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RealityShifters News - March 2003
Create Your Best Life

Change Your Mind, Change the World

Cynthia Sue Larson

" If you do not change direction,
you may end up where you are heading."
~ Lao-Tzu

While visiting Los Angeles this February, I found myself on a freeway that branched off to other freeways without offering the street exit I needed. I felt increasingly anxious to be traveling at high speed on unfamiliar highways with no apparent way to exit to surface streets. As each new exit showed itself to be yet another freeway, my anxiety turned to panic. As soon as I noticed I was panicking, I thought to myself, "There must be another way to get where I'm going," and began to change my mental state from panic to calm as I realized I could circle my destination by choosing freeways that took me in the general direction I needed to go. Simply knowing that I was able to change direction was all I needed to give me hope. A few minutes later, I was greatly relieved when I found a street exit that landed me fairly close to where I wanted to be.

Harry Houdini with his mother in 1907

For those times when you need a new direction and can't afford to go in circles for a little while, you can rely on inspiration. Harry Houdini (Erich Weiss) learned this lesson on June 17, 1913, the day he performed an underwater escape from a trunk dropped into in an ice-covered river. Houdini broke free from the trunk and swam into the ice-cold water... where he realized he couldn't find his escape hole in the ice! He located an air pocket to breathe from, but could not tell which way to go to get out of the freezing cold water. The ice was too thick for him to break through, and he was rapidly losing strength as the frigid water chilled his body to the bone. Just as he began to think this would be his last performance, he heard his mother's voice calling his given name, "Erich!" He followed the direction of her voice to find his way directly to the hole! When he got home to his hotel, Houdini received a telegram saying his mother passed away while he was in the icy river. While Houdini was devastated by his mother's death, he never forgot how she seemed to have been with him when he was most in need of help. "If God in his greatness ever sent an angel on earth in human form," wrote Houdini, "it was my mother."

Could you benefit from taking a new direction in your life? Ask yourself if there is anything you view from a negative or fearful perspective, or if you have a dream you fear is impossible to achieve. Tell yourself that things are getting better all the time, and even seemingly impossible situations can turn around. After all, when you change your mind, you change the world.

Cynthia Sue Larson

In This Issue:

(1) Upcoming Events
(2) Intriguing Articles
(3) Your Reality Shift Stories
(4) Reality Shifting Q & A
(5) Reality Shifters Award Winner
(6) Books That Shift Your Reality
(7) Join in the Discussion
(8) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines

(1) Upcoming Events

CONTACT Talk Radio Show
Listen LIVE online!
April 2, 2003 10:00 - 11:00 am PST

Stonehouse Bookstore
Kirkland, Washington
4/5/03 2-3:30 pm
Enhance Your Aura Talk

Stonehouse Bookstore
Kirkland, Washington
4/6/03 10 am - 5 pm
Enhance Your Aura Workshop

East West Bookshop of Seattle
Seattle, Washington
4/7/03 7-8:30 pm
Enhance Your Aura Talk

Berkeley Psychic Institute
Berkeley, California
4/13/03 7:30 - 9:30
Shift Your Reality Talk

California Society for Psychical Study
Berkeley, California
4/15/03 7:30 - 9:30
Auric Cords & Membranes Talk

Schedule an Event with Cynthia!
If your organization or association is interested in having me give a talk or seminar on the subject of how to transform from an "accidental manifestor" into a conscious creator, and how to get the most of the top ten things your aura does for you, please let me know! Email me at: My schedule of events for 2003 is posted online at:

(2) Intriguing Articles

University of Michigan News Service
by Diane Swanbrow
In this study, people who reported providing no help to others were more than twice as likely to die as people who helped others.

by Dr. Effie Poy Yew Chow
Congress presented Qigong as one answer to the exorbitant cost of American health care, and a possible solution to challenges that face Western medicine in treating chronic degenerative conditions.

by Ed Sherwood
Possible signs are seen of a psycho-spiritual 'source' behind non-manmade crop circle creation at a place called 'Gog Magog'

(3) Your Reality Shift Stories

Pueblo, Colorado

I have a lovely ceramic lidded box that I keep in the medicine cabinet over my bathroom sink. One day I dropped the lid and watched it begin to fall towards the sink. As I thought, "I don't want it to break," I watched the lid move horizontally through the air and then fall straight down onto a towel. It wasn't even chipped!

The reality shift that occurred was NOT that the lid moved horizontally through the air. The true reality shift is that I thought in a way that I do not recall thinking before. My normal thought would have been, "Oh no, it's going to break!" With that thought in place, I would have experienced a broken lid. My world, my reality is always and only a reflection of my thoughts and beliefs.


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Bradenton, Florida

About three months ago, I was taking my usual route down a six lane highway on my drive home. That street is heavily traveled, lined with assorted businesses, and often backed-up with afternoon rush hour traffic.

As I drove home, I noticed an unusually large mobile home park on the East side of the highway. I saw people outside of the park, and noticed that the mobile homes appeared to be about 20 years old or more. I noticed the sign at the entrance of the mobile home park and kept thinking, "I know there was a large auto dealership there... or at least I think there was." I wondered if this might be a reality shift, and resolved to take the same route to work the next morning to verify my "sighting."

The next morning, the very large auto dealership was back, and there was no sign of mobile home park at all. The more I think of this event, it would seem to be a time-reality shift. In any case, it was very encouraging for me to notice this shift. I often pay attention to that dealership when I drive by, thinking of the possibilities in other areas of life. More to the point, I would hope for a reality shift when it comes to world conflicts.

Pueblo, Colorado

One day some trees spoke to me. I was terrified, because hearing the trees brought up past life memories of being killed for witchcraft. After two years of working through this fear, I could communicate with a tree again. As I began to communicate with all plants, animals and aspects of nature, trees were my counselors and teachers.

One day I was talking to some cedar trees outside of Westcliffe, Colorado that had "died" in a forest fire. Only their rotting trunks remained. The Cedar trees told me, "There is no difference between form and formlessness. If you truly understood this, you would be able to manifest and unmanifest in the blink of an eye." They also told me that my problem was that I didn't believe I was God. I was pretty sure that the non-physical was God, but I didn't believe that I or anything in form was God. That's why I needed to understand that there is no difference between form and formlessness. I asked for help to learn this, and was told I wasn't ready. Then the tree said, "A good exercise for you to practice this would be to bring us back to the area". I was puzzled about how I was supposed to accomplish this, and suggested to Lauren, my husband at that time, that we plant some saplings. He disagreed, saying it would take longer than our lifetime for the trees to reach an appreciable size. Since I couldn't think of any other method, I invited the cedars to return.

Some months later, I performed a ceremony on our property that resulted in a dramatic change. Lauren remarked that it felt tropical like we were in Hawaii, and stopped to point out some cedars we had never seen before. We weren't able to determine if they were actually on our property or our neighbor's. This meant to me that even though I managed to manifest a few cedars, they were at the edge of my consciousness and might disappear at any time. I showed them to a friend who had been to our property several times, and my friend agreed that there had previously been no living cedars there. I was not surprised that when we found the cedars, they seemed to have moved slightly - but were still close enough to the property line to make ownership questionable.

At least a year later, Lauren ran up to me excitedly and told me to follow him. He turned and started running toward a tree growing in the middle of a field. I thought to myself, "That's strange, there aren't any trees on this side of the road." Then we reached the tree, and of course, it was a cedar tree. It seemed to be located very close to the center of our property. I haven't been back there in almost two years, and I'm wondering if there will be a whole grove when I return!

(4) Reality Shifters Q & A

Q: Hi Cynthia. How do you cope with the pressure of having so much power? What is your method?

A: We are very powerful spiritual beings. My means for coping with this knowledge is daily prayer/meditation and an on-going and deeply heart-felt intention that I am contributing to making things the best they can be.

-- Cynthia

(5) Reality Shifters Award Winner

I am proud to announce this month's wonderful winner of the Reality Shifting Award, for recognition of web sites which demonstrate consistent excellence in content and design, while helping people shift their reality in a positive direction:

Changing the face of health

(6) Books that Shift Your Reality

Here are some books that will give you nourishing food for thought as they change your life for the better! Every time you click through these links before making purchases at, you help offset the costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some of my favorite books at:

The Future of Love

The Future of Love
by Daphne Rose Kingma

Failure is Impossible in Love -- Because Love is Who You Are

Daphne Rose Kingma's book, THE FUTURE OF LOVE is a literary masterpiece. With compassionate words and crystal-clear logic, Kingma explains why failure in love is actually impossible -- because love is who you are. Every relationship you have ever had has been part of your life for a very good reason, and when you examine your life with compassionate eyes, you can see how perfectly orchestrated everything has been. "We stretch, and to our amazement we don't break. Instead, we grow. Suddenly, everything becomes easier, and our hearts, which once we believed could love only one person, or were battered so badly we thought they could never love again, expand so fully that the whole world is welcome." This spiritual book provides amazing insights, regardless which of the seven stages of love you may currently find yourself in (Romance, Commitment, Crisis, Ordeal, Chaos, Surrender, Transformation). One thing is certain after you've read this book -- your view of the meaning of love will be permanently transformed.

Nothing is Impossible

Nothing is Impossible:
Reflections on a New Life
by Christopher Reeve

A Restorative Tonic of Hope and Compassion

In NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, Christopher Reeve describes his life after becoming paralyzed from a fall off a horse. He awakened every morning, "to emerge from the dreams in which I'm completely healthy and able to do anything and adjust to the reality of paralysis." As Reeve learned to find humor in everyday life as a way to cope with his anger, his family, friends, and medical care-givers helped him maintain a regular program of physical exercise. Because he believed it was possible to recover his health and he never gave up a regular exercise program, he was able to shock his doctors one day by wiggling his fingers! While he has not yet freed himself from his wheelchair, the fact that Reeve is regaining motor control below his neck provides hope to people everywhere. I was profoundly moved by NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, because Reeve so clearly conveys the importance of cultivating compassion; when we feel and respond to the needs of others, there is hope for us all. When Reeve writes, "It is impossible to legislate compassion, yet that is what is needed most," he explains how it is possible for people to rise above any challenge by helping one another. Reeve's message of hope and compassion is truly a restorative tonic for our times.

(6) Join in the Discussion
    Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:

(7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines

The Family Friendly Fun site is full of fun and special needs resources to enhance the quality and enjoyment of life with special needs family members.

This weekly e-mail magazine is for people seeking encouragement and fresh perspectives. Our intent is to inspire through motivational stories, poems and uplifting quotes, while balanced with lighthearted humor, historic wonders, interesting news and helpful tips on relationship skills, health issues, world travel and more.

The Success Talk Channel is now the largest audio broadcaster of personal and professional development on the internet, with twenty-two branded empowerment channels, over seventy talk shows, and eight hundred hours of archived content.

Ready for a breakthrough?'s free ebook, "Inner Medicine" contains new character improvement discoveries, powerful exercises, innovations in sacred geometry, and a range of interesting articles.

3,400 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 58 different countries around the world -- with the majority in the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa, New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Mexico, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines, Japan, Norway, Ireland, and Israel.

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