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their best life.
RealityShifters News - October
How Good Can it Get?
Attain Graceful Success &
Prosperity in a Competitive World
"One can have no smaller or greater mastery than
mastery of oneself."
-- Leonardo da Vinci
Many spiritually focused people I know suffer from an internal conflict
between wishing to succeed competitively and suspecting that competition is
somehow at odds with living true to one's highest nature. These people are
concerned that in order to achieve success doing what they love to do, they
might be forced to abandon their high ethical standards. Keenly aware that
life has winners, they presume it must logically follow that there will
also be losers, and subconsciously fret that their financial or material
successes might somehow inadvertantly contribute to harming others. Left to
their own devices, these deeply seated internal fears can undermine the
best of positive affirmations and intentions. While this problem may seem
insurmountable, there is a graceful resolution: self-mastery.
When participating in a martial
arts tournament this past weekend, I entered the competition with the
mindset of doing my personal best, focusing on what I can do, rather than
what my various health issues (an injured knee and the beginning of a cold)
would indicate I can't do. On the morning of the Kuk Sool Won tournament, I felt an
enormous palpable sense of excitement as I woke up and realized this
buzz of electric energy was coming from the hundreds of participants I
would meet that day. I set my intention to do my very best as part of
the overall success and prosperity of my martial arts school and the
community of Kuk Sool Won. At the tournament, I met and made friends with
wonderful Kuk Sool Won students from all over California, and was delighted
to feel a sense of shared commitment to excellence. My intention turned out
to match my experience
of the day, as I competed in and won medals for three of the four events I
signed up for, doing the best I could and being rewarded by sharing special
moments with old and new friends, instructors, and the Kuk Sool Won grand
master, In Hyuk Suh.
What we can learn from practicing competitive sports that require us to
remain focused on doing our personal best is that we can simultaneously
compete with others while being part of a larger community, and that
essentially, the only one we ever truly compete with is ourself.
Since financial prosperity is often viewed as a form of competitive
success, it presents us with an opportunity to view financial
success as serving the world while being part of the overall success and
prosperity of mankind. We are fortunate to live in times when online
organizations are helping people attain financial success one person at a
time with person-to-person lending websites that
allow people to borrow money from those who wish to help. I have joined and
am happy to recommend both Prosper and Kiva for providing loans to those in need
that are funded by those seeking a more rewarding way to earn interest on
their savings. We are very fortunate to live in a
world where we can feel community support for our individual efforts, and
where we can each help one another as we work toward our own unique goals
of personal mastery.
Wishing you all the best that life and love have to offer,
Cynthia Sue Larson
email Cynthia at
Books & CD by Cynthia Sue Larson:

"Speculations, theories and experiments
from quantum science have now been entered into the debate which suggest
that our world is far more mystical, complex, interactive and even humorous
than the sterile, mechanistic dogma of classical scientific thought. Read,
enjoy, be amazed, ponder REALITY SHIFTS" --
Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D., Founder, Institute of Noetic Sciences & Apollo

Aura Advantage is "In a chaotic and
unpredictable world, Aura Advantage offers its readers grounding,
inspiration, and hope."
Stanley Krippner

Aura eBook! This
provides tips for making every day the best it can be by harnessing the
power of your aura.

Karen Kimball "... combines the mystery
of a Nancy Drew with the metaphysical daring-do
of a Harry Potter book" --
Order autographed books & CDs
in the RealityShifters
including the newly released
Aura Advantage book with full-color aura
In This Issue:
(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
(2) Upcoming Events
(3) Intriguing Articles, Interviews, & Films
(4) Your Reality Shift Stories
(5) Reality Shifting Q&A / Mail Bag
(6) Reality Shifters Award Winner
(7) Reviews that Shift Your Reality
(8) Join in the Discussion
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
Feeling stuck?
Want help facing a challenging relationship?
Need clarity making an important decision?
Could you use some help shifting your reality?
Are you curious to know your divine gifts?
Are you ready to feel energized? If you answered yes to any of these
questions, you can benefit from Spiritual Life
Coaching with Cynthia!
Contact Cynthia at
to set up a life-enhancing
telephone consultation today.
"You're so insightful, positive and personable. You helped me to refocus
my thoughts and energies. I really appreciate the positive energies that
you were able to channel through me as well as your reminders to remain
positive - and to question and even challenge - how good CAN it get! After
our reading, things fell into place and I have no doubt that your reading
had a lot to do with it. My angels were watching over me and showing me
just how good it can get! With your help I feel that I was cleansed and
opened up to the infinite possibilities that surround me. My positive
energy/aura did and will continue to attract more positive energies!"
-- Lori
(2) You're Invited to Fabulous
Upcoming Events
Parapsychology Today
Channel 28 on Napas Community Access Television
This month, Paulina Nortness interviews Cynthia Sue Larson in a truly
illuminating discussion about reality shifts, retrocausality, and the
practical and spiritual aspects of how our state of mind and awareness
literally transform our world.
The Titus Concept Teleseminar
Tuesday, 2007 November 6 at 6pm PST
Author and inspirational mentor Al Diaz interviews Cynthia Sue Larson in a
very special teleseminar which you will be able to sign up for at the Titus
Concept web site.
Create a Better World with Your Intention & Energy Field
East West Books White Rose Light Center
30 November 2007
2216 Fair Oaks Blvd.
Sacramento, CA (916) 920-3837
$15 adv / $20 day of event |
You can positively influence global warming, debt, terrorism and bird flu
with your intention and energy field, and benefit from improvements in your
personal life at the same time when you learn how to work with your energy
field and the energy matrix of the world. Enjoy an enchanted evening with
critically acclaimed authors and energy field experts Cynthia Sue Larson
and Alijandra to
reclaim your inner magic and bring new light to your relationships, career,
health, home, and planet Earth.
Create a Better World with Your Intention & Energy Field
East West Books White Rose Light Center
1 December 2007
2216 Fair Oaks Blvd.
Sacramento, CA (916) 920-3837
$75 adv / $80 day of event |
Critically acclaimed authors and energy field experts Alijandra and Cynthia Sue Larson
will help you clear the chaos in life while making all your favorite dreams
come true. Improve your health, feel more energized, connect with divine
Source, and create a future that feels heavenly to you all levels when you
learn to work with energy fields, color healing, and chakras. Improve your
skills at seeing and feeling your aura, doing a chakra check, and listening
to your chakras. Treat yourself to an aura makeover, and feel better as
your whole life improves!
Schedule an Event with Cynthia!
Would you like to invite your friends to attend an
aura advantage workshop in your home? If you live in
Northern California and are interested in planning
such an event, email Cynthia for further information at:
Cynthia's schedule of events for this year is posted online at:
(3) Intriguing Articles,
Interviews, & Films
Manage Your Money:
Sufficiency and Spiritual Practice
by Dan Millman
Autumn/Winter 2007
Soulful Living
Money is neither god nor devil,
but a form of energy.
Like love or fear,
it can serve you or bind you,
depending upon how you manage it.
By clarifying your goals
and using your gifts,
you can make good money,
doing what you enjoy,
while serving
the highest calling of your soul.
Using money wisely, and well,
you share your material
and spiritual wealth
with the world.

Reality Shifting Films
What do movies and TV shows like
Peaceful Warrior, Premonition, Deja Vu, The Secret, The Jacket,
What the Bleep
Do We Know, Just Like Heaven, Indigo,
Tru Calling, The
Matrix, Frequency, Wonderfalls, Dark City, Sliders, The Lathe of Heaven,
Sliding Doors and Passion of Mind have in common?
These films feature the reality shift phenomenon in their plots. I find it
especially refreshing to see films that describe reality shifts close to
the way I've experienced them myself, and I am grateful that reality shifts
are being featured more often than ever in film!
(4) Your Reality Shift
Amazing Experience
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I've been going through a lot over the past two years, and recently, things
really started to get to me. I recently contacted a lightworker, Charles
Trenholm Well,imagine my surprise when I
found out that he works by going back into your past and shifting things
around so that they affect a future outcome. Retrocausality! I just had to
bite and have a session. Interestingly, this man had never heard of
retrocausality, or reality shifting, or even how his gift works. So I was
able to give him some information as well. The one thing he did say in our
first phone call when I called to set up an appointment was that this is
something he feels that everyone can do -- that everyone can reach back
into the past and affect future change.
So, I had my session. We worked on what would help me most in my life right
now. He says that he is able to access the concious and the subconcious, as
me, and hear what's going on there through a lifetime. Well, he certainly
did that with me. It was downright amazing how he reached deep down into
this life experience and he drew out all the pain, emotions, feelings and
words. As he was saying these things, I was able to access exactly where
these feelings and words were coming from. I was at the exact moment in
this lifetime where this was happening. I could feel it, I was experiencing
the emotions, and the best thing of all, I was doing this with total
clarity and understanding. I could see exactly where/how my thoughts and
feelings had developed, why I thought and felt the way I did, and best of
all, it just didn't matter. There was a point when I actually felt reality
shift. It felt like I was looking backwards, and there was a zig-zag line.
When it shifted, I saw that line snap into a straight line. Now, this is
the really interesting part, I had memories of stuff that had happened over
the past few years...the last year especially...but none of those memories
made sense, it's like they were there, but they were unreal in a
way...after the line snapped straight, all of those memories made sense. I
knew it was a new reality that had been put into place, that before this
happened, that this reality wasn't there.. vague non-sensical memories are
now strong and clear, and it's like this reality has always existed. And
the best thing of all? I feel wonderful.
I'm such a skeptic when it comes to things like affecting change in the
past. I honestly wasn't expecting this man to be able to affect change in
my present and future by reaching back and changing my past, but that's
exactly what happened. It was absolutely amazing and fascinating. Since the
healing, I notice I'm more self-confident and willing to let things go by
allowing the Universe to take care of them. I've re-evaluated the roles of
several people in my life experience. Some I've decided to release with
unconditional love because the only thing binding us was anger, hurt, etc.
Others I decided to fogive and allow to be closer. Then there's the weight
thing which i had just about given up on. Since the healing, 35 lbs has
just vanished without diet or exercise. The biggest change has been in the
career/job area. I decided that I want to work and the time is right. I had
a wonderful employment coach fall into my lap and I've been utilizing her
to the fullest. I can't believe how much skill and stuff I actually have
and the wonderful jobs that I'm qualified for. Oh, and my children... I
have tons more energy, we're doing a lot more, and I've really been
cracking down in regard to boundaries and unacceptable behaviour. My guilt
over the children being fatherless is completely gone now, much to the
kid's horror! LOL They now have Mommy-naggypants to contend with!
Note from Cynthia: This is just wonderful! I love it, love it, love
it! This is one of the ways healing can feel, and you describe it so
magnificently here. There are many psychologists using therapy which
involves revisiting and reframing past experiences in a way that helps
people come to terms with traumatic experiences, so it's probably a lot
more common than people generally realize. I've been hearing about it for
years, although most people generally don't say flat out that they are
changing the past, other than shamans, of course. This is the nature of
soul retrieval, and it's the basis of many client sessions I've done over
the years as well. Some people do some of this work on their own, using
journaling techniques... kind of like "write it down, make it happen," but
in the sense of retrocausality... it's more like "write it down, and it
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Missing Pendant Returns... With Knots!
Fair Oaks, California
Just felt the need to express my gratitude for you and all the teachings of
this site. Your latest monthly email came at a perfect time.
Yesterday, I lost the pendant I recently purchased. It was not expensive,
costing only $10.00, but I enjoyed wearing it as it had a small healing
type stone suspended from a fine cord. I looked everywhere, and finally
came to the conclusion it must have slipped off that afternoon while I was
at the grocery store. Feeling resigned to having to purchase another, I
looked at the website, but didn't place an order.
This morning I found your latest monthly email along with the link for
Six Tips For Finding Lost Things. I eagerly opened the article, read
the words you had written, and immediately applied them to finding the
pendant; then I let it go, and started doing my regular routine. I walked
into a room where I had a stack of clothing to put away. As I leaned over
the couch to pick up the clothes... I saw the pendant! Just sitting there,
waiting for me. I picked it up and gave "surprised grattitude." Once I
asked for my lost item's return, it came instantly. The lag time of a
couple minutes seems as if it was only because it took me that long to turn
off the computer and go to where it was waiting. Kind of incredible if you
think too much about it, so I try not to.
But I did notice something kind of strange about the pendant, as it's cord
was tied in several small knots?! As I worked to untie the knots, I
wondered about them, knowing they were not something that could happen by
accident! I then almost put the pendant back on, but decided not to. I
instead looked at the small barrel type closure the cord ends were attached
to, and noticed small stands sticking out of the ends which I softly
pulled. Well... the cords just frayed and fell away from the closure
pieces. So had I put the pendant back on, most likely it would have easily
become lost again!
I felt as if not only did the universe return my pendant within a
couple minutes of my request, but even tied the series of knots to let me
know that the knots that had been holding the pendant to the closures were
faulty! I also happened to find a piece of thin satin ribbon laying around
that works just great, and was careful to tie strong knots. This was not
the only time I've experienced reality shifts, though the first time using
your method to find a lost item.
Note from Cynthia: I love the bit about how once you asked for the
lost item's return, it came instantly. Yes... that is wonderful! I love it,
love it, LOVE IT when that happens!
Car Flashed By on the Road
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
I discovered your fascinating website today, thanks to Jean Hudon and the
ERN! When I read the story about the cars, where one slowed down and the
other sped up, I recalled a similar incident which happened to me. In March
2000, I was very interested in learning more about Aura-Soma Colour Therapy
and was co-ordinator of a spiritual festival to be held in my home town. I
invited one of our Aura-Soma teachers from another city to give a talk at
the festival. I had not met the lady before, but when I collected her at
the airport, I immediately knew who she was.
The next morning, I drove four of us to the festival venue. Just before
reaching the venue, there was a turn to the right which took us across the
road and oncoming traffic. I am a careful driver, so I checked to make sure
that there was no oncoming car in sight before I proceeded to turn.
Suddenly, a car flashed past us on the left hand side (we drive on the left
in my country) -- missing us by inches! Where the car came from, I have no
idea. It was so close that I should have seen it and it would have hit us
side on if it had not flashed past. It all happened so fast that nobody in
the car even took fright or screamed. In fact, nobody said much of
anything, as if we all knew it was just okay. I had the distinct impression
at the time that "something" had definitely shifted the two cars past each
other, as with a repelling magnet.
Note from Cynthia: Thanks so very much for sharing this wonderful
story. I'm glad that even though the event happened so very quickly and was
so surprising as to almost feel unreal, you have taken such care to record
your recollection of how unusual it felt at the time. I can relate to your
description of how people didn't even comment on the situation, as it
happened so suddenly and was so shocking that it's almost like it didn't
happen. Amazing!
(5) Reality Shifting Q&A / Mail
Hello Cynthia,
I feel a lot of anger for being broke and in debt all the time. I don't
feel the solution is to work harder. I am just wondering if you have any
thoughts about why I manifest certain things so well, but fall flat when it
comes to money.
Dearest Jen, I love your question about money, and it indeed is relevant to so
many people who wonder precisely the same thing... variations on the
question, "Why do I seem to have so much trouble manifesting money when I'm
so very good at manifesting parking spots and other things?!" This is one
topic I work with people one-on-one with, in order to pinpoint the old
beliefs that act as blocks and interference to manifesting... thoughts such
as, "money is the root of all evil" can certainly create internal cognitive
dissonance for anyone thinking such things, and other beliefs relegating
financial success to romantic disaster, or lack of health, or other
problems can create tremendous discord in otherwise positively focused
individuals. My general advice is to follow the guidelines mapped out in my
ebook, Reality Shifts: When
Consciousness Changes the Physical World, and/or my book "Aura
Advantage" for they both provide tools for locating and reversing negative
thought patterns and beliefs. The first step is to observe these beliefs...
then write them down.... then find an equal and opposite belief that will
act as your very own unique affirmation which you can state over and over
again with more and more feeling until your positive affirmations become
your dominant thoughtform paradigm and basis for creating positive
financial success in your life.
lots of love,
(6) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to
announce this month's winner of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of demonstrating consistent
excellence in web site content and design, while helping
people shift their reality in a positive direction:
Spirit on the Job
Through personal stories, discussions and events, provides a forum to show how individual spiritual
commitment on the job makes for better employees, a better workplace and a
better corporate contribution to the world at large. The SpiritOnTheJob
community encourages and supports spiritual as well as physical and mental
aspects of on-the-job enrichment as individuals go about their work day --
to find purpose and meaning, uplift the workplace environment, and improve
the bottom line.
(7) Reviews that Shift Your
Here is something that will give you nourishing
food for
thought! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
excellent metaphysical books at:
Peaceful Warrior
starring Scott Mechlowicz, Nick Nolte and Amy Smart Director: Victor
Exceptionally uplifting story which brings spiritual
truths to life
PEACEFUL WARRIOR is one of the most profoundly moving and
inspirational movies ever made. Based on Dan Millman's real life story,
Nick Nolte is wonderful in the role of Socrates, and Scott Mechlowicz does
an absolutely amazing job playing Dan Millman. When Dan is feeling
profoundly unhappy and dissatisfied despite being handsome, athletic and an
award-winning gymnast, he wanders alone late at night to find spiritual
nourishment and mentoring from a wise mechanic at a service station.
Socrates provides Dan with the keys to open his doorways to intuitive and
spiritual perception in such a way that Dan begins to see the world and
himself in a whole new way. This reframing becomes incredibly important
when Dan shatters his leg in a motorcycle accident, and finds he will no
longer be eligible to pursue his lifelong dream of competing in the
Olympics. What happens after the accident is where PEACEFUL WARRIOR really
takes off, as it illustrates the power and grace we are all capable of
achieving when we learn to live an examined life; for in learning to pay
attention we can ease much of the suffering we cause ourselves in the way
we react to our life experiences. I love the way this film illustrates the
power of meditation and reflection, and "taking out the trash," or learning
to remove all distractions that take your attention off this present
moment, right here, right now. I give this film my very highest
(8) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Get the inside scoop on reality
shifts, contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites
Find the perfect gifts for people who have everything! Ka Gold Jewelry also
has fascinating free articles about
spiritual symbols and sacred geometry which explain the advantages of
wearing jewelry designed according to these ancient principles.
Discover a practical method for attracting all the money, power, and
every kind of success you desire. This system is down-to-Earth and easy to
understand and implement immediately. FREE instant access!
Jennifer Shepherd's awesome new ebook is grounded in common sense, with
liberal dashes of zesty inspiration and lots of practical advice from
someone who's 'Been there, done that.' Shepherd, the Lipstick Mystic,
describes four basic building blocks of successful affirmations in a way
that doesn't require you to "believe" anything. These principles simply
ARE, and you can make use of them today to start attracting more of what
you do want instead of what you don't. This ebook describes how we are
constantly creating based on the vibrations we are sending out through our
emotions, intentions, and actions, and helps us to start shifting into
experiencing situations that give us happiness instead of sorrow.
Join the Spiritual Cinema Circle and receive new, thought-provoking
spiritually rich films every month... great conversation starters when
watching with friends.
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
Louise Hay and Barbara de Angelis have
changed the lives of millions of people... and
these remarkable women credit books with changing their lives. Join the
Transformational Book Circle and you will receive one book and one audio CD
each month:
Now you can try a free demo of the most amazing computer meditation
biofeedback system ever. I feel like I'm in Shangri La in Wild Divine,
where I can build stairways with my breath, meditate to open doors, and
juggle balls with laughter. It's awesome!
4,400 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 84 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Spain, Israel, and Panama.
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to make it easy to view and place your order.
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Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
Berkeley, CA 94707-7393
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