(5) Reality Shifters Q & A
Q: This happens
all the time with my husband (a situation in which we
disagree about what had just happened -- to the point that
both of us are 100% totally convinced that two completely
different things have just happened). He believes that his memory is
perfect so it can be very frustrating at times. Before I became so aware of
shifting timelines/realities, I thought
that these differing accounts of past events had to do with each
person's particular perspective of reality- that we each
interpret/see events differently. But too many of these memories,
especially recent memories, are too different to be explained away like
The frustration for me comes in when one person is open to the idea of
shifting realities and the other isn't. Does anyone have any advice on how
to handle this situation so that arguements don't develop? Just ignore the
differences? Agree with the other person's account?
- Jen
A: There are few
things more frustrating than encountering a situation in which the person
you are talking with does not acknowledge the possibility that very
different memories can both be correct. People often have a sense of their
recollection being perfect, or at least very good... and it is almost
always easier to believe that any difference of opinion is clearly due to
the other person's faulty recollection. Rarely does it occur to people that
they may have encountered a reality shift in which there are two (or more)
different realities being experienced. There is a five-step process I
recommend you follow any time you are the one who notices that parallel
realities may have been encountered, and I share these steps in the paper
called "When Worlds Collide: How Parallel Realities Can Heal
Interpersonal Relationships," I recently co-authored with anthropologist
Anne Menne.
When you recognize that it's quite possible that you have encountered
parallel realities, and the person you are talking with is not grasping
this idea, the first step is being consciously aware that you may be
encountering parallel worlds. The next step is to find common ground... and
to do this, I recommend letting the other person know that you'd like to
reframe the discussion and step back from it to view things from a
different perspective that allows both of you to be right. Taking this
conversational tack provides an opportunity to share common ground, which
hopefully will be more appealing than continuing on with an argument about
who remembers things correctly. Once you've established this common sense
of shared intention, you may then take turns to say what you experienced,
and how you felt. When it's your turn to talk, use "I" statements that
describe how you feel... and when it's your turn to listen, don't
interrupt. Finally, consider that this entire situation may have presented
you both with something you can learn... some kind of deeper understanding
that could only have become known by experiencing this reality shift into
experiencing parallel worlds.
I hope this helps for the next time you encounter such a situation!
-- Cynthia
(6) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to announce this month's winner of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of demonstrating consistent
excellence in web site content and design, while helping
people shift their reality in a positive direction:
Lipstick Mystic
Jennifer Shepherd's mystical yet down-to-Earth web site is
as playful as it is practical!
(7) Reviews that Shift Your
Here is something that will give you nourishing
food for
thought! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at Amazon.com, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at:

The Yoga of Time Travel
by Fred Alan Wolf
The Best Time Travel Book Ever!
You can't find a more fascinating and delightful book about
the nature of time and reality than Fred Alan Wolf's YOGA OF TIME TRAVEL!
Chapter One alone is more than worth the price of the book, as it describes
how a yoga adept can overcome the five barriers to reaching the state of
egoless mind... which is what Wolf explains one needs to do in order to
travel through time without a time travel device. THE YOGA OF TIME TRAVEL
shares a compelling vision of the nature of time travel by combining
essential elements from yoga and physics with extraordinary clarity. Wolf
provides readers with the perfect blend of warmth, wit, and scientific
detail for readers to grasp such physical concepts as possibility waves,
probability waves and qubits. THE YOGA OF TIME TRAVEL is so provocative
that you'll want to read it more than once to comprehend the wonderful
world of time travel!
I was delighted to see how Wolf explains how the so-called time travel
paradoxes such as the "creativity paradox" and the "grandfather paradox"
can be completely resolved when considered in the context of parallel
universes. Wolf explains how time travel is no longer relegated to science
fiction, but is instead required by current models of the physical world,
which moves the burden of proof from defending the possibility of time
travel to proving there is any kind of law forbidding it.
THE YOGA OF TIME TRAVEL is surely destined to become a classic, as it
covers a topic that has never before been addressed with such insight and
elegance. I give this book my highest recommendation!
(8) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
Take a quantum leap over to visit Fred Alan Wolf in cyberspace.
Read fascinating papers, learn amazing things, and ask a question!
If you see just one film this year, make sure this is it! "What the
Bleep..." combines quantum physics,
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interviews with leading scientists and mystics. Check local showtimes for
this amazing film and bring a friend!
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Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
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