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Excellent Metaphysical
RealityShifters News - April
-- the realityshifters.com ezine --
Changing the Physical Universe With Our Thoughts and
Changing the World One Thought at a
What if you slept,
And what if, in your sleep you Dreamed?
And what if, in your Dream,
you went to heaven and there you plucked
a strange and beautiful flower?
And what if, when you awoke,
you had the flower in your hand?
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

I recently learned that a wonderful lady and research pioneer in
the field of distant healing, Elisabeth Targ, (daughter of Russell
Targ) was diagnosed on Friday, March 29th with astrocytoma, a
brain tumor. Elisabeth had surgery on April 5th. Please join me
today in sending very focused healing intentions for Elisabeth's
complete recovery. Elisabeth's friends have built a web site for
her at http://www.etarg.org/ where
you are invited to leave a
message for Elisabeth.
I've been doing lots of Spring cleaning at the realityshifters
web site, and am excited to bring you an entire new web page
of famous quotations! You'll find great quotes by Albert Einstein,
Richard Feynman, Mother Theresa, Joseph Campbell, Rainer Maria
Rilke and more at http://realityshifters.com/pages/quotes.html
I also am proud to present a newly redesigned list of books that
will shift your reality for the better. They are now organized into
sections, so it's a lot easier to find the kind of book you are
looking for. I hope you'll stop by and browse through these
literary gems at http://realityshifters.com/pages/reviews.html
Thanks to all of you who continue to share your stories about
reality shifts, both through this monthly newsletter and in the
realityshifters discussion group. My favorite way to learn new
things is from experience, and listening to the experiences of
others. Together, we change the world!
lots of love,
Cynthia Sue Larson
In This Issue:
(1) Intriguing Articles
(2) Your Reality Shift Stories
(3) Books That Shift Your Reality
(4) Join in the Discussion
(5) Reality Shifting Award Winners!
(6) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
(6) Upcoming Events
(1) Intriguing
The Scientific and Spiritual Implications of Psychic
by Russell Targ and Jane Katra
Have you ever wondered what spiritual healers, mystics, and scientists
have in common? Find the answer to this question and learn about how the
expanded awareness of mind-to-mind connections are entirely consistent with
life in a non-local world.
(2) Your Reality Shift
Northcote, Australia
Thanks for the very interesting newsletter. I really think
that one of the criteria that we unconsciously use to shift
reality and/or create miracles is an expectant state of mind,
as well as a strange feeling of bliss or comfort in a higher
intelligence. Somehow, whenever I've felt this deep within me,
special things happen. Just recently, I was standing at a
bookshelf trying to decide on what book to buy for a friend.
Knowing that she was artistic, I was at the appropriate section.
But there was a plethora of books to choose from. On that
occasion, I was able to go into that strange state of mind
where I just knew that I could be guided. I remember asking
for divine guidance and immediately, I heard the word "colour"
loud and clear from a conversation nearby. I looked up, and
there was a book on colours. I bought the book.
When my friend saw the book on colours, her eyes lit up. She
had once borrowed the same book from a library and had intended
to buy it for herself. I rather think the guidance worked so
well because the intent was selfless. I wonder, is there
really some divine intelligence watching over us, rather than
a set non-personal laws that people occasionally stumble upon
to manifest their desires?
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St. Louis, Missouri
One evening last month, a wonderful reality shift occurred
in the presence of my eleven year old son and myself. We
had gone to his bedroom to sit in his bed, beneath the
comforter to play his favorite game, "The Simpson's Trivia
Game" and wind down for the night. The game box is divided
into two sections when you take off the lid -- one, a large
section where the instructions, die, and about three hundred
game cards (similar to Trivial Pursuit cards) are kept. And
then one smaller section of the box where my son kept his
favorite card so that it wouldn't get mixed in with the rest
of the stack.
He was saving this particular card because it had a question
that read, "What real-life US city had Bart Simpson Day
declared January 26, 1993?" The answer was "San Francisco",
and because we had recently moved from San Francisco to the
Midwest much to my son's chagrin, anything that referenced
San Francisco as a "cool" city was to be acknowledged and kept
separate from the rest of the cards as some sort of proof or
testimony that no place on Earth would ever be as special as
San Francisco.
But that night, when we opened the box, this one card was not
there on the smaller side of the box that kept it apart from
the other playing cards. There wasn't much to go through in
the box, so we could only assume that this one card had gotten
mixed in with the rest of the stack. My son became mildly
accusatory: "Mom, you didn't put it away right last time."
I said nothing, knowing that he usually put the game away by
himself so I was likely not to blame. I asked him if he wanted
me to go through each of the cards looking for this one card
that must have gotten mixed in with the group. I picked up the
stack of cards and holding them in front of me, over my lap, I
began looking through each individual card in search of the one
he considered special. As I did this, my son continued to
reprimand me in regards to what he perceived as my carelessness.
After awhile of looking at the cards individually, I could tell
he was becoming more frustrated and so I suggested we just play
the game and that I'd have more time the next day to look
through each card and find the missing gem. I then returned
the stack of cards to their space inside the box from where we
draw from, and lo and behold, the card we had been searching for
was sitting right in my lap!
I had just had my gaze pointing downward and can assure you
that there was nothing in my lap prior to that. Just the blue
comforter that covered it. It was as though the card fell out
of the sky and landed there right at the moment I gave up.
I was amazed! I pointed this out to my son who confirmed that
nothing was there and that I had not separated any of the cards
from the deck even as I had fanned them out one at a time from
the bottom in search of this card. While I was astounded, my
son took this reality shift in stride. His matter-of-fact
response of "Yup, Mom, it wasn't there and then it was,"
reminded me that some people aren't all that surprised when
shifts occur in their favor. It was as though he maintains an
expectation that reality shifts can and do happen all the time
to remind us that our world is a comforting place.
Delhi, New York
It was all because of a baby bull named Beauregard. My
older brother (by one year), and I had witnessed his
birth. He was absolutely perfect. I fell in love with
him immediately. His mother wouldn't let anyone other
than me to come near and pet him, which made my
brother rather upset. Anyway, my father had forbidden
us to go near the pen and, of course, I disobeyed. (6
year olds cannot be trusted completely -- especially
when they are in love).
As he grew, Beauregard would stand by the fence,
bellowing until I picked him some flowers to eat and
scratch him behind his ears, much to the amusement of
the farm hands and my parents. My father said I had a
way with animals. He would let Beauregard out, and
that bull would follow me around like a puppy, he was
always gentle, always-careful not to hurt me.
Well, Beauregard rapidly grew into a VERY big bull.
One spring, my parents rented him out to "service" a
herd. When he came back, they pastured him way up in
back of the old barn. My father said he had changed
and was mean now; again I was forbidden to go see him.
Ummm, I never did listen too well.
The next day, we had inspectors come. my parents were
rather busy. As soon as I was sure I wouldn't be
missed, I lit out to see MY bull. (Strange, I can
almost feel that day all over again).
When I passed the old barn, I started gathering
flowers to feed him. He was staked out in the pasture,
a ring in his nose, tethered to a stake. I remember
being furious! Anyway, I put the flowers on the ground
at his feet, scratched him behind the ears for a
little bit, then I sat on the ground and kicked at the
stake over and over until it became loose. All the
while, he would nuzzle my back and chew on the
Just as I was trying to pull the stake out of the
ground, I heard my mother scream. She had come looking
for me and had just come around the corner of the old
barn. I knew I was really "in for it", so I started
running down the hill. I saw my father and the farm
hand come out of the barn -- up by the haymow.
I remember the pasture was full of beautiful; though
different flowers than what I were use to seeing. It
bothered me that I was crunching them with my feet. I
looked up in time to see my mother put her hand over
her mouth and turn her head. When I reached my mother,
I started apologizing for disobeying. She had an
incredulous look on her face and asked me how I did
that? I couldn't figure out what she was asking.
When I turned around to look back the way I had come,
I saw a brand new fence surrounding the pasture where
Beauregard was standing, bellowing for me. There were
three strands of barbed wire, the first closest to the
ground was up about two feet, the second about foot
above that and the third about foot above that.
Now, as they say, for the rest of the story. It was
the first part of April. The grass had just started
turning green; there were no flowers out yet.
I got my mouth washed out with soap for lying about
taking flowers up to Beauregard, and a spanking, and
sent to my room for the rest of the day. But I KNOW
what happened that day.
Things like this have plagued me all my life. So
many times, and I have always thought I was
'different". I've never been able to tell anyone --
mostly out of fear that I would be chastised again.
The only reason I started searching to find some clues
was one of my grand-daughters is showing signs; I
want to be there for her.
(3) Books & Films that Shift Your
Thank you for clicking through the realityshifters site
when you go to buy books at Amazon.com, which helps to
offset the costs of distributing this ezine and keeping
the realityshifters web site up and running. Check out
some of the most interesting books pertaining to reality
shifts at:
Three wonderful books are reviewed here this month:
LIKE ME by Stuart Smalley (Al Franken), BEYOND
by Brent Lee, and THE
ABUNDANCE BOOK by John Randolph
Price. The Stuart Smalley book may be challenging to
find in print, but it's well worth the effort!

I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, & Doggone It,
People Like Me
by Stuart Smalley (Al Franken)
This Book is Funny No Matter What Mood I'm
I keep this book right beside me in my home office,
so any time I need to get perspective on life I can open
it to some random page and read one of Stuart's daily
affirmations. Whether I'm in a good mood or feeling down,
this book always picks me up! Thanks to Stuart, I now know
that "I don't have to beat myself up", "I deserve good
things", and "I refuse to live from crisis to crisis"!
I have to keep reminding myself about that last one,
because my computer connection keeps dropping out as I
try to type this review.
I'M GOOD ENOUGH tells the story of how Stuart Smalley
(a caring nurturer and a member of several twelve step
programs, but not a licensed therapist) deals with his
inner critic and his dysfunctional family through the
pages of his daily journal. I won't give away the plot,
but will just give you a hint that there are lots of ups
and downs in Stuart's career and family which help him
grow in unexpected ways (such as the day when he notes
"This Time I Was in Bed for Only Five Days!")
If you ever need to laugh with love at life's foibles,
this is the book for you! OK -- I'm not saying you HAVE
to get this book, because then I would be telling you
what to do. You are in control of your own life, and
things are not black and white! So get this book if your
feelings about how you feel about it feel right. I think
you'll be glad you did!
Beyond Knowing
by Brent Lee
A Trusty Guide Shows the Way to Hidden Realms
BEYOND KNOWING's author, Brent Lee, is no stranger to
talking with spirits. Ever since he was a child, Brent
benefited from the compassionate guidance of spirits who
shared insights, amazing stories, and the occasional
smelly herbal potion with him. Brent Lee's clarity and
down-to-Earth practicality was clearly a great benefit
to him during the many years he worked as a counselor in
the US Navy, where he traveled the world and learned from
a variety of spiritual teachers. Brent shares both the
teachings of his spirit guides and the wisdom he learned
from people around the world in this fascinating overview
of our true spiritual nature.
Brent Lee includes a large number of useful exercises in
this book, after first presenting a historical overview
for each concept. These exercises can help you see your
spirit guides, identify your dream symbols, notice what
different levels of consciousness feel like, learn how to
communicate psychically through the dreamplane we all
share, discover how to enter the consciousness of others,
practice exploring your past, view possible outcomes of
the choices you make, connect with other forms of
consciousness, connect with your soul, and practice
I especially enjoy reading the stories Brent shares --
such as the times he played astral travel tag with a
friend of his. He could usually catch his friend, because
he did not share his friend's belief that it was impossible
to walk through furniture! Brent describes an earlier out-
of-body experience in which he walked half-way through his
closed bedroom door, when the thought ran through his mind
that he could not walk through solid objects. "Since I was
already half way through the door, I became imprisoned
within the door. For a moment, I felt fear: how was I
going to explain this predicament to my family? Then I
'got a grip' on myself and remembered that in my spirit
form, I am not limited by physical structures. With that
realization, I received a mild shock from the door as I
passed on through. In the same manner, you can pass through
solid objects in your conscious state or in your physical
body, or pass your hand through your 'solid' table. The
only limitation is the limitation of your own belief about
your own reality."
I recommend this book to those who are on a spiritual path
and would like to open their minds to new possibilities.
BEYOND KNOWING is an invigorating book that will help
clean out any beliefs you might be feeling limited by.
I am moved by its wisdom, touched by its honesty, inspired
by its integrity, and awed by its love. I give it my
highest recommendation, and look forward to reading more
wonderful books by Brent Lee!
The Abundance Book
by John Randolph Price
One of the Best Tools for Revising Your Beliefs About Money
Have you ever felt like you wouldn't have so many money
issues if only you could get out of your own way? More
precisely, have you noticed that possibly it's your core
beliefs about money that set you up for feeling the presence
or absence of it in your life? If so, you're fully primed for
This book is perfect for anyone who is willing to consider
the possibility that God (or divine spirit) exists fully and
completely within each and every one of us, and that there is
an innate energy of total prosperity implicit in this fact.
In other words, we are divine beings who deserve to live
prosperous, creative, inspired lives! If you can accept this
premise into your core beliefs, and devote 15 minutes of each
day for 40 days to writing down one of ten daily affirmations,
you will have completed the John Randolph Price's Prosperity
This purse-sized book will give you everything you need to
help you find the flow of money in your life, provided
(1) you are willing to accept the basic premise that divine
spirit is the source of money and resides within you, and
(2) you are disciplined enough to spend 15 minutes each day
meditating on the daily affirmations.
What I love most about working with this book and it's 40 day
prosperity plan is that I noticed beliefs changing inside me
that I didn't even know I had, until I started this program!
I love the way this book stays so positively focused on the
desired outcome that it blows away any inner critic or
negativity. It's awesome!
(4) Join in the Discussion
How do you manifest what you want in life? Share your ideas,
ask the big questions, and make new friends.
(5) Reality Shifting Award

I am proud to announce this month's winners of the Reality
Shifting Award, for recognition of web sites which
demonstrate consistent excellence in content and design,
while helping people shift their reality in a positive
Color Healing
Fire Through Spirit
(6) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Explore the fascinating concept of "mirror matter".
Eagle Hope makes a difference in the lives of young people,
by helping them build their self esteem.
Creative Manifesting is a metaphysical site dedicated to
sharing our stories of manifesting, deliberate attraction,
and metaphysical awareness as it relates to living our Divine
Life Purpose - in Absolute Harmony with Spirit's Will. Creative
Life coach answers your manifesting questions.
In Our Own Words (IOOW) is a research and communications
program with a vision of new possibilities focused on national
healing and global awakening. The IOOW typologic system
identifies eight groups of people within the U.S. population
over 18 years of age (Centered in a Material World, Disengaged
from Social Concerns, Ebracing Traditional Values, Cautious &
Conservative, Connecting through Self-Exploration, Persisting
Through Adversity, Seeking Community Transformation, Working
for a New Life of Wholeness).
Ascension Love Spirituality is a site on ascension,
fearlessness, healing, love, empowerment, personal growth and
spirituality with links, quotes, articles and an online book!
This site just might provide you with everything you could
want to know about alchemy. Featuring over 90 megabytes of
information on alchemy in all its facets, it is divided into
over 1,300 sections with tens of thousands of pages of text,
over 2,000 images, over 200 complete alchemical texts, extensive
bibliographical material on the printed books and manuscripts,
numerous articles, and introductory and general reference material
on alchemy.
(7) Upcoming Events
I'm looking forward to giving talks on "The Top Ten Ways to
Shift Your Reality" at the following events, and look forward
to seeing you there!
Concord Centre, 5298 Clayton Road, Concord, CA
Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 10:30 AM
Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, CA
Sunday, June 9, 2002 at 5:30 PM
2,880 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 59 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, and Israel.
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