(5) Reality Shifters Q & A
Hi Cynthia, Very funny thing happen to me, Yesterday after I read this
months news letter, I found some sun glasses in my car. I've asked my
friends, and no one seems to claim them. I'm going to ask the garage where
I took my car for an oil change. If it's not some one there, where did they
come from? The Realm of found things? Do you have any ideas? Love your
Thanks for the question about where the sunglasses may have come from.
If you find out that they weren't placed there when your car got an oil
then it could be they literally just appeared. While this sort of thing is
rare, it does occur. As to where these things come from... I don't think
knows for sure. Sometimes when items arrive out of thin air, they are
what we were looking for, and other times they are extremely unexpected.
Just yesterday, an object manifested out of thin air and landed on an aura
painting I was doing for a woman... and she saw the small crystal appear
and land right where I'd just painted her heart chakra. The appearance of
this crystal felt extremely special and relevant to what we'd just been
about, and the energy work we'd just done.
lots of love,
-- Cynthia
(6) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to announce this month's winner of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of demonstrating consistent
excellence in web site content and design, while helping
people shift their reality in a positive direction:
The Psychic Times
The Psychic Times online newspaper provides
up-to-the-minute news, articles, interviews and information on near death
experiences, psychic phenomenon, paranormal activity, and evidence of life
after death.
(7) Reviews that Shift Your
Here is something that will give you nourishing
food for
thought! Every time you click through
these links before making purchases at Amazon.com, you help offset the
costs of the realityshifters web site and ezine! This is true even if
you don't buy anything listed on the realityshifters site. You can see some
of my favorite books at: http://realityshifters.com/pages/reviews.html

The Biology of Belief
by Bruce Lipton
How the New Science of Epigenetics Links Mind &
Bruce Lipton's extraordinary book THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF is
destined to revolutionize the way we think about the effects our thoughts
have on our bodies at the cellular level. Lipton writes with enthusiasm,
warmth and passion about the role of the environment in regulating gene
activity, with the authority of having had decades of published scientific
papers which pre-date the official start of the brand new scientific field
of epigenetics.
Not only do our thoughts directly influence our health and well-being, but
we are probably unable to heal or succeed without them. Lipton states, "The
placebo effect should be the subject of major, funded research efforts. If
medical researchers could figure out how to leverage the placebo effect,
they would hand doctors an efficient, energy-based, side effect-free tool
to treat disease."
THE BIOLOGY OF BELIEF really shines when describing the relevance of
cutting-edge scientific findings to our daily lives. Lipton writes with
such sparkling, down-to-Earth words that it's a real pleasure to take them
fully and deeply to heart. And when we do, we can feel glad that the world
will no longer be the same.

The Power of Appreciation in Business
by Noelle C. Nelson
A Magic Bullet for Increasing Morale &
Most of us who've worked in the corporate world have
occasionally felt a slight sense of dread as we came to work to deal with
employee and customer complaints. If you heard there was a fast, cheap,
easy and effective management approach that takes stressful work situations
and transforms them into higher productivity and better morale... and is
especially powerful for dealing with conflicts... would you be interested?
Author Noelle Nelson provides an exceptionally clear technique for bringing
appreciation into the workplace, describing practical ideas managers can
put to work immediately for little to no additional cost in THE POWER OF
APPRECIATION IN BUSINESS. Nelson cites recent scientific research on the
effects of appreciation on the brain and the heart, and describes how
appreciation works to remove resistance while encouraging people to do
their very best. Best of all, Nelson includes step-by-step directions for
implementing these techniques in ways that have proven to be wildly
successful in businesses such as See's Candies, Ryder, and Southwest
Airlines. I love the way this book explodes many management myths, and
explains why so many corporate appreciation tools such as Employee of the
Month programs and customer satisfaction surveys so often prove to be
ineffective. THE POWER OF APPRECIATION is a powerful "magic bullet" that
may just be what your business needs to improve profitablity and morale at
the same time. Find out how good your business can get!
(8) Join in the Discussion
Do you have questions you'd like to ask, or reality shifting stories you'd
like to share? Have you read good books, seen intriguing movies, or found
a web site that relates to reality shifts? Contemplate the big questions
and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:
(9) Noteworthy Web Sites
This web site features some of the most beautiful spiritual jewelry I've
ever seen. Ka Gold Jewelry also has fascinating free articles about
spiritual symbols and sacred geometry which explain the advantages of
wearing jewelry designed according to these ancient principles.
Get Your First Month of Movies Free! For a limited time, you can see
Delivering Milo (starring Bridget Fonda, Campbell Scott and Albert Finney)
and a collection of shorts and documentaries for just the price of shipping
and handling.
Free tarot card readings can help guide you through your
troubled emotions and clouded thoughts.
NEW feature! NEW feature! Louise Hay and Barbara de Angelis have
changed the lives of millions of people. But did you know that each of
these remarkable women credits a book with changing her life? Join the
Transformational Book Circle and you will receive one book and one audio CD
each month:
Now you can try a free demo of the most amazing computer meditation
biofeedback system ever. I feel like I'm in Shangri La in Wild Divine,
where I can build stairways with my breath, meditate to open doors, and
juggle balls with laughter. It's awesome!
3,700 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 77 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, Denmark, Spain and Israel.
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Send it to Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com
Cynthia Sue Larson
P.O. Box 7393
Berkeley, CA 94707-7393
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