(4) Reality Shifters Q & A
Q: I never
misplace things. I'm one of those left-brained,
completely structured people who can honestly say there is
nothing they have ever done on a whim or without logical
backing. So when reality shifts happened, I was shocked.
Once, a few words on a page of a book changed right in
front of me. I did a double take and said to myself, "that
did not just happen." I feel right now that I am
influencing minor events in my life by my subconscious
initial interpretation or belief materializing or playing
out in reality. As I notice more and more, I wonder, "Can
I control this?" It is becoming frequent, and I think I
might be able to. Can I consciously learn to control what
I think as an initial impression and interpretation? I'm
a little freaked out by it. I am starting to wonder if
anyone else is actually in my world, or if it is just me.
And all other reality such as peoples' fame, fortune, and
whatever is all illusionary stimulus (tests perhaps into
the greater self) and things that we shouldn't or simply
cannot obtain -- because the harder I try, the more
difficult it becomes. Am I going crazy? And why have I
chosen such a ridiculously boring Capricorn existence to
live life under? I am under 30, and have a lot of living
left, but now life is truly weird.
-- Ken
A: Your shocked
feeling by the weirdness of reality shifts
is understandable. As these experiences become a more
familiar part of your life, reality shifts can help you
maintain a sense of awe and wonder for this amazing universe
we live in. They provide you with frequent reminders that
physical reality is shaped by our perceptions, feelings,
and thoughts. I love your question about how we can tell
what is real from what is illusion! Many spiritual traditions
teach that all we humans can perceive as real (what we
perceive with our senses) is actually "maya" or illusion,
and that the true reality can best be seen through our high
sense perceptions, which provide us with a vision of
underlying subtle energies that create this physical world.
The advantage of being a "boring Capricorn" is that you are
well-grounded, so you trust your perceptions of reality
shifts and carefully reshape your view of the true nature
of the universe to include such magical and mysterious
qualities. As you keep asking questions, the universe
provides you with answers that will slowly and surely
allow you to alter your entire previous view of the way
things work. There is a shared consciousness between all
of us, and at a very high level, we are all as one. You
can access this "I Am" awareness through meditation and
prayer, and from that state of being can reshape your
sense of how to best live your life in accordance with
this awareness. When each of us knows that "you are
another myself," the world is alive with peace and love!
To the degree that you can control your unconscious, I
believe you can control reality shifts. While control
is a noble goal, awareness needs to accompany such
control, in order that those who knowingly shape reality
are doing so with the very highest intentions for all.
I therefore advise that people who begin attempts to
control reality shifting be guided by their highest
sense of spiritual awareness, in order to ensure that
what is created and experienced is the best possible
reality, and not something which merely "seemed like a
good idea at the time!"
-- Cynthia
(5) Reality Shifters Award
I am proud to announce this month's wonderful winners
of the Reality Shifting Award, for recognition of web
sites which demonstrate consistent excellence in content
and design, while helping people shift their reality in
a positive direction:
Transport yourself to paradise when you visit Quiet Repose -- Poetry by
Paulette at:
Discover the science of your soul when you learn the art of
Unfolding with Julia Mossbridge! Face your
fears, practice the art of "Yes!" and bless your goals at:
(6) Books that Shift Your
Ready to start your new year with some wonderful new ideas?
Here are some books that are guaranteed to get you thinking,
and change your life for the better! Every time you click through
the realityshifters site before going to buy books at Amazon.com,
you help to offset the costs of distributing this ezine and
operating the realityshifters web site! This is true even if
you don't buy anything that is specifically listed at the
realityshifters site. See some of my favorite books at:
Four wonderful books are reviewed here this month:
by Sophy Burnham;
G. Jampolsky & Diane V. Cirincione;
Cathleen Medwick, and
ENERGY MEDICINE by James L. Oschman.

A Book of Angels:
Reflections on Angels Past and Present
and True Stories of How They Touch Our Lives
by Sophy Burnham
A Thrilling Exploration into Angelic
A BOOK OF ANGELS contains the most dazzling array of angel
and stories one could hope to find in one book. I love its
thrilling personal accounts of the way human poets, mystics and
saints (such as Blake, Dante, Dostoyevski, Goethe, Milton, Poe,
Rilke, Shakespeare and Swedenborg) have interacted with angels
throughout history. Beautiful illustrations and quotes appear on
almost every page, such as this lovely one from Saint Augustine,
"Every visible thing in this world is put in the charge of an
angel." Author Sophy Burnham did not grow up believing in angels
or miracles, yet when she was a young adult, she watched an angel
save her life. "I saw him the way you see the words on this page:
the colors, the magnificent leap of my heart on seeing him --
HOME! cried my soul as he scooped me out of the path of death."
Whether you talk to angels every day, or wonder whether it's
possible that they could exist, A BOOK OF ANGELS is certain to
become your favorite book for exploring the angelic realms!

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life
by Gerald
G. Jampolsky & Diane V. Cirincione
Heal All Your Relationships
While most of us are well aware that "love is the answer,"
often find it difficult to live our lives according to that
lofty principle. We're challenged the moment someone "pushes
our buttons" and leaves us feeling righteous anger for their
thoughtless words and actions. CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR
LIFE provides us with effective tools for bringing feelings of
love into even the most challenging situations, such as:
parenting, competitive sports, business transactions, and even
legal disputes and divorce. Rather than see our relationships
with others as sources of the problems in our life, we can
learn to appreciate how each and every relationship is a golden
opportunity to experience love. It is possible to heal all your
relationships by releasing preconceived notions about others
along with all grievances. This book can help you feel peaceful
and loving inside, regardless of what is happening around you.

The Progress of a Soul
by Cathleen Medwick
Fascinating Historical Account of a Female
Saint Teresa shines forth as a fascinating historical figure
TERESA OF AVILA: THE PROGRESS OF A SOUL, because she is shown to
have had an innate ability to continually seek the highest possible
spiritual path throughout her life. Whenever temptation arose,
she was willing to do whatever might be necessary to right herself
again -- regardless whether the form of temptation or evil took
human or supernatural form. Medwick maintains a detached tone
throughout this riveting story, which provides one with a better
idea of what it was like to live in Saint Teresa's time (with the
Inquisition wreaking havoc in the lives of some spiritual people).
I highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to better understand
what life was like for a spiritual woman in 16th century Europe whose
utmost desire was to be as close to God as possible.

The Scientific Basis of Bioenergy Therapies
by James Oschman
Excellent Scientific Overview of Energy
Oschman guides the reader through a delightful series of
beautifully-illustrated chapters that show how "vibrational
therapies are not magic or superstition: they are based on
biology, chemistry, and physics." ENERGY MEDICINE thoroughly
examines the most current scientific theories and experimental
findings to describe how a wide variety of complementary medical
treatments operate within the realm of what we know to be true.
When you read ENERGY MEDICINE you'll learn how: our cells and
tissues are crystalline molecular arrays that act as coherent
antennas, humans respond to the Schumann oscillations around
the Earth, a mechanism for entrainment operates between the
Earth and humans, and SQUIDs can be used to detect biomagnetic
fields around the human body. You'll also discover a wealth of
fascinating facts, such as how the ventricle of the heart is
formed of a single band of muscle wrapped in a double-helix
in such a way that the heart's rhythmic beatings resonate
with the more rapid oscillations of DNA. ENERGY MEDICINE is
a must for anyone who desires a more complete understanding
of the scientific basis for complementary and alternative
(6) Join in the Discussion
Do you have some questions you'd like to share?
Or perhaps some reality shifting stories? Have you read any good books,
seen some intriguing movies, or found a web site that relates to reality
shifts? Contemplate the big questions and make new friends in the
realityshifters discussion group at:
(7) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
This web site introduces a unique integration of the spiritual and material
paths to prosperity for a true "best of both worlds" approach.

Help bring peace to our hearts and our planet through the prayer
May Peace Prevail on Earth. This prayer for world peace carries
a message of great hope and healing which transcends barriers of
nationality, race and religion to unite humanity in a call for
the common good of all life on Earth.
Julia Mossbridge's excellent ezine offers periodic (usually monthly) ideas,
stories, reviews and exercises that support positive change in ourselves
and in the world.
The Exceptional Human Experience Network, Inc. (EHEN) is an educational,
research, and information resource organization studying all types of
anomalous (out of the ordinary) experiences.
Today, perhaps more than any time in our past, the subject of forgiveness
has become a prominent area in our lives. If there was ever a time to find
ways of letting go of our grievances and releasing the painful past, it is
truly now.
The Samueli Institute for Information Biology is a non-profit,
non-affiliated medical research organization supporting the scientific
investigation of healing processes with information biology and its
application in health and disease.
Find out about healing events happening in California. Send an email
3,400 RealityShifters News Subscribers live in 58 different
countries around the world -- with the majority in the United
States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Africa,
New Zealand, India, the Netherlands, Mexico, Italy, Sweden,
Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, the Philippines,
Japan, Norway, Ireland, and Israel.
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Reprinted from RealityShifters News, a free ezine featuring
articles, stories, book reviews and websites for shifting
reality. Subscribe at http://realityshifters.com/ and receive
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Would you like to share a reality shift story?
Send it to Cynthia at cynthia@realityshifters.com
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Changing the physical universe with our thoughts &
Happy New Year!
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