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Reality Shift News - December 1999
I had a couple of exciting and useful reality shifts the other day while I
was shopping for gifts for my daughters at a "superstore". This superstore
had aisles devoted to each kind of toy, such as baby toys, Barbies, games,
action figures, and so forth. I carried a list of toys my daughters were
requesting as I shopped, but hadn't looked at it since all my attention was
focused on the dazzling quantities of toys! I spent several minutes just
walking up and down the aisles, looking at row after row of Barbie dolls
and accessories in amazement at how many different kinds of Barbies there
are. As I walked past one particular display, I did a double-take as one
section of the aisle seemed to be wall-papered with the same item appearing
again and again and again. I wondered to myself, "Why would this store
place the same item repeatedly like that?" -- and then continued walking
along the aisle, looking down at my shopping list. I was stunned to see
that the exact same item my daughter had requested was the one that was
appearing again and again and again on down the aisle! I spun around and
walked quickly back --- to find that there was now only ONE toy box of that
toy... placed up high on the shelf where moments before there had been at
least four or five of them!
Most of us have given some thought about our hopes and fears for the new
year... especially in light of all the media coverage and public concern
regarding Y2K. Now is an excellent time to consider
what kind of Millenial transition you need most. You can also join
thousands of people worldwide who will be praying and meditating for peace
and love as we enter the year 2000... taking a few moments to feel
gratitude for everything in this world we love most. Our thoughts and
feelings will be felt around the world!
Each monthly issue of Reality Shifts News presents an idea you can put to
immediate reality shifting use. This month's thought is inspired by the
Eliot Stein interviewed me on his STEIN ONLINE show on November 17, which
you can listen to at your leisure in the next 90 days after first
installing the RealPlayer 7 (available free from www.real.com), and then
clicking on the November 17, 1999 show on the Stein Online web page
Thanks to all of you who wrote to me with your reality shift experiences...
your stories are an inspiration to us all! The new stories include one in
which money (bills and coins) materialized
in a man's hands as he paid for his gas at a gas station; a story about a
woman who found her grandmother's heirloom ring a month after losing it;
and a story of a beautiful grapefruit appearing for a woman who was craving
Everyone interested in finding books related to reality shifts will be
thrilled to know that book reviews for Fred Alan Wolf's THE DREAMING
Brian Greene's THE ELEGANT UNIVERSE are now available
on the Reality Shifts Book Reviews web page at:
The first chat session for Reality Shifts in the Third Age Paranormal chat
room with host Heather Langley was stimulating and fun, and involved about
fifteen chatters. We talked about what reality shifts are, how I got
interested in the subject after witnessing reality shifting around me, and
some examples of reality shifts. We had a lively conversation, and plan to
schedule another reality shifts chat sometime soon.
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