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RealityShifters News - April 2004
Create Your Best Life!

Face Your Fears

Cynthia & Joseph
See Cynthia Sue Larson & Joseph Ernest Martin at the New Living Expo in San Francisco!

    "I believe anyone can conquer fear
    by doing the things they fear to do,
    provided they keep doing them until
    they get a record of successful
    experiences behind them."
    -- Eleanor Roosevelt
What do you do when you find yourself face-to-face with something you're afraid of? It can feel terrifying to unexpectedly lose your job, be rebuffed by someone you care about, or have your money, business, or home taken away. When you notice that what's happening is precisely what you were afraid might happen and you know that your energy field interacts with everything around you, it's natural to wonder, "WHY is this happening to me?!"

It's not always obvious to see why terrifying life situations are occurring. The underlying energies behind surface events affecting many different people usually look like a jumble of the intentions, beliefs, emotions and ideas of everyone involved. In those cases, such as international or political disputes, there are complex, large-scale energetic forces at work.

In cases involving only a few participants, you can more easily discern what's going on energetically. You can notice patterns and recall questions, beliefs, or intentions that are distinctly different as well as recent changes in your thoughts and feelings. You can glean further information from listening to your body, noting where and how you feel uncomfortable, and what you imagine those parts of your body are trying to tell you. You can put your hands over your chest, for example, and ask your heart how it feels and what it needs, and listen for its reply. If your stomach feels like it's churning, you can place your hands lovingly over it and ask, "How do you feel? What do you need?" and wait to feel it's response. You can also ask for spiritual guidance and direction, and suddenly find that what appeared to be a horrible situation is a gift in disguise.

One of my biggest fears as a public speaker was of being unprepared. It wasn't enough for me to know my topic and general outline; I felt a compulsion to plan everything out from my opening statement through each example all the way to my closing remarks. Prior to one talk at a conference in which I'd organized pages of brightly colored notes for careful review, I was horrified to discover I could not concentrate on any of the notes I'd written. A strange mental block interfered with my ability to interpret written words, and my own handwriting looked like it had been written in hieroglyphics. I began to panic as I realized I would be unable to give this talk with the benefit of my notes. Fear gripped me as tightly as if someone was squeezing me vigorously right below my ribs, as I fervently prayed for guidance and support. I sensed an angelic presence, and felt tremendous love and joy and calm. I heard the angelic presence tell me that I'd wished to speak from my heart, and it was time for me to do so; I would be given guidance suggesting what to say during my talk.

A few minutes later, I walked out to give my talk straight from my heart, trusting divine guidance to provide me with intuitive "cue cards." I was astonished to discover that my talk was quite different from what I'd prepared; it was truly extraordinary. Occasionally I received intuitive guidance to say something I'd written in my notes, but much more often I'd hear (and then say) the beginning of a sentence such as, "The most amazing thing that I ever saw when I was doing healing work was..." and then I'd be left to ad-lib the rest of the sentence. I felt like I was being led through my talk by a skilled interviewer, who was encouraging me to share more intimate information than I'd ever risked sharing before. This experience showed me that there was unexpected treasure just beyond my fears... a gift of discovering that what I'd been so afraid of was exactly what I needed most.

Cynthia Sue Larson

Books & CD by Cynthia Sue Larson:

Aura Healing Meditations
The Aura Healing Meditations CD will help you improve your aura... and your life... in every way. Even while you sleep!
Aura Advantage
Aura Advantage is "the finest book yet written on the Aura and its ability to transform your life... the 'Bible' of aura books."
-- Donald Schnell
Karen Kimball
Karen Kimball "... combines the mystery of a Nancy Drew with the metaphysical daring-do of a Harry Potter book"
-- Alijandra

Order autographed books in the RealityShifters Shop

In This Issue:

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
(2) Upcoming Events
(3) Intriguing Articles
(4) Your Reality Shift Stories
(5) Reality Shifting Q & A
(6) Reality Shifters Award Winner
(7) Books & CDs That Shift Your Reality
(8) Join in the Discussion
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines

(1) Spiritual Life Coaching
Cynthia Sue Larson

Spiritual Life Coaching with Cynthia
Could you benefit from spiritual life coaching? Gain the benefit of hearing personal messages from spirit that will help you better understand what you need most in your life right now, and how to get what you need. Discover your divine gifts and gain spiritual insights with a personal consultation with Cynthia. Hear what your body and spirit are trying to tell you, and how you can stop getting in your own way as you recharge your energy and renew your sense of purpose!
Contact Cynthia at to set up a life-enhancing telephone consultation today.

(2) Upcoming Events

Aura Advantage Workshop

With Cynthia Sue Larson
Saturday, 17 April 2004
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Divine Science Community Center
1540 Hicks Avenue
San Jose, California

Have you noticed that pregnant women have "a special glow," or seen people in love "beaming"? That's the aura radiating in a full and positive way! If you've observed how some days feel happier, healthier and luckier than others, you've felt the aura in action. In this full-day workshop, you will learn how to:
  • Make the most of the ten things your aura does for you
  • See and feel the aura
  • Make difficult choices more easily
  • Attract What You Most Desire
    (and avoid the six biggest mistakes in manifestation)
  • Protect yourself and everyone you love
  • Listen to your chakras to make your dreams come true

New Living Expo

by Cynthia Sue Larson & Joseph Ernest Martin
Sunday, 25 April 2004 from 1:00 - 2:00 PM
635 8th Street, San Francisco

Would you like to understand the confusing messages that continuously stream through the veil? Discover ways that your aura can give you an advantage in creating your best possible future, and glean practical wisdom from the ancient archetypes about what it is to be human. Explore with anticipation the feeling of accessing the subtle spark of what the future holds... and learn new ways to direct your life toward prosperity!

Schedule an Event with Cynthia!
Would you like to invite your friends to attend an aura advantage workshop in your home? If you live in Northern California and are interested in planning such an event, email Cynthia for further information at:
Cynthia's schedule of events for 2004 is posted online at:

(3) Intriguing Articles

by E.B. Solomont
April 2004
A hug may not be able to cure cancer, but a new study that looks at the benefits of compassion toward cancer patients is on its way to showing that a little TLC goes a long way.

(4) Your Reality Shift Stories

Jim Mooney

Your idea of reality shifting really impressed me since it reminded me of an incident that happened to me a few years ago. I and my former partner were coming back from a seminar in North Carolina in an RV. We had two cats with us - one was a very lovable and affectionate old tomcat named Coyote and the other was kind of sneaky and aloof cat named Gracie.

When we stopped in a town with a big jungle area, Coyote jumped out and ran off into it. We locked the RV as we always do, then went to search for him. We asked about the "jungle" and learned it was a haunt for wild cats, which was probably what attracted him.

After spending most of the day searching, we realized we wouldn't find Coyote and decided to continue on our way, heartbroken. As we stopped in the next town I remarked I wished we could exchange the unfriendly Gracie for the loving Coyote. We left the RV, which we had also searched top and bottom, inside and out -- and came back to see Gracie sitting in the passenger seat! The door was locked as always.

It was simply amazing to come back and see Coyote sitting in the passenger seat in place of Gracie, who had totally disappeared. They had been miraculously exchanged. Your "reality shifting" idea reminded me of this incident. Some folks might ascribe socks to forgetfulness, but not switching two cats. I'm a hardheaded double-Taurus with a scientific outlook, so I investigated the whole thing thoroughly looking for prosaic explanations - this was definitely a miracle ;') The RV door was locked - I remember unlocking it.


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Astoria, Oregon

I would like to share my story of a synchronistic happening. I find that every day is filled with so many synchronistic messages from my creative and fun Inner Being. Here is one of my favorites.

Several years ago, I was going through a period of uncertainty about life in general. Was everything I believed about the magic of life and my connection to the Universal Source true, or was it only my imagination? I asked my Inner Being to bring me a sign that I wasn't alone here in this physical world, and to reassure me that I was not just imagining all the mystical things that happen for me. As I was thinking about this, the image of a Blue Dragonfly popped into my head, so I said, "How about bringing me a real one to help me release this doubt." The next day, at work, I had forgotten about it. First thing in the morning, a fellow worker walked in with a blue dragonfly sticker stuck on her name tag. My mouth fell open! Her young daughter had stuck it on her name tag as they said goodbye. I went for a walk later, and even though it was still Winter, everywhere I went, Blue Dragonflies were hovering all around me in the grass. Wow! So, this has become a very spiritual symbol for me.

Several months ago, a very dear friend gave me a small dragonfly charm, which I clipped on my change purse. About three weeks ago, I noticed it was gone. I set an intention that I would find it just at the perfect time, and pictured leaning over and picking it up easily. On my birthday, the friend who gave the charm to me arrived to take me out to lunch. As she walked in the door of my living room, she bent over and picked up the pendent and handed to me. We both felt the magic of it, instantly. You know those wonderful chills? I knew exactly what was going on. It was just a reminder to me to keep on believing, no matter what appearances look like. I had actually vacuumed several times over this rug, in the same area, and had also crawled around the whole floor feeling for the charm. It definitely was somewhere else. Life is so filled with magic!

Stamford, Connecticut

I recently experienced a subtle yet poignant reality shift. I work for a temporary agency and have various assignments. Too often I get caught up in perpetuating visions of what's unsatisfying in present reality. When I envision the worst job imaginable, it turns out to be the next job my agent assigns to me. When I envision what I want on the rare occasion that I'm feeling optimistic, that also comes to fruition. It is truly uncanny. I don't know the origin -- it could be creative visualization or a psychic link between my agent and I.

I looked up 'agent' in the dictionary to make sure I was using it correctly, and read there that an agent is: "one who is authorized to act for or in place of someone else." My agent finds me assignments, negotiates my fee, and gives me the details -- so I guess that is the correct term. What took me aback was another definition of agent: "A means or instrument by which a guiding intelligence achieves results." This latter definition rings truer and deeper than the former, to me. There does seem to be a guiding intelligence that gives me my assignments.

The assignments come to me in visualizations and in directions from my agent. I am just beginning to take notice of what comes first. For the last week or two, I had been envisioning some strange and seemingly disparate images. During that time, I had been playing phone tag with my agent, and getting visions of vending machines. I thought I should buy some vending machines to make some income. I tried to envision places where I could write and study, despite having an assignment. My thoughts were that I should write in cafes or at the beach, because I wasn't getting enough done at home. I wanted to get away from my computer, yet I needed some income. For some reason I was envisioning this place I had been before -- it was a sterile place that only an imagination could fill up. I remembered all of this when I was sent there today. I didn't have that weird deja vu feeling, though. I felt like I was supposed to be there.

My assignment was to sit in the cafe seating area, and keep an eye on the vending machines. I had time to write stories, study, and make contacts in the real estate business. All this while getting paid! And, it was the first time I wasn't sitting in front of a computer for an assignment. My point with this story is that we are masters of our universe, somehow. Perhaps there is divine intervention by agents, angels, or other higher powers. No matter -- It is the images that we hold in our minds, the thoughts we have in our heads, and the words that we speak that are harangued into the universe and boomeranged back at us. The universe answers what we envision, think and speak.

(5) Reality Shifters Q & A

Q: Cynthia, I love your site & e-letter! Here is a question for you: I take photos of buildings and later these buildings are blown-up, hit by tornados, hurricanes, storms, blizzards, catch fire, go out of business, and so on. What may be going on here? Surely I am not causing this. I have people beg me not to photo their houses and businesses because they are afraid if I do their places will be harmed. Am I prophectically photoing these places? I took several photos of some mosaics of the Stations of the Cross at the Lourdes Grotto in Emmetsburg, Maryland. Four of the photos contain light shapes of angels and doves and crosses right near the heart of Jesus and the Blessed Mother. The shapes can not be accounted for by light anaomalies, and film or camera or developing problems. A professional developer looked at the photos and was mystified, I took the pictures just when the bells were ringing for afternoon prayer, the time the Catholic Church believes the Holy Spirit is present. What do you think?
-- Mary

A: Hi, Mary! Thanks so much for writing! I'm intrigued by the way you've noticed that buildings you've photographed often undergo catastrophes. Whenever I notice a string of odd coincidences like that, I go back to my intentions -- sometimes from years earlier -- to see what on Earth I might have wondered about or wished for that could be connected. My intuitive hunch in your specific case is that you are not causing these disasters to happen, but that you have long wished to build a career that stood out. You wanted to make sure you were known for doing something truly unique (rather than just as a run-of-the-mill photographer). Your wish did not need to specify, "I'd like to photograph buildings that are about to go through terrible destruction," just that your work be recognized as something special. In addition to your intentions, the intentions of others also figure prominently. Many of the world's top news photographers have an uncanny knack for being at the right place at the right time -- moments before disaster strikes -- so there is a photographer on the scene precisely when the world wishes one to be there. Similarly, people whose buildings have been destroyed often wish that they had one really good photograph of the way things used to be... and you provide this service! Regarding the photographic anomalies you noted in recent pictures you took at the Lourdes Grotto, they sound like wonderful examples of the kind of aura photos I describe in chapter eight of AURA ADVANTAGE, "Aura Photography & Imaging." Well done!
Wishing you every blessing of love,
-- Cynthia

(6) Reality Shifters Award Winner

I am proud to announce this month's wonderful winner of the Reality Shifting Award, for recognition of web sites which demonstrate consistent excellence in content and design, while helping people shift their reality in a positive direction:

Angelstaff shares information about near-death experiences and offers support to the terminally ill, their families and loved ones.

(7) Books & CDs that Shift Your Reality

Here are some books and CDs that will give you nourishing food for thought as they change your life for the better! Every time you click through these links before making purchases at, you help offset the costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some of my favorite books at:

Dolphin Merging

Transformational Matrix Healing
Dolphin Merging - Volume 1

by Alijandra

Delightful Dolphin Energies

Alijandra provides clear and helpful guidance through a series of delightful exercises which involve meeting and sharing energy with dolphins. Dolphin Merging is an excellent way to bring dolphin wisdom, creativity and playfulness into your life as you relax and follow Alijandra's soothing voice into a state of deep relaxation. I found these guided meditations to be easy to follow and fabulous for providing immediate results. I loved seeing my dolphin guides come to greet me, and I feel marvelously relaxed and invigorated after spending some quality time with Alijandra and her dolphin friends!

Positive Energy

Positive Energy
10 Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress and Fear into Vibrance, Strength and Love

by Judith Orloff

Sense and Change the Energy in Your Life

Energy psychiatrist Dr. Judith Orloff shares ten heartfelt tips to help you sense and transform the energies around you in order to make better choices and improve the quality of your relationships in her book, POSITIVE ENERGY. You can learn to sense the energy fields or "vibes" surrounding you and other people, places and things -- and by doing so, gain tremendous intuitive insight, poise, and confidence in even the most difficult situations. POSITIVE ENERGY provides clear descriptions of how various kinds of energy ranging from delightfully positive to destructively negative feel, so you can more readily decipher your own physiological and emotional reactions to people and situations. For example, when you meet someone new and notice your body experiencing sudden otherwise inexplicable aches and pains, you're picking up strong negative vibes which should not be ignored! What I like best about POSITIVE ENERGY is the way it brings the concept of bioenergy fields into everyday life, through exercises, stories, and interviews with people from all walks of life (Jamie Lee Curtis, Eve Ensler, Wavy Gravy, Amy Gross, Quincy Jones, Naomi Judd, Larry King, Shirley MacLaine, Rosa Parks, Iyanla Vanzant). POSITIVE ENERGY shines a light into even the darkest places, and provides new techniques for healing ourselves and our world.

(8) Join in the Discussion
    Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:

(9) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines

Visit author/illustrator Joseph Ernest Martin's web site to see the world's most versatile tarot deck.

Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.

Take a quantum leap over to visit Fred Alan Wolf in cyberspace. Read fascinating papers, learn amazing things, and ask a question!

3,500 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 58 different countries around the world -- with the majority in the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa, New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Mexico, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines, Japan, Norway, Ireland, and Israel.

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Send it to Cynthia at

Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
Berkeley, CA 94707-7393

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