(5) Reality Shifters Q & A
Recently I read some books about creative
visualization (Gawain) and Anthony Robbins' books. It
seems they conflict each other. Creative visualization
advocates the power of mind and subconscious and
reality can be created "easily and effortlessly" while
Anthony says change is done via "making decisions and
taking actions." Do you have any comments on these? It
seems both have many followers.
-- Thai
Dear Thai,
Thanks for writing to me with this wonderful question!
Visualization is one of the most essential components for making changes in
a person's life, and visualization is required in order for a person to
know that their reality is matching up in a good way with what they most
desire. While techniques that focus primarily on visualization are centered
around the third eye energy center (chakra) at the center of the forehead,
other methods for creating change are often based on the more action-based
lower energy centers of the solar plexus and gut. My recommendation to my
clients is that they align all their energy centers so that their entire
being is focused on the same goals, with their heads, hearts, and guts are
all working together in unison. Sometimes there is trauma or internal
dissonance in one or more of the primary energy centers, and so it's
immensely helpful to find where such energy blocks are so that they can be
healed, and a feeling of unity can flow through the person. The resulting
feeling of having one's energy centers aligned and attuned like this is
very empowering, uplifting and inspirational, and I find this unified
approach brings the greatest feelings of happiness, prosperity and success
for people.
lots of love,
-- Cynthia
(6) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to announce this month's winner of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of demonstrating consistent
excellence in web site content and design, while helping
people shift their reality in a positive direction:
Conscious Creation Convergence
Conscious Creation Convergence offers free energy
alignment and creative visualization techniques, as well as contacts for
teachers in for prosperity, relationships and health and well-being.
Possibly the most comprehensive list of abundance and millionaire mindset
resources together in one place.
(7) Reviews that Shift Your
Here is something that will give you nourishing
food for
thought! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at Amazon.com, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at:

Consciousness & Healing
Integral Approaches to Mind-Body Medicine
by Marilyn Schlitz and Tina Amorok with Marc S. Micozzi
Raising Awareness of the Nature of Healing
CONSCIOUSNESS & HEALING is a remarkable collection of
papers, articles and personal accounts of the current state of healing in
the United States of America today. Sixty seven leading experts on health
and healing share their most intimate, heartfelt, and analytical
assessments of exactly what's going on in the field of mind-body medicine.
Included inside this book is a companion DVD that features interviews with
health professionals who share their vision for where the field of healing
is headed. CONSCIOUSNESS & HEALING is the brain and love child of the
Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), whose goal is to explore the frontiers
of human consciousness. While the breadth and depth of this book defies
description, it's safe to say that CONSCIOUSNESS & HEALING is currently the
most comprehensive and up-to-date reference book on the subjects of
complementary and alternative medicine, integral medicine, and mind-body
medicine.¾ Some of my favorite ideas from this book are the notion of
what it really means to grow old gracefully, the return of prayer, and the
idea of the patient as being inextricably intertwined in society and the
environment. Now that increasing numbers of patients seek complementary and
alternative forms of healing to the more traditional chemical and surgical
procedures, there is a need for the healing community to establish a better
vision of how to treat patients as people who matter, and whose thoughts
and feelings affect their health. CONSCIOUSNESS & HEALING is a marvelous
reference book that will stimulate discussion between healing professionals
and people seeking healing, and help us all figure out what new model of
health care we can best create.

The Slow Down Diet
Eating for Pleasure, Energy, & Weight Loss
An 8-Week Breakthrough Program
by Marc David
How to Lose Weight through Increased
Nutritionist and weight loss expert Marc David asserts in
THE SLOW DOWN DIET that some of our most dearly held beliefs about weight
loss and dieting are woefully misguided. According to David, some of the
biggest myths about eating are well-intentioned, yet contribute to
ever-increasing girth. Starting with one of the most widely believed myths,
"the best way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more," David
describes how people who attempt to follow that old advice so often end up
frustrated. As David points out, "What you eat is only half the equation of
good nutrition. How you eat is the other half."
David describes the eight universal metabolizers that have the biggest
effect on whether we gain or lose weight: relaxation, quality, awareness,
rhythm, pleasure, thought, story, the sacred. We don't overeat because we
lack willpower or put our metabolism into starvation mode, but when meals
are deficient in one of the eight universal metabolizers. Food eaten in an
anxious rush will trigger physiological stress responses that decrease our
calorie burning capacity at the same time as we lose the value of the
At a time when the benefits of meditation are being formally acknowledged,
it's refreshing to see a book that cites scientific sources that describe a
metabolic power of relaxation. I love the way Marc David includes
scientific research studies alongside case histories and exercises. Did you
know that your gut has a brain? The enteric nervous system in your body has
more nerve cells than your spinal column, at over one hundred million
neurons, and it moves through nightly 90 minute cycles as if it were
dreaming. Marc David asserts that the amazing differences between French
and American food habits and weights are that while the French eat
generally fattier foods, they slow down and savor long lunches as the
biggest meals of their days... while Americans eat on the run in a constant
state of stress.
THE SLOW DOWN DIET proposes something that seems almost too good to be
true... a way to savor meals and consistently lose weight doing so. By
simply being "awake at the plate" and not doing something distracting or
stressful while eating, but instead enjoying every moment of your meals...
David assures us that we can lose weight.
(8) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
NEW feature! Have you been thinking of joining the Spiritual Cinema
but wished you knew what kind of films would be mailed to you if you
joined? Now you can preview this month's selections online:
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
Now you can try a free demo of the most amazing computer meditation
biofeedback system ever. I feel like I'm in Shangri La in Wild Divine,
where I can build stairways with my breath, meditate to open doors, and
juggle balls with laughter. It's awesome!
3,700 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 77 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Spain and Israel.
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Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
Berkeley, CA 94707-7393
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