What Do Reality Shifts Feel Like?
by Cynthia Sue Larson
September 5, 2000

I recently received a letter from a friend, who mentioned his concern about how we can every truly be sure that a reality shift occurred. Sometimes, one person might remember events in a very different way than another... how can someone who has witnessed no shift ever come to appreciate or believe that reality has indeed shifted?

His letter stated in part:

The mention of my grandmother refers to the spontaneous remission of her liver cancer, in which my grandmother's liver cancer disappeared. The reference to the hot water knob was regarding my daughter's visit to his house, in which she noticed that the hot and cold knobs changed places at some point. My friend did not notice any such change, and doubted that such a reality shift could occur.

What I found most intriguing about my friend's question was the importance of communicating to those who have not experienced shifts in reality what this phenomenon feels like. Movies can help, and several recent films have touched on the reality shift phenomenon. I highly recommend the movie Frequency, starring Dennis Quaid, which tells the story of a father and son who communicate through time. When reality shifts occur in this movie, only the person or people who precipitated the shifts notice that anything has changed.

When I first experienced reality shifts, I was quite concerned that I might be confused about what I thought had just happened. I did not initially believe that a person could simply vanish as I looked at her, that keys could appear out of thin air, or that a sun dial sculpture could appear where it had not been before. These sorts of sudden changes seemed too bizarre to be real to me at first, and I felt a tremendous desire to disregard them.

There are times that I am not 100% certain about my perceptions, and wouldn't say with confidence that reality had shifted. I'm human, and I have times when I am tired and not able to pay close attention to my surroundings. One tell-tale signal to me that reality has shifted is that I'll get goose-bumps, or feel an overwhelming sense of awe. I conducted a survey in Spring of 2000 to determine how people typically feel when reality shifts, and discovered that many people feel the way I do when reality shifts. The Top 12 Emotional Reactions to Reality Shifts include curiosity, excitement, awe, happiness, and confusion as the five most common feelings people have when they witness reality shifts.

Just like the police detective son in the movie Frequency, I often find myself in the position of knowing that reality is different now than it was before. Unless I'm talking to others who have had similar experiences, or who have witnessed the reality shift with me, I can understand how people might be skeptical. Some of my favorite reality shifts have involved cases involving many witnesses. The very nature of reality shifts does not lend itself well to providing before and after proof that a shift has indeed occurred... yet those of us who have been along for the ride can feel the difference.


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