RealityShifters News - July 2002
~~ the ezine ~~
Changing the Physical Universe With Our Thoughts and Feelings


Cynthia looks at the world in a new way

To have been, or not to have been:
That is the question.

What if it's true that your thoughts right now are changing the world a day, a week, a month, a year, or even a lifetime ago? How would this new understanding change your world view? You could change your past, for one thing. You could make the choice of what has been, and what has not.

Thanks to some pretty amazing experimental results, many researchers believe strong evidence exists that people can and do change the past. While mystics may have known this for millenia, scientists are now gaining interest in the field of retrocausation -- the study of how effect can precede cause. The implications of retrocausality are truly vast, for they point out that even though historical events have been recorded -- those events are subject to change!

While a few scientists still insist that effect must always follow cause, a growing number of researchers are contemplating the possibility that consciousness exists in a way that transcends time and space, such that it is possible for us to know and change things elsewhere. In fact, this may well be the only logical explanation which can possibly provide an adequate answer to what is going on when people successfully alter the past, as they've shown they can do in Helmut Schmidt's and Henry Stapp's research.

If you could change just one thing in your past...
    and know that it really could change...
      what would it be?

Cynthia Sue Larson

I'm planning a special issue of the RealityShifters News ezine to include reality shift stories about people and animals which died and were later either noticed alive and well -- or dying again. If you have a story you'd like to share in the RealityShifters News ezine and on the web site, please write to me at

In This Issue:

(1) Intriguing Articles
(2) Your Reality Shift Stories
(3) Books That Shift Your Reality
(4) Join in the Discussion
(5) Reality Shifting Award Winners!
(6) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
(7) Upcoming Events

(1) Intriguing Articles

Vol.50, No.1, July 1994
Theoretical Model of a Purported Empirical Violation
of the Predictions of Quantum Theory

by Henry P. Stapp
Inspired by experiments carried out by parapsychologist Helmut Schmidt in San Antonio, Texas in 1992, Henry Stapp investigates retrocausation.

Vol. 57, Dec. 1993
Observation of a Pyschokinetic Effect Under Highly
Controlled Conditions

By Helmut Schmidt
The author summarizes five experiments in which he studied the psychokinetic (PK) effect (the mental influence on the outcome of chance processes) under tight supervision by independent observers. Through the use of prerecorded random events as targets, the observers could evaluate the results independently, without having to trust the reliability of the author or his equipment. The total of these five studies, which represent all the work done under external supervision, produced an effect deviating by 3.67 standard deviations from chance expectancy. The odds against such an outcome are about 8,000 to 1. Thus, the results support the extstence of a PK effect on prerecorded random events, in agreement with previous experiments.

The World According to Wolfram

The core notion of Stephen Wolfram's new book, A NEW KIND OF SCIENCE, is that simple rules or programs can yield complex behavior. "I have discovered vastly more than I ever thought possible," the author's preface boasts, "and in fact what I have done now touches almost every existing area of science, and quite a bit besides."

(2) Your Reality Shift Stories

Thanks to each and every one of you who has shared a reality shift story or two. Your stories help to remind us of the amazing things that are possible and the opportunities that can open up when reality shifts in our lives. Together, our experiences help us better understand what is going on in this amazing, conscious universe.

West Virginia

The first reality shift I can remember happened when I was about six or seven years old. I was visiting a friend at her house, and after a while needed to go to the bathroom. When I came back from the bathroom, I couldn't find her where she was when I left her, so I walked through the house looking for her. I walked into the kitchen (which was empty) and looked out the window to see if perhaps she had gone outside. When I didn't see her outside, I turned around and saw her sitting on a stool at the bar. She said she had been there all the time, watching me! I know I had looked right at the bar stool I could see her sitting on, and it had been empty!

Since that early experience, I've had too many reality shifts to count or remember. I also have a knack for finding things... they are usually in a place where someone else says they have already looked, but not always. Sometimes I just seem to know to go to the exact spot the item is placed. I also receive "signs" which I am sure are of divine or supernatural origin. Many times I have prayed for myself or others, and then waited for a sign which is not long in coming. Usually the sign is some unusual item or animal which appears for me. One sign I distinctly recall is when my husband was about to lose his job. I prayed about it, and very soon saw an indigo bunting land on the grass in front of me. My husband was given a more secure job with a promotion! I have not seen an indigo bunting before nor since in my area.



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I enjoy your monthly ezines. The June issue seemed to focus more on psychic issues, which is confusing to me, because if we shift reality then what is really psychic?

Something once happened to me which I cannot easily categorize. I was visiting my nephew in California, who I had not seen in many years. He had just built a new house, and I wanted to bring a house warming gift to him when I came to visit. I thought a silk flower arrangement in a nice vase would be a pretty addition to his new home, but I didn't have a clue what color scheme to select to match his interior decor. When I asked the florist what she would recommend, she suggested something in neutral tones, but I kept seeing the flower iris in a purple shade. It seemed to scream out in my brain every time I would go to choose the flowers. I finally gave in and told the florist to put in a lot of bright colors, especially purple irises.

I arrived at my nephew's new home several days later after the flower arrangement had been sent. He and his wife were so excited and pleased. They took me to their room which had a bedspread and curtains by Laura Ashley decorated in "purple irises!" Did I tune in to their home's interior, or did reality shift this into my consciousness because it was one of the flowers I enjoyed in my grandmother's garden, or does this just prove that we are all so interconnected that long distances don't really exist?

South Dakota

I would like to tell you about a few of my reality shifts. One day I paid for a bill in cash, and got a signed receipt for the bill. About four months later, a representative from that company called me, and said that I had not yet paid this bill, and owed $120. I couldn't just say, "I gave you cash," because I was certain they wouldn't believe me, so I said, "I'll do some checking on it, and call you back. I have a basket I put all my receipts in." I was 100% sure that I would find the receipt in a matter of minutes and clear it all up -- but I could not find it. I must have gone through that basket 20 times, searching for the receipt. I finally decided to go to bed, because I was so exhausted from looking. The next morning, I got up and went to take one more look in the basket... and I was astonished to see that that receipt was right on top! I know it had not been there the night before.

One day, my car just stopped on me. I was so worried as it had stopped on a street which is normally very busy -- but at this moment, there were no cars around at the time. A man cam out of nowhere and asked if he could help push my car to the side of the road. I was so happy to have help, and said "Sure!" As soon as my car was off the road, traffic was everywhere. I got out of the car to thank the man and offer him some money, and he was nowhere in sight.

I have done many novena's to St. Theresa and I will smell roses or receive a rose, or see a photo of a rose on the television and behold my prayer came true. I am so glad I came across your site, as I didn't realize this happens all the time.

© June 2002 - Rik Wellens
Antwerp, Belgium
Please see all the pictures and the full story at:

It all began mid April 1997, when I installed myself a pair of electrically heated handgrips on my Kawasaki 454 LTD "chopper" 1988 motorcycle which I had bought second hand one month before, fulfilling a childhood dream.

I was leaving on short notice to follow a therapist week- training halfway cold Holland, and intended to do the long trip with my newly acquired, black and chrome motorcycle. To ensure comfort, I searched and found a pair of heated handgrips which I installed right away, not aware I was going to make a stupid mistake.

The handgrips where dutifully installed with the wiring diagram in front of me. Unfortunately, in the frenzy of the last night before leaving for the weeklong training, I connected the wires and switch directly to the battery under the seat, instead of starting after the general switch (I had only had one month of experience with the beautiful machine).

When I realized I had made a mistake, it was too late to change it. So, when using the grips, I would switch them off separately to avoid exhausting my battery and certainly NEVER, EVER forget it! All went well, I invited several charming ladies for my daily cycle "walk" in the neighbourhood, and didn't once forget to properly switch it of each and every time in the cold April countryside.

During the next months, I didn't use the heated handgrips in the nice Spring weather. Then, at the occasion of the next maintenance of the motorcycle two months later in June, I asked the busy Kawasaki dealer and shop owner to rewire the grips to the proper electrical connection point. This guy ALWAYS has way too much work and, unfortunately, he just did the regular check-up but didn't touch the electric grips... "No time" he said!

At home, I checked again and saw that indeed, the grips were still connected in the old, "separated" way, as I had installed them two months earlier.

My life was undergoing hectic changes that Summer. I was in the middle of the preparations of my move, busy changing my life fundamentally and restarting my old therapist job as well. A few weeks later I met a nice girlfriend and moved, painted, and decorated. I had a thousand things on my mind. Mostly rather upbeat, interesting, loveable matters...! My life in those days felt like a waterfall of energy, motivation, love... and being "in the flow".

The handgrips where completely forgotten in the lame- duck Belgian July weather, until one really freezing night on an evening trip... You know it was just plain COLD for the season (estimate 8 deg. C. - 40 deg. F) and I used the heated grips for more hand comfort.

I enjoyed myself in the cozy atmosphere at my favourite pub and afterwards, on the trip home, talked to myself repeatedly OUT-LOUD: "CERTAINLY NOT TO FORGET to switch off the grips manually when home or I would find my battery exhausted at the occasion of the next ride."

Some days later when going off for my next trip, I turned on the key switch and saw at the same time lighten up the green warning lamp of the grips as well! I forgot to switch off the grips a few days before, and the switch had been active ever since. My battery was obviously NOT exhausted, and the grips where now seemingly connected BEHIND the general key switch and I understood really nothing about it.

Rik's Bike
The wiring was now installed in a completely different location

A week later, I curiously removed the seat and remarked that my own original wiring was completely gone from the battery section under the seat. The wires of the handgrips where instead much shorter now and connected - barely visible, but NOT reachable - underneath the gasoline tank.

I carefully moved back the almost empty tank as well, and only then observed the neatly connected wires, complete with professional plugs of a kind I never possessed and crimped with a special tool I didn't own! They where connected where they should be, yet nobody had touched them during the previous months!

I have told this tale a few times to some friends and usually hear the remark: "Oh, the technician did it but forgot it. You never used the handgrips during June-July, and just didn't notice the proper installation."

Look, I am a conscious, developed, careful and honest person and I know full well that I handled and checked it myself at least a few times in that period of time. The wiring was never touched or changed by my technician or me! Full stop!

My explanation: In the atmosphere of life energy, a new love, motivation to do the right thing, genuine need to switch off the grips, feeling in the flow, communicating with myself (out-loud talking)... a psycho-kinetic creative energy was formed to actively mount the wiring as I wanted it to be done. I think the rewiring happened during - or at the end of - that trip itself, fed by the overall energy level and the genuine feeling or need to handle it well. I was taking care of the situation as well as I could.

This feeling -- the honest, straightforward, simple need to find something back that I love -- was also the key to about ten to fifteen other, similar events in my life. It's remarkable to me that the conscious ego mind is always thinking and busy with something else while this kind of psychic power phenomenon happens. It takes place not because of the conscious, egoistic will but because there is some longing, a deep emotional quest, an almost magic desire to fulfil from another part of the psyche.

Are you curious about some of these other events? An old but beloved umbrella, a piece of a vegetable cutter, my wedding ring, a four minutes time lapse after a nice dinner with my 1st wife, a three miles (five Km) and 180 deg. displacement on a routine drive to the supermarket (normally just 400 yards), a life cycles matrix diagram found back two hours before the client unexpectedly calls... some tools I forgot and needed desperately, missing parts, books that resurface right on time. When the inner energy structure or "psychic power" is sufficiently "high" or open, things like these can happen with lots of people. Another striking phenomenon is that the place where the items return is "logical" and fits with the meaning of the items itself, and the timing is in some cases remarkable:

* The umbrella returned two weeks later with a loud bang in the back of the four-wheel drive, right on its place.

* The part of the vegetable cutter was just lying on the dish washing machine after one week - and two washes later.

* The wedding ring was found only after several months in the box with regularly used (round) coins.

* The matrix diagram was lost for almost a half year in the move and resurfaced while looking for something else. Just two hours later the client phoned for a new follow-up session, three months after her previous one when the missing of the diagram was noticed.

* The four minutes time lapse was discovered one day later on the occasion of the seasonal daylight savings time change when my accurate watch, always adjusted a few minutes ahead on purpose, proved to be one minute behind.

It is not true that these events happen only to psychics!

(3) Books that Shift Your Reality

Any time you click through the realityshifters site before going to buy books at, you help to offset the costs of distributing this ezine and operating the realityshifters web site! This is true even if you don't buy anything that is specifically listed at the realityshifters site. Between 5% and 15% of each purchase is forwarded to RealityShifters, and this keeps our beloved site and ezine up and running!

Check out some of my favorite books at:

Three excellent books are reviewed here this month: PRACTICAL PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENSE: Understanding and Surviving Unseen Influences by Robert Bruce, AWAKEN HEALING LIGHT OF THE TAO by Mantak Chia, and NEI KUNG: The Secret Teachings of the Warrior Sages by Kosta Danaos.

Practical Psychic

Practical Psychic Self-Defense: Understanding and Surviving Unseen Influences

by Robert Bruce

Dealing with Negative Energies ("Negs")

PRACTICAL PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENSE sets itself apart from every other book on the subject of psychic self defense by looking at the world from the viewpoint of negative energies (or "Negs" for short). Discarnate negative energies cause a wide variety of problems in people, ranging from minor physical ailments, to obsessive thoughts and compulsively destructive behavior, to insanity, to suicide. Mystical author Robert Bruce describes these otherwise unseen things, and describes how and why Negs attack, and ways that these attacks can often be stopped even as they are occurring (by crossing over boundaries of running water, for example).

Negs who are attached to a human host can (and will) strike out against the target of any negative feelings their host may have. All the unsuspecting host knows is that they were watching television and every now and then grumbling internally about how upset they were with someone else -- but in that trancelike state, those grumblings direct negative energy towards the target! Negs feed on such energy, and are delighted to wreak havoc and mayhem at every opportunity. Those who dabble in black magic are often surrounded by negative energies, and any time they so much as feel angry or hurt by another, terrible things happen to the people they were upset with.

What I love most about Bruce's book is it's no-nonsense style. It does not attempt to prove to disbelieving readers that negative energies exist, but rather dives into the matter at hand of what to do when demons cause mayhem in one's life. Bruce describes his favorite techniques for dealing with Negs, and describes times these methods have proven themselves effective.

I also love the way Robert Bruce describes failed rescue attempts -- such as a time when a priest was called in to do an exorcism for a tormented family, but was unable to prevent the parents from dying suddenly. Bruce does not attempt to sugar-coat things, or say that all cases of possession can easily be overcome! Those of us who have encountered some especially difficult cases of negative energies know this is not the case. Negs are not necessarily easy to dismiss, and definitely don't just leave when someone asks them nicely to go.

Bruce says it like it is, and helps us all find new ways of dealing with "The Dark Side", which I find most refreshing and wonderful! Whether you are are skeptical about the existence of negative energies or deal with them on a daily basis, you'll find much of value in PRACTICAL PSYCHIC SELF-DEFENSE. I give this book my highest recommendation!

Awaken Healing Light

Awaken Healing Light of the Tao

by Mantak Chia

Advanced Chi Training for Balancing Yin & Yang Energy

AWAKEN HEALING LIGHT is written by Mantak Chia, founder and director of the Universal Tao Center. Chia has devoted his life to studying meditation, tai chi chuan, aikido, yoga, kundalini, and many forms of inner alchemy. Chia's books are intended to be supplemental guides to energy training, and are primarily intended for readers who are familiar with energy work. The focus in this book is primarily on inner yin and yang breath work (nei kung), rather than outer breath work such as chi kung -- although some of these techniques are described in detail in this book as well. AWAKEN HEALING LIGHT is one of an estimated 35 books that Chia intends to write in order to fully cover the Universal Tao system (Chia has completed more than 20 of these books already).

I am very pleased to see how Chia explains the founding principles of his Universal Tao system: "The system I learned from my master is based on the positive energies of love, kindness, gentleness, respect, and honesty; this is the highest Chi Kung practice. With these energies an adept can counteract all kinds of evil. It is said that even fire cannot hurt one who has perfected their use."

At more than 550 pages, AWAKEN HEALING LIGHT is a veritable encyclopedia of information. It's the kind of book I like to read cover-to-cover and then return to as a reference book for refreshers on various aspects. This book is organized into sixteen information-packed chapters which describe: an overview of Taoist inner alchemy, the connection between chi and meditation, how to transform negative emotional energies, techniques for activating and amplifying original chi, points along the microcosmic orbit (a circular path for circulating chi in the body), the microcosmic orbit, how to work with Earth energy, how to work with Cosmic (higher self) energy, how to open the heart and practice the Cosmic inner smile, and much, much more.

Chia includes numerous illustrations to thoroughly clarify how to work with yin and yang energy. I highly recommend AWAKEN HEALING LIGHT to anyone who is seriously interested in improving the energy flow in their body for improved mental and physical health and well-being and wants precise, detailed information on mastering the flow of yin and yang energy in the body.

Nei Kung

Nei Kung: The Secret Teachings of the Warrior Sages

by Kosta Danaos

Yin/Yang Energy Basic Training

Kosta Danaos continues his mission to carefully mete out selected tidbits of Mo-Pai style nei-kung training in NEI KUNG, the sequel to his riveting book, THE MAGUS OF JAVA. While Danaos gladly shares the foundations for the training he received from nei kung master John Chang, he cautiously avoids providing so much information that readers working without aid of skilled trainers could get themselves into trouble (and spontaneously combust).

Nei-kung utilizes both yin and yang energies to sense conditions in patients' bodies and aid in healing, and can also be used for increasing one's strength and performing astonishing feats. Yin energy is capable of absorbing energy from speeding bullets or cars, leaving human practioners unharmed. Yang energy is noted for how hot it feels (John Chang can set crumpled papers on fire from a distance with it), and it's preference to flow upward through the body. Nei- kung harnesses the yin and yang energies together, and requires regular meditation practice and chakra awareness to master the art of moving yin and yang energy within and beyond one's own body.

Danaos wrote NEI KUNG as a level two practioner of Mo-Pai, which has left matching dark circular scars about 4 mm in diameter on his palms near the pericardium meridian acupuncture points. Danaos explains, "These stigmata are essentially localized hyperemia generated by the flow of bioenergy, which the doctors monitoring me could not explain with Western medicine. I could use those 'wounds' to feel the condition of a patient's body, sensing the flow of the ch'i throughout his or her organs and limbs."

Danaos is a wonderful story-teller who combines fascinating personal accounts with historical overviews and illustrations of ancient art to clarify the significance of subjects ranging from DNA to chakra knots to the warrior elite. NEI KUNG makes excellent reading for energy practioners and armchair explorers alike who are ready to feel yin and yang energy -- and learn more about how these two work together.

(4) Join in the Discussion

    Do you have some good questions you'd like to share? Or perhaps some reality shifting stories? Contemplate the big questions and make new friends in the realityshifters discussion group at:

(5) Reality Shifting Award Winners!

RealityShifting Award

I am proud to announce this month's awesome winners of the Reality Shifting Award, for recognition of web sites which demonstrate consistent excellence in content and design, while helping people shift their reality in a positive direction. You're in for a very special treat when you visit the wonderful worlds of:

Energy Portraits

All Energy-Therapies Web

(6) Noteworthy Web Sites & Ezines
Retropsychokinesis Project experiments are on-line, so you can proceed directly to run an experiment, or consult links to all documents related to the experiments.
PlANET Lightworker Online Magazine is read by thousands of people around the world every day. Come find out why!
The Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions (JNLRMI) is a free online journal offering its readers a forum for the scientific investigation of our human potential. Based on current research in physics, parapsychology and complementary medicine, and drawing on the discipline of meditative arts such as qigong, the discussion will revolve around the nature of space-time, causality, and individual selves; focused intentionality as a tool for shaping personal and social reality; the cultivation of mental energy and "psi" abilities; and the creation of global resonance to ensure a peaceful, meaningful and humane future for our planet.
Author Brent Lee is seeking the parental view of dealing with a child who interacts with spirits, an invisible friend, talks with animals, etc. Please share your experiences so he can assist other parents to recognize and understand their child's wonderful ability to interact with spirits, through his next book entitled "Children Of The Light." Brent wants adults to know there is a support group made of people who have similar experiences, and to understand it is fine to interact, see, or hear spirits. This knowledge will also help people let go of the fear of DEATH for they will have encountered life after death and seen the real beauty of eternal life.
Recognize Your Potential And Surpass Your Dreams! Deborah Brown, noted Success and Personal Coach, writes a free monthly e-mail newsletter that offers practical advice and steps to overcome obstacles so you can get to you where you want to be in your life.

(7) Upcoming Events

Mark Your Calendar Now, & Plan to Come to a Talk on

    with Cynthia Sue Larson & Alijandra
    at East/West Bookshop in Sacramento
    2216 Fair Oaks Avenue
    Sacramento, CA 95825
    (916) 920-3837
    on Friday evening, November 22, 2002

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Changing the physical universe with our thoughts & feelings

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