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Your RealityShifter Stories
Page 10

Reality Shifts
The hundreds of first-hand accounts of reality shifts (aka: mind-matter interaction MMI, quantum jumping, glitches in the Matrix) on this and the following pages have been collected and shared through Cynthia Sue Larson's RealityShifters since 1999. Special issues focusing on particular types of reality shifts (such as: the Dead seen Alive Again, Seeing Loved Ones Before They Arrive, Invisibility, Walking through Walls, etc.) can be found by browsing through the RealityShifters archives and subscribing to the (free) monthly ezine. Hundreds of stories are reported here in this "Your RealityShifter Stories" section of this web site, and the phenomenon is documented in the best-selling book, Reality Shifts: When Consciousness Changes the Physical World.

Being on the Path

I spent a lot of time at your site yesterday. One aspect that struck a chord was the idea of mind-material interaction. I was an Itinerant Magician for part of my younger days, doing school shows primarily through the southern states, many black schools, in a transitional time (early 1960's). It was an extremely interesting experience. During that period I experienced what I called "being on the path", a condition in which nearly all my needs materialized out of thin air, just as in my act! I look back at that time as the most perfect part of my life in so many ways.

For an instance, I wanted to do a trick with a cage, I had the idea in my mind but it would take a cage rectangular in shape with a bottom that was removable. I was walking past a gas station at the time and looked behind in the trash area and there was my cage, perfect in every detail sitting on top of a waste metal container! When cold weather came up, I was offered a brand new jacket. It was not because I asked, it just happened. I stayed often in homes of complete strangers, at their request and never wanted for food or actually anything.

Eventually, I returned to California and to the world of Aerospace to work on the Apollo Moon Project, but that period will forever be very special in my memories.

A lot more happened, of course, but that is the gist of it.

Three times in my life I have been the subject of a "prophecy". In the first one, a friend told me that "You will find a Klein Bottle in a thrift shop for 10 cents". With your background, I am sure you recognize the term as it applies to a curious one sided three dimensional object, not something you find in ordinary commerce! Perhaps ten years later, in shopping in Sunnyvale at a thrift shop, I came across a little Klein Bottle for 25 cents. I am sure that inflation accounts for the difference! I still have that little bottle, 30 years later, as a prized possession.

Little Rose
Kathryn Lanier, Central Piedmont Region, North Carolina
Copyright 2000 by Kathryn Lanier, All Rights Retained by the Author

Sometimes the events that cause major shifts in our reality seem so insignificant at the time they occur, that if we are not paying very close, conscious attention we may miss out on something radiant! I was born curious and that curiosity sent me on a research journey recently that made a life long love affair take on a sacredness that I would never have suspected.

A friend of mine had a guided spiritual journey experience and came away disappointed because she did not understand nor accept the symbolism. The woman who acted as the guide told my friend that the experience was shamanism and might unfold in meaning as time went on. The symbols that occurred during the journey fascinated me. My friend was tending to her ailing, elderly father so I decided to break down all the symbols and began to research them for her. One of the experiences my friend mentioned was the smell of roses and she knew that her patron saint was with her, Saint Teresa. Not being raised in the Catholic church, I did not realize there were two St. Teresa's. My initial research was on Teresa of Avila. I shared the research with my friend and she wrote to say that her patron was Therese of Lisieux.

I have to say that I was not very impressed with St. Therese and more than a little skeptical. I have an open mind to all positive spiritual belief systems and because I believe that when I encounter something new by accepting the invitation of a friend to learn more, I will receive a message, I made a decision to spend some private time with the research and see where it led prior to contacting my friend again.

The next morning I went about my errands for the day, the car dealership, the drugstore, the grocery. My intention at the grocery was just to pick up a couple of things because I had my little ones with me. However, I found that the grocery store had some great specials and I decided to check them out and see what I could stock up on. There was a rack in the middle of the aisle just down from the produce section that had older fruit and vegetables on it and some rather sad looking plants. I am a "plant savior" so I chose a mum, a miniature rose, and a blue, lace capped hydrangea. I bought much wonderful fruit and vegetables to develop my recipes with and trucked on through the store with my little ones. I made lunch after we arrived home and allowed the little ones to begin watching a video and I began working in the kitchen. The research that I had done for my friend came to mind while I was developing a soup recipe so I began letting the various quotes I had pulled from my research to flow through my mind. St. Therese did not perform great miracles or deeds, she changed her world in a very conscious way by the everyday little deeds and sacrifices that were available to her.

She referred to it as her "little way". Even her stature was diminutive! One of the interesting bits of information I learned about St. Therese was her love of flowers and the adoption of rose as her symbol. My research revealed a belief that when a petitioner prays for St. Therese' intercession that the petitioner will encounter the scent of a rose, the sight of a rose, or the word rose as a sign that their prayers have been heard and intercession by St. Therese on the petitioners behalf is taking place.

Suddenly it hit me! My reality completely shifted from skeptic to believer, in the blink of an eye. I had purchased a miniature rose because I have had a life long love affair with roses and have experienced much joy caring for them in the past. A rose, I bought a rose! I immediately felt that St. Therese was telling me that she was there believing in me, even when I could not believe in her. It has always been my habit to serve others in small ways in as anonymous a way as possible. I even struggled for years with the question of the charitable donation being tax deductible. If you receive part of the donation as a credit, then was the donation really charitable? The Divine is calling on me now to follow a more public path but I will never stop serving in the everyday little ways that have brought me such grace. I will save plants with my loving care, in my little way, and will remember St. Therese each time I water, feed, and prune my "little rose".

Continue to Page 11 of Your RealityShifter Stories

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