's winner of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of demonstrating consistent
excellence in web site content and design, while helping
people shift their reality in a positive direction:
Remember and be reminded of your dreams... write your
dream down today and send it to yourself in the future. Get inspired by
other peoples' dreams... and experience the adventure of knowing yourself!
Dreaminder is and always will be... free.
(7) Reviews that Shift Your
Here is something that will give you nourishing
food for
thought! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at:
In the Presence of High Beings
What Dolphins Want You to Know
by Bobbie Sandoz-Merrill, MSW
Deep & Uplifting Teachings from our Cetacean
Animal communicator Bobbie Sandoz-Merrill's book, IN THE
PRESENCE OF HIGH BEINGS, describes her experiences swimming with dolphins
and what she has learned from the playful dolphins she has met. Swimming
with dolphins has been compared to "swimming in champagne distilled from
joy," as dolphins who come to spend time with humans invariably express
some of the very highest spiritual qualities we humans aspire to, such as:
kindness, joyfulness, harmony, wisdom, honest telepathy, and grace. These
incredibly compassionate and playful ambassadors provide us with an
opportunity to see how intelligent beings can live together peacefully in a
balanced way.
In addition to these powerful insights, Sandoz-Merrill provides us with the
benefit of what she learned from her dolphin friends regarding how to
manifest what we most desire. Dolphins send thoughts filled with dreams out
to the future, preparing the way for what is desired to come through.
Dolphins do what is necessary to show up on the path of their dreams,
swimming out to meet them rather than assuming everything will just come
through on its own. Dolphins focus only on what they desire with intense,
clear intent. Dolphins actively attract their dreams, inviting and enticing
them to come to them. Dolphins stay joyful, happy and playful while
awaiting their dreams to arrive... living in accordance with their very
highest ideals of love, joy, freedom, and grace.
I am eternally grateful to Sandoz-Merrill for sharing these profound
insights and stories through this delightful book, which is as fun to read
as it is transformative for all who read it with open hearts and minds. I
give this book my highest recommendation for everyone interested in
dolphins and improving the quality of life.
(8) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Get the inside scoop on reality
shifts, contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites
Find the perfect gifts for people who have everything! Ka Gold Jewelry also
has fascinating free articles about
spiritual symbols and sacred geometry which explain the advantages of
wearing jewelry designed according to these ancient principles.
Discover a practical method for attracting all the money, power, and
every kind of success you desire. This system is down-to-Earth and easy to
understand and implement immediately. FREE instant access!
Jennifer Shepherd's awesome new ebook is grounded in common sense, with
liberal dashes of zesty inspiration and lots of practical advice from
someone who's 'Been there, done that.' Shepherd, the Lipstick Mystic,
describes four basic building blocks of successful affirmations in a way
that doesn't require you to "believe" anything. These principles simply
ARE, and you can make use of them today to start attracting more of what
you do want instead of what you don't. This ebook describes how we are
constantly creating based on the vibrations we are sending out through our
emotions, intentions, and actions, and helps us to start shifting into
experiencing situations that give us happiness instead of sorrow.
Join the Spiritual Cinema Circle and receive new, thought-provoking
spiritually rich films every month... great conversation starters when
watching with friends.
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
Louise Hay and Barbara de Angelis have
changed the lives of millions of people... and
these remarkable women credit books with changing their lives. Join the
Transformational Book Circle and you will receive one book and one audio CD
each month:
Now you can try a free demo of the most amazing computer meditation
biofeedback system ever. I feel like I'm in Shangri La in Wild Divine,
where I can build stairways with my breath, meditate to open doors, and
juggle balls with laughter. It's awesome!
4,100 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 84 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Spain, Israel, and Panama.
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P.O. Box 7393
Berkeley, CA 94707-7393
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