(4) Reality Shifters Q & A
Q: Hello
Is it possible to reality shift the type and texture of hair that you
-- Angie
A: Dear
Yes, it's possible! Success at this kind of reality shift is a matter of
intention (feeling how much you desire the outcome) and attention (focusing
your thoughts clearly on desired outcome... keeping thoughts on how
wonderful the change will be. Sharing your wish with another will also
definitely help. Naturally, who you choose to share your dream with makes a
huge difference. Those who see your dream and wish with all their hearts
for it to come true will help to energize your dream, and speed it's
manifestation. If you wish to find people to join you in a specific dream,
seek those who do believe such changes can happen (such as members of the
realityshifters discussion list).
I experienced this kind of reality shift several years ago when I was
admiring a photograph of a friend's sister, who had beautiful curly hair. I
said aloud, "I love her hair! I wish mine was naturally curly, and looked
like that!" Within a couple of months, I was astonished to find my hair
became naturally curly, just like the hair I'd seen in the photograph.
What's even more amazing is that I found out the that woman's hair also
became naturally curly at the exact same time my hair did -- and she'd had
her hair curled in that photo I saw. She also had been wishing her hair
could be naturally curly!
-- Cynthia
(5) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to announce this month's wonderful winner
of the Reality Shifting Award, for recognition of web
sites which demonstrate consistent excellence in content
and design, while helping people shift their reality in
a positive direction:
Eclectic Energies
Chakra test, I Ching, Mudras, Acupressure, Exercises, and
(6) Books that Shift Your
Here are some books that will give you nourishing food for
as they change your life for the better! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at Amazon.com, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at:

Aura Advantage:
How the Colors in Your Aura Can Help You Attain What You Desire and Attract
by Cynthia Sue Larson
Understanding Yourself as a Being of
"Aura Advantage is the finest book yet written
on the Aura and its ability to transform your life.
Cynthia Larson has written the 'Bible' of aura books.
It will be my personal reference book on this subject."
-- Donald Schnell, author of "The Initiation"
"I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to experience
intuitive knowing, greater vibrancy, and clearer purpose."
-- Lynn A. Robinson, author of "Compass of the Soul" and
"Divine Intuition"
"Cynthia Sue Larson has a precious gift to share with you --
an amazing ability to explain, expound, and to inspire others
in her writing about extraordinary experiences in her life.
Having the gift to enter sacred dimensions of experience
that were labeled imaginal by Henri Corbin, a noted writer
and Islamic scholar, she also clearly tells us about these
journeys in a manner lucid enough to instruct others on how
to reach them. In Aura Advantage, Ms. Larson explains all
about the aura -- that shining presence each of you has
surrounding you -- and what your aura tells about yourself.
By the time you finish this book, you, too, will know what
auras are, how to look for them, and be well on your way to
seeing them."
-- Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D., National Book Award-winning
author of "Taking the Quantum Leap", "The Spiritual
Universe", "Mind Into Matter", "Matter Into Feeling",
and many others

Karen Kimball & the Dream
by Cynthia Sue Larson
A Spiritual Story about Real Magic
"I would have loved to have had this empowering tool
several years ago. All children will love this novel and it is an excellent
way to introduce a child to the intuitive side of the mind and the power of
the heart."
-- Leslie Palacio, editor of "Children of the New Earth Magazine"
"I would recommend this book to kids who don't know what is happening to
them. We all have these gifts if we look inside our hearts and everyone can
learn some really good things from this book."
-- Dakota, age nine,
book reviewer for "Children of the New Earth Magazine"
Would you like a specially autographed copy of KAREN KIMBALL? Send payment
of $15.45 to Cynthia Sue Larson, P.O. Box 7393, Berkeley, CA
94707-7393 or order through the secure realityshifters "Shop" page at
Do you wish your public library carried KAREN KIMBALL?
There's a good
chance that it will, if you make a written request for it! Get your own
free copy of KAREN KIMBALL for each public library you successfully
convince to order a copy. Contact Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com
for details.

Understanding the Anomalously Sensitive Person
by David Ritchey
Demystifying Psychic Sensitivity
Finally -- a book has arrived that scientifically
the "sensitive"! For years, the general public has looked
askance at individuals with anomalous sensitivities, often
labeling them "crazy," since normal people don't see ghosts
or spirits, talk to trees, recall past lives, or claim to
influence the world with psychokinesis. Psychologists
examining such sensitives using traditional diagnostic
guidebooks, such as the DSM, have often been confused when
they've found these individuals are often diagnosable with
eight or more simultaneous valid psychological and medical
conditions! Clearly there is something more going on than
traditional psychology has understood. David Ritchey's THE
HISS OF THE ASP covers ten years of scientific research and
fifteen years of clinical psychological insights, as it
describes how many of the sensitivities of the Anomalously
Sensitive Person (ASP) can be objectively measured on a
Holistic Inventory of Stimulus Sensitivities (HISS). The
HISS test can be administered to determine what kind of
sensitivity a person has, and is included along with
detailed analyses of the variables being studied. While
THE HISS OF THE ASP is packed with details about
interpreting test scores, it keeps the reader awake with
amusing anecdotes and entertaining cartoons and quotes
throughout. THE HISS OF THE ASP will clearly be required
reading for all serious students of psychology, as it
clarifies centuries of confusion on the subject of how
best to understand and support anomalously sensitive

Exploring Chakras:
Awaken Your Untapped Energy
by Susan G. Shumsky
Quintessential Reference on Chakras
EXPLORING CHAKRAS firmly establishes itself as the
penultimate source on the subject of chakras, by providing an abundance of
quality information in a very organized and easy-to-read format. Author
Susan Shumsky studied for years with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his ashrams,
and her more than 21 years of working with chakras comes shining through.
Shumsky brings yogic wisdom together with western practicality in such a
way that every chapter overflows with delectable Sanskrit words, beautiful
illustrations, and tables. I found the description of secret yogic
practices to be especially fascinating. I highly recommend EXPLORING
CHAKRAS to any serious student of chakras; it's the quintessential
reference on the subject!
(7) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(8) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Read articles about the new children that are packed with
useful information in this exciting new magazine.
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
Unexplained Earth is an online journal of personal accounts
of exploring mysterious places and unexplained phenomena.
3,400 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 58 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, and Israel.
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Reprinted from RealityShifters News, a free ezine featuring
articles, stories, book reviews and websites for shifting
reality. Subscribe at http://realityshifters.com/ and
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Would you like to share a reality shift story?
Send it to Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com
Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
Berkeley, CA 94707-7393
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