(5) Reality Shifters Q & A
Q: This (alive
again) topic raises a whole bunch of questions
for me about the nature of 'spirit' and its often-claimed
- If Jane Goodall 'was' dead, and then suddenly alive 'again'.
What happened to her *spirit* in the 'between time' when
she was still dead?
- When Goodall was suddenly 'not dead', she doubtless found
herself with a complete set of memories of what she did
in the 'missing' time. For her, she was physically 'never
- Do those memories ring 'false' for Goodall? How complete
are they?
- Does her 'spirit' know that she skipped over some 'dead'
time? Or does the 'timelessness' of spirit make the
experience seem continuous?
- Did the spirit experience what would be perceived as an
'out of body' experience once she returned to her 'alive
again' body?
Try to picture dying, complete with the attendant release of spirit,
perhaps into a spiritual plane (heaven?) and then suddenly being back in
the flesh. Would it be a variation on incarnation? And would the spirit
have the same choice as when it chose a life/body to be born into?
Is it necessarily even the same spirit? A walk-in?
Lots to think about.....
- Charles
A: The
experience of being dead and then alive again is possibly very similar to
the experience of being in a reality in which nothing was ever noticed to
be different. I've often asked people if they recall the "other reality"
and found that most people just know of one reality, and have no knowledge
of things ever having been different. The only people who I've found to
notice that there was more than one reality are typically acting as
witnesses to reality shifts -- and the times when there was a person
involved in the reality shift itself (such as a person who entered a room
more than once but felt they only entered the room once), they are
completely clueless that anything unusual has occurred.
It seems that to the person who was "dead" in one reality, from their point
of view, nothing different ever happened. As far as they know, they've
always been alive (at least in the reality in which they're still alive).
I've yet to interview someone I've noted to be dead who is now alive
again... this is an area that will benefit from further research!
-- Cynthia
(6) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to announce this month's winner of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of demonstrating consistent
excellence in web site content and design, while helping
people shift their reality in a positive direction:
Foundation for Mind-Being Research
a learning community of scientists, philosophers, artists,
who are discovering and legitimizing new conceptions of truth.
(7) Books & CDs that Shift Your
Here are some books and CDs that will give you nourishing
food for
as they change your life for the better! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at Amazon.com, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at:

A Journey Into Prayer
Pioneers of Prayer in the Laboratory - Agents of Science or
by Bill Sweet
The High Cost and High Value of Prayer
Bill Sweet presents a fascinating behind-the-scenes account
of Spindrift prayer researchers Bruce and John Klingbeil in A JOURNEY INTO
PRAYER. Facing criticism from both religious zealots and skeptics, the
father-son research team nevertheless managed to live their dream of making
significant contributions toward a better understanding of how prayer
works. A detailed appendix contains highlights from decades of Spindrift
laboratory experiments into goal-directed and non-goal-directed prayer, and
is a wonderful starting point for readers wishing to know how their
research was conducted.
Spindrift experimented with people praying for yeast cells, mung beans, and
other living organisms by observing how these organisms were benefited by
prayer. The Spindrift research was interpreted by some to be evil, and the
Klingbeils were ostracized and ridiculed for daring to scientifically show
effects of prayer in the laboratory. A JOURNEY INTO PRAYER looks at the
hardships the Klingbeils faced as they continued their prayer research even
when their church began the excommunication process, and all the way up to
their last days of life, just prior to their suicides. Why would Bruce and
John kill themselves when they were just about to enjoy some well-deserved
time off? This question and others related to their mysterious deaths are
left to the reader to contemplate, following a detailed description of the
days and weeks preceding the suicides.
What I love most about reading A JOURNEY INTO PRAYER is feeling a sense of
being intimately involved in the lives of Bruce and John Klingbeil as they
threw themselves fully into their prayer research, even when people
misunderstood and misjudged them. A JOURNEY INTO PRAYER is a must read for
anyone interested in an unflinching description of the high cost and high
value of prayer research -- or who'd enjoy reading a real-life version of
the Spiritual X-Files.

When You Reach the End of Your Rope...
Let Go!
by Geoffrey Rose
Excellent Guide to Emotional Self-Healing
describes simple yet powerful methods you can use to locate
and transform your self-sabotaging beliefs. With a rare
combination of refreshing candor, sparkling humor and gentle
wisdom, author Geoffrey Rose describes how he embarked on a
most remarkable journey from anxiety, depression, and low
self esteem to relaxed confidence and joy. While extensive
training in psychotherapy sessions had offered useful
insights, Geoffrey noted that progress had been slow...
especially compared with the rapid improvement possible
through an alternative method of finding self-sabotaging
beliefs through Kinesiological (muscle) testing. Old
traumas have the power to become negative beliefs about
ourselves, so there is tremendous relief when we learn how
to begin expressing long-suppressed thoughts and feelings.
very simple Kinesiological self-test which can be used with
a self-testing outline to guide you through your self-healing
treatment. If you'd prefer a different method, Rose offers
two more: a Chinese Five-Element review, and a basic life
category approach. WHEN YOU REACH THE END OF YOUR ROPE...
LET GO! stands out as a beacon of hope in the darkness, to
guide you through rough emotional seas. It's rare to find
a book this well-written that successfully conveys practical
methods for emotional self-healing that really work. This
beautifully written book is as much fun to read as it is
life-enhancing; I give it my highest recommendation!
(8) Join in the Discussion
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like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions
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(9) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Study astral travel and psychic self-defense with Robert Bruce
at Feathered Pipe, surrounded by Montana's natural splendor.
View retropsychokinesis experiments online, read research
papers on retrocausality, and read interviews with scientists.
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
Alijandra is teaching a two-day workshop June 12-13
to completely shift ourselves into a more completely aligned,
healthy, higher frequency essence expressing in our human form.
Take a quantum leap over to visit Fred Alan Wolf in cyberspace.
Read fascinating papers, learn amazing things, and ask a question!
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countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
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