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Excellent Metaphysical Books

RealityShifters Metaphysical Books
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Healing with the Rainbow Rays

Healing with the Rainbow Rays
by Alijandra

Every Energy Healer Needs this Book!

Don't let the title of HEALING WITH THE RAINBOW RAYS mislead you -- there is much more than just color therapy involved here. Alijandra has done an excellent job of bringing several different healing techniques (color, sound, crystals, herbs, movement) together in one ambitious reference book. The basic techniques of grounding, balancing, protection, and clearing energy are described, as are the chakra and endocrine system. Additionally, the essential art of dealing with psychic hooks and chakra blocks are included. I was delighted to be able to make immediate use of the concept of working with the rainbow rays of color for self-healing. In just a few minutes, with the aid of a simple color visualization technique, I cleared out a long-standing pattern of fear which had resided in the cells of my body for most of my life (a kind of background noise that I had become accustomed to). I'm grateful to have noticed tremendous and lasting improvement from such a simple exercise. HEALING WITH THE RAINBOW RAYS is valuable for healers of every level of experience, since Alijandra takes care to explain basic terms and also outline some rather advanced exercises such as: time travel, teleportation, levitation, invisibility, and shapeshifting. Another unexpected surprise about this book is it's coverage of the "black ray" -- an often overlooked color in healing. I recommend this book to anyone with an open mind to seeing the world in new ways, and most especially to anyone who wishes to heal themselves or others.


ANIMAL-SPEAK: The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small
by Ted Andrews

Understanding Animal Wisdom

Whether you see animals in real life or just in your dreams, they are communicating with you. Ted Andrews' enchanting book, ANIMAL-SPEAK, is the best reference book to such animal messages that I've seen. While not all animals are included in the book (that would require a HUGE book!), this book certainly does contain very relevant information about a large number of creatures. The author's love of animals is clear from the start, and he provides fascinating tid-bits of little-known information as well as numerous personal anecdotes. Whether you've been wishing you could understand those perplexing dreams with animals, if you want to choose an animal totem, or if you're ready to start practicing shape-shifting into animal form -- this book is just what you've been waiting for!

Future Memory

Future Memory
by P.M.H. Atwater

Brain Shift Into High Gear with this Future Classic

Do you wonder what it's like to remember the future? How would it feel to remember events from both your future and your past? PMH Atwater’s book, FUTURE MEMORY presents compelling evidence and a fascinating explanation of the future memory phenomenon, where people prelive future experiences while still active and functional in present time. Atwater’s expertise in the field of Near Death Experiences (NDE) shines through as she shares many stories from her personal life and guides readers through the labyrinth of the mind and the fabric of time, space, and the universe itself. FUTURE MEMORY masterfully balances subjective experience with relevant theories and scientific findings, bringing the otherwise lofty material “down to Earth” for practical applicability in daily life. We can all experience expansive brain shifts when we experience the Void that lies at the heart of All That Is with patience and receptivity... and can benefit tremendously when our consciousness expands. I felt torn between devouring this book as quickly as possible and savoring each and every page. If you’ve been looking for a book that will shift your mind into higher gear, this is it!

Guide to NDEs

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Near Death Experiences
by P.M.H. Atwater

The Ultimate NDE Guide

Whether you've had a near death experience or just want to gain a better understanding of what NDEs are all about, you'll be fascinated by "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Near Death Experiences". Author PMH Atwater is fully qualified to examine this phenomenon, since she experienced three near death episodes in 1977 and has been seriously studying the phenomenon since 1978. I love the way this book is organized into sections that help clarify the NDE. Different types of near death experiences are described in detail, along with the differences between adult and child experiences. Common after-effects such as enhanced psychic abilities, transformations of consciousness, and altered views of reality are also described in detail. This book is fun to read, because almost every page contains an interesting tidbit of information pertaining to near-death experiences. I am intrigued that the vast majority (80 to 90 percent) of near death experiencers report looking and acting younger, feeling substantially more energetic, becoming increasingly sensitive to sound and light, feeling much less boredom, regarding things as new even when they're not, and healing wounds much more quickly. This is a great reference book because it's easy to understand, contains numerous near death experience stories, and summarizes current research in the field clearly and succinctly.

Isaiah Effect

The Isaiah Effect
by Gregg Braden

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times

Gregg Braden's infectious enthusiasm is evident in every page of his book, THE ISAIAH EFFECT, as he describes his quest to find ancient wisdom in sacred places around the world. Braden covers some big ideas in THE ISAIAH EFFECT, including: how ancient spiritual writings have been removed and/or altered in much of our modern western education; the tremendous significance that those ancient writings have for us today; and how these teachings explain ways that we can rediscover how to choose the outcomes and possibilities in our life. Braden takes us on an exciting spiritual adventure to Egypt, Tibet, Peru, and the American southwest as he ponders these questions and shares his epiphanies along the way. I find the single most powerful section in THE ISAIAH EFFECT to be Braden's explanation of how to regain the lost language of prayer by learning to align one's thoughts, feelings, and emotions. This "fifth mode of prayer" is not anything like the more common categories of prayer noted by prayer researchers (Colloquial, Petitionary, Ritualistic, Meditative). Those of us who have experienced times of being at one with everything will be thrilled to see this way of praying being adequately described in some detail. I am also fascinated by Braden's assertion that several different religions and cultures describe prophecies of apolocalypse side-by-side with an alternative path of peace and cooperation. Both possibilities may seem to be contradictory, yet they are likely helping to show us how we can actively participate in selecting the future we prefer. This book renews my sense of optimism that together, people of Earth can join in prayer to make a choice between greed, comfort and profit... or love, strength, and balance.

Hands of Light

Hands of Light
by Barbara Ann Brennan

A Classic and Essential Reference Book

I consider HANDS OF LIGHT to be an essential reference book for anyone who is seriously interested in exploring energy healing. I am impressed with the way author Barbara Ann Brennan describes her early childhood experiences of sensing energy fields around trees and all living things, and even more impressed that after many years of training in physics and western ways of scientism, she never lost her inner sense of knowing. HANDS OF LIGHT includes many pictures of auras and chakras, which serve to illustrate her points about how to identify common personality types and relationship types based on her in-depth personal healing experiences. Brennan also proceeds to explain how to help improve one's health by working on one's energy field. Full enjoyment of HANDS OF LIGHT requires that the reader either have an open mind regarding the fact that many people can see auras and chakras, or the ability to see these things oneself. Brennan provides exercises to help people learn how to see energy fields, so any reader with a sincere interest in the subject of energy healing will most likely be very satisfied with this classic book.

Astral Dynamics

Astral Dynamics
by Robert Bruce

The Ultimate Astral Travel Guide

Would you like to meditate in the farthest reaches of space, seek the ends of the universe, or visit a long-lost friend or family member? Have you ever longed to travel to realms full of beauty, music, knowledge and loving beings? Now you can. All you'll need to begin your adventures is to read a copy of Robert Bruce's excellent book, "Astral Dynamics". Astral Dynamics may well be the best guidebook to astral projection (also known as out-of-body experience, or OBE) you'll ever read. Not only does Bruce take the reader through a step-by-step process (complete with pictures) of how to energize one's astral body and successfully master the core skills of astral projection, but he also includes delightful first-person accounts of what it feels like to travel out of body. Bruce's book helps you learn how to achieve deep physical relaxation, tame your mind, and achieve a trance state before mastering the art of projecting your "etheric double". Bruce provides invaluable pointers such as keeping the first projections ultrashort, so that they can be remembered, and ignoring noises and other distracting hallucinations just prior to out-of-body travel. I am especially impressed with Bruce's descriptions of common difficulties encountered by astral travelers, such as waking paralysis, spontaneous projection, getting stuck to one's body during exit, exit cramping or pain, saliva problems, and disorientation, among other things. I love the way Bruce covers much more than just the basics of astral travel. He differentiates lucid dreaming from astral projection, and describes the technique of virtual reality projection whereby "the subconscious mind can be tricked into creating custom-made virtual realms" such as finding oneself inside the virtual world of a painting in the wall. Bruce also devotes chapters to the Akashic planes as well as what he calls "strange astral phenomena" such as reality fluctuations, melting body parts, vision reversal, OBE hitch-hikers and astral beings. Astral Dynamics is a first-rate reference book that I love to come back to again and again.

Artists Way

The Artist's Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity
by Julia Cameron

This book changed my life!

I adore this book! It is more than a book, actually, since it is also a class -- one in which the reader can read a chapter each week, do the exercises at the end of the chapter as time permits, and contemplate the profound insights that follow. My neighbor loaned me this book at a time when I needed to take a class in writing. I couldn't have done any better than to start with Julia Cameron's jewel of a book! As a result of reading this book, I wrote a book and several magazine articles -- and created a web site devoted to my passion for learning how we shift reality. There is indeed an art to becoming an artist, and there are ways to enhance one's ability to give and receive inspiration. Thank you, Julia Cameron, for so graciously sharing these priceless insights with us!

Duck Soup

Duck Soup for the Soul: The Way of Living Louder and Laughing Longer
by Swami Beyondananda (aka Steve Bhaerman)

Quack up with the Swami!

With just the right humorous spice and some very ducky spiritual stock, Swami Beyondananda (aka Steve Bhaerman) mixes up a batch of healing stories that build strong funny bones and remind us to increase the laugh-force on the planet. Each chapter is as funny as it is wise, as you can intuit from the Swami's advice that we can alter our own reality (and the reality of those around us) by Making Fools of ourselves, remembering to Tell-A-Vision, being Esteem-Generators, and Committing Random Acts of Comedy and Beautiful Nonsense. Have fun learning how to drive your own Karma... while making sure you don't run over anyone's Dogma.


Shapeshifter Tarot
by D. J. Conway, Sirona Knight, Lisa Hunt

In a class by itself

This gorgeous tarot deck succeeds in so many ways! The creators of these beautiful cards and companion reference book succeeded at combining elements from many wisdom traditions into the most meaningful divination deck and book I've yet encountered. Bravo! It's rare to find a work of such beauty, grace and wisdom that is so useful and practical. Of the three tarot decks I've used, this one is the very best. I've used this deck with friends who've worked with many different decks, and they agree that Shapeshifter is the most sensitive and information-packed. The deck is extremely easy to work with, since the basic meaning of each card appears on the front of the card. In addition to the regular cards one finds in a tarot deck, this deck contains three new major arcana cards (the Double, the Journey, and the Dreamer), which I found to be some of the most interesting and useful cards in the deck. Unless you are already familiar with a traditional tarot deck that you feel comfortable with, I'm sure you'll enjoy and probably even prefer this deck. Obviously, any divination tools will work (even stones or tortoise shells), but an outstanding tarot deck like Shapeshifter sets itself apart from all the rest with elegance and eloquence; it's simply in a class by itself.

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