(5) Reality Shifters Q & A
Hi Cynthia,
Can you give me guidance on how to make my aura stronger? I am currently
having Reiki performed for medical purposes, but am going to start studying
and hopefully be attuned soon. Do you have any suggestions?
-- Kathy
A: Dear
Reiki is a wonderful tool for strengthening your aura!
It is also beneficial to do four steps of setting protection as well.
These steps are:
(1) GROUND -- visualize a grounding cord running from the base of your
spine to the center of the earth. Imagine that all your worries
down, down, down and away from you. Let go of all energy that
isn't yours... and all your concerns about the past. As you ground,
also intend that your crown chakra is connected to divine energy
from above... so that all extraneous energies will get washed
right through you as the divine energy flows down through you,
on down to the ground.
(2) SET YOUR AURIC BOUNDARY -- stretch your arms out around you,
with the intention that you are setting an impermeable shield
yourself. Just like spaceships have tough outer shells, so can you!
Only allow unconditional love to reach you. This is sometimes
called "sealing the aura."
(3) CUT ENERGY CORDS -- sever the cords that connect you to those
who have hooked into you in ways that have made you feel not-so-
good. Use your hands to clap in front of you, and move one hand
toward you and the other toward whoever hooked into your energy...
bringing healing to you both.
(4) CALL ON ARCHANGELS -- archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel,
and Uriel will set protection around you and your surroundings,
and can handle even the toughest situations... keeping your
energy in great shape so you'll feel a lot better and have better
luck, too.
lots of love,
-- Cynthia
(6) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to announce this month's winner of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of demonstrating consistent
excellence in web site content and design, while helping
people shift their reality in a positive direction:
Alternative Science
Explore an alternative view of scientific discovery
by¾controversial writer, broadcaster and journalist¾Richard
(7) Reviews that Shift Your
Here is something that will give you nourishing
food for
thought! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at Amazon.com, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at:

What the Bleep Do We Know!?
by William Arntz, Betsy Chasse, Mark Vicente
A Film for Those with Open Minds Who Seek Better
"What the #$*! Do We Know!?" is a new kind of spiritual
film, which fuses a documentary montage style with the unfolding of a
dramatic story and amazing animation. BLEEP takes the viewer on a
thrilling tour of the boundaries of what we know, while introducing us to
some of the newest concepts in the field of consciousness. Is it possible
that words and ideas can change the very quality of physical matter? Do we
really have an infinite range of choices available to us at any given
moment? Is it possible that there are things right in front of us that are
invisible to us until other people start to see them? BLEEP raises these
questions and many more, and provides scintillating answers that raise even
more intriguing questions. Indeed, the best way for us to learn what is
really going on is to ask better questions... and watching "What the
#$*! Do We Know!?" is one of the best ways to start asking better
"What the #$*! Do We Know!?" tells the story of Amanda, played by
Oscar-winning actress Marlee Matlin, who feels like her whole world as she
knew it is coming undone, to be replaced by something strange, unknown, and
new. Amanda's attitudes and assumptions expand dramatically through
extraordinary dreams and remarkable encounters in waking life. Interwoven
in the story of Amanda's awakening to fuller realization are documentary
clips with fourteen mystics and scientists. These interviews provide a
delightful counterpoint to what is happening to Amanda as she considers how
she is more in charge of her life and better connected to everyone and
everything else than she previously would have believed. When Amanda is
given a photographic assignment that requires her to face painful memories
from her past, she discovers new ways to view her experiences and a bigger
sense of herself that allows her to gain strength, courage and inspiration
at a time when she might otherwise have felt sad, small, and defeated.
Amanda brings us on our own journey of self-discovery, as we wonder how we
might reframe painful memories into life stories that reflect our more
heroic, loving nature.
"What the #$*! Do We Know!?" brings about positive life changes for
viewers, because it presents a framework for how to reclaim mental,
physical and spiritual health even in the most difficult times. "What
the #$*! Do We Know!?" is the perfect film for everyone who has an open
mind and would like to ask more interesting questions... in order to
discover more interesting answers.

The Hidden Messages in Water
by Masaru Emoto
Dramatic Photos of Effects of Thoughts on
THE HIDDEN MESSAGES IN WATER is packed with photographs of
water droplets which have been frozen for two hours and magnified 200 to
500 times. These large, glossy photos look something like snowflakes, where
no two images are identical -- yet certain patterns become immediately
Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto describes in this book how his original
quest to depict the natural beauty of water led him to discover that clean,
pure water from natural unpolluted sources looks much more brilliant in
color and more symmetrical in shape than chemically treated or polluted
water. This assertion is made abundantly clear when one views the various
images in this book and sees for oneself how chemically treated water
crystals appear dark and misshapen while clean water appears bright and
jewel- like. Emoto could have stopped his research there and still had an
amazing book, but he continued his ground-breaking research to experiment
with treating water with a variety of phrases, music, and prayer -- showing
how our words, thoughts, and feelings have a visceral effect on water.
This extraordinary book is a must for anyone who wishes to see for
themselves what effect pollution and stressful thoughts and feelings are
having on Earth's water -- and how we can change these effects with
meditation, prayer, healing words, and music. Since most of our bodies and
most of the surface of the Earth is made of water, THE HIDDEN MESSAGES IN
WATER has tremendous significance for us all.

Soul Bared
A Metaphysical Journey
by David L. Oakford
Experience the Agony & Ecstasy of a Near Death
SOUL BARED tells the heart-wrenching tale of one man's near
death experience in 1979. Author David Oakford set his pride aside to
describe every aspect of his experience, including the not-so-flattering
descriptions of how he came so close to death through a drug overdose. As
each gland and organ in his body shut down, one by one, he could hear and
see how it's song and rhythm stilled to silence... until all that remained
was an eerie silence. Oakford's attention next turned to his immediate
surroundings, and how he was confused to find that although he could move
about, running was difficult... and although he could see and hear things,
he could not see his reflection in a mirror and nobody seemed to hear him
even when he shrieked and cried.
SOUL BARED really takes off when Oakford meets his guardian angel, who he
calls Bob. Bob helped to explain the meaning of the colored auras that
Oakford saw around everyone and everything, describing how each person's
aura is useful in viewing to see how much and what kind of work needs to be
done for that person's best development. The more brilliant the color, the
higher the vibration. Bob went on to describe elemental energy beings, dark
souls, the spirit of Gaia and beings of higher vibration, as Oakford looked
around at the world through new eyes. The chapters in which Oakford
describes meeting a group of angelic spirits are extraordinary for their
clarity, as Oakford describes the choice he was given before returning to
his body and resuming his life.
I am deeply moved by SOUL BARED, as it inspires me to live up my true
spiritual nature and original purpose on Gaia at this time. Readers who
have had near death experiences will especially love this book, as it's the
next best thing to feeling all the agony and ecstasy of a near death
experience. I give this book my highest recommendation.

A Hidden Order
Uncover Your Life's Designs
by Winter Robinson
Discover the Joy of Your Authentic Self
A HIDDEN ORDER helps you find your core essence, while
discovering the path of least resistance and maximum joy in your life.
Author Winter Robinson provides exercises and shares fascinating real-life
stories to help us better understand how beautifully all the aspects of our
lives come together when we practice listening to intuition and reading the
more subtle road signs in life. The hidden order Robinson describes "is
rapidly making itself known, suggesting to every one of us that there is
spiritual evolution going on; that we have the potential to rid the world
of fear, confusion, chaos, and greed and bring humankind into harmony with
nature and the cosmos." Much of the confusion in the world can be cleared
when we take time to meditate, feel the energies all around us, and discern
the difference between what we truly need and what we may have thought we
A HIDDEN ORDER is written in two main sections; the first section
introduces stories from Robinson's life, basic principles related to the
hidden order, ideas about health and love and death, and chapters on
manifesting with creative power and experiencing a shared consciousness.
The second section contains chapters with master practices for dealing with
ego and beliefs, quieting the mind, understanding dreams, and setting
What I love best about A HIDDEN ORDER are the stories that Robinson shares
from her fascinating life. I also love the way she includes references to
relevant studies and research throughout her book, and the way her book
provides a such a wonderful way to discover the joys of seeing and
understanding life's hidden order and grand designs!
(8) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Would You Like To Be Entertained AND Inspired? Never before has it been so
easy to get your own copies of the spiritual movies and new films that
you're unlikely so see anywhere else. Start a spiritual cinema movie night
with friends!
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
Now you can try a free demo of the most amazing computer meditation
biofeedback system ever. I feel like I'm in Shangri La in Wild Divine,
where I can build stairways with my breath, meditate to open doors, and
juggle balls with laughter. It's awesome!
3,700 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 77 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
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Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
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