(4) Reality Shifters Q & A
Q: Do you think
I could change my current reality into one where I have millions of
-- Archie
A: Yes, you can
move into the possibility reality in which you have millions of dollars.
Changing your current reality to that other reality requires that you align
your total self with this new reality path. It's most likely to happen if
you truly have a need for those millions of dollars -- and in that case,
you need not be concerned about how it will come. Some things you can do
immediately to bring more prosperity in general into your life are:
* Feel deserving of receiving good things by doing good deeds
* Make a list of all the ways you feel prosperous
* Stay grounded and let go of worries
* Call on guidance/angels
* Write down memories of especially prosperous times in your life
-- Cynthia
(5) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to announce this month's wonderful winner
of the Reality Shifting Award, for recognition of web
sites which demonstrate consistent excellence in content
and design, while helping people shift their reality in
a positive direction:
The Universal Empath 101
(6) Books that Shift Your
Here are some books that will give you nourishing food for
as they change your life for the better! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at Amazon.com, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at:

The Celestine Prophecy
by James Redfield
A Thrilling, Fast-Paced Spiritual
To start reading THE CELESTINE PROPHECY is to embark upon a
journey of the spirit and the imagination. Seldom has a book elicited such
deep emotional response and spiritual longing as does this fast-paced
adventure through the jungles and back roads of Peru. Nine key insights
into the meaning of life are revealed one at a time as the story unfolds,
with each one's meaning made clear in the context of the story. This
multi-dimensional book is rewarding on many levels. It tells a tale of
adventure, it presents ideas that have the power to reshape one's life, and
it transports readers to a higher state of awareness. From considering the
significance of increasingly common coincidences and synchronicities (the
first insight), to perceiving what had previously been considered an
invisible form of energy (the second insight), all the way to the
understanding that our increased perception and vibration will open us to
directly experiencing a Heaven that is already before us (the ninth
insight), this book keeps readers hungry for more.

Children Believe Everything You Say:
Creating Self-Esteem With Children
by Jennifer Day
This Little Book is PACKED with Great
Yes, it's true (although sometimes hard for parents to face)
-- CHILDREN BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SAY. You can help compensate for some of
the things you've said and later wished you hadn't by making good use of
the fun and truly usable exercises in this book! Children love stories, and
this book is packed with interesting folk tales that illustrate the
positive and help children understand the incredible depth and breadth of
human emotions. I was amazed at how engaging and fun all of the exercises
in this book are, even for older children. This priceless addition to your
book shelf can even provide you with tools for improving your own
self-esteem. After all, it's never too late for a happy childhood. Get
started today with this awesome book!

The Enneagram Made Easy
Discover the 9 Types of People
by Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele
A Refreshing Look at Nine Personality
If you've been meaning to figure out how the enneagram
personality typing system works, but felt intimidated by weighty tomes on
the subject, THE ENNEAGRAM MADE EASY is the book for you! Packed with
amusing cartoons that describe aspects of each enneagram personality type
on almost every page, this book provides the most interesting and
entertaining introduction to the enneagram anyone could hope for. A chapter
is devoted to each enneagram type, so you can fully explore: the
Perfectionist, the Helper, the Achiever, the Romantic, the Observer, the
Questioner, the Adventurer, the Asserter, and the Peacemaker. I love the
way THE ENNEAGRAM MADE EASY includes fascinating sub-sections in each
chapter such as: "What's Hard About Being a Four," "Typical Thoughts of a
Seven," and "How to Get Along With Me." These fun profiles make it easy to
spot one's friends, family members, co-workers and even oneself -- and to
find ways to make life easier. Whether you have never before studied the
Enneagram, or are intimately familiar with it, THE ENNEAGRAM MADE EASY is a
book you'll feel refreshed to refer to again and again. I highly recommend
(6) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
The web site of Alexis Brooks is a wonderful place to read interesting
articles and poems full of metaphysical insights. Join Alexis as she
explores insights, dreams, meaningful coincidences (synchronicities) and a
host of other nebulous encounters that we cannot explain yet which persist
in our lives.
Is your child highly aware? Deeply intuitive? Extremely sensitive?
Unusually imaginative?æThere are many different types of "highly aware"
children. They have a profound connection to humanity and a strong sense of
personal purpose. They are dynamic and creative. Some of them are
ultra-sensitive and can suffer from the intensity of their emotional
awareness. They often feel different or that they don't belong. Earthwalk
provides essential resources for highly aware children and families.
These tarot card readings can help guide you through your troubled emotions
and clouded thoughts, by offering a reflection of your past, present and
possible future and showing you a fresh perspective on your life.
The Global Spiritual Network sends free daily postings on health, healing,
spirituality, and global events.
Inner Bonding is a powerful six-step mind/body/spirit healing process that
will transform your life by teaching you to: Recognize your true worth;
Discover your passion and purpose in life; Take loving care of your heart,
mind, body, and spirit; Take responsibility for your own feelings of pain
and joy, safety and worth; and Create deeply satisfying and enduring love
You can be a published author! iUniverse, the leading independent
publisher, can get your book in print in about a month for a very
reasonable price.
Jane Roberts' SETH Docudrama is being planned through the New Awareness
Subscribe to one of the best ezines around for helping you make the most of
your life -- you really can make it heaven!
3,400 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 58 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, and Israel.
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reality. Subscribe at http://realityshifters.com/ and
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Would you like to share a reality shift story?
Send it to Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com
Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
Berkeley, CA 94707-7393
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