(5) Reality Shifters Q & A
Hi Cynthia -
Like your newsletter! About a year ago I had gotten a new boss and he was
out for blood... mine in particular. Generally, I don't know what I did to
provoke this. My stats are generally way above adverage. At that time, I
noticed that I feeling banged around energetically. It took me a bit of
time to source it out. He was a pentacostal so I figured he was trained in
spiritual warfare and I was the spirit being warred upon. Luckily, a friend
told me about a healer in North Carolina who was good a clearing people
particularly if they were recipients of abuse energetically. It turned out
that she did more than that but to make the a long story short, I had a
session with her one Saturday and the following Monday I went to work and
all the energetic banging stopped. Since then, I haven't had any problems
with him. Now there is more to that story than what I related here but
those are the high points. My energetic fields or aura have changed so
much so that I don't seem to have a lot of problem any more and in my job I
can have more than my fair share. I'm a building inspector. What has been
circling my brain since this experience and the clearing is 'what is the
meaning of karma?' If karma was a cause and effect, I don't know what was
my cause or effect was with this guy. If karma is immutable, then none of
this should have had any effect on our sour relationship. However, it
seems that if one changes the energy fields, 'karma' changes. So, is our
karma our energy field or aura? Could it be that simple?
A voice in the wilderness,
-- Eric
Dear Eric,
Thanks for sharing your story, and for asking what is the meaning of karma.
In my experience, karma is a learning tool... something which can be
through prayer and meditation, and yet something that if left uncleared
serve to help people examine life situations and simply "deal with it"
experiences. Since meditation and prayer can and do change the aura and
energy fields,
and since prayer and meditation can also be used to clear karma, it seems
to me that there is a strong connection between auras and karma.
lots of love,
-- Cynthia
(6) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to announce this month's winner of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of demonstrating consistent
excellence in web site content and design, while helping
people shift their reality in a positive direction:
Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Founded by internationally renowned anthropologist
Michael Harner with a three-fold mission to study, to teach, and to
preserve shamanism, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies has built a
reputation of consistency and dependability by providing reliable training
in Core Shamanism to interested learners worldwide.
(7) Reviews that Shift Your
Here is something that will give you nourishing
food for
thought! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at Amazon.com, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at: http://realityshifters.com/pages/reviews.html

Fundamentals of Hawaiian Mysticism
by Charlotte Berney
A Practical Handbook for Harnessing the Powers of Huna in
Your Life
that describes practical ways for harnessing the powers of Huna in your
life. Charlotte Berney details numerous interesting and useful exercises
for manifesting and creating improved balance in your life by working with
the basic principles of Huna, the spiritual and mystical teachings and
traditions of Hawaii. Berney describes how you can find lost things by
communicating with your basic self, and how you can arrange to meet your
soul mate by working with your high self. She shares some essential tips
for effective prayer that are bound to be helpful for everyone, and
outlines an extraordinarily powerful Hawaiian technique for manifesting
called the "Ha Rite". I love the sections of this book dedicated to
releasing all manner of negative energies in order to better live the most
fulfilling possible life, and appreciate the inclusion of so many clearly
explained techniques and exercises.

The Sacred Power of Huna
Spirituality and Shamanism in Hawaii
by Rima A. Morrell
Discover Life-Enhancing Truths in Ancient Hawaiian
THE SACRED POWER OF THE HUNA provides a wealth of scientific
and anthropological information in a delightfully engaging page-turner of a
book. Author Rima Morrell shares her own personal experiences with the ways
of Hawaiian kahuna along with her translations of ancient Hawaiian chants,
and shares some of the key similarities and differences between beliefs and
practices of Hawaiian kahunas and those of other ancient indigenous
peoples, such as the Hopi. Morrell explains how so much ancient Hawaiian
knowledge was kept secret for so long, as she brings us on her journey of
discovery. Morrell's juicy style of writing breathes fresh life into such
fascinating topics as fire walking, the death prayer, Hawaiian lunar
astrology, and shamanic power of the erotic Hawaiian hula dance. Most
importantly, Morrell describes the practical process by which we can each
create our reality by being aware of our high, middle and low selves. I
highly recommend this wonderful book to anyone interested in Hawaii,
shamanism, and spiritual growth!
(8) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Register for free conscious creation teleconferences at: http://www.cc-convergence.net/Teleconferences.htm
and view one of the most interesting flash presentations on conscious
creation at:
NEW feature! Have you been thinking of joining the Spiritual Cinema
but wished you knew what kind of films would be mailed to you if you
joined? Now you can preview this month's selections online:
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
NEW feature! NEW feature! Louise Hay and Barbara de Angelis have
changed the lives of millions of people. But did you know that each of
these remarkable women credits a book with changing her life? Join the
Transformational Book Circle and you will receive one book and one audio CD
each month:
Now you can try a free demo of the most amazing computer meditation
biofeedback system ever. I feel like I'm in Shangri La in Wild Divine,
where I can build stairways with my breath, meditate to open doors, and
juggle balls with laughter. It's awesome!
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