Choose Your Attitude
by Cynthia Sue Larson
September 4, 2000

The most important thing to remember when you face challenges or seemingly impossible situations is to remember that reality can shift! It helps to have read stories of reality shifts that others have experienced, even in times of great crisis.

In her book Creating Miracles, Carolyn Miller describes dozens of true stories in which people miraculously escaped life-threatening situations. They did this by adopting an attitude that Miller calls, "miracle-mindedness".

You can choose to replace your feelings of stress, fear, or anger with every breath. Breathe in Love, breathe out the fear and anger. Choose to let the wise, timeless part of you do the thinking... from your heart.

The more you practice this meditation of "thinking with your heart", the easier it will be, and the more wonderful reality shifts you'll experience.

I've had numerous experiences with reality shifts when I've changed the way I was feeling... which then had a profound effect on everyone and everything around me.

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