(4) Reality Shifters Q & A
Q: I have read
your website and many similar ones. One question which I find hard to
fathom is that people who have some type of psychotic personality (for
example, some people are paranoid and believe that some type of terrible
event will happen to them) seem to rarely produce that type of reality even
though they believe it whole-heartedly, and from their deepest being. How
is it that they do not produce the reality they believe to be true ?
-- Stephen
A: Hi, Stephen!
While belief is necessary for reality shifting, it's not the only thing
required. The most successful reality shifters work with unified bioenergy
fields and chakras -- so the beliefs are energized strongly and uniformly.
Since people suffering from psychoses tend to have unevenly aligned auras
and chakras, it's not too surprising that the realities they believe in
don't often come true.
-- Cynthia
(5) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to announce this month's wonderful winner
of the Reality Shifting Award, for recognition of web
sites which demonstrate consistent excellence in content
and design, while helping people shift their reality in
a positive direction:
Synchronicity and the Enfolded...
Featuring fascinating links and web wanderings
(6) Books that Shift Your
Here are some books that will give you nourishing food for
as they change your life for the better! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at Amazon.com, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at:

Becoming Me
A Story of Creation
by Martin Boroson & Christopher Gilvan-Cartwright
Recognizing God in Each of Us
BECOMING ME is a heart-warming picture book that tells the
story of creation from a very special vantage point -- that of the Creator.
I find myself drawn so fully into this story that I feel I am experiencing
what it is like to be God, in a universe where "nobody who knew that I
was... but I was." Vivid illustrations splash a riot of vibrant colors to
express the way spirit finds form in the physical world, as the words
transport me into the mind and very heart of God. The most precious gift of
BECOMING ME is summed up best in its pages: "Sometimes you realize that you
are me." This book has a message so priceless that I'll enjoy it with my
daughters for years to come... and keep long after they've grown up and
moved off on their own.

Summer with the Leprechauns
A True Story
by Tanis Helliwell
An Enchanting Tale from the Imaginal
SUMMER WITH THE LEPRECHAUNS tells the story of how Tanis
Helliwell met leprechauns while spending a summer in Ireland. If you
understand that beings from the "imaginal realm" are real, then what would
otherwise seem like complete fiction develops the rich hues and textures of
multi-dimensional consciousness. Much of SUMMER WITH THE LEPRECHAUNS
consists of dialogue between Tanis and the leprechauns. One leprechaun in
particular spends hour after hour describing the world of elementals, in
order to improve communication between humans and elementals. SUMMER WITH
THE LEPRECHAUNS is a truly delightful book that will help you open your
mind to new worlds and get you thinking about how magical this world really

Loving What Is
Four Questions That Can Change Your Life
by Byron Katie
Finding Peace in Who and Where You Are
Byron Katie's book, LOVING WHAT IS, provides an
easy-to-grasp key to finding peace where you are, right now -- no matter
what is going on in your life. While many coaches and therapists advocate
acceptance as being the key to overcoming destructive inner negative
self-talk, few have so clearly delineated a method for people to achieve
this healing state of being. Katie's premise is that your beliefs are what
cause you the most pain and suffering, and that by carefully reviewing
those beliefs, you can more easily differentiate the things you can change
from those you must learn to accept as they are. LOVING WHAT IS describes a
simple technique for reviewing and revising your beliefs with a
four-question technique that cuts to the core of what is really troubling
you. Like a wise grandmother, Katie shows how she lovingly soothes those
she assists in transcripts of sessions in which she helps people take a
look at whether their beliefs are true... whether they can absolutely know
that those beliefs are true... how they react when they think those
thoughts... and who they would be if they didn't believe those thoughts.
While emotions such as fear and anger may take time to transform into peace
and joy, LOVING WHAT IS provides an excellent road-map to a more peaceful
and enjoyable life for anyone who is ready to chart a new course.

Change Your Aura, Change Your Life
A Step-by-Step Guide to Unfolding Your Spiritual Power
by Barbara Y. Martin
How Your Energy Field Can Improve Your
CHANGE YOUR AURA, CHANGE YOUR LIFE is a gem of a book that
shows in words and pictures how you can turn your life around by
transforming your inner light, or aura. What makes this book truly
priceless are the full-color illustrations depicting a variety of mental
and emotional states -- and the transformations that occur when people
practice meditation. Author Barbara Martin demonstrates her clear
comprehension of the aura by sharing personal experiences of aura viewing,
along with helpful meditations for achieving personal goals (such as
improved health and prosperity). As Martin says so eloquently, "You are the
aura you radiate." Whether you can currently see auras or not, CHANGE YOUR
AURA, CHANGE YOUR LIFE can help you attract positive life experiences
through simple visualizations and meditations.
(7) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(8) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Read articles about the new children that are packed with
useful information in this exciting new magazine.
"One who . . is dedicated to the life of spiritual growth
and values, and to their teaching to others." -- Alice Bailey
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
A thinking enhancement philosophy for personal development and for business
that is universally applicable and easy to learn.
3,400 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 58 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, and Israel.
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Reprinted from RealityShifters News, a free ezine featuring
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reality. Subscribe at http://realityshifters.com/ and
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Would you like to share a reality shift story?
Send it to Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com
Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
Berkeley, CA 94707-7393
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